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May 02, 1912 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1912-05-02

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ed from page 1.)
some one outside.



affirms that he heard a voice plaintive-
ly speaking to him through the pane.
"I am cold and sick" it said, "please
let me in." "Get 'out of here," the
sick man returned, believing that a
burglar might be prying around. The
voice repeated its plea, and the sick
man declared that he believed, he could
outline the hazy figure of a man on the
porch. He was completely unnerved
and in a fear which his own helpless
condition inspired in him, he threat-
ened to shoot the supposed prowler if
he did'nt clear out.
That was the last that anyone saw
of the missing patient. Early yester-
day morning, the episode was discuss-
ed by the family of the sick man, and
his wife, divining that something nay
have been wrong, suggested that one
of the family go out on the lawn in
a hope that some clue as to the mid-
night visitor's identity be brought to
light. A rose bed had been laid out
on the lawn the day previous, and the
ground which it covered was bare. In
the middle of it was the clear imprint
of a naked foot. When later this fam-
ily was visited by the many searchers
which flooded that section of town yes-
terday morning, it dawned upon them
that their caller had been no other
than the escaped patient from the hos-
At four o'clock the Sinfonia Frater-
nity received the news. A hasty search
was immediately organized and the
banks of the river in the vicinity of
the Boulevard was scoured, as were
the outhouses and all unoccupied
buildings which might possibly reveal
a hidden figure.
Get False Rumors
Many rumors became current dur-
ing the early hours of the search. One
man declared to have seen a lightly
clothed figure on a corner opposite
his home, where Wall street starts on
Broadway, when he arose to dress at
'our o'clock yesterday morning. An-
other, that a mail carrier who was on
Catherine street in the early morning
saw a lightly clad figure ahead of him,
which he dismissed as some student
going through an initiation. These the
police believed later yesterday that
they had discredited.
An attempt was made at about nine
>'clock to secure bloodhounds through
the local police cooperating with De-
troit, but no hounds could be secured

cated with by telegfaph and they left
at once for Ann Arbor. His father
arrived late last night and the rest
of the family will be here today.
Butterfield is 29 years old. He
was a member of the local chapter of
Sinfonia Fraternity. He graduated
from the literary department two
years ago, and went to Champaign,
Ill., where he taught oratory. He re-
turned to Michigan this year to se-
cure his Master's degree, and became
a member of the oratorical faculty,
For three years previous to his gradu-
ation he sang first tenor on the Glee
Club, and his work in that capacity
this year is well known by all. He
has been a member of the track team
and was classed as one of Michigan's
best half milers. He was an ardent
promoter of religious interests in lo-
cal circles and sang in the choir of
the local Catholic church.
Tanning Fellowship is Renewed.
Mr. Carl E. Schmidt, of Detroit, has
signified his intention of renewing his
fellowship in tanning. Anton A.
Schlichte, who has the fellowship at
present, will be continued in it for
next year.
Correct Price in Girls' Concert.
Contrary to the report in yester-
day's Daily the girls' glee club con-
cert and dance will be 35 cents per
person and not per couple as an-
nounced. f
As the result of. the disappearance
of Leslie Butterfield, Prof. Hollister
has announced that the Browning re-
cital by .his class in interpretative
reading which was to be held tonight
will be indefinitely postponed.
Seniors may now secure their Caps
and Gowns at Mack & Co. 145-6-81

Sat., May 4




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Matinee 2:15


Love Tales

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Seat Sale. Thursday, May
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freely in herd wo
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I on

Reduce your college

from that source.
Find Butterfield's Watch
A clue which helped to define the
course which Butterfield took was the
finding of the watch which the patient
carried in the pocket of his pajama
coat. It was found by Clarence H.
Hall who with a companion was stroll-.
ing yesterday afternon in the vicinity
of the hospital. He picked it up on the
slope leading down to Glen street. It
was a gold Elgin with the initial B
upon its case. The watch was identi-
fled last night by Butterfield's frater-
nity brothers as being the one he was
accustomed to carrying.
Two footprints were outlined in the
soft dirt at the foot of Glen street ear-
ly in the morning, and police agents
assigned to the search believe that
they discovered prints in the cinder
bed of the M. C. tracks, but these they
were not altogether sure of.
Father Arrives Last Night
Butterfield's parents were communi-

Perhaps you are " orried 'bout
how you are going to get through
school. Possibly you find it very hai d to
secu e euouh 11 money to eFven pay f.>r the
things you simp)ly must have.

account c
for y >u.

s are

What would you think if we would tell
you that although 3ou spend (vel y cEnt
you have, you may still have 2 1-2 per
cent of that amount in the bank?



il parts of the
avoid the rush
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It is our aim t ) make this store more than simply a place to-
chase clothes.
To this end we have studied tailoring, fabrics and style.
We believe that the doubting man, or the man-who lacks te-
cal knowledge can gain a great deal by getting acquainted
Our "Adler Bros." clothing embodies the best the world
o offe-' in the tailoring, fabrics and style.
You will undoubtedly be gratified with what knowledge you
from a -isit to us.

This money in the bank will Le what
you have paid out for things and has be n
returned to you in a 2 1-2 per cent caph
discount by your dealers.
It's really a way of spendi m ny
aad still havin,, it in the bank.
You merely ask for Franklin ' Certi-
ficates" when yiu buy anything. Cocr,
ie , cigars, meats, clothing, shoes, hats,
anything, everything. Now take the e
"Certificates' to the State Savings Bank
and they will be considered a= cash.

Think of ho
last chool year
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to yon.


liable 2ndci you c
charigi:'g your tra
Renun ber no
< Certificates "





200-202 South Main Street

The Franklin Company,


Cap and Gown Photographs G. C. M

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