ICHI L7 .( HIAN rr r i r r r ri :. , rrw DAILY St reet isi Official Newspaper at the University of Michin. Published every morn- g except Mon- day throughout the school year. Entered at the Post Offce at Ann Ar- bor, Michigan, under Act of Con- gress of March 3, 1879. MANAGING EDITOR. Walter K. Towers. BUSINESS MANAGER Albert I. Dilley Editors. News Editor.........Harry Z. ros Assistant...........Frank Pennell Athletic Editor......Karl Matthews' Assistant...........G. C. Eldredge Music and Drama ....Earl' V. Moore Intercollegiate News Harold G. McGee Files ..............Emmett Taylor Editorials. Arthur B. Moehlman Frank E. Shaw Edward G. Kemp Maurice Myers Howell Van Auken Louis P. Haller i their classes. This may be due to slight attacks of spring fever but it lasts too long for that. Every year in certain classes the same conditions prevail and continue throughout the last two months. There must be another reason and this is the poor ventila- tion of certain rooms. It is almost impossible to crowd a class into small stuffy rooms, such as prevail, in the wings pf University hall and some of the other buildings and then expect them to be wide awake and pay close attention. It is a physical impossibility. Drowsiness overpowers a student and it is not his or her fault if sleep follows. Conditions are bad, in fact it would be hard to conceive of worse, especial- ly when.poor ventilation is augmented by the proximity of the university barns. It would be better for both students and instructors if some ar- rangement could be made to hold cer- tain classes outdoors. This is not a new idea and has been tried out successfully at other universities. In the meantime, the instructors ought not to censure inattention and drow- siness too harshly. WORKMAN STRUCK BY TRAIN BAi1LY CRIPPLED FOR LIFE. I 100 T $101 w ete line of at Rackets Modeis of ANTEED Plastinum Portrm Prorti Night Editors. Maurice Toulme Wallace Weber C. Has H. Beach Carpenter Rc Reporters. Mack Ryan rold Hippler :obert Gillett $o John Townley J. Selig Yellen Hal C. Tallmadge Morris Milligan Morton R. Hunter Chester J. Morse Frank Murphy Morris.Houser Fred B. Foulk. J. V. Sweeney Leonard M. Rieser Russell H. Neilson David D. Hunting Mark' F. Finley. Tri tcrs or Rent WR ITIN G MORRILL state Street STRE~ET ;sd 75c ATS PRESSED 25c rnt BUSINESS STAFF. Assistant to Mgr. .. Joseph Fouchard Advertising Mgr ...Elmer P. Grierson 13irculation Mgr.....E. Ray Johnson Asst. Adv. Mgr.....A. R. Johnson, Jr. Edgar L. Jaffa......W. .. Holland! W. J. Wetterau. J. I. Lippincott Emerson Smitlf Want Ad Stations Press Building; Quarry's Pharmacy; The University Pharmacy, 1219 S. University; Van Doren's Pharmacy, on Packard^Street; The Brown Drug Store, Main Street. Leave ads at these stations before 8:30 p. m. for next morning's issue. Subscription price: By carrier, $2.50; By mail, $3.00. OFFICES: Ann Aroor Press Building Maynard Street. OFFICE HOURS: Managing Editor, 1-2 p. m., X10:30-11:30 p. m.; Bus- tuess Manager, 1-5 p. m.. Both Phones IM SATURDAY, MAY 11, 1912. Night Editor-Maurice Toulme. Business staff meeting at 9 o'clock this morning. Outdoor Classes. With the advent of spring several instructors have already complained of tile lack of attention received from Struck by a work train extra near the 'boat house last night, -Albert Gal- loner, 18 years old, of Pinneonning, Michigan, will lose one leg and proba- bly both as the result Qf the accident. Galloner, who has been employed on one of the Michigan Central work trains, was picked up. about 7 o'clock, probably soon after he was struck, though so far as known no one saw the accident. A LIVE COLLEGE PRESIDENT'S ADVICE TO SENIORS v= d High-Class sou willtaste First time in 319;E. Huron PlttInum-IPortramits ' We Do French Dry PR.ESSING ei Suits Cleaned and Pressed 75- FUL LER& O'CONN( Designers of Men's Clothes, THE I four weeks. 'leanliness." THIS LITTLE ADV. President Faunce of Brown Univer- sity, when addressing the seniors of the University of Michigan on gradu- ation day two years ago said: '"Another calling which few young men are equipped to enter is that of private secretary. Some of our bright- est young men have thought of sten- ography as suited only to girls in their teens, and secretarial duties as fur- nishing small field for ambition. Tehe private secretary of Grover Cleveland left his imprint on our country. The private secretaries of Wim. McKinley and Theodore Roosevelt very speedily emerged into public life. The great need of every young man when he gets out of college is to go into training under a master. The private secretary of a strong, resourceful leader of men, has the finest training the country can afford, has opportunity for large ho- rizon, and mastery of methods and lat- er for an independent career." Every student should weigh these words carefully. It may mean the difference between success and fail- ure. President Faunce who has giv- en this matter careful thought certain- ly thinks that the young man who is able to fill a position as private secre- tary to some great industrial leader has a far greater chance of success than the one unable to fill such a place -and he is right. The record of those: who in the past have taken a course at the TSchool of Shorthand in this city is positive proof of this. Ou-r course especially fits young men and women for Ouch places. See the an- nouncement of the, May class in tlis issue of the Daily. Then call at the School and enroll for this course. Of- fice hours 2 to 2:30 p. m., Selby A. Moran, Prih .,711 N. Univ. Ave. 156-157 COX SONS & VINING New York y makers of Academic Costum Caps, Gowns and Hoods for all degree Representatives STRAW HATS, SOFT SHIRTS, SPRING NECK- WEAR. B. V D. UNDER- EAR, POROSENIT UNDERWEAR in HENRY & i -+ directs you to the maker of the best and heaviest Phi Beta Kappa Keys. s Ask those who already gotten them have from No.686 $5.50 EDWARD R. ROEHM 5th Floor, 240 Woodward Ave. 1. Detroit, Mich. Send for Catalog 00.0 k e never want t New Varsity Togge ry SHOP PHl was used to complete the Union Pacific Railroad. We do not know the value of the Gold Spike used for this purpose, but we do know that BAGLEY'S GOLD SPIKE is the BEST Cigarette Tobacco in the world. Made from the finest leaf grown in Virginia and North Carolina, carefully selected and blended by men with a half century of experience. $495 METZ 22 Horsepower, 4 Cylinder Motor, H. I Magneto & 5 Speeds 0. Leonard Olson, Agent 911 Greenwood Ave. 1,107 S. University Ave. E. J. Lohr 402 West I .. Summer is approaching Lets both get busy Seasonable and suitable Tailor-Made Togs All garments made In our own shops. WAGN ER &- CCU State Street I PACKAGE TRY IT r. i . , _ Supplies -.a _ Dont forget that you can get the best Sodas and Sundaes at Vanborcn's Pharmacy Detroit United Lines On information to Division Superin- tendent Allen, Ypsilanti, of the Detroit United Lines, by officers of Varsity or- organizations, the movement, beyond the capacity of the regular service, of any group of students to or from Ann Ar- bor, extra cars and extra service will be promptly supplied. Corns, bunions, inrowing CHInROPODY nails, treated and cured Everything absolutely an- tiseptic. Office hours. 9-12 a.m. 1-5 and 7-8 p m Hai MISS. E. J. FOLEY I 921 E. Huron Street.End North 12thF 2 Blocks East al High Sohool - Phone 089* 1110 COUSINS & HALL CORNER SOUTSI UNIVERSITY AVE. AND TWELFTH ST. Phones 115 Rain Sol Ith Q . S. Chapman I I NEAR FERRY FIELD I R Iwo" I . 1 r"