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May 03, 1912 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1912-05-03

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PRIDAY, MAY 3, 1912.

who represents'
rthern Oratorical
3 held in Evans-
ig, left for that
orning, accompa-
cht, '13 L, who is
gue. Prof. T. C.
company the par-
for Evanston.

Dr. Angell Will Speak on Occasion of
Planting of Washington Elm
on Campus.

Justice Day and Mayor Whitlock Vill
Bo Among Chief Speakers
of Evening.




The last annual an
the graduate school of
partment has just come
It will be the "Graduat
newly organized, whiel
corresponding bulletin
will include graduate w
departments and dispe
limitations which ares
The net total of stu
school for the present
326. They represent
universities besides Mi


a -

Iowa and
s against

.' .

President-emeritus James B. Angell
will be the principal speaker at the
Arbor Day exercises to be held on the
campus this afternoon at 4:06. The
elm tree from Mt. Vernon, the old
home of President Washington, that
was donated to the university
by the Sarah Caswell Angell chapter
of the Daughters of the American Rev-
olution, will be planted, accompanied
by appropriate ceremonies.
The tree will be located in the tri-
angle in front of the law building, and
will be situated in a direct line with
the other elm that is a seedling of the
Washington elm at Cambridge, undch
which the general first took command
of the Continental army. The location
of the tree was decided by Mr. Aubrey
Tealdi, of the faculty, and Mrs. G. W.
Patterson, of the local chapter of the
D. A. R.
After Dr. Angell's address, the
school children of the Mack school will
sing Mendelssohn's "In Woods is
Eight-Piece Orchestra Has Arranged
Special Features; Chaperones
Are Chosen.
. -

Plans are complete for the senior
law banquet to be held at the Hotel
Secor in Toledo tonight. An excellent
menu will be provided and special
music will be furnished by the Hotel
Secor orchestra.
In securing Mayor Brand Whitlock,

of Toledo, and United States Justice I
William L. Day, of Cleveland, to speak
at the banquet, the committee feels
particularly pleased. Mayor Whitlock
is an author, journalist and municipal
reformer, and is one of the foremost
public men in the country today.
"Bill" 'Day, as he is affectionately
called by Michigan men throughout
the land, is one of the youngest men
who ever sat upon the federal bench.
Ile will speak on "Old Days at Mich-
Dean Henry M. Bates will speak on
"The Recall of Judicial Decisions;" N
Prof. T. A. Bogle on "The Profession;"
Prof. John R. Rood on "Condition Sub- S
sequent;" and E. C. Middleton, A. J.
Kolyn, and F. S. Gray, of the class,
will have for their subjects respect-
ively, "From the Clerk's Standpoint," (
"Ferae Naturae," and "Fructus Nat-
urales." The post-prandial exercises
will be in charge of H. R. Curtis, F
Senior laws are asked to take es- A
pecial notice of the following arrange-
ments which have been made with the
Ann Arbor railroad, relative to the U
special train. It will leave here at 3
dAeock this afternoon and return at a
12:30. A special rate of seventy-five
cents for the round trip has been se-





ays Student
As oi
;The Michiga
ed in coma
ditor, The X4
To one wh
oor conditio

nore Lake this
be one of calm
becoming the
June first, the

- LV A~


ke arbi-
e Day is
hich the

ieral chairman
was surprised
and seemed to
gements could
le meet would
iumber of men

" he said, "have made
nd laid extensive plans
Day at Whitmore,
The conflict is unjust,
ave two years ahead of
to plan, while this is
t chance."
ads of both classes will
to see whether arbi-
n up any new s6lution
Both evince a deter-
p the original date, and
is being shown in the
lub Honors Half-Dozen
Entered in Book

One lone admission remains to be
sold for the third and last Michigan
Union dance of the year, to be held
tomorrow evening in Barbour gymna-
sium. The ticket will be disposed of
to the first comer for seventy-live'
Special musical features have been
prepared by the eight-piece orchestra
that has been engaged, and the com-
mittees have done their parts to make
the event a success.
The following have been selected as
chaperones: Prof. and Mrs. C.G. Johns-
ton, Prof. and Mrs. J. A. Bursley, Mrs.
A. E. Green, Prof. and Mrs. A. G. Hall,
Prof. and Mrs. F. G. Novy, Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Loos, and Prof. R. W.
Portion of Old Medic Landmark to be
Left for Shop Purposes.
A large force of men began work
yesterday morning to raze the west-
ern end of the old medical building.
This portion of the structure was
almost totally destroyed by fire last
August, and the Board of Regents, at
a recent meeting, voted to remove the
demolished section. The eastern and
oldest part of the building will be left
as it now stands and will be used as
a plumb.ing and tool shop. The site
where the destroyed section stands
will be entirely cleared before the
Anniversary Celebration.
President Returns From Denver.
President Harry B. Hutchins arrived
in Ann Arbor from Denver,Colo., about
twelve o'clock last night. He was ex-
pected in town earlier in the evening
but was unable to make favorable con-

cured and lthe tickets will be on sale
only at the local station.
Reports from the committee which
is selling tickets for the banquet in-
dicate that a record-breaking crowd
will go to Toledo.
Purdue Professor Draws Lessons
From Spanish War.
"There would have been no Spanish
war if the United States had had four
more battleships at the time," declar-
ed Prof. L. D. Rowell, of Purdue, in an
illustrated lecture on "The Modern
Battleship," before the Engineering
society last night.
"Those battleships might have cost
20 million dollars; we have already
paid 600 millions for that war, and we
are not through yet."
Speaking of the progress in gunnery
since the civil war, Prof. Rowell said
that, at point-blank range, the Mon-
itor fired about seven tons of shells,
half of which were hits, in a four
hour's engagement; in recent practice,
a modern American battleship has fir-
ed approximately the same amount of
metal in eight shots, making eight hits
on a target six miles away, and small-
er than'the Merrimac, in less than two
minutes. According to Prof. Rowell,
such gunnery makes war too deadly to
be possible.
Dr. A. S. Warthin, of the medical
department, has been elected presi-
dent of the International Association
of Medical Museums. He will preside
at the next meeting of the association,
which will be held in London, Eng-
land, in August, 1913.
Class Baseball Protest is Over-Ruled.
At a meeting of the board of direct-
ors of the Athletic Association last
night, the matter-of the protest of last
Saturday's game between the fresh and
senior medics was taken up. The pro-
test of the seniors was over-ruled and
the game. awarded to the freshmen, up-
holding the score of four to two.

be secured. Laa
No fault can be found with the nurse The v
in this case., She was present and a costly
was overpowered by Mr. Butterfield. consider
But the fact remains that the duties gams-i
of these nurses are heavy while in raw Lf
training. In this case the nurse had stone w
a ward of about 36 patients besides will be
three or four "specials" who were se- Lavans
riously ill. Usually these special cas- ing to f:
es demand a great deal of attention, that is
Often this night nurse is called away Both m
to cook midnight supper, and while Bete me
away is relieved by an orderly, an el- will prc
-derly man who could not be depended Com.g
upon to give even as efficient service or less
as an undergraduate nurse, ning the
Hospital Not Blamed. ly to be
It is not a case of delinquency on two goo
the part of the hospital,-rather it is a
case of inadequacy of equipment and Altog
attendance. The hospital is probably mntg
as safe as any, considering its re- fore the
sources. However, the fact remains if the
that there was nothing but an unlock- inthe v
ed 'screen over that window from into pla
which Butterfield escaped; and that and Hc
the duties of the nurse were heavier gamein
than they would be in an infirmary. Duncan
Mr. Butterfield was delirious ' at Pontius
10:30; still no extra watch was kept. .dnta]
I think no one will claim that he cidental
was as safe as if he had been in a sep- plete si
arate infirmary building, with only anth rst
few patients and with graduate and next tr
experienced nurses in attendance. Michi
It has been claimed that the stu- be a t
dents at Michigan get better care than scoring
at most universities. This is not the on balli
case; a great majority of schools the pushed
size of Michigan have infirmaries, and hit by
all report satisfactory results. passed
WENDELL P. COLER, '13. and th
ci1A '

Six names have been added to the
ssociate membership roll of the Mim-
, as a result of the 1913 Michigan
nion opera contest. By constitu-
onal provision, students are added to
embership in the opera club who
ave written creditable books, but
ho have not been successful in the
rnual contest.,
The following is a list of the men
ho won admission into the organi-
ation: Harold Schradzki, Leonard
line, C. W. Nicolson, W. R. Melton,
S. Towsley, and Emmett Taylor.
A meeting of the men who intend to
rite music for the 1913 opera will
e held at the clubhouse Monday ev-
ning at 7:30 o'clock. By mistake,
he date was first announced as last


* * * * * * * * * *
By Our Own George Ade.
Lo, upon a certain day, the
Campus Knocker took up his
sledge and went forth to knock.
And it came to pass that in the
third decade of his sleet, his fel-
low studes turned him a cold
Shoulder; his 'slush turned to
hail, and began to beat upon his
own pate. Behold, he became a
Moral: Hang up your mallet.

Dean Effingerto Address Kentucklans. wi
Dean J..R. Effinger will be the guest
of honor and principal speaker at the for
dinner of the Kentucky club to be held w a
at the Michigan Union Saturday even- eig
ing at 6 o'clock. Other toasts will be
given by different members of the sco


Adelphi Society Will Hold Smoker.
The Adelphi society will hold a
smoker fomorrow evening at the Union
at 7:30. Tickets may be obtained
from the committee in charge.

a scra
run a

.,* .* * * . * * . .

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