MUSIC AND DRAMA i L F 3 I Joseph F. Sheehan. America's greatest tenor and the fin- t company ever heard in English pera, coming to the Whitney Saturday .ay 4, presenting Balfe's favorite op- ra, "The Bohemian Girl" at matinee nd a magnificent production of Offen- ach's wonderful opera "The Love ales of Hoffmann" in the evening. The tour of this organization has een most notable and Ann Arbor fortunate in having an opportunity hearing these artists. * CLASSIFIED ADS. * FOUND The Michigan Daily finds the owners of lost articles. tf WANTED. Wanted-Boarders for a round table at Wuerthi's. 1212 S. University. 145-6-7 Students-Call at 527 lE Liberty re- garding summer employment any time up to 9 p. m. 146 Wanted-Men to save $3 to $4 on a Goodyear raincoat. Direct from fac- tory. Sae for 10 days. Geo. W. Ky- er, 721 N. University. 146 Wanted-Students to buy Goodyear raincoats for $3.75. A regular $7 coat for 10 days only. Geo. W. Kyer, 721 N. University. 146 LOST, May Festivi MAY 15 Rese "DIE JOURNALISTEN" CAST DINES AT UNION TOMORROW. scher Vere tive officer tendered a at the Ur. Professor fa lt nition of the success of "Die n," presented by the Deut- in, the cast and administra- s of the production will be banquet by the organization ion Wednesday evening. J. A. C. Hildner, the lirector of the pro- vill act as toastmaster. will be informal and as yet m has been decided upon. Winkler head of the German t will speak and various f the cast and others will n for informal talks. The soone the lbetter Lost-On campus or in class small mink collar. Phone1 Reward. 1 Lost-Will the party who took v raincoat at library Monday noon, between 2 and 5:30, retur garment to the library check or Quarry's Drug Store? No tions asked. Coat was olive c and can easily be identified. sroom, 173-2r. 44-5-6 MAYN AR D CLE FRANCAIS TO HOLD ANNUAL SPRING HOP MAY S. Notice' Seniors may now secure and Gowns at Mack & Co. their Caps 145-6-8 ;ring dance of the Cer- ill be held at the Golf ning of May 8, instead eviously announced to ers of the Cercle. The s open to the active e club, and to their Jal invitation. It gen- e year's activity of the ear however, it will be trip to Detroit, May 10, e ou l'on S'ennuie" will ENTERTAINED ARBOR CLERGYMEN R. Brown, Dean of the al Seminary, was the at a luncheon given he pastors of the city Men's Christian Asso- own made a speech in home to the minds of ie need of more young ristian ministry. Yes- 1n he met and talked a number of young o enter the ministry. Good positions for a few reliable students, July and August. Enclose stamp and address, Box 174 City. 143-4-5-6 Musical Instrument Repairing, work guaranteed, at Schaeberle & Son's Mu- sic House, 110 S. Main St. 87 tf Leave your want ads at The East University Pharmacy, Van Doren's Pharmacy, The Brown Drug Store and Quarry's Drug Store before 8:30 every night for the next morning's issue. tf WANTED A Man to work in Battle Creek during summer vacation, on salary Apply in writing 302 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. 21.° The Poe1 534. flT el Tug-of-War Candidates Must Weigh In. Contrary to a report which appeared in The Daily last week the periods for the weighing in of the freshmen for the tug-of-war will be limited to Tues- day and Wednesday from one to two and from four to six. No freshman under 150 need weigh in. CHEMICAL ENGINEERS WILL INSPECT DETROIT FACTORIES The class in chemical engineering will leave Ann Arbor Friday noon for an inspection trip to Detroit, which will continue until Saturday evening. The following plants will be visited: Berry Brothers Varnish Works, Queen Anne Soap Factory, Armstrong Harness and Leather Company, The Carl Schmidt Tannery, Acme White Lead Company and the Morgan &, Isn't your COIlio costing moretha Remember how you planned when you de- cided to come to college to live on just a certain amount---perhaps a little more .than the estim- ate given in the catalog? Haven't you found hundreds of things the catalog did'nt mention at all for:which you mu st spend money? Of course you have---every college student does, You've probably told your father that you can live on just so much---and now you find him hard to convince that you really need what money you have to send home for. There is a way though, that you can reduce your expences and still spend the same as now. And that way is afforded by the Franklin System. This is the plan --you just ask your dealers, grocers, confectioners, clothiers, haberdashers, cigar merchants, etc., for Franklin "Certifi- cates," and take them to the State Savings. Bank, where they are considered as cash. These "Certificates" represent an actual discount of 2 1-2;---and are given with all cash purchases of ten cents and over. Franklin known for ings. You than form( and w rigl. xubber u. Lindenoid Waterproof and -Wear- proof Sole Leather. Guaranteed. J. H. Lambert, 613 Williams. 136 tf Motorcycles. Don't forget PIERCE ARROW Motorcycles when making your 1912 selection. B. A. Thomas, County Agent, 1113 Willard. 138 to 146 Ladies interested in journey in Ann Arbor at Chautauqua, N. Y., inquire at the high school from 2:15 to 3:15 Tuesday or Thursday. 145-6 Go to Major and Co. for boat paints. 145-50 The finest printing office of its size in the state of Michigan-The Ann Ar- bor Press, Press Building, Maynard St. Call and see us. Printers of any- thing from a name card to a book. Sixteen foot canoe for sale. Call at 316 Thompson. 146-7-8 Think of how much you s wouldn't 2 1-2%o of that amoi handy about now? Or if you belong to a clu can join with the other fellow "Certificates" and soon raise your treasury. It's not a question of redi by sacrificing---or even doin you can spend just as you SAVE ON WHAT YOU S] It means a bank account p byibg the money out to dea If it's worth while to hav while to ask for and save Cates." It's worth wh The Franklin Cooyany, _.___. ("A "1 en at Allen'sGoodClot