THE MICHIGAN DAILY EN, best in TO REPAIR WOMEN'S GYM, AGAINST...FIRE.. Repairs Making Egress From Sarah Caswell Angell Hall Easy to Conmmence at Once. DRAW PLANS FOR SHOPS HERE. * CLASSIFIED ADS. FOUND The Michigan Daily finds the owners of lost articles. tf ,a con- piel I Imm~ I Clas I Repairs for the purpose of providing against the possibility of fires in Bar- bour gymnasiumg will be made at once," stated H. H. Marks, Suprintendent of Grounds and Buildings, yesterday af- ternoon. The scope of the repairs will be lim- ited to making egress from Sarah Cas- well Angell hall as easy as possible, so that in case of fire in the hall, the place could be emptied in a short space of time. The windows opening on the balcony of the third floor at the west end of the building will be efi- larged and made over into doors, and from the balcony, stairs leading down to the level of the gym floor will be erected. These changes will allow the emptying of the gallery without using the narrow stairway that leads from the gallery of the hall to the second floor. The repairs will be completed in a comparatively short space of time, and when finished, the gallery, which has not been allowed to be put in use for some time, may again be utilized for teseating of persons in the hall.. Shoo Plans to Be Drawn Here The regents have half a dozen pros- pective locations for situating the new shops and storehouse, and until the matter is definitely decided, no infor- mation concerning the location will be given out. Plans for the structure will be drawn by the university drafts- man, working under the direction of Superintendent Marks. C. L. TRAVERSO TO ACT, AS REPRESENTATIVE. Charles L. Traverso, '11 lit, has been appointed to represent the University at a meeting of the International Ed- ucatiopal Society at Lima, Peru, in1 July.. While in college Mr. Traverso1 was a prominent member of the Cos- mopolitan club and last year was chos- en as its major delegate to the Nation-, al convention held at Peru, Ind. Fresh Engineers Dine Monday Night. The last in the series of fresh engi- neer Union dinners will be held next Monday evening at seven o'clock. Dean V. C. Vaughan and Prof. Rich and sev- eral members of the class will-be call- ed upon by T. H Bushnell, toastmaster, for speeches, t LOST, Lost-New York State Club tin. Re- turn to Van Doren's Drug Store or call 1314. Reward. 144 Lost-On campus or in classroom, small mink collar. Phone 173-2r. Reward. 144-5-6 FOR SALE For Sale-A baseball suit, excellent condition, cheap. 1110 White Ave., one block east of Ferry field club- house. 144 The finest printing office of its size, in the State of Michigan-The Ann Ar- bor Press, Press Building, Maynard St. Call and see us. Printers of any- thing from a name card to a book. (Sat.) Good positions for a few reliable students, July and August. Enclose stamp and address, Box 174 City. 143-4-5-6 Reading Standard Motorcycles. Finest in the world. No limit to the speed but the law. Come and get a demonstration. The East Side Cyclery Co, corner of State and Washington. tf Some-excellent-ones at $6.00 Some good ones at-$5.00 Some others at $4.00 The sooner you buy, the better your choice University School of Music MAYNARD STREET $alto Festival MAY4 1 4 6,147, 18,1191 2 Reserved seats now on sale I , 'JiL~. CHAS. F. MEYERS C] Printer to the Student Body Satisfaction and PROMPTNESS - ' - Cuaranteed - - - 215 So. Main Street. To I. n &Co.' j Anywhere. I, is every & Company Men students who warit positions as traveling salesmen during summer vacation, see Mr. Toms, 821 *E. Washington. Make appoint- ments evenings by phone. 1815. 143-5 Musical Instrument Repairing, work guaranteed, at Schaeberle & Son's Mu- sic House, 110 S. Main St. 87 tf Leave your want ads at -The East University Pharmacy, Van Doren's Pharmacy, The Brown Drug Store and Quarry's Drug Store before 8:30 every night for the next morning's issue. tf Lindenoid Waterproof and Wear- proof Sole Leather. Guaranteed. J. I-I. Lambert, 613 Williams. 136 tf Motorcycles. Don't forget PIERCE ARROW Motorcycles when making your' 1912 selection. B. A. Thomas, County Agent, 1113 Willard.,138 to 146 Is your Kodak loaded? Lyndon. 144-45 Collegiate Alumni to Meet Seniors. The Ann Arbor chapter of the Colle- giate Alumnae association will enter- tain the women of the senior class at. the house of Mrs. A. C. Jennings, a director, this afternoon. It is an an- nual custom to hold this reception, that of last year being held at the home of Mrs. H. B. Hutchins. WANTED A Man to work in Battle Creek during summer vacation, on salary Apply in writing 302 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. I SF !'' y = = \9fi 4k' U, is the Nome of See & Clothes L TZ Clothing Store Gould Still In Critical Condition. Physicians attending Frederic E. Gould, '13, report that his condition remains unchanged. He is still se- riously ill at a local private hospital and the crisis in his illness has not yet passed. 121 wI iMMl l llll l Ye - X11 mommum Rent a Kodak today, 16c. Lyndon. 144-45 If Yu ' '' LET T R U B E Y Furnish the Ice Cream for Your Party l I Cater To Clubs and Frats 'OUR SPRING Who are the Leaders,? GRINNELL BROS.' Music House, 120-122 E. liberty Street Leads all others in the musical line: "Sailing" J Hop song, and all popular songs ten cents per copy, Yellow and Blue fifteen cents, Man- dolins, Guitars Banjos, and accessories, at lowest prices, quality con- sidered. The house for the student to trade with. I f Buy where you can get anyt Ing you call for I How clean our Soda Water is-=how every glass and.spoon is washed=how good the materials we use, you wot think of buying soda water anywhere never get a second hand glass or sp nor are they just rinsed in cold water. and hot water with clean towels ar just like your mother's kitchen. Goodyear sDrugStr 107 S ou th M a " &S tre at The Largest Stock in the State to Select From WE ARE NEVER UNDERSOLD I Telephone Your Order Now Both Phones No. I1 I DE By h I I Bring your friends here. V ° The Sweetest and best at the .. eterle I SUGAR BOWL Candy, Sodas, Sundaes with a.reputation well backed up Calkins' Pharn Tailor I 324 S State St. . F. R A M CollegeMen at Allen'sGoodClo .