THE MICHIGAN _DAILY _ M-7131" &M, jrig H R. 'I('HtfAN nfd iilVI ,t Co., 311 S.Stk S#Ot fficiaNespper a teU ier ty I.PLAPublished every morning excepC o- ___________________________day throughout..the school y. .. Woolens of Exclusive Styles 311 SoState Street NG MRCHNT TAILORS aTYPEWRITING LAW OUTLINESi, TYPEIi s, WRTR SUPPLIES~, TYPE~WRIT~ERS, er Ps (new and second hand), for~ sale and rent 0. De M0RRILL bay run .cooling ' I OVER BALTI~MORE LtIcNO BlELL 58 -J OW!FkI h m , 4 .pI ~I 'I. P y 6is4 i ' Note Books s II SPE~CIAL PRICES MIANAGING EDITOR. Walter-K. Towers. Alber~t I Wiley Editors. 'ews Editor......Harry .Z, 2qIz Assistant........... Frank Pennell Athletic Editor... F. E. Shaw, Jr;, ',usic and Drama ...Earl V. Moore; Iinterecolegiate News Harold G. McGee Files ...............Emmett. Taylor. Editorials. Arthu~r B.. Moel1man Waije W. Merritt Night Editors. Maurice 'lloulmeaMaick, Ryan Loren Robinson Karl Matthews Wallace 'Weber. Reporters. John .Townley Oscar Beckman C. Harold Hippler . . ..Robert Gillett Frank Murphy William Daugherty J. Selig Yellen. BUSIESS STFF Assistant to Mgr. .. Joseph Fouchard Cirifltioi. gr. .E. 1=Ray Johnson ~OIES nn rboPrsBuiding, Maynard Street. "OFIC: OURlS':Managng Editor, 1-2,p. m., 1:01:0 .m;Bs iness Manager, 1-5 p. in.. By mail,;'$3.00. Wanit Ad Stationis. , Press Bilding; Qularry's Pharm- acy, State and North Uni- yersity. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1911, lpartmt :of Buildings and" Grounds. and t he latter h a lays maniftested a deire to improve our, premises whenever and wherever practicable. Only recently an appropriation_ has been made for trimming the more rag- ged of the~ trees. The work was dis, continued, however, on account of the incomnpetency. of the.workmen.. We hoeit will be 'resumed. The em- ployment' of expert tree surgeons t go over the entire campus would seem to be warranted. The resultant en- hancement of~ the beauty of 'our sur- roundings would fully repay the in- vestment. The studients; also can. do much, by taking care not to mutilate the trees, and by 'keeping off the grass. Fourteen Oat! The rush takes place Saturday, and it is up to every* sophomore to don his tattered regalia eloquent of the brawls with '13 and down to Ferry field. The Freshmen will be there to a man, their heads full of the tales of easy victory that history says always favors the new men. Even if you are a three year man, don't let that fickle cogno- men, Junior, cause your, dignity to 'soar' to~ heights ethereal, for -after all you are only a sophomore in years. Come out! Don't be a onlooker! Joini forces wit~h the men who helped you 'shoulder your verdancy of" last year, and it~ won't b~e a walk a wvay for the freshmen. I Gownt Calk When You Desire Portraits of Quality Phlabtim Portr .ts PlalttraPartrfit THlE IHI) APHEIR ~Kk ~ Y k x I r Ftot Ball Goods and .r# Athletic[ In general, comiplete ineeydti University Bookstore H t.; F On all$Sae~s , ,- . . y 319 -E.Iftrop Phone 961-.L twm -C l1l"i'1 P ry CaySHEEHAN STUDENTS' BOOKSTORE MWrs. J. R. Trojanowski Hair ogdqs, , r~es~,Mniu a and R~ain water Shampooing a Spialt&ty. o lO h zt'nd ivcrdiy Bell 696-W Platimum Portrait. P# ;f s try P e p . ~ ° Farbeitfromus .to' wish to damage' the feelings of "Not-yet-recovered- from-Dr.-Cook" but' we are constrain- ed 'to report that, several: of "our read- ers wandered into the sanctum yester- day to enquire whether that communi- cation anent Sleuth Burns was in- tended for sarcasm. What gets our sacred ibex is the. persistent report that o. s. Max Ben- nett is occupie~d with. the instruction of the young idea. We can't just man- age the picture of Max aboard the pedagogical throne. Some how or other we cannot but be suspicious of the anxiety~ displayed! by~ these fresh laws who jingle our phone in bunches to. enquire concern- ing the state of Jerry's cold.,: 3 We Do French Dry and Steam Cleaning 1PR~ESING eknd REPAIR 1%G i t Cleaned and Pressed 75. 5u6s Poie d 16 Ana mArbor Vallaghan C(&,Comrnpally; 340 S. State St. Opposit. Law By lir. ' New a, 80osid-Haad Old Books-Taken In Vhani-~wfo;k Apposite U~ear of Law S d.Nxt o Ua IIDPRES"CLOTH1ES BY UANR 'VEtGQTSDRY CLEATED 75c SUIITSPRESSE 25c VERCOATS PRESSEDI? 41 OT TAESRE mn Street Ity.' I Van Doren' .s Pharmacy 703 PACK(ARD STREET Soda Suplistigars and Students, Supplies We.tnkW hbschclt oai LONI Night Editor-Root. M. Gillett. Sanve The Tr~ees. We are at ailftimes 'in favor of con- servation, whether it be of natural re- sourcesof mn, of ideals, of Michilgan traditions, or ofthe scenic beauties, of our campus. At the present mno- nlent . we feel an ,epecal anxiety for; th ppearane .of the camipus. It is no~t our. fortune (or nmisfortune) to have a. spaceiouscampus, such as those at M. -A. C., Illinois, and O0. S. U. It' then behooves uis to presere the mea~- gre beauities1 we now have. In. this regar,A our trees are our most valu- able psssson Tey commnd ~.our ~dmiration from e ary spring to late; autumn. The,yiel us comfort, and! sligh~t in. the warm~ days of May and June, and make .summer scholen- du>rablje. Ben Greet perf ormanices,' snior ins,,an bndconcerts owe! thleir fin.eflavor iiin lrge part to their setting amid. the trees. -And in, the gray days-of . Novmber, ,the Avenue of Elm~s sorn of itjs$plumage reveals a new beauty for1 our delectation. -We ha~ve nothing but comendaion for th~e Board of Rgetsand~ the De- V::'; ':-- ' HUJTCHINS H)AKES ADDRE~S AT VINCENT'S INAUGUTRAL President Harry B, Hutchins gave a short speech at the inau~gural dinner, of~ President Vincent of the University' of Minnesota W~ednesday at Minneap- ols The address was informal in nature and served to extend the best' wishes of the University of Michigan' to the new administration of Minnes- ota. President Hutchins is attending the, meeting of the Association of Ameri- can Unversities in Minneapolis today, ,and is expected to return to Ann Ar- bor tonight or tomorrow. Upper Law Classes Eilect Tomorrow. Despite, Student Council rulings to the contrary, the junior and senior law classes will 'elect officers tomor- row, the former in room B and the latter in room G. The polls for such el~ection-s will open from 9-11, at which time all class dues must be paid up. H'arry Wishes to advise the U. of M. student that, he a Rp.irA-3 i a p-p' t~aw',f 1TullJand Wimfer 14no I, enoxE, 141, cbc iv~n yr 1 tcc"I( L y '4rter rrfr .ve.D rot* ,MLchA 11 ~''-I,:I \J 1 ~I I 6 Lafayette A, A ' '11 ,I I -I I - I c"Service, i p 2 ''1 ' %'. H7 k SUBSCRIBE NOW; I '. I 11111 Sa p a-C at I LI I A !4'. ,H~ ~i I GOOD WORK~ '2 1,,t aRellJ~4ver °-' i-' t :x, TOO1S4 L". s:1 AMNOUNCEMENT. It r y.y ..y r Ova= ..,, GcIA Iiu -! It is with- pleasure that we-announce that Mr. W. L.i Berry. .of Chicago, has taken charge of ou~r tailoring department. Mr. Berry conies tqotus very highly recommended, both' as to his abil- ity as a. cutter and as a man, and we bespeak for him your kind consideration. WAGNER & CO. 'Imporling 'Taiors 303-305 S. State St.' Al I '. -. l IA I- _ ., . . Y ' * [ .. .. _.... . ... . - .. f v ... _:. ..' . ... .. y.. O 3 SA,' FOR A;SAR'FR ; Billiards: xs a ;fnea4ne -= -- « .The M Ft 11ti tIl thou : who p14y: You n FOR A' INo--u# ask at is F O 7 P a s n e T o u r i g C a r - i g h t '4001a sd joy ridies to'Whitmore- Special Rates to Students CAL H B. PECK Phone 633 J '413 Thompson St. Tile Spadig.T aar TRADE is nn throughout Gtaar2atOO* of 254 Woodward Ave. NO & B IZOr . F W..UTYU~AIT II~zYU~ ~- '~ w - r soe crat.itonand wha~ IQ Star -Concerts $3.00 Reseroed Seats now Sal -risv rJ A. _v ~ & a aAF= .ain X are the largest mnanu- facturers i hewrd t~npft i, 1 Ab of OFFICIAL EQUIP' JC O MENT. for aI lath letic sports and pas? Imes.ed : in y~AtheteSport youp.m.. 2:1b p. m.4:13 p. mn., 6:13 p, . .8:131 shul ofK agaoeLig 4ed 746 a. in 9:46 a th~e Sp)alding Cata Lansigt:3 p. mn. loQutt. It's acoplteLocalCarl East Dqmnd- t I'etrolt, 5: and issent free onre- Itol11:1~p. m also12:1,i-a. m.., 12 3ra ques.iV_-$D a. im. 'T(-Saline. chanvt at1'p~di Detroit s1tch m ",and every two hours to I115 p Qi. 4 ° better than ::this?.: GADSKI. =I 211 Z"ZIL'a L lik I=: 7"Ti 1 :711 ZI ': I,, :il rZ I -~ '1,'p~ - t vulyulnij-OlJUUUIV Ul iiU. AHNTON EAST : RANDALL & PACK, Photographers - PHONE 59