WANT MEN TO WORK DURING ORT RED AINDER OF SCHOOL YEAR nted For some unknown reason, the em- port ployment bureau of the Y. M. C. A. Ger- has more positions open than it has stu- men to fill them. Requests for stu- Ger- dents looking for work have headily tend increased in the office of the employ- per- ment bureau, while the supply of men and has fallen off. The openings are not for summer work, but are odd jobs that will last from now until the end of the school N TS year, and possibly longer. Students wishing to apply for these places may communicate with Mr. Olmstead at the has association rooms. The Mt of lostf THIS >lanning to at ch is being su W. W. Florer already EDW 5th ESIDENTS TO PLAN 'ICIPATION OF STIUDE Set Inma in Sealby, '12 L, of all class presidents >r Monday, May 27, at time will be devoted to the plans for student the Seventy-fifth An- >ration. It is likely ents will be arranged udents may take part. all ~~ Announce Engagement of '10 Graduate Announcement comes from Holyoke, Mass., of the engagement of Stanley C. Cox, '10, to Miss Elmira Leavit, a graduate of Radcliffe College of the year 1908. Cox served as interne in a New York hospital after his gradu- , ation, but has since settled in Holyoke. Fresh Engineers Dance at Grangers' Sixty fresh engineers, "with," defiled the sweltering heat and kept time to "Ike" Fischer's music at Granger's last night. s s s s * * * * * * * * * * CLASSIFIED ADS. -0- Advertising mattes for these columns may be left at the DAILY office, opposite the Ma- jestic from 12 noon to 10 p. m., or at The University Pharmacy, 1291 S. University Ave., The Brown Drug Store, Main Street, and Quarry's, on State Street, any time up till 8:30 p.m. for next morning's issue. These ads bring results. * * s s * s * " * S * * * * * * * * * * 0. L * * * * WANTED. .I to fish! See us for fishing H. L. Switzer Co., 310 S. State 167 tf St. For a pleasant evening go uron. U. of M. Boat House, up the foot of 147 tf Baseball Goods! A complete >e found at our store. H. L. o., 310 S. State St. 167 tf ,1 a Waited-Good, reliable students to take orders for nursery stock. Re- mittances sent weekly. Rice Bros. Co., Geneva, N. Y. 161 to 170 FOR RENT. Wanted to Rent-For the entire sum- mer furnished house in choice resi- dence district. Familf of three. Highest references given. If satis- factory would keep same during the next school year. Address "Bus- iness Man," Care Daily Office. 166-7 LOST, Lost-Tuesday evening on Tappan or Oakland a gold chain. Reward. Phone 636-L. 167 Who wants to buy a good Hammond typewriter cheap? We have one in good condition for sale at a bargain. H. L. Switzer Co., 310 S. State St. 167 tf The Ann Arbor Press products in printing are of the finest quality. Call and see. Press Bldg., Maynard S. (Friday tf) BOYS-Remember we sharpen all makes of safety razor blades and guarantee satisfaction. Quick service. H. L..Switzer Co., 310 S. State St. 157 tf WANTED A young lady student or teacher to work with another young lady student, during vacation. A good salary is offer- ed. This is an exceptional opportunity. Phone 350-L .MAY vii Returr TO Jackson Sunday For Grand MICHICAN le time to select Commence- Our line is complete. H. Co., 310 S. State St. 167 tf good money for films and nmeone experiment with them to Lyndon instead. 117 eod tf Don't throw away your dull razor blades! We can put them in better condition than new. Ask some one who has tried us or better still, bring in a few dull blades. H. L. Switzer Co., 310 S. State St. 167 tf Have your prints made on the paper best suited to the negatives with the same care that has made a reputation. -Lyndon. 117 eod tf H In YPSI, NORMAL SONG "The White and the Green," also "The Hills of Washtenaw" now on sale at GRINNELL BROS.' Music House, 120-122 E. Liberty Street Popular music, ten cents per copy. A fine line of Mandolins, Guitars, and mall musical goods to select from. Pianos to rent. 1! MAC M A I N el Cared for Here Come in and see our 1912 SPALDING BASE BALL AND - GOLF GOODS - SCHUMACHER 1H rdw&"r. Co. [i °. I 1 308-310-312 SOUTH MAIN to ': I ian REMEMBER StrawHats TINKER & COMPANY c 342 .a. State Street 0 favoriV r S2foi.25~ 4 Wainer -m-mEJ t Allen'sG