THE MICHIGAN DAILY reet Re- the THE MiCHIGAN DAILY Official Newspaper at the University of Michigan. Published every morning except Mon- day throughout the school year. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Ar- bor, Michigan, under Act of Con- gress of March 3, 1879. ate Street y a complete line of ted Throat Rackets several Models of ts. S GUARANTEED carry the R a c k e $7 and ts s8 I Sheehan's STUDENTS' BOOKSTORE Typewri tcrs For Sale-or Rent PYPEWRI TIN G 0. D. MORRILL 322 So. State Street (jerrman-4 ne ian S s4 w;k LIBERTY AND MAIN STREETS A most convenient place for your banking. Transit Market - WM. LINDEMANN DEALER IN resh and Salt Meats, Pork, Ham Poultry Sausage ETC. Bell Phone 84-J Home 591 red 210 N. 4th Ave . The Farmers & Mechanics Bank 101-103-105 S. Main St. Japital $100,000. Surplus and Profits $61,000 MANAGING EDITOR. Walter K. Towers.n BUSINESS MANAGER Albert I. Dilley SUNDAY, MAY 5, 1912.; Night Editor-Robert M. Gillett. Straw Hat Day. Complying with the precedent ob- taining, The Michigan Daily calls at- tention to the custom according to which a day is set apart for the gen- eral resumption of straw hats. There are many reasons which might be set forth favorhig the con- tinuance of this practice, some of them weighty. Obviously, matters of convention, ipso facto, require' a gen- eral, recognition among those whom they affect; otherwise every man is a law unto himself. This unity of atti- tude usually arises from the accept- ance of some individual particularly fitted, as an arbiter of modes, whose dictates are regarded thenceforth as the law. Therprocess is comparative- ly simple thereafter, keeping abreast with the style. One has but to con- form to the vein, and he may then rest peacefully in the conviction that he is "comme 11 faut" But Michigan, in is respect, has been sadly defi- cient. Of late, there has been no one, even among the young instructors, with sufficient personality and eclat to handle the job. In tue only alternative then, Straw Hat Bay was instituted by a general agreement in the first instance. There- fore in the continued absence of a high Beau Brummel, the custom must continue this year, else all the dis-. comfiture incident upon disobedipnce and uncertainty with regard to man- ners. Acucrdingly The Michigan Daily propczes Saturday, May eleventh, for this time, being' the fifty third Sat- urday since the last celebration here- of. NEW UNION BULLETIN BOARD PROVES INTERESTING FEATURE Much interest has been shown by Michigan Union members in the all- campus bulletin board that was in- stalled shortly after spring vacation. Baseball scores have been received and posted regularly by the members of the committee in charge, and no- tices renewed every day to date. After completion of the new addi- tion a room will be built off the main corridor leading to the banquet hall and the board will be placed there. Divans and lounging chairs will be put in the room, where the bulletin is. POLISH SOCIETY ESTABLISHES LOAN FUND FOR ITS MEMBERS. At a recent meeting of the Polonia Literary Society, an organization of 32 Polish students, it was decided to raise a fund from which members of the society can borrow without pay- ing any interest, by merely giving a personal note, and $150 was subscrib- ed. This loan fund was later increas- ed by an impromptu collection taken up at a recent meeting of the Detroit East Side Polish Merchants' Club. Requests for money will be sent to Polish clergymen and professional men throughout the country, accord- ing to the plans of the society, and a campaign will be launched this month to increase the membership. Circulars will be sent to all the Polish' newspapers to advertise the fact that Michigan is the ideal university for ried out successfully last year, but even greater results are expected from the' efforts of the present year. SPRING PHYSICAL EXAMS SHOW FRESHMEN IMPROVE. All freshmen who have not yet had their second physical examinations are urged to sign for an appointment as soon as possible at the gymnasium.. Most of the first year men have al- ready been examined since spring va- cation, and Dr. May hopes to have the others attended to before this Wednes- day. Comparing the recent figures with the first examinations, Dr. May places the average increase in all measure- ments and lung capacity between fif- teen and twenty-five per cent. TO HOLD POLITICAL CONVENTION Four Debating Societies Will "Get Together" at U. Hall. The Adelphi, the Jeffersonian, the Webster, and the, Alpha Nu will corn- bine to give a "monster" political con- vention in University hall on May 24. The four societies will nominate every candidate from Emma Goldman to 'Teddy" Roosevelt and each expects to demonstrate the superiior forensic powers of its members in the debate which will follow on the merits of the candidates and .their platforms. The Adelphi quartette and band w'ill be used to calm the orators between speeches. LISTS REPRESENT MANY COL- LEGES. $1.50 to $8.0 Every one Guaranteed AH w Vimlveraity "Bookstore IPlati num Portradto Platc When. You Desire Prortraits of Quality Go to THE PHOTOGRAPIER T E Wright and Ditson's Strong Line 100 RACKEI N 319 "E. Huron Phone Platirum-Portraitis Platlmaum HAVE YOUR CLOTHES PRESSED BY hA HALL BROTH EIRS 410 Suits Dry Cleaned and Pressed 78c Overcoats Dry Cleaned DRESS SUITS PRESSED SUITS P 64c OVERCO The Ann Arbor Savings Bank GOULDING Capital Stock $W,0000 Surplus $75,000 UNIVERSITY I Resources $2,80 00 A General Banking Business Transacted We insist on Ouruicas: Chas. . Hiscock, Pres.; W. D. Sarriman, Vice Pres.: M. J. Frits. Cashier Prescriptions our Spec to select from II DETROIT UNITED LINES Between Detroit, Ann Arbor and Jackson Detroit Limited-8:13 and 10:13 a.m., 12:13, 2:13, 4:13, 6:13, and 8:13 p.m. Kalamazoo Li nited-7 :46, 9:46, and 11:46 a.m.; 1:46, 3:46, and 5: 46 p.m.; Lansing- (Continued from page 1.) Albion, Edwin G. Pierce, Ph.B., at Kal- amazoo College, Ph.B., at Chicago, Josephine E.'Rankin, R. E. Raycroft, A.B., at Alma, Ida E. Roberts, Meta A. G. Schroeder, Harry S. Slifer, A.B., at Wesleyan, G. W. Snedecor, B.S., at Alabama, D. S. Spencer, Ph.B., at Al- bion, Margaret A. Stone, A.B., at Cor- nell, Elizabeth L. Thompson, Marga- ret G. Townley, Fred B. Wahr, Emma M. Wines, A.B., at Olivet, Ina'C. Wis- ner, A.B. at Hillsdale, Frank E. Work, Anna Wurster, Alice M. Yaple, Fran- ces M. Walbridge, Theodore Zbinden, M.D., A.B. The candidates for the degrees of Has- ter of Science are: Roy S. Pryer, B.S., George S. Rutherford, B.S. The following seek the degree of Doctor of Philosophy: George N. Ful- ler, A.B., at Michigan, A.M. at Har- vard, Mary L.. Hinsdale, A.B. at Adel- bert, A.M. at Michigan, .,Irving D. Scott, A.B. at Oberlin, Julius F. Vorn- holt, A.B. at Ohio State, A.M. at Mich- igan, C. J. West, B.S.,Neil H. Williams, B.S., M.S., Elizabeth D. Wuist, A.B. Master of Science in Forestry is the degree sought by the following: K. C. Baker, Fay -G. Clark, E. H. Coulson, C. P. Cronk, L. E. Daniels, Winslow L. Gooch, Herman J A. Grossman, Ray- mond E. Hopson, Myron D. Knapp, Herbert F. Lindsay, Woodbridge Met- calf, Norman W. Scherer, Howard R. Smith, Raymond J. Smith, Robert C. St. Clair, M. J. Sweeney, F. A. Weg- ner, H E. West. 0 Single Cylinder, 5 H.P. with free-engine And "PIERCE " quality back B. A. THOMAS, Agen .- -. .- - Tel. 882-J 111 1I I 7 :46 p.m1. oca1 Cars East Bound-To Detroit, 5:45 a.M., 6:45 a.m. and every two hours to 10:45 p.m. To Ypsilanti, 6:45 a.m. an i half-hour- ly to 11 :15, p.m. ; also 12:15, 12:30 and 12:50 a.m. To Saline, change at Ypsilanti. ocal Cars West Bound-5:33 and 7:15 a.m. andl every two hours to 11:15 p.m. The Ideal Resta 709 North Universit; At The Ideal Restaurant you will find Service with Reasonable Prices, while you dishes of French and .American receipts. Fi We can board you for $4.00 per week or $15.00 Our Motto, "Pure Food, Educated Cooks, Stric wg J 'N ;k 0, %X Studio .. .. - t II I s or any other kind of pictures are rom the studio of J. WATSON INCTON STUDIO Detroit, Mich. Soft Cuffs--Collar and tie to match. Many patterns to choose from. Sleeve lengths to fit you. n i1ETA 0 Ste $1.00 to $3.50 - a 1 /'WI. sa.demy of Denen. Omen. Last term begins, Tuesday, in one term. For particulars call at Bra, 12 a. in., 2 to 4 p. m. r Just Received A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF GILBERT'S FINE CANDIES in haIves ad p*uads Phon. un yur warto. IVanDoren's Pharmacy ! L G, SMIT . & BROS. Typewriter Ball-Beading-Long Weaing You'll need a Tyepwriter later. Get ;he best now and have it's use while in college Ask us to show you FUELBER .& ZEWDSI The For the Balance Daly Nof the Year FASHIONABLE hair Qoods, Hairdress Rain water i11 South Un 5 and 7 Passenger Cars Prices Reasonable PHONE 452-Black t Huron Street We Do French Dry and Stear P IRESSING aind REI FULLER & O'CONNOR Tailors JA ut s lae n rse I I 314 S. state St. UpStairs 3 J ...... . . _ ,. . r%