J MICHIGAN SPIRIT GETS COMPLIMENT Syracuse Grad Commends Way Stands Stopped Jeering of Orange Two -Niler SAYS IT WAS DOUBLE VICTORY. (The Michigan Daily assumes no re- sponsibility for sentiments express- ed in communications.) Northville, Mich., May 20, 1912. Editor, The Michigan Daily:- My dear sir:-I write you today that you may know of the great victory which Michigan scored last Saturday. The two mile race was a double vic- tory for the Yellow and the Blue. Not Only did Haimbaugh defeat Danes, who is acknowledged one of the best two milers in the East, but in a display of manliness of the true type an even greater victory was won in the stands. It was very evident after the first mile that Haimbaugh was far superior to his eastern competitor. According- ly as Danes passed the tape on the sixth and seventh lap, three or four men began to berate and jeer the Syr- acuse runner. My heart was cheered and my admiration for Michigan in- creased fifty per cent as the stands put a stop to the unmanly conduct and let the man finish without the stigma of defeat plus the taunts of the spec- tators. Six years out in the world teaches me that "play square" is life's greatest Yours faithfully, R. M. Pierce, Syracuse '07. the balcony, under the gallery is a large room for the use of the choral union. In respect to minor arrangements, the detailed plans show that nothing has been left undone to assure the convenience of the speakers and mu- sicians who will appear as well as the audience. LA' A ti Ct'VXT 7~ 1T1 FTUT.TY( HILL AUDITORIUM TO EXCELL ALMOST ANYTHING SIMILAR. Stage, Size of Building, Accoustics, All Are Cared for in the Preparation. V LJAtr JiHLiNSEJ I5LrUB;L1U TO BE SEEN HERE IN AUGUST The flag of the ChungHwa republic will be displayed for the first time at a Chinese student gathering in the United States, when the mid-west sec- tion of the Chinese Students, Alliance in the United States convenes here in August. The dragon flag will be supplanted by the new republican flag, consisting of five colors, red, white, blue, yellow and black, each color significant of one of the five races composing the republic. END EXTENSION LECTURES SOON Only Twenty-One Lectures out of 300 Remain to be Delivered. Professor A. A. Stanley is lecturing in the Upper Peninsula this week on the University Extension course. He spoke at Hancock Monday evening. He l:ctured yesterday afternoon at Paines- dale, and last night at Calumet. The other towns on his itinerary are Lake Linden, Houghton and Dollar Bay. The only lectures scheduled for the lower peninsula, this week are to be given by Dr. Hinsdale, and Professor F. C. Newcombe, at Pontiac and Ha- gensville, respectively, Saturday. Only twentyone out of the 300 lec- tures remain to be given on the Ex- tension course after this week. Latin will not be mentioned as a re- quirement for admission to Nebraska University next year as heretofore. Even mathematics does not hold its former high place in the requirements; beginning in the fall four credits will be sufficient to enter, whereas for- merly five, were needed. UNIVERSITY NOTICES All senior lits should get out to the senior lit-junior law game this after- noon. Game called at 4:15. There will be a rehearsal of the Glee club tonight at 8 o'clock in the Adelphi rooms. The new constitution will be read and discussed. Senior lit sing Thursday night at 7 o'clock. There will be an oratorical board meeting at 4:30 this afternoon in room 302 N. W. Old and new members be present. Installation of new officers. Band rehearsal tonight, McMillan hall, 7 o'clock. Very important. Class meeting of senior engineers this afternoon at 5 o'clock in room 311. Very important. Dr. G. L. Jack ski, Dr. J. G. C lory, Dr. G W I{insdale, and: MANY MEMBERS WILL BUILD Along with te ~w attendant house-c: ing, comes the ne, the members of th will . S. R. F I"+ Contradicting current reports to the the New Hill of sufficient size for any use the university may have for it, the university authorities assert that the stage will be ample in size and moreover, will be especially serviceable on account of its peculiar shape. It may safely be affiruied that no other university posesses a build- ing of precisely the same character. The stage which is to be more than 70 feet wide and 30 feet deep will be just about the shape of the stage of the celebrated Orchestra Hall of Chi- ' cago. Notwithstanding the size of the au- ditorium it is expected that the acous- tic effects will be better than in the present University hall. The whole rear of the hall and the back of the stage and above will be built in the curve of a parabola, so that the sounds of a voice or of an instrument at the focus will be carried out into the hall ni a manner similar to the reflector of a locomotive headlight. The control of objectionable echoes will be assur- ed by the texture of the walls. At the side of the stage are several small rooms for the use of artists who take part in the concerts; and back of Reading Standard Motorcycles. Finest in the World. No limit to the speed but the law. Come and get a demonstration. The East Side Cyclery Co., corner of State and Washington St. 165 eod tf lir Shop near the Campus that is Aped with the Most Perfect Shoe You FOR SALE igan made is Two Carloads of First Clas l Vo IN SHOE REPAIR COMPANY" (SIGN OF THE BIG ELECTRIC SHOE) Trunks, bought at a Sacrifice Price. T? be closed' out at Less than Wholesale: 611 East William Street Si much better work than is possible in any other shop, We send for and deliver work. Home Phone 72 Black TRUNKS OF ALL KINDS F. W. Wilkinson 325 S. Main 1: im ent Styles Portraits