THE MICHIGAN DAILY Street ost Re- in the THE MCHIGAN DAILY Oficaial Newspaper at the UniTrrsity of Michigan. Published every morning except Mon- day throughout the school year. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Ar- bor, Michigan, under Act of Con- gress of March 3, 1879. XANAGING EDITOR, Walter K. Towers. BUSINESS MANAGER Albert B. Dilley SATURDAY, MAY 4, 1912. number acquainted with real Michi- gan songs and this would help elimi nate the popular airs which have occupied the most prominent po- sition on past programs. These senior concerts are one of the best features of the second semes- ter and everyone should bend his ef- forts to make them a success. Oneor two may be held each week, and, to- gether with the band concerts, make the evenings of the few remaining weeks the best of the whole ccllege year. VARSITY WINE IN OVERTIME BAT. TINGT FEST (Continued from page 1.) Alma College. IT E N Wright and Ditson's Strong Line 100 RACKETS to select from Street U 4 $1*50 to $8.0 Every one Guaranteed AHKL% nn's w We carry a complete line of the Lee Slotted Throat Rackets We have several Models of these Rackets. ALL GOODS GUARANTEED We also carry the Pi Racke 7 and t s so Is heh STUDENTS' BOOKSTORE Typewri tcr For Sale or Rent IYPEWRITIN G 11" "I 0. D. MORRILL 322 So. State Street SSED BY HAND AT 410 SOUTH STATE STREET Night Editor-Morton . Hunter. Seniors Have Preference. On June first, the senior classes of the university have planned to get together for the last time, the occasion being an informal picnic at Whitmore Lake. It is the first time that such an event has been planned successfully, calling for a great deal of work upon the part of the commit- tee. It seems that the Sophomore classes have also chosen this day as the only time for their joint picnic which will be held at the same place. It is impossible for both events to be held at the same place on the same date. Whitmore Lake is too small a resort to hold two classes from each of the departments and would only mean the ruining of both affairs. It is hard to ask either one of the classes to give up their day but it seems that the second year men would show excellent spirit by giv- ing up their day and arranging for another. This would be a courtesy very much appreciated by the senior class, to which a certain amount of deference is due. The seniors have chosen their day and s'. 1d keep it. If the sophomores persi. t ia - hoing their picnic upon the same day, it can only result in confiir which would spoil both events. Let thc second year men show a little forbdarance. (',iibined Senior Sings. One of the best ideas in many a moc" is that of holding combined sen- ior sih "s this spring. The Student' Coun:"! has aceinted a committee to work up a feasible scheme and its members should be given all possible encouragement by the seniors of all departments. In years past, on different evenings of the week, a dozen or two of seniors from different colleges, have met and sung for a short time. Usually it has been very difficult to secure a good mixture of voices and consequently the sings have not been as successful as might have been the case. If all departments combine and eac'h sends only a dozen men, the combina- tion ought to produce a sing which is really worthy of the name. There might also be more men among the Baily & Edmunds Canoe Paddles FISHING TACKLE AB Simeton 3B.......2 Rogers 2B ........4 Wood CF ......... 5 McCloy RF ........5 Goodrich SS .......5 VogtC...........4 MyersP...... . 4 Pohly LF.........4 Brillmier 1B ... 4 Totals.........36 5 8 28*11 6 I University Bookstore R: 2 2 0' 1 0 0 0 0 0 *One out scored. H O 1 0 2 0 0 1 3 0 0 1 1 14 0 0 0 0 1 12 when winning run was THE PHOTOGRAPHER Michig A Snadjr 2B Bell IMF ......... Mitchell CF..... Munson RF...... Rogers C........ Blackmore 3B .. Scully SS.... Pontius 1B. Smith P.-----..- an kB R 5 0 5 2 4 1. 5 1 4 1 5 1 4 0 4 0 3 0 H 0 2 2 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 3 1 12 0 4 10 0 A 0 4 0 0 2 1 4 0 0 E 0 1 1 0 2 0 0 0 A 2 0 0 0' 1 2 3 1 4 E 1 0 1 0 2 0 1 0 319 E. Huron Go to l'lthticrx*' Portralts P Totals.. ........39 6 8 30 13 Plwttnum Portraits When. You IDea lre Prortraits of Qud 6 We Do French Dry and Steam Cleaning PRESSING end REPAIRIIN Suits Cleaned and Pressed 75o suits Pres FUL LER & O'CON NOR Tailors 61,9 E. Will Designers of Men's Clothes, will give you the Latest in b~ Dry Cleaned aud Pressed 75c SUITS PRESSED 23c OVERCOATO PRESSED 25e U urant ou will find High-Class s, while you will taste receipts. First time in. k or $15.00 for four weeks, Cooks, Strict Cleanliness." give you EDWARD R. ROEHM 240 Woodward Ave. 6th Floor, Detroit, Mich. MAKER OF Badges, Novelties, Station- THIARnAO ery, and Decorations. ' We originate andassist in ;;designing emblems for new organizations. Send for catalog of Phi Beta Kappa Keys No.686 $5.50 Alma ... ..:0100020002-5 Michigan......0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 3-6 Summary. Two base hit-McCloy, Vogt. Three base hit-Blackmore. Struck out-by Myers 14, by Smith 9. Base on balls- off Myers 2, off Smith 3. Double play -Snadir to Pontius. Stolen bases- McCloy, Bell 4, Mitchell 3, Munson, Rogers. Passed ball-Vogt. Hit by pitcher-Vogt. Wild pitch-Smith. Time-2:30. Umpire-Pattison, M. A. C. "PIP" TITUS AD IS ANOTHER TALE TO COLLIER'S LIST. Harold "Opie" Titus, one time news editor of The Michigan Daily, has signed his name beneath another story in Collier's Weekly of April 27, the title of which is "O'Hara's Kid." Titus has been in Arizona during the past winter endeavoring to regain his health. Lieut. Cooley Leaves for Annapolis. Lieut. Hollis Cooley, who has been visiting his pai'ents, Dean and Mrs. M. E. Cooley,$ for the past month, left Wednesday for Annapolis. where he will take up his duties in the disci- pline department of the U. S. Naval Academy. Grand Rapids Club Elects Officers. At the first meeting of the Grand Rapids club at McMillan hall last ev- ening the following officers were elect- ed: president, Ralph Conger, vice-pres- ident, Ralph Baldwin, sec.-treas., L. J. Gringhuis, and cor. secretary, A. D. Chipman. r. COX SONS & VINING3 New York makers of Caps, Gowns and Hoods for all degrees MACK en CO. Representatives Philip N ORIGINeAL L Cigar e IDon't HENRY&Y CO. 711 SLIP ON COATS RUBBER COATS at Big Reductions U English uts ette -, Y bor, Mich. Cleans t. Anything i J. A. GREY. Proprieto Varsity Togge ry "The Little Brown Box"0. Plain or Cork tip vour dealer a stock your write for free trated price-li SHOP And All Kinds of Sporting Goods 121 East Liberty Street Bell 182 1107 S. University Ave. E. J. Lahr 487 et, Arbor Taxicab Company. rs on Call Day or Night. Theatre & Dancing Parties a Specialty ; 114 NORTH STATE STREET 1. II. I r Id Spike Summer is approaching Lets both get busy Seasonable and suitable Tailor-Jiade Togs d .State All'garments made In our own shops. a iIr i hC I L UD X00w Street was used to complete the Union Pacific Railroad. We do not know the value of the Gold Spike used for ths purpose, but we do know that BAGLEY'S GOLD SPIKE is the BEST Cigarette Tobacco in the world. . --- Made from the finest leaf grown in Virginia and North Carolina, carefully selected and blended by men with a half century of experience. Just Received A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF GILBERT'S FINE CANDIES n aves and poeuds. Phone us yr wants. VanDorcn's Pharmacy 703 Packard St Detroit United Lines On information to Division Superm- tendent Allen, Ypsilanti, of the Detroit United Lines, by officers of Varsity or- organizations, the movement, beyond the capacity of the regular service, of any group of students to or from Ann Ar- bor, extra cars and extra service will be promptly supplied. IIIlflfl corns, bunions, ingrowing M -a n UrD nails. treated and cured.M S. J. R. Troj Everything absolutely an- PASHIONABLE HAIRDES tiseptic. Office hours.9-12 a.m. 1-5 and 7-8 psm Hair goods, Hairdressing. Man MISS. E. J. FOLEY Face Massage. 921 E.Huron Street, End North 12th RainwaterFShampooing aSp 2 Blooks East of High Sohool - Phone 989. 1110 South University I COUSINS & HALL - f Choi(c CORNER SOUTH UNIVERSiTY AVE. and LDe AND TWELFTH ST. Phones 115 CALL r1 TRY IT == IL TTW TT lA Z A iVTY T1