MICHIGAN 1 DAILY Street - ' I ' order your 6 CARDS IfIITED 11 100 Cards "25 have the CARDS" ehan's BOOKSTORE! ewritcrs Sale or Rent EEWRITING THE MICHIGAN DAILY Official Newspaper atathe University of Michian. Published every morning except Mon- day throughout the school year. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Ar- bor, Michigan, under Act of Con- gress of March 3, 1879. - MANAGING EDITOR. Walter . Towers. BUSINESS MANAGER Albert X. Dilley FRIDAY, MAY 17, 1912. Wear Your Caps and Gowns. The senior classes, following time honored custom, have decided to wear academic garb on certain days of ev- ery week until Commencement. This decision, while expected, is none the less to be commended because it adds a certain academic and scholarly air to the campus, that is lacking before Swing-Out.' To make it worth while, it is nec- essary for every member of the senior classes to wear his or her cap and gown upon the days set apart for this. It is a duty and should be faithfully performed. It would be very easy for the faculty to assist the senior classes by calling upon such students as they know to be seniors who are without cap and gown. This would have the greatest effect upon the recalcitrants. The fact that several faculty members have expressed themselves in favor of this ought to serve as an excellent hint. Straw Hat Day. Saturday, May 18, is Straw Hat Day at Michigan. It is up to the students to make this event a big thing. Sat- urday morning the' spring contests take place at Ferry field and in the afternoon the varsity track team will meet Syracuse in a dual meet. Both morning and afternoon make it possi- ble for a large number to appear to- gether in brand new spring headgear or to get busy and have the old one touched up., Keep Off the Grass. There are enough sidewalks on the campus to make it unnecessary for the student to take short cuts across the grass and wear unsightly paths through the beautiful green. Use them. When they wear out, the authorities will probably replace them. it is im- possible to replace grass that is worn away by constant passage and it is impossible to make anything grow in our clay soil after it has been tramp- ed hard by many feet. Keep off of the grass and persuade your neighbor to do likewise. It all helps. SENIOR DENTAL SOCIETY TO HOLD BIG BANQUET TONIGHT The Senior Dentl Society will hold its annual banquet at the Michigan Union this evening at 6 o'clock. An, elaborate program has been prepared by the committee in charge, and fully seventy are expected to attend. Paul Alexander will act as toastmaster, and during the evening he will call on Dr. R. W. Bunting, Dr. R. B. Howell, Dr. M. L. Ward, Dr. E. T. Loeffler, L. C. Schonered, and Henry Purfield, fo short talks. COLLEGES RECEIVE INVITATIONS Anniversary Bids are Sent Out to 150 American Unversities. Seventy-fifth Anniversary invita- tions, to about 150 educational insti- tutions, have been sent out from the office of General Chairman Effinger in the last 48 hours. . In this list the only institution not in the western hemisphere is the University of the Philippines. Sixteen Central and and South American universities are asked to send delegates. Argentina will probably have three, from the uni- versities at Buenos Ayres, Cordoba, and La Plata. Two Brazilian univer- sities may be represented, the Univer- sidad de Rio de Janiero, and the Uni- versidad 'de San Paulo. One Mexican institution has been invited to send a delegate, the Academia Majicana of Mexico City. The other educational institutions of Uncle Sam's neighbors to the south, to which this courtesy has been ex- tended,are, the universities of San- tiago, Chile, of Montevideo, Uaguay, of Quito, Ecuador, of San Jose, Costa Rica, of Havana, Cuba, the Universi- dad Central de Venezuela, the Univer- sidad Central del Paraguay, the Span- ish-American universities at Bogota, Columbia, and Guatemala, and the Universidad Mayor de San Marcos, at Lima, Peru. A pan-American confer- ence of universities is to be held at the latter place during July of thisyear. ALL OF YEAR BOOKS ARE HERE. Two Hudred Will be Placed on Sale Today All the copies of the 1912 Michigan- ensian have arrived, and unless the weather continues as it has for the past couple of days, the tent sale by the flag-pole will be continued for an- other day. Only 200 copies of the year book will be placed on sale this morning, and after the sale at the tent, the remaining number will be placed in the book stores. Business Manager Frank Shaw, '12 L, announced himself as well pleased with the results of the sale, despite the unfavorable weather, stating that the sale this year had exceeded the Soph Engineers Elect Football Leader At a meeting of the soph engineers held yesterday, Walter J. Thienes was elected class football manager for the year 1912-13. This is in accordance with the new interclass constitution, which provides for the election of the football manager in the spring of the year. INTERESTED AUDIENCE HEARS TALK BY HARVARD PROFESSOR Prof. Theodore W. Richards, of Har- vard, lectured yesterday on the new theory of "Atomic Compressibility," before a large audience of university officials and science students. Dr. Richards traced briefly the philosophy and history of physico-chemical hy- potheses, and then took up the hy- pothesis in question, showing how ita differs from the generally accepted notions, and bringing forward exper- imental evidence to bear out the as- sumptions of the newer hypothesis. The Ann Arbor Press products in printing are of the finest quality. Call and see. Press Bldg., Maynard S. (Friday tf) w AH Utversity Books Pl --t-nu --PortraLits Attention-. Prortra its of 6o to a Time's flying. Order now Visiting We have just received Styles. Quality and THE PHOTOGRAPHER 319 E. Huron samples of the New Price Guaranteed. Plektl aurm.PortreAts D. MORRILL So. Rtate Street pIdcanSa vilngSa _ Y' AND MAIN STREETS )rvenient place for your banking. HAVE YOUR CLOTHES PRESSE HALL BROTF IERS - Suits Dry Cleaned and Pressed 75c Overcoats DRESS SUITS PRESSED SOc SCRIBNER'S MA G A ZI NE SUB- FORIPTION SOLICITORS casilye rnr Liberal Commissions, also can pick up extra rize money. For full particulars regarding commissions, prizes, free I ad sing matter, sample copies. address Desk C. 155 Fifth Avenue* Ntw ork City. ItJ A special room where smokingis allowed is a feature at theS a Cutting Cafe Make reservation early aLd get Capital $5 the best board in the city, I rket [ANN " DEALER IN and Salt Meats, Pork, Ham Poultry Sausage ETC. 1'hone R4-J1 Home 591 red 21O N. 4th Ave The mers & Mcchanics Bank 101-103-105 S. Main St. al $l100,00. Surplus and Profits $61,000 B~ase IE Western Davis Cilar Store U Onme (B ETROIT UNITED LINES etween Detroit, Ann Arbor and Jackson troit Limited-8:13 and 10:13 a.m., 12:18, 2:13, 4:13,L :13, and 8:13 p.m. lamazoo Limited-7 :46, 9:46, and 11:46 a.m.; 1:46, 3:46, and 5:46 p.m.; Lansing- 7:46 p.m. cal Cars East Bound-To Detroit, 5:45 a.m., 6:45 a.m, and every two hours to 10:45, pp i. To Ypsilanti, 5:45 a.ml. and half-hour. to 1 :1a p.m.; also 12:15, 12:30 and 12:50 a.m. To Saline, change at Ypsilanti. cal Cars West Bound-5:33 and 7:15 a.m. ad every two hours to 11:15 p.m. (Tll the Advertiser that you saw The Ann Arbor Taxicab Get our Taxis for dances, theatre parties and all private calls, Ing car for sightseeing trips. On call day and night. BELL PHONE 1869 114 NORTH STA HOME PHONE 450 A Forna pleasant evening go Huron. U. of M. Boat House, North Main St. up the foot of 147 tf Studio I ---- s or any other kind of pictures are rom the studio of Have you seen the $25.00 _ _ _ _ We are offering ? EE OUR SHOW WINDOW WAGNER & CO. State Street Tailors J. WATSON TINCTON STUDIO Detroit, Mich. I - , . i my of D ncin ast term begins, Tuesday, . For particulars call at 12 a. m., 2 to 4 p. im. IMW ontforget that you can get the best Sodas and Sundaes at Vanborcn's Pharmacy NEAR FERRY FIELD L, C, SMITH - BROSS -I ugMrs. .. For the . PASHI Baace Har oods, '7 C of the aily Year Rain wate 5 and 7 Passenger Cars Prices Reasonable' PHONE 452-Black t Huron Street Typewriter Baleaing- Lung Wearing You'll need a Tyepwriter later. Get ,he best now and have it's use while in college Ask us to show you FUELBER & ZEWADSKI 310 S. State St. Up Stairs r" I 1 II We Do French Dry and PRLESSING end Suits Cleaned and Pressed 75o FULLER & O'CONNOR' X _.....e T. - & PACK, Photo it n Ou