12r 1)AATS PLACES.I I al will be given at the on Wednesday after- k at 4:15. The gener- cordially invited The pupils who rts are students cal and violin depart- as follows: Lura Ful- hedon; Ruth Binham- uble; Vernelle Rohr- edy; Ethel Liverance; Ethel MeGregory; . Many letters have been received at Newberry hall from prospective wom- en attendants at the summer school session, in request of information con- cerning positions for the summer. The number of places for women has been far exceeded by the inquiries and the officials request that anyone having a position for a woman for the summer, make known the fact at Newberry hall between 10 and 12 in the morn- ing during the week. In, CELERIT Ask HOPPE ?nd W1s sers Secure Large Amounts. ampaign for money to send a lusrah which the Y. M. C. A. conducting, has met with con- .e success. Up to the present .,316.48 has rewarded the ef- id $500 more is in sight. E ELECTS NEW OFFICERS. '13, 1'resid fed Mah mt on, '13, was elected to nies of the Women's year 1912-'13 at the held Saturday. Nellie made vice-president; uck, '14, secretary; y, '13, corresponding r Palmer, '13, chair- iittee; Clara id Ruby Seve .an of is, '13, :e, '13, Senior Law Writes "Take Off" on Laws "Phil" Cale, '12 L, is the recent au- thor of a series of humorous charac- terizations of the members of the law faculty. The verses have been pub- lished in pamphlet form and placed on sale for ten cents. The productions have been dedicated to his class- mates. * CLASSIFIED ADS. * FOUND The Michigan Daily finds the owners of lost articles. tf Found-Small watch and fob at' U. hall steps. Owner may have same by identifying and paying for ad. 164 Found-During Tug of War a foun- tain pen. Call 220 S. Ingalls St. 164 WANTED. Wanted-Good, reliable students to take orders for nursery stock. Re- mittances sent weekly. Rice Bros. Co., Geneva, N. Y. 161 to 170 Wanted-Honest, energetic salesmen everywhere, to sell auto-tire quick re- pair kit. Every automobilist buys. Good profit. Walkinshaw Briggs Co. 698 Campbell Ave., Detroit, Mich. 164-5-6 iVB RIA T. For Rent-Cutting apartment No. 17. Furnished July and August. Phone 1712-J.161-3-4 For Rent-Furnished six-room house to let for the summer. Inquire at 1012 Michigan Avenue, or telephone 579-J. 162-63-64 For a pleasant evening go up the Huron. U. of M. Boat House, foot of North Main St. 147 tf BOYS-Remember we sharpen all makes of safety razor blades and guarantee satisfaction. Quick service. H. L. Switzer Co., 310 S. State St. 157 tf The finest printing office of its size in the state of Michigan-The Ann Ar- bor Press, Press Building, Maynard St. Call and see us. Printers of any- thing from a name card to a book. Do you money d We hav opportunit we knowo bined with your part highly prc Thc SPhone 1534-L v, So 416 Y " It, who eastern to Ann return In Notice. ,ers of the City of . I MEN AND WOMEN Will take place in the several ward voting rooms within the City; Wed- nesday, May 22nd, 1912, from 8 o'clock in the forenoon to 8 o'clock in the ev- ening. All new voters and those that have changed wards since last elec- tion should register. 163-64 Water Works ,Election Notice! Notice is hereby given that a special election on the question of the issue of bonds in the sum of, $600,000 for the purchase and improvement of the Ann Arbor Water Works plant, will take place in the several ward voting rooms within the City of Ann Arbor, Michigan, 7 a. m. to 5 p. m., Monday, May 29th, 1912. By order' of the Com- mon Council, ROSS GRANGER, 163-64-66-69 City Clerk. Reading Standard Motorcycles. Finest in the world. No limit to the speed but the law. Come and get a demonstratidn. The East Side Cyclery Co., corner of State and Washington. eod t ' explain. WANTED A young lady student or teacher to work with another young lady student, during vacation. A good salary is offer ed. This is an exceptional opportunity. Phone 359-L L thing Si LET R U B EY nish the Ice Cream for Your Party. ater To Clubs and Frats YPSI NORMAL SONG "The White and the.Green," also "The Hills of Washtenaw" now on sale at GRINNELL BROS.' Music House, 120-122 E. Liberty Street Popular music, ten cents per copy. A fine line of Mandolins, Guitars, and small musical goods to select from. Pianos to rent. Buy where you can get anything you call for Goodyear's, Drug Store 107 S 0th Muin Str..t The Largest Stock in the State to Select From WE ARE NEVER UNDERSOLD Telephone Your Order Now Both Phones No. 1 The Sweetest and b est at the SVGe A R B OWL Can dy, Sodas, Sundaes with a reputation well backed up ALL GIRL SHOW With Visions D'Art EXTRA MATINEE Decoration Day 3 P.M . ,. rtes The 1912 Model INDIANS embody ( all these features essential to real effici- ency: Safety, Reliability, Speed, Power Ease of Control. SPRING MADE By toe Fourteen Important improveme over 1911 make the INDIAN'S su macy more sec.ure than ever, Free gine Clutch and Magneto supplied i all 1912 INDIANS without e charge. 4 H.P. Single Cylinder $200A 7 H.P. Twin Cylinder $250 Come in and let us demonstrate 1912 INDIAN Staebler & Soi 119 W. Washington S ilor ' ... ' e. a Allen's G