THE MICH] NDAL .N DAILY ONE OF TI .LNG L STYLES LAST AV I MUSIC AND DRAMA I Gadskl Concet Gadski's program tonight will be: Dein Rath ist wohl gut. ...... Grieg Midsummer Lullaby.... ..MacDowel]. Fruehlingslied.......... K. Schindler Silent Years,.........-.E. Schneider Loreley Jugendgluck......... Liszt ;,~mo0 Solo'-Romanze....Sibelius Edwin Schneider- Nacht und Traumne Haiden Roslein................ Schubert & $4.00 $5.00 $6.00 INER & C Sign of the Big White S i. ROEHM & CC DETROIT, IM'ICHIGAN "s $xperience in the Manufacture of Designers of ] Exclusive SocietyI Class Plus and Rings ounr Illustrated Catalogue, also Price i. *Schumann dem ..Brahms Piano Solo--Two Plerrot Pieces ............... Cr Lento, Allegro. Edwin Schneider. Murmeindes Luftschen. .... lii Scott Jensen Y ty~ jewelry Meine Liebe.. ...Alwin S Wiggers Rose Time ........Hen Cy Hadley Last Night I Heard the Nightingale ........ Mary T. Salter Maiden and Butterfly......D'Albert' Love is the Wind .... Alex .3fcFayden TAXES CAPACITY OF UNION. . L.1A. POLICY IS VPHELD BY FACULTY. (Continued from page 1.) "I consider the letter in the Daily as a subtle bit of humor," said Werner S. Allison, an officer of the S. L. A. "However, the engagement of Burns is perfectly consistent with our policy to f lngle entertainment and instruction in the lecture course." ltECOGNITlQN GIVELN MI1CHIGA.N BY EAST. (Continued from page 1.) comparative abilities of the East and West through these two games. It is unfortunate that Penn does not play Yale, Harvard or Princeton, but the Quakers do play Brown,. a common op- ponent of Harvard and Yale. It's a round-about method of getting at any- thing, but a comparison of scores of the Cornell-Michigan, Penn-Michigan, Penn- Brown, Yale - Brown and Cornell - Penn games may pro- vide something for the football rooters to "chew on." Cornell's game at, Chicago, sandwiched in between the Cornell-Michigan and Penn-Michi- gan engagements, may also help the students of comparative scores. This battle does not rank with the classics as the Penn-Michigan does,' but it serves each year as an additiona] r ;ans of lining up the representative' elevens of the two section's.' Cooley Confers with attorney G~eneral Dean M. E. Cooley left town yester- day afternoon for Lansing, where he will aid State Attorney General Kuhn, in connection with the Duluth and South Shore Railway enjoinment. This case will decide whether the upper" peninsula railroads will have to re- duce the ir rates to the two cent fare standard. Prof. Cooley will be back tomorrow. For a first class job of painting pa- per hanging or decorating, see Major & Co, tf I Mr. Norm an NEW WHITNEY THEATRE In Hlale Ermninie Rives' Story 1 .. ,. i matan Sanderson Dramatized from the book by Kirk Alexander IFrancees Sibley and Jane Muphijn A Superb Dramatic Offering. Actf d by plaYer- of distinction. Stag-ed in a Lavish Manner. The bocK play hit of the century. Wednesday, October 25 Enljagemen~t Extraordinary Messrs. Stalir and Nicolal Present the Popular Dramatic Actor Pr-Ices: 35c, 5o, 75c, $1.00 'and $1.50 Sea.t Sa le Monday, 10 A. M. Badges. ROEHM c& D MERCH-ANTS AND pr Ave., East FRAT7 QTY JEWELERS VETROIT, .MICH. 1 rv I'HARMGCY HVERSITY lent. Supplies, Drugs, Candies and Tobacco Rowel's Laundry 406 Detroit St. THOMAS ROWE , Prop. Bell Phone 457 ;TS 1Crowd of Seventy-Five AtWills Firs t MNembership Dinner. Seventy-five men, the largest num- ber that can be packed into the main dining room at the Union, arose last night, when, according to the custom, the toast to "the President of the Unit- ed States," was pledged- by a freshman, "Billy" Shafroth. The oc~casion was the first Union membership dinner' of the year. Captain Inman Sealby presided.' as toastmaster calling upon Dean Reed, and President Matthew Blish for speeches. Both responded in a fash- ion which brought forth continued ap- plause from the guests. Dean Reed's talk was drawn from reminiscences of his undergraduate days at Michigan. The rest of the program~ consisted of songs by Raymond Dykemna and Car- lisle Ferguson. Fred Lawton's new song "Varsity" was featured. Monthly membership dinners of tit~s type will occur throughout, the year. The next will be given on Noveniber J 9.it_________ Tonight at the Bijou, special fea-j ture, Varsity Song success, :"bear Old~ Michigan." You known there are none better blnear y :+ r hiT ins price. See the new snappy tall i~tyl s w $.. u c 4 50 and $5. oo. I'ackarct shoes i. I ALLMAND & FORSYTHE Agents for the Royal Tailors 215 S. MAIN Y A 0 I GOOD SIGrHT Get on speaking terms with "Dear Old Michigan," the biggest hit since the Victors. At the Bijou tonight. Sophi prepare for rush. .:All seconO year men are getting their rubber- Asi BdNss uoes for t e R s ~ I. W ai .B21ullins, fors ? centsa a pair. . 101( S. State St. Oldest Bank in Michigan Esiabli-hed 1849 COMMERCIAL AND SAVINGS ACCOUNTS SOLICITED If not convenie'nt to call at the Bank we will promptly mall information on BANKING BY MAIL, on request. DIRECTORS Oieorge Ilendrie D. C.: Delameter C. A. D3ean Phiip IH. rlcMillanl E.A.Chapoton,M.D. Straihe urn Kendrie Sidney T. MNiller. John M. Dwyer Arthur M. Parker Paul F. Bagley> Q Weisbach Gas Light The M Y ...IDEAL Study Light 100 Candle Power 3hadowlss Engineers Draughting Lamps n n Arbor Gas Company 1 fg~of the room lies in its furniture: t's surpris- i I Co fo artI. ng how far your money will go, in a store like ours. Come In and let us show you. Martin Hailer ITURE, RUGS, CARPETS AND DRAPERIES ;e "afyll N.1 Davis & Konald's , er Broiler is a Wizard "Club Lunch" Y. W. C. A. Classes Commence Sunday The regular course of classes giv- en by the Y. W. C. A. will begin next Sunday at Newberry Hall. The sched- ule of class is: Sunday at,9:15 "Com- parative Religions," Mr. Tinker;g Sun- day 9:30 "The Awakening of 'China," Dr. Headland; Monday 4-S "'The Chal- lenge of the Country," Miss Buell, and "The Challenge of the City,", Mrs.ilnd- quist; Wednesday 4-5 "Ou Arabian Sisters," Dr. French; Wedri.esday, 5-6 "India," Mrs Samuelson; arnd Thurs- day 7-8 "South_ America," kiss King. Walter Fishileigh Returns Here. Walter Fishleigh, formerly instruct- or of drawing, in the Engineering de- partment arrived in Ann Arbor yes- terday after a long trip waest. Mr. Fishleigh is connected with .the Packard Automobile Co. and recent Y drove one of their motor trucks from Omaha to San Francisco, in the New York to Frisco truck endura~nce con- test. c~shmentwo articles of Footwear you __________ will need soon, are o0usc, Slippers and Gy Shoes the largest stock in town, of these articles of Footwear-THE VERY BEST MADE. Slippers $1.50 to $4.00~per pair. Gym Shoes 85c to $2.00 per pair., WILL MAKE A MISTAKE IF YOU DO NOT COME TO US FOR THEM Be sure and attend the Bijou to- night and hear the Varsity song suc- cess "Dear. Old Michigan" featured. Strictly all wool suits to n-easure $15.00. Hit guaranteed. Varsity Tail- oring Parlors, 336 S. State. Roy P. Henry. 4tf Get acquainted with "Dear Old Mich- igan" to be especially featured at the Bijoitonight. m a-m~ia~ COR. LIBERTY AND MAIN STREETS A most convenient place for your banking. jTLTTILE &CO WE SERVE HOT LUNCHES Fine Line of Lowacy's and Hagley's ChocolatesI"L shaves with a Gillette razor who can't afford a Twinplex Stropper. Wouldn't you be able to spend $3.50 for a Twinpiex if you didn't have to buy any new blades for several years&? A Two ea GS <9! O r -,.ill keep Gillette blades in perfect sghaving condition indefinitely. 100 to 50~ shaves from one blade. Strops both edg-es at otee; reverses itself and strops the other side,--301 seconds and all edges are sharp. Small, handsome, simple to use, requires no skill. Can't get out of order. Guaranteed for tenmyears. Sold by all good dealers on thirty days' trial. 1 Two Blades Sharpened FREE Send us 2 of Your Gilletite, blades. We will --"- -sharpen them, free, to demonstrate - how perectl y the Twinplex does the work. Or ask your dealer to s t r p them for you. d ~~TNPLEX SALES CO.d°"0 St. Louis, Mo. JohN i c e ; November 2nd I The first,_ number on the S. L. A. Course will soon be here. It will be' but one of a° great series of Lectures and Entertainments. -, 1$2.50 To lie BstAdvantage goes into a S. L. A. ticket. That, is- tlhe u~ ay you must figure it from a selfish view=point: After you real- ize that it is to your advantage tok buy a ticket . "PURFELD'5" Hoser 119 South Main Street -We lua,a lax-filestock Iof ktabber Sales for 0%, ruxsh Friday .... .....850 per1Wpair Will. you not help us by getting it NOW _. .: ., . . M... .. . ._._._.. 32 For the BEST Ph oto graphs5 go to G. C. MAEDEL 119 Ea Libe t. Street 4