The ivy c ian Daily A Reliable Direc Reliable ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1911. 1ME OFF PRESS SATURDAY. TO COMPETE FOR CHEERING JOB. Freshmen" Gargoyle will be Ready For Vanderbilt Game. The October number of the Gargoyle s now on the press and will be -is- ued next Saturday for the Vander it game.It is dedicated to the "Fresh- aen" and Kenneth C. Welch has a ouble page series of pictures indicat- ig the easy way to campus popular- ;y for the new class. Bill Fanning rho has returned to the Gargoyle staff fter a long absence reviews the ionth's happenings pictorially, es- ecially the recent attempt to work a ay thru college via the university afe. The cover design is in two col- rs and was done by J. H. !Meier. 0. . Winters, a new arrival on the Gar- :yle staff, is responsible for a story' f western life entitled "The Gopher." Rayi.-ond Everett, the artist whose cture "The Bathers" in the June umber attracted much favorable com- lent, has contributed a remarkable en and ink drawing of the San Sebas- ano gate on the Appian Way. The agazire has had plenty of good ma- rial to select from this month and te pictures and jokes by Wagner, An arson, Krystal, Church, Vorys and hers are well pointed and up to Gar- oyle standard. ' There are still vacan- es on the staff for capable contrib- tors able to draw or write. 'in or Lose Soph Lits Will Dance. The soph lits will celebrate the rush in or lose by dancing at Barbour ym this evening. Fischer will be tere with lots of music, and the gym ill not close at ten o'clock as it did ,st year. Dean and Mrs. Read, Reg- trar and Mrs. Hall, and Dean Jordan ill chaperon the party. Tickets will e sold for fifty cents and can be pur- Yell Master Aspirants Will Start Con- testing at Game Today. Beginning with the Ohio State game this afternoon , a series of try-outs for the selection of cheer leaders will be inaugurated. This plan was decided upon at the joint meeting of the ath- letic board of directors and a com- mittee from the Student Council, held Thursday night at the Union, the Council committee acting in an advis- ory way. The men who are to try out have been selected and by working them in squads at the smaller games, it is hoped to have an adequate number ready by the time the big games ar- rive.. THREE MANAGERS TO BE ELECTED TODAY Polls In University Hall Will Be Kept Open From 9:30 to 12:30 for Voters NO PROXIES WILL BE ALLOWED. -- - r_- - - - - ---- ---------- ~. I I CAN)IDATES. --s I BASEBALL. MANAGER: I Joseph D. Burge, E '12. .. I Earl F. Good, '12. I TRACK MANAGER: I John MCR. Messerly, '12. Harold B. Williamson, E '13. 1 ' INTERSCHOLASTIC MANAGER: I - Arthur IB. Moehlmain, '12. IC (Godfrey Strelinger, E 113. REGULATION8. | Polls open 7:30 to 12:3 A.1, Polling place, Uniersity Hall. Every voter must show Ath- I letic Associft on Membr- I ship Ticket.j No voting by proxy. LAWS ADOPT PRIMARY SYSTEM. Reformers Believe that "Clique" Rul. ing Will be Broken Up. At its meeting yesterday afternoon, the senior law class unanimously adopted the petition for amending the class constitution establishing a pri- mary system in class elections. To be elected now, a candidate must re- ceive a majority of votes cast. Y. J. Davis was nominated on peti- tion, as a candidate for oratorical del- egate. No one whose class dues for the. > _ two years remain unpaid will be al,Qwed to vote, but lock dues may be paid at the polls. ClAM PUS AT MERCY OF POLITICAL BEE Nominations for Claas Officers Are Held by Lits, Pharmics, and Engineers. WJ L ELECT NEXT SATURDAY. ..... __.... year make Zowski Will Test Large Pumps. xried Two new TNIwip, were given a pre- liminary testing yesterday afternoon krbor in the hydraulic laboratory of the en- :king gineering building. One of the ma-, Vhole chines is a double wheel 35 horse pow- team er, designed by Prof. Zowski and con- .y af- structed by the Allis, Chalmers Co. er at The other is.a new Ries Roturbo pump er to with a capacity of 12,000 gallons an g be- hour and under a 200 foot head, built > the by an English company and the only r, to one of its make in this country. The trned pump is owned by the Manistee Iron The Works and has been loaned to the and University for experimental purposes. this Under the direction of Prof. Zowski the pumps will be thoroughly tested t the this morning. Wol-___ be called at lineups and Ohio State Trautman BURNS DRAWS ANOTHER ATTACK. C R.G. .Raymoid ....Hunt, Geib x. .....Blaine, Feldswich '. .Markley(capt) .Pazey S.......Foss . ....Smith, L. J .... Wlliaman .......Cox Fresh-Lits Need Some Politicians. The fresh lit.meeting yesterday af- ternoon was attefded by only a few first year students. The nomination of officers as a result has been post- poned to Monday at 4:00 when a meet- ing will be held in the west physics lecture room. A woman's number of the "Scarlet 'and Black" of Grinnell -College will be published on October 14 by the women of the college. The state university of Iowa will have one of the finest physics build- ings in the country, costing about $300,000., Several freshmen of the University of Washington were spanked on the traditional "Blarney" stone for stand- ing on the steps of Denny Hall. Managers for the varsity track. and baseball teams, as well as for the in- terscholastic meet, will be elected this' morning in University Hall. The names of candidates and the rules re- lating to the conduction of the elec- tion are given above. All of the regulations concerning the election will be strictly enforced by a committee chosen to take charge of the balloting. The fall business meeting of the Athletic association will be held at 9 o'clock this morning in University Hall. At this time the financial and general reports will be read, and in- cidental business will be transacted. The results of the election will be announced at the Michigan Union at about 1:30 this afternoon. Curtis Withdraws from Race. Harold R. Curtis, nominated for the senior law presidency, in the following communication has withdrawn from the race. To the Senior Law Class: I desire to announce my withdrawal as a can- didate for the senior law presidency. I also wish to express my appreciation of the kind of efforts of my friends in my behalf. (Signed) HAROLD R. CURTIS. ominations for class officers were held In the lit, engineer, and pharmic departments yesterday. In the sopho- mor'e medic class elections were held. EIections in the other classes will oc- cur next Saturday according to the in- terclass constitution. The results of the nominations are as follows: Senior lits-President, Werner Al- lison; vice-president, Lucile Stowe; Lila Tubbs, Secretary; Irene McFad- den; treasurer; Robert Shaw; Clare Hughes; Football Manager; L. K. Wco 1; baseball manager Emery Sted- man; ;irls' basketball manager, Mar- garet ;d; oratorical Crelegate, Edw. Kemp, Pillis Goodenow, Arnold Hous- er. Smnior Engineer-President: F. T,< Letchfield; G. W. Cooper. Vice-Pres- ident: R. W. Lazear; F. W. Fischer. Secretary: H. B. Lawrence. Treasur- er: H. L. Brown, C. C. Kinoch. Foot Ball Manager: C. E. Rickerhauser; Baseball Manager, W.S.Heald. Basket Ball Manager: A. A. Rawley. Track Manager: W. W. Willits. Senior Pharmic-President: B. L. Reynolds, M. J. Seeley. Vice Presi- dent, W. M. Dawson, R. N. Albertson. Secretary, R. Bostick, W. L. Mitchell. Treasurer, E. R. Negus, E. J. Hess. Athletic Manager, B. W. Fletcher, E. P. Mack, E. J. Hess. Sergeant-at- Arms: B. W. Fletcher C. C. Glover. Junior Lits-President: Rolfe C.., Spinning, and Wendell P. Coler; Vice- President, Norma DeGuise; Secretary, Esther Collins; treasurer, Carl G. Schoeffel and Peter A. Miller; orator- ical delegate, Karl Mohr; Girl's bas- ket ball manager, Mildred Orr; Boys' Basket Ball Manager, Wilson J. Span- gle, and Howard W. Ford; Foot Ball Manager J. Selig Yellen and Heyward Irving.; Baseball Manager, William Hollands and Nels 0. Nicholson; Track Manager, -Henry Spring and Carrol Haff. Junior Engineers-President, A. H. Kuhn, T. A. Hartung; Vice President, W. S. Hopkins, D. L. Smith; Secretary, W. A. Grove; Treasurer, G. E. Killins, F. -Temper; Football Manager, K. W. Collamore; Baseball Manager, W. B. Ratliff, H. L. Burgess; Track Manager, Ted Bauer, Jinks Otto; Bas- ketball Manager, Krecke. (Continued from Page f.) Faculty Says Attention to Real Prob- lem is Necessary. (The Daily Assumes no Responsibility for sentiments expressed in con- munications.) Editor, Michigan Daily: The inspectors of the S. L. A. have sought counsel and support from the representative members of the faculty. Were this an ideal university, really in touch with the social movements of the day, such backing would silence all complaint. There might, indeed, be surprise that a member of the fac- ulty of the law department endorsed the appearance on our lecture plat- form of a man indicted for kidnapping. But we might remind ourselves that this was but an expression of his well- known unconventional outlook. Since, however, we are in an imper- feet world, where mistakes are made even by authorities appointed to de- cide a question because of their inti- mate knowledge of the facts involved, it should not be taken amiss by those interviewed if their off-hand state- ments are not accepted by all parties interested. We who conscientiously dissent from the opinions expressed, wish to state the real problem as it appears to. us. Aside entirely from the question as to Detective Burns' ability to enter- tain and instruct, in regard to which we have grave doubts, let us ask, is it generous, is it politic, for a state university to give countenance to a man whom the laboring people, organ- 25,000,000 in number), have repudia- ted by protest, after protest, and by whom they feel themselves so deeply wronged? He is advertised as the "leading fig- ure in the McNamara case." His most unenviable position and conduct in that case are known to all who have kept in touch with its development; and should have been considered by the members of the faculty who were interviewed. We must confess tha.t their ignorance in matters connected with the larger social movements in the United States today is disappoint- ing to one who cherishes a reasonable ideal of the broad interests and intel- lectual alertness of the educated man. Has specialism robbed the college pr- fessor of his sense of social responsi- bility? The facts are open to all who Wish to consult them. We have felt it ad- visable to call attention to the real problem, so that more mature judg- ments founded upon facts and upon the larger issue involved 'may be formed by the faculty and by the stu- dent body. FACULTY. President Will Return Today. President Hutchins will return to- day from Minneapolis where he at-- tended the inaugural exercises of President Vincent of the University of Minnesota and also the meeting of the Association of State Universities held at the same place. The University of Washington has established a hospital service for its undergraduates costing them fifty cents a year. Catching a greased pig is one of the contests between the freshmen and sophomores of the agricultural col- lege at Wisconsin.. Prof. W. P. Pillsbury of the Philos- ophy department has recovered suf- ficiently from his operation to resume his duties in the class room' Monday. Freshmen en Masse, About City and En Slight Hostilities wit tered Sophomores RUSH TODAY WILL BE ( Annual Scrap Will be Started l at 9:30 on Sout Ferry Feld. Pent up enthusiasm, wl been gathering for some tir breasts of the class 'of 115,c to causing a revival of thei last night. Following a rou meting, at which plans for were discussed, the freshme to invade the city en masse the sophomores. Accordingl; of about 400 made' the roun theaters and shouted their in the ears of the second yea The gathering came with s brise to the sophomors'i were not prepared to give co besides, they had decided to faculty edict against hazing. sequence the "frshies" had clear for most of the evenig There were several report about the campus that the so were holding "hazing" part] mote sections of the city. could be found, however, w confirm the rumors. Aloi street, crowds of students an ers gathered in the hopes classes would mix. At on looked as if there might be Several men, 'whose ideni class could not be secured, are supposed to be freshn made to sing for the assemb by the large group of student was no rowdyism displayed side and after a little "close I the crowd dispersed. Fresh Enthusiastic at e At the meeting "Bert" Wa "Bow" Bowman held the floc sively to give the freshmen advice and encouragement, taking occasion to reind th necessity of upholding the t After Councilman McCormick the rules of the rush and c "Hap" Haskins took the plat plaining a method of atta leaders and four assistant were elected for the rush a decided that the class would at the flag pole this morning ly at 8:30. Thirty Teams in the Cane Sixty instead of forty men test in the cane spree whic in charge of Councilman Wail representatives of each clas arranged in pairs as nearl matched as possible. The c will struggle to obtain com session within ten minutes c ial cane provided by the Council. No unnecessary ' shall be indulged In. by the ants and in case one of the ants in a pair is forced to the spree shall stop until have regained his footing. Therush will start prow scheduled at 9:30. All officla quested to report to "Herb' South Ferry field this mon o'clock to receive badges. 1915 QPENL PARADES NURSED ... Q. . .. F.B. Referee, -Thompson, Umpire, Hoagland, d Judge, Lieut. Nelly, me of periods 15 min- .. ._ _ ., .. xt Saturday, >ilt vs. Michigan TODAY os . " vs. l"O Michiga~n Cheer Leaders will T Out. Come out.and your part. Let's have so real Michigan cheering. Ferry Field 2:30 p. m-. 2:30 P. M. FERRY FIELD ADMISSION 50 CENTS.