THE MICHIGAN DAILY i is ST No.4ReverseSd Blank Certiicat. s sent up~fl request ASKET'BLUL GIRLS CELEBRATE. Hold Banquaet and Atward Numerals 'Tomorrow at Barbour Gym. The annual basketball banquet will be held W ednesday evening, May 1, at 6 o'clock at-B~arbour gymnasium. Any girls interested in bask~etball, whether they played on the teams or not, are invited to attend. The tickets, which are 35 cents, may be procured from any of the captains or at the gymnasi- um office. M1ary -W'oodhiull, '12, president of the W7omen's Athletics sociation will pre- side at the banquet. There will be no formal speeches, but the numerals will be gi ven to all who played #on the teams. The freshmen will receive the r -0111 in addition, as winners of the camipus championship. The captains for next year, and the basketball man- ager will probably be elected at this time. Dancingwvil follow the banquet EQUAL S;-FFRAGE ,,ASSOCIATION Wl"l r.R, c MRS1. ilALE LECTURE Eqcual suaffra;;e agitation in this city will reeive an impetus when Mrs. Swinburn Hale will come here to speak on the subject in the High School auditorium on Friday, May 10. MTrs. Hale was formerly Beatrice For- bes-Robertson of the New Theater, New, York City;, and wife of Forbes- Rcobrtson, the well known actor. She ,will appear here under the auspices of the Ann Arbor Equal Suffrage Asso- ciation, this lecture being one of a number planned by the local advocates of women's rights. A limited nunmber of tickets for the lecture will be sold in advance. ThI~ese will sell for ten cents and may be ob- tained from members of the associa- tion or at the State street stores. While in the city, Mrs.'Hale will be the guest of Mlrs. George WV. Patterson. Y. 11. C a. Officials 3feet Tonight. Plans for the ensuing year will be formnulated and men for the various committees chosen at the first meeting of the new Y. M, C. A. cabinet officers and committee chairmen at the Linda Vista at 5:30 this evening. Tau 'Beta 1iN to Dine at Union. Tau Meta Pi, honorary engineering society, will hold its monthly dinner at the Union this evening. The dinner will be entirely informal and no pro- couldn't be belItei- at a ighcr 1pritce. It's a pert prodluct and we sell it right- - I Oc a crake, 3 forr 25c. E. C. EOSILL, Prop. 1 22 S. Main St. PrescriptionS J lit baseball practice at South Fer- ry field today at 3. Senior lit baseball practice at 4:00 o'clock at South Ferry field. Kentucky club dinner 'at Union Sat- urday at 5:30. Architects Mandolin' club practice at the Baptist Guild tonight at 6:30. M.eeting of Gargoyle business staff Tuesday at 5 p. mi. '13 E baseball team report at South Ferry field today at 2:30 for opening game wAith '14 E. Soph lit baseball practice at 'South Ferry field at 2:15 today. COIL SONS & VINING New York makers of Academic Costume Ctaps, Gowns and Hoods for all degrees ,. MACK to CO. ,? _Representatives The Ann BOTH 'lO-NlES BE.LL PHONE 1869 ROME PHONE 150 Arbor Taxicab C 114 N ORTH STATVE T JTaxi on Call Day or Night. Theatre & Dancing Parties a Specialty An The special feature at TH'E TE'MPLE 4 2 '14 Full Two Ounce Tn AREAL timber-toppertlisVel- Avet!I It has huniag frd-m th e timbers of the warehoase for GIIer two years. This is to get rid of the leaf harshness-only ti~ne and patience can annihilate the " ite" in to., bacco. Velvet is perfect nnelowess- a flavor delightfully good -- supearblyC smooth. Sometimes when you are at ,the dealer's ask for "Velvet" and take a chance? It's only by comparison that Velvet is the smoothest1 Bay & Jdmunds' Canoe paddles FISHING TACKLE And All Kinds of Sporting Goods 121 East Liberty Street Rell 182 'MAJESTIC C DESERT F E TO ALL LADIES WED. APer" l GamngMUSICAL LASSIE S _ FIN OTGRGYGLE No limit to the speed but the law "fe s SieCyclery Co. Corner State and Washington April 306h Will be tMe B1ST 01 M~e A great >,ett " bal.anceOf anlice~ only roller skate with N make a graceful, curveds you have witeak ankles the suipport reoUs 'allstrail nitter know w.hat good fu ing is until you have tried ury. Thecy make poors AVIjI n 001saess:ll parts guaran)teedi ag-a 'workmaenship and! inaterht Paid on receipt of $5.00. inig give Length Of Shoe it Kohior Die & Specialty Cot 811) W. Washington Bid., C IZ _S 'I,1, CONLIN &FiIL GEL 200-212 outh Main, Street I I Samples of I IACADEMIC COSTUME *IAre now on d is j0ay hte re. F or sale or to rent. Univ rsit.y professors are invited MACK & CO. . Sate Street For Sale in Am.n Arbor by Wagner & Co~ i Patronize \Daily Advertisers _1 i L 1 -i is ~Cap and Gow Phoogaps'. MAJE