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May 05, 1912 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1912-05-05

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MAY 5, 1912.

,_. .

'Twas ever thus. Since the estab-
lishment of traditions at the universi-
ty we have become accustomed to see
them ruthlessly trampled upon by un-
feeling studes. But the last, or rather
the first straw came yesterday when
Don Quixote of Washtenaw bravely
strode through the peaceful waste of
State street, disporting upon his cra-
nium the first "hay lid" of the season.
No, no, gentle peruser, he had not
escaped from the psychopathic ward,
but was filled merely with the exu-
berance of spirits instilled by the
balmy zephyrs. He sallied bravely
forth defying the sacred tradition of
Straw Hat Day, to battle for princi-
ple and his life. He was battered but
still alive at last reports.

Loui' Eich, who represented the
university at the Northern Oratorical
Contest at Evanston Friday evening,
returned last night. The contest was

one of the hardest fought and closest
of the twenty-two meets since, the
conception of the organization.
Prof. T. C. Trueblood, in speaking
of the struggle, said, "Mr. Eich never
acquitted himself better than he did in
Evanston, and the first honors seenrr
ed to lie between the first five speak-
ers. The winning orations dealt with
topics of vital interest to the people,
and were full of human interest. Tak-
ing fifth place in a contest such as that
one was a distinct honor, and Mr. Eich
is to be complimented for his work."
Candidates for Higher Degrees Come
From Twenty-Five Other

. I


Oratorical Asso
turers t

After a c
eight years,
and downs,
sociation, pi

s Players Start Season by Tak-
ing All Matches In Tour-
ney Yesterday.
varsity tennis team started the
n well by scoring a clean sweep
t Oberlin yesterday afternoon.
'erry field courts were in per-
:ondition, and the playing was
>r so early in the season. A
large crowd witnessed the
for it was the only chance to
ie squad in action on its own
before the start of the Ohio

to disband. The
dlirectly as ther
ficulties encount
years, resulting
about $1,400 ou
the present time


Board of
the heart
ecutive e



;entatives from twenty-five
and universities besides the
y of Michigan, are applicants
er degrees in the Graduate
his spring. The total number

for hig
of cand
last sr


and will





going fourteen games, by putting
many of his hard shots into the net.
He steadied down as the second set
progressed, however, and won 6 to 4.
He took the third by a 6-love count.
Captain Lathrop of Oberlin put up a
scrappy exhibition against Hall which
brought forth some of the best tennis
of the afternoon.
Andrews and Shafroth lost their
first set in the doubles, but took the
last two easily, 6-0 and 6-1.
The summaries:
Singles-Hall (M) defeated Lathrop
(0), (6-2), (6-2). Andrews (M) de-
feated Neal (0), (6-4), 6-2). Holm-
boe (M) defeated Davis (0), (6-2),
(6-1. Thorward (M) defeated Grif-
fith (0), (6-8), (6-4), (6-0).
Doubles-Hall and Coolidge (M)
won from Davis and Neal (0), (7-5),
(6-2). Shafroth and Andrews (M)
won from Lathrop and Griffith (0),
(4-6), (6-0), (6-1).
Ralph Craig, of Detroit, the former
star sprinter of the University of
Michigan track team, who may repre-
sent America in this year's Olympic
games, is training each Saturday with
the Michigan track aspirants. Yester-
day Craig was accompanied here
by Paul Maxon, of Trinity College, a
pole vaulter who also has hopes of.
going to the Olympic games. In an
exhibition yesterday, Maxon vaulted
12 feet 3 inches.

History is the most popular subject
for the graduates, there being twenty-
four examinations scheduled in this
subject. English and literature, for-
eign languages, and sociology, are
v.?xt, in each of which branches there
will be fourteen tests. There will be
twelve examinations in mathematics,
and seven in political science, and
chemistry. The other seventeen sub-
jects range all the way from aesthet-
ics to bacteriology.
Master of Arts is the popular de-
gree, with forty-five out of the total
number of aspirants. The names of
the candidates follow;' unless other-
wise specified they secured their pres-
ent degree at Michigan.
Rachel Anthony, A.B. at Witten-
berg; R. H. Baldwin, Fannie B. Biggs,
Alma A. Bright, Edward T. Bullock,
Florence M. Cate, A.B., at Morningside
College, Gladys J. Chappell, Grace S.
Davis, Lucy Davis, Charles D. Daw-
Son, A.B., at Antioch College, Henry J.
Derthick, A.B., at Hiram College, W.
P. Dies, A.B., at Georgetown College,
Fred C. Elmer,John P.Everett, Albertie
Foudray, A.B., at Northwestern, Will
0. Gibbon, Ph.B., at Baker University,
Ella S. Hoghton, B.S., at Wellesley,
Roy H. Holmes, A.B. at Hillsdale, Geo.
L. Keenan, Winifred M Kinne, EIsie L.
Knapp, Roy C. Lord, A.B., at Albion,
Jas. W. McCandless, Frank A. McJun-
kin, M.D., A.B., at Utah, Chas. B.
Mitchell, A.B., at DePauw, Hazel A.
Murphy, Webster H. Pierce, A.B., at
(Continued on page 2.)
One of the features of the spring
exhibit of the Ann Arbor Art Asso-
ciation, now in progress in -Memorial
hall is the wak f Elic Gldorkv

nowever, the courses will be conduct
ed on a much less pretentious seal
General sentiment seems to favor th
continuance of some means by whic
notable men may be brought here t
speak, and the Oratorical Associatic
is looked upon as the logical succes
or of the S. L. A.
"Nothing definite has been done i
regard to the Oratorical Associatic
taking up the work of the S. L. A.
said Prof. R. D. Hollister, of the de
partment of oratory, last evenin
"Nevertheless, the idea is under con
sideration, and there is no doubt bi
what some campus organizatic
should continue the courses of lee
tures upon subjects of general inte


>eared on the
morning with
eting up with
was a misun-
late scheduled
Ford declaring
tomorrow af-


cond meeting of the Comedy
er thie new constitution which
ntly ratified by the Board in
of Dramatic Organizations
eld Tuesday evening, May 7,
Caswell Angell hall at 8:00
medy Club insignia has been
awarded to this year's offi-
e club and to those who par-
in the playing and the man-
of "The Magistrate" which
uced this season. The follow-
he members who earned the
his year for active service:
.ucille Stowe, Mary True,
mer, Isabelle Rizer and Mar-
tanley; Messrs. Arthur G.
avid Cohn, Dion S. Birney,
'atthews, Clay Wilber, C. B.
W. W. Campbell, H. B. Schu-
arlisle Ferguson, John H.
Loren Robinson, Harold
and William T. Daugherty.

Has Interesting History. lections.
The S. L. A. was not always the
rather precariously financed organiza- Y. 3. C. A. SE4
tion into which it has developed in JOBS FOR S
late years. Older heads can remem-
ber when every lecture on the course According i
was a long-heralded event, and when the Y. M. C. .
over-packed houses were the rule many summer
rather than a rarity. It is recalled year as possib
that for several years the student ceeded in pla
president of the Association brought Up through E
the principal speakers here in a pri- year 1911-1912,
vate car, from Chicago and Detroit. 339 jobs for i
Back in the palmy days, when the for steady cash
"S. R. 0." sign was polished up for a total of 803.
every number on the course, no in- to find employ
considerable profits were realized, during vacatio
Within the last decade, some $1,500 ly 100 have b.
were turned over to the Michigan Un- canvassing, ste
ion during each of two successive and automobil
years. Some were formerly set aside -
for the maintenance of scholarships -Sinfonia Of
in the university, and several strug- The Michiga
gling campus institutions were simi- with a card of
larly aided. gratitude, to th
Had Two Other Crises. the fraternity
On two separate occasions, in the Butterfield,
life of over half a century, the S. L. A. "The membe
barely escaped bankruptcy. Once in of Sinfonia wi
the eighties, the Association's obituary preciation of
was all but written, but the crisis was erously render
passed, and in 1888 affairs were again the search for
prosperous. In 1897 a similar finan- Leslie E. Butte
cial depression was experienced,, but
again matters took a turn for the bet- Washington
ter, and in several years the annual
profits 'were calculated in four figures. we anyos w
Practically every prominent speak- tie campus wit
er in the country has appeared here on ruthlessly coll

nail , s te 1orx Qo as uoicens y.
Arabian Committee to be Enlarged All of the prints are in the gum-bi-
The Arabian committee of the S. C. chromate process and are said to dis-
A. will hold a meeting this afternoon play much technical skill. Many of
in Newberry hall for the purpose of Goldensky's pictures have been per-
enlarging the committee. Members' manently hung in Memorial hall, Phil-
will be chosen so that the new com- adelphia, in recognition of his work.
mittee will be made up of one student The exhibit will continue until May
from each class of each department. 18 and will be open to the public to-
day from 2 to 5:30.
I1reSbvtctan ,Church

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