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October 20, 1911 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1911-10-20

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A Reliable Directo,
Reliable B,


gton Send
n 35 Yard
crubs Are

by our own George Ade
He Who Rushethl Not.
Once there was a Stude. He
had a 14 Three B Pipe and an
English Hat, and he thought
himself Some Cheese. There
was another Stude who smoked
a Corncob and wore Corduroys.
He knew he wasn't much and
wondered at the Price of that
English Hat.
The Day of the Rush came.
the Cheese decided that being a
Sophomore It would not go to
the.Rush. The Corncob figured
that as he was a Soph, he would
go to the Rush.
Now the Cheese had a Swell'
Dame, who watched the Rush
from the Bleachers. She saw
the Big Doings of the Corncob
and said to the Cheese, who
stood at her side, "Who is that
Swell Guy in the Corduroys?
Ain't he Brave?'
So she got a knockdown to the
Corncob and gave the Cheese the
Icy Mitt. Then the Corncob
married the Swell Dame, and
they lived happily ever after-
Moral: Go to the Rush.

1. The contest shall begin at 9:30 a. m.
2. There shall be three poles, 100 feet apart in a north and south
3. The freshmen shall defend the three poles.'
4. At a signal from the referee the sophomores shall advance to-
wards the poles in two nearly equal columns from the opposite sides
of the field. It shall be the object of the sophomores to gain posses-
sion of the three poles within thirty minutes.
5. Members of the contending classes collectively and individu-
ally shall be held liable for any damage done to any property belong-
ing to the Athletic Association.
6. Under no consideration shall activities be transferred to the
7. Entering of private houses for the purpose of capturing oppo-
nents is strictly prohibited.
S. Participants shall wear tennis shoes.
9. No grease or slippery substance shall be put on the poles.
10. The cane spree shall be awarded to the class gaining posses-
sion of a majority of the canes.

rs to Ac-c
igan foot-
on was a
t the men
nmy. The
gnal drill
p in, and
>p speed.
yard line


iding on.about full rigor of the rule but it worked
rk was excel- out differently.
he majority of 0. S. U. to Have 800 Rooters.
The O. S. U. game will be a feature
mnan to get a event in one respect at least as the
Ad practically team is coming up here with a special
ts went good. train carrying 800 rooters and the
3 and sent the band. The State athletic authorities
rough instead have also decided to bring the Reserv-
ogle at place- es so the Ohioans will be represented
by a squad about 40 strong.
scrimmage of There will be secret practice today
'hich time the and Yost will put the finishing touches
was so dark on the team. He is taking no chances
o see the ball though the general feeling is . that
kicking garee, Michigan will win. Ohio State in past
ason that the years has proved somewhat of a
larger score; stumbling block and the "smiling one"
ttempt on the does not intend to be caught napping.

men to 'put the
ig the darkness
irsity and scrubs
and the -ruuing
Craig, McMillan

'ing better
practice it
crubs and

.p the place kick,j
through in good
time they broke
I the attempts at
g that marred pro-
as not in evidence
ickling was pulled

on Lost to the Squad.
7 to the opinion of those who
circumstances, the special
which was appointed to
rhat action would be taken
s case, and similar ones in
decided that the lanky
last year's All-Fresh would
mitted to play football this
on through sickness was un-
ke his exams at the proper
h he cleared them all up as
was able. He. was techni-
robation however, and that
scipline does not become
.atically when the class rec-
red up. It was thought that
arton was unavoidably de-
m taking his exams that
not be required to feel the

Prof. Hussey is Successful in Re-
search Work.
Prof. S. S. Hussey, formerly director
of the university observatory, is still
located at' the Universidad Nacional
de La Plata, Argentine Republic. Mrs.
Hussey has recently returned from
the South American country where
she spent the summer months with
her husband. The university includes
scientific courses, resembling the state
universities in this country. The ob-
servatory with which Professor Hus-
sey is connected has been built for
twenty years, while the university
proper is but six years old.
When asked of the nature of Pro-
fessor Hussey's work in South Amer-
ica, Mrs. Hussey said: "My husband
:s now reorganizing the observatory,
and arranging and re-constructing the
various instruments. Carrying on his
research work with an eighteen inch
refractor, Professor Hussey discover-
ed, during the month of September,
forty- new double stars. He has in
charge a large equipment and many
valuable instruments for experimental
"Professor Hussey will leave Argen-
tina in January, arriving here in Feb-
ruary. He will remain in Ann Arbor
until school closes in June, returning
to South America at that time."

Intersectional Games Said To
Help Place Wolverines
in HighRank
The following editorial, entitled
"Recognition from the East" will ap-
pear in the October issue of the Mich-,
igan Alumnus: .
"That Michigan, by her series of
annual football games with Pennsyl-
vania and other eastern universities,
is succeeding in securing recognitionE
for the Western brand, i. e., the Yost
brand, of football from the easternt
press, is apparent from an article
which appeared in the New York Ev-
ening Mail of October 7. Comment-s
ing on the approaching games withj
Pennsylvania, Cornell and Syracuse,
the Evening Mail correspondent says:
'There had always been a tendency1
hereabouts to take it for granted that
the western game (of football) was in-
ferior to that played in the East,
though the problem had never been
worked out on the field. A series of
Pennsylvania successes over Michigans
tended to strengthen this belief. In1
1909, however, the Wolverines won,
and last year held the Quakers, admit-;
tedly one of the most powerful andc
vesatile elevens in the East, to a no-
score tie. Michigan's success against
Pennsylvania last season and the year
before has done much to create a
growing respect for the sort of foot-,
ball they play on the far side of the
'Intersectional battles have becomei
more popular and carry added inter-]
est. This season, more than any pre-
vious year, the schedule provides a lot
of it. Beginning with a game againstl
Syracuse on November 4, Michiga ]
has three successive Saturdays filled
with eastern opposition. Syracuse
plays at Ann Arbor on the first Sat-
urday of the month, the Wolverinesi
come east to tackle Cornell at Ithaca
on the 11th, and a week following is ati
home to Pennsylvania in what hasi
come to be the biggest game of thel
year for both teams.4
'Playing Cornell and PennsylvaniaE
on successive Saturdays, Michigan so
tits into the schedule that it should be
possible to get a very fair line on the1
(Continued on Page 4.)

Humorist's Communication in
Daily is Roughly Handled
By Professors
The communication published in
The Michigan Daily for yesterday,
comparing Detective William J. Burns,
a feature of this year's S. L. A. course,
with such men as "Nick Carter" and
"Jack" Johnson, is not meeting with
much favor on the campus. The writ-
er seemed to infer that such a man
as Mr. Burns does not maintain a
scholarly enough standard for S. L. A.
"The engagement of Mr. Burns for
a number on the S. L. A. is perfectly
justifiable," said Registrar A. G. Hall,
when seen yesterday. "I regard Burns
as deserving of a hearing as John
Mitchell who has already lectured for,
the same courses. The latter I enjoy-
ed immensely."
Secretary Goddard, of the law de-
partment sees no reason for objectingj
to the engagement of Detective Burns.
"If the writer of the letter in the Daily
had helped assemble' an S. L. A. pro-
gram," said Prof. Goddard, "he would
appreciate the effort required to se-
cure such a 'man of the hour' as Burns.
I believe that a person able enough to,
fill space in McClure's magazine is
good enough for us to hear."1
"Such men as Mr. Burns are alright
in proper doses," said Associate Dean
W. H. Butts, of the engineering de-i
partment. "This man can teach us the1
value of observation, just like A. Conan]
Doyle, and he should prove instruct-;
ive as well as entertaining."
"I regard the communication in The
Daily as a fair piece of banter," said
Prof. R. M. Wenley. "The advisabil-
ity of securing Burns depends entirelya
on whether the S. L. A. wishes to pro-I
vide a course for entertainment, or
for education."1
Maurice C. Myers, '11, '13 L, once in-I
terviewed Detective Burns for a Min-
neapolis paper. "Mr. Burns seems1
like a well-bred man and does not sug-i
gest the dime novel sleuth," said My-
ers yesterday. "He resembles a pros-1
perous business man in appearance:
and certainly possesses an attractive?
(Continued on page 4.)]

by our own WaW rMason.
I'm Not in the Whirl.
I shave my neck; I part my
hair in the middle. I wear
"pants" not trousers, and call a
violin a "fiddle." I don't smoke
the pill; I don't know the Var-
sity yell. I haven't a bubble
duster, or even a six-cylinder
smell. I speak plain English not
rah-rah slang. And, although
I'm a pretty good fellow, I don't
suit the college gang; for I have-
n't a hairy hat or a hobbled
girl, and, besides my coat's too
long; so I'm not in the whirl.
When I ponder over my griev-
ances, I find there's something
wrong that hurts. I'm rated in
class 2, compared with mollycod-
dles who should be wearing
skirts. Fate is dealing aces
from the bottom of the deck,-
cheating in a most underhanded
way. At home 'tis said I'm a
youth of "much promise" but
here-well, I'm not in the
New Field Song Goes on Sale.
"Varsity," the new field song by
Lawton and Moore, has been published
by the University Music House. . The
cover, in three colors, was drawn by
J. H. Meier, winner of last year's op-
era poster contest, and shows a be-
megaphoned cheer leader, starting
in front of the twenty-yard line, with
an Irish terrier for an assistant.
"Dear Old Michigan," the Varsity
song by C. Arthur Blass, .'12 L, and
Julius Wuerthner, '12 L, will be fea-
tured at the football night program
at the Bijou theater this evening. The
theater management hopes to have
a celebration that will in some meas-
ure take the place of a mass meeting.
Mr. Dallas Boudeman, of Kalama-
zoo, began his series' of lectures on
statutory construction and upon the'
statutes of Michigan Monday in room
G of the law building. The lectures
on statutory construction are given
from 4 to 5 and those on the statutes
of Michigan from 5 to 6 p. m. daily.
These lectures which will continue
until the end of the week cover prac-
tical instruction of great value to the1
lawyer. The courses- aire designed1
primarily for seniors but other stu-1
dents are welcome.
Students' Directory Being Pushed.
The work of editing the Students' Di-
rectory .for the present school year is
progressing rapidly part of the matterA
already having been placed in the
hands of the printer. The editors are
now working upon the lists of frater-
nities and clubs and it is imperative
that every organization that is to be
represented in the directory should
send a complete list of its members
together with its address and phone
numbers to H. 0. Jose, 1331 Hill St.,
immediately. Corrections of individ-l
ual names, addresses, and phone num-1
bers are also being received. .



Hold Enthusiastic Mee
Which They Plan Me
Overcoming Newcr
the Campus
Student Council Will Furnis
ers to Add "Pep" to t
About two hundred en
sophomores collected in the-
ture room of the Physics buil
terday afternoon and at
stopped yelling and cheering
selves long enough to listen
instruction on their etiquett
Saturday's rush by "Maury
and "Wy" Williamson, "th
friends of the sophomores."
"Good, common sense advi
on practical experience ahd s
ory," were the attributes ela
the advice by Myers. The so
were appreciative and glad to
First Year Men Meet To
The freshmen will assemi
monster mass meeting in t
room tonight at 7 o'clock.
Student Councilman McCorr
be in charge and will provid
two speakers to encourage an
the yearlings. It is desired ti
freshman be present in orde
come 'thoroughly acquaintedr
rules governing both the rush
cane sprees. Leaders for the
will also be elected at this me
Innovation in Providing O
A new arrangement has bE
vided by the Student Counci
matter of choosing the offic
the contests. These will. co
the active and ex-officio men
the Council, the presidents a
presidents of the upper clas
he members of the football sq
officials are requested to
themselves with the rules, ex
which are printed in this issu
report to Councilman Trix a
field on Saturday morning at 9
The first tryouts for th 19
igan Union opera, "The Awak
Rameses," were held yesterda
ty-four men tried out for'the
about seventy-five men lined u
the doors of the Sphinx societ
last evening, in order to try
the chorus.
Mr. R. H. Kempf conducted
outs, with Jules Wuerthner wl
the score officiating at the pia:
tryouts for speaking parts will
ducted by "Bert" St. John the f
of next week. Another tryout
ers will be held Monday night
for men who were not able to
ent last night.
Kerzog's Lecture to Occur N
The lecture by Prof. Rudol
zog, of Berlin, before the D
Verein will be given Nov. 20
of tonight as announced in
day's Daily. The meeting to4
be the first of the year and 0f
the different sections will be -

ad carefully S. L. A. "ad"
page 4 today. It gives
i a hint of the splendid talent



S. L. A.




Tickets for sale at S. L. A. Window in U. Hall from 8. A. M. until 4 P. M.
daily, all this week. After 4 P. M. they may be had in Treasurers office (Grad-
uate School Room.)
Buy ThOa T*icket Tody

Those men who have r
territory are requested
ish their canvass by Si

hear for only $2.50.


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