THE MICHIGAN DAILY Ow the THE flICHIGAN DAILY Official Newspaper at the University of Michigan. Published every morning except Mon- day throughout the school year. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Ar- bor, Michigan, under Act of Con- gress of March 3, 1879. KANAGIN( EDITOI. Walter H. Tower. BUSINESS MANAGER Albert E. Diley SUNDAY, MAY 5, 1912. A pageant assumes the presence of a host of participants. Merely the faculty and the graduating class, -in point of numbers do not compose such a host. A place is being planned for every one on the campus. Make it an object to be here at that time. WOMEN'S FIELD DAY TO- BE ELABORATE T E NN Wright and Ditson's Strong Line _ 100 RACKETS to select from $1 .5 to $8.00 Every one Guaranteed Various Features are Embodied The Plans Announced Yesterday. in w NIGHT EVENTS OPEN TO PUBLIC. . .. r. .-__VL: line of tackets dels of GOODS GUARANTEED Ve also carry the m ickets and $0 Night Editor-Fred B. Foulk. The annual Women's Athletic asso- Give Back the Borrowed Lantern. ciation Field Day which will be held The towispeople who loaned Ian- Saturday, May 25, will be one of the terns to the searchers for Butterfield most elaborate ever given according to deserve not only praise for their un- plans announced yesterday by the' hesitating disposition of their prop- committee in charge, of which Joseph- erty, but the return thereof. Many of ine Davis, '12, is the chairman. those who loaned lanterns have re- The tennis finals, .,a field hockey ported to the local police that they match, and an archery contest will be have not been returned. Without- the interclass events and the winners doubt many more have seen nothing will receive their numerals from the of their property since Wednesday ev- Association. The picnic supper wil ening. While the matter is a small be held at dusk and this will be fol- one from the viewpoint of monetary lowed by the figures formed on the value, such small careless dishonesty field by the senior Class, in caps and is particularly aggravating. Those gowns of which the "M" and the "12" who know of the location of these lan- will be special features. The soph- terns should see to it that they are omores will then give the May-pole returned to the owners without de- dance and all will participate in the lay.folk dances which follow this. Some lay. special features are promised for this, Undergraduates at Commencement, part of the program and will be an- The season is here when we begin nounced soon. calculating the number of days re- One innovation which thas been in- maining until our departure for home troduced this year is that the evening at the close of school, Ordinarily, program will be thrown open to the the time of the last examination fixes public and everyone is cordially invit- this date. But lest we err in these ed to attend. All the girls will then computations, this is not an ordinary march up to Barbour gymnasium in a year; not until the end of commence- Japanese lantern procession. mer_. veek, does the present session The Women's League installation of fiLrh. ksofficers will not follow the Field Day Terson of this variance from the this year but will be a separate cer- regular order is the fact that this emony held the night before in the gymnasium. Phwt nunm When You Desire Prortraits of Quality Go to Vniv~ersty B$ook store Portraits Plalinurm THE PHOTOGRAPHER heehan's rUDENTS' BOOKSTORE : 1319 E. Huron. Ph Pisi Air um'i Portra.Ita Platinum P 'We Do French Dry and Steam Cleaning PRESSING end REPAIILIN Suits Cleaned and Pressed 75o Suits Pro FULLER & O'CONNOR Tailors 619 E. Will I For Sale or Rent VYPEWRITIN G 0. D. MORRILL 322 So. State Street kw HENRY & STATE STREET I and Pressed 75c DDROg~n 2B r rant: es, 1 find High-Class' le you will taste >ts. First time in week or $15.00 for four weeks. ted Cooks, Strict Cleanliness." EDWARD - R. ROEHM 240 Woodward Ave. 6th Floor, Detroit, Mich. MAKER OF Badges, Novelties, Station- T W I ery, and Decorations. HARVAR'4a We originate and assist in T designing emblems for new organizations. Send for catalog of Phi Beta Kannan ys tine is the seventy-tierm anniversary of the founding of the university. To apitropriately observe the occasion) the Regents and Faculty are planning a c.? bration which is assuming the scu'e of a pagcant. Among other featu..s that will constitute the ac- tiviUcs at that time, are n merous shows and concerts; the appearance of the faculty in academic robes with their colored doctor's hoods; the pres- ence of a United States military band; and parades by the students generally, and of the various fraternities and campus societies. From a purely selfish standpoint every undergraduate should remain for the festivities. Such a spectacle in this modern age is a rare one. Outside of the Mardi Gras in New Orleans, the commencements at Harvard,, Yale, and a few other eastern colleges, there is nothing which resembles it in the en- tire country. But apart from personal interest, the university needs all of the students to assure the success of the venture. Batty& Edmunds Canoe Paddles FISHINC TACKLE And All Kinds of SoIrting Gods 121 East Liberty Street Bell 182 WISCONSIN UNIVERSITY PROF. TO GIVE MEDICAL LECTURES Dr. M. P. Ravenel, professor of bac- teriology at the University of Wiscon- sin, will deliver two lectures under the auspices of the Washtenaw County Medical Society tomorrow in the med- ical building. In the morning, he will lecture at 10 o'clock before Dr. Vaugh- an's class in hygiene on the subject of "Tuberculosis and its Prevention." At 8 o'clock in the evening, Dr. Ravenel will speak to the public on "The Re- lation Between Bovin and Human Tu- berculosis." Both lectures will be de- livered in the west amphitheater of the medical building. May 18 is "Straw Hat" Day. "Straw Hat" day, according to cus- tom, will be- observed on Saturday, May 18, and not on May 11, as was an- nounced in The Michigan Daily last week. Mr. Friday Gives Extension Lectures. Mr. David Friday, of the economics department, has gone to the upper peninsula where he will deliver five lectures on the extension course. He will be gone a week, returning to Ann Arbor on Sunday. Prof. Riggs Talks to Webb and Flange. Prof. C. E. Riggs, new head of the department of civil engineering, was the principal speaker at the Webb and Flange banquet last evening. HENRY & CO 711 N. Designers of Men's Clothes, will in ill 1 COX SONS & VINING New York makers of Academic Costume o Caps, Gowns and f . - Hoods for all degrees - ~ MACK V& CO. Representatives 1. j give you the Latest ' Engl ish C+ute THERE'S a size to suit your cultured t a ste. Five leaders- Cambridge, Morisette (gold tip,) Blues, Am- bassadors, Banquet- 25c to $I.00. Plain or cork tip "The LittlejBrown Box" I you : STRAW HATS, ,0Ff SHIRTS, SPRING NECK- WEAR. B.,V.D. UNDER-' WEAR, PORO SKNT UNDER WEAR Write for free illustrated price- PHILIP MORRIS & CO., Li 402 W. Broadway, New Yor 487 St. Catherine Street. E. }ont Philip Morr Original Landon Cigaroti No.686 $5.50 a rvr -x.aawrvp yr r sr gVCa. napFta 1 rrja Varsity Togge ry II Same Store 1 SHOP 1 107 S. University Ave. E. J. Lehr But 1 . when dow n New Firm t!w If H L Switzer Company Successors to Summer is approaching Lets both get busy Seasonable and suitable Tailor-rlade Togs .£ ' W O t U Street All1 garments mades In our own shops. IN W 0uI .1x1 I D. A. KILLINS. Hardware, Sporting Goods and Engineering Tools 310 S. State St. e, I I Just Received A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF GILBERTS9 FINE CANDIES, In halves a"d pounds. Phone us ynur wants. VanlorDcn's Pharmacy 702 Packard St. Detroit United Lines On information to Division Superin- tendent Allen, Ypsilanti, of the Detroit United Lines, by officers of Varsity or- organizations, the movement, beyond the capacity of the regular, service, of any group of students to or from Ann Ar- bor, extra cars and extra service will be promptly supplied. IllfflfflfV C rnsbuiosingrowing Cniuruinails," treatded and cured. GHIROPODY *Cornsd Everything absolutely an- tiseptic. office hours. 9-12 a.m. 1-5 and 7-8 p m MISS. E. J. F$LEY 921 E. Huron Street, End North 12th 2 Blooks East of High Sohool - Phone 089. Mrs. J. R. Troja FASHIONABLE HAIRDE Hair Goods, Hairdressing, Man ,ai Face Massage. Rainwater Shampooing a Sp 1110 South University . I Give us a call COUSINS& HALL F CORNER SOUTH UNIVERSITY AVE. andl Dec AND TWELFTH ST. Phones 115 W -r CALL I I _.. . . PAD )1'9 >J