THE i-,wfCYIIc*Aq DAILY a 'haj rts In j UNIVERSITY NOTICES j Freshmen out for mass meeting to night at 7 o'clock in west lecture r~oom,. physics building. Student Councilmen meet at South Ferry field, 3:15 this afternoon to 'put up poles for rush. J lit football practice. South. Ferry field, after class meeting. First game Monday. J engineer football practice every afternoon, South Ferry field. J. law football practice 3 p.~ m.,~ South Ferry field. Soph engineer football. practice; South Ferry field, 3:30. Electioni of captain. Meeting of executive committee of musical clubs, 7 p. m. tonight at the Union. Alpha Nu Meeting, 7:30. Visitors invited. All Illinois men meet Friday in Tap- pan Mall at 4 p. m. Band rehearsal tonight at 7:00, Mc-e Millan hall. Fischer. Class Meetings. Senior lawvs, 1 p. in., room B, 't4 vote on con stitu tional amendment. Senior engineers, 5 p. mn., room 411, new engineering building. J. engineers, 7:15, room 311, new en- gineering building. Soph medics, 11 a. m. P. Chem. lecture room. Soph engineers, 4:30, room 311,1 Fresh engineers, 3 p. in., moons 348 new engineering building.;. a y y i , . s , .......*.. ....... * * ~ CLASSIFIED ADS.x SAdiv'rt1ihg' matter "for this * R &ssied column zmust always* * be paid for in adv ance, and may belf t'h*AI- ofc p posite the Majestic 'betweeni the *hours of 1l 'noon and' 10 p. m., x *or at Quar'sDrug 'Store, N.* ,kUniversity and State, at 'anly y timie up to 9:30 p. m.* These Adsin' ~Results.* WANTED. a. a ,,,. .'S fO to It x: IMID Wehai A .for at 208 S. Mai 9 41 Stationery ed anid EmbtIossed ipt an~ * . .$1.25 2.00 a 2.00 Aed . ,3,00 h. Shrded .3.00 Wanted-Young lady to represent us{ at, the University of Michigan. We, have an attractive salary aind com mission offer for the righlt party., Apply direct to S. Liebermn & Co. Tailor. 4ade Dresses, 507 W. Jack- son Blvd.,Chicago, Ill., or to the Business Manager of The Michigan Daily. tf Wanted-R~oommate, one to help care for furnace for rent of room. 714 Monroe St., 1073-L.' 15-16 FOIIND Found,-An. alligator skin pocket- book ;containing lbills, jmoney ode and receipts from South Norwalk, Con'in. Owner may ;have samne by calling Joseph Krapt at Hygienic ~Room in Medical B~uilding, 7 a.. in. 1&1 FOR RENT. To 'ent=-Large double suite, reason-r able. Apply 'Mrs. Hurl'ey, 604 E. Madison "St 15-16-17 Fof Rent-One suite half block south of campus. Nicely furnished. South- ern exposure. All modern improve- ments. Cut price. 636 S. Thayer. 12-14 &16 Shes rep.aired wile yo u wait. An- dres, 222 So. State St. t Sweaters cut over at the Palai Royal, 209 E. Liber'ty. 1-tf Get your' tickets now. 3 ifor $1 for shampoo, facial 'and scalp imassage. Just for one week beginning Monday. Mrs. R~. I. 1rojaA4vski, '1110 South University. 11-17 A new line of jBrowns and nubby Grey suitings lust arrived. M. W. Mill- ward, 330 S. State St. 7tf PURE WOOLEN FABRICS AND HAND MADE GARMENT S The cloth~es of wide-awke gentlemenL at mod prices. We. know that your visit to our store will be mutually profitable people. Fe ogle a , t Majestic 6Trojibles of Bill Blithers" Funiet.Aq*anEath: LCI who JrF aert, Rosenberg presses suits--25 Rosenberg calls and delivers, cents. 12tt You'll need a Tewt the best now and have it'e colleue Ask u' FUELBER & ZEV 310 s. Stte St. We4dIng mv Wid Wst Shaw' Next Week 12tf: Annousncemnr 5chaffrear iitatlons, !nts, Etc. Co. s one 1404 p cquainta7 will help u in Strictly all wool igits to measure $15.00. Fit guaranteed. Varsity Tail- oring Parlors, 336 S. SMate. Roy P. Henry. tf For a quiet afternoon or evening go UTI the Huron. U. of Mv. BOAT MIV- EHRY. 12 Polish your floors with Old Enlish Floor Wax. We have the genuine ar- ticle. Major & Co., b tht phones. $tf Hoppe has the jbest MV Scrap Book in the city. Caland see it before buiy- ing elsewhere. 13 '&c 15 All the football men's pictures on sale at Hoppe's 'also a picture of the Cross Country Squad. Call and see them. 1315' BESIMER'S GRILL - harcoal Grilled Porterhouse~ Steaks, : 113 W Huron St.. Upstairs, opposite Inter- urban Station. 1-24 eod' Shoe repairing, laces and polish. for ~sale. J. H. Lamibert, 613 E. William St.. 3 cod tf, 4RA3NGER'S SchooV, of Opens October loth..Classes for Ladics aid G >lt(me 11.7- dayevenings, 7:00,to 8:00. or particulars call at Academ^ Posm. 246 ' Offtee.)moo-crs 10-2 j '0 '0~~ A 4. t : ' Aar warey Coe in I nconnection. Service a la carte, 30-3041 z~th 1'f' penfrm 8'A.M.'to 5 P. M.,- uJ~I2Ma~z~on Saturdays tiil Ji P. M. I U 'I Svunday Exci via am Imported and Domestic (fotsl-Prie4 from $1.50 to $4.00 SECOND FLOOR M~AIN ST. MICHIGAN C CO. -8y- Esrl V. Moors. The entire line is open for your inspec~tion, eV& pmesent1 TIN~Ij~ & COR. .STT &i4 WATCH OU~t W4N60 'i though you do not wihto puc ie s he COMPANY i to University Men- '4WILLIAMSSTS. Us Fot New IDEAS .U SRB NOW October 22, TO Now Rudy D ETR+ be checked on these :.. w ri..... lair. ''"r""i1 iY i ll li r iiririM4 1 r1!}M I I! i... ni Q .othicS for 4OlkgCMefl at Alens God Viath es Start~ 0