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April 27, 1912 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1912-04-27

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arance of the
concert g Will Seek Opinion of Entire Student
given Body Regarding Feasibility
the University of Infirmary.
:he Knights of

It was determined at a meeting of
Le Union Infirmary committee yes-


e major part terday to request all campus organiza-
been the pre- tions, fraternities, sororities, societies,
.novation was and classes to draw up resolutions ex-
:ptican views pressing the consensus of opinion in
.niversity and the respective bodies, regarding the
trip of ,the Student Infirmary proposition. This
;, which were was decided upon as the most feasible
3. C. Mitchell way at present of securing evidence of
ngs, and the what the student body as a whole
rendered sev- thinks of the proposed measure.
A pamphlet is being compiled by the
was given in committee, giving in a condensed form,
of the clubs data as to how other universities have
on. met this question, and what seems the
best plan. to be adopted. After this
has been completed a vote of the whole
STEM student body is hoped to be secured.
Requests for communications, more
SSESC or less similar to this last one have
been made heretofore. It was suggest-
ed that all campus organizations send
resolutions to be presented at the Re-
derable Dra- gents' meeting. The matter also came
traying up at a meeting of the Interfraternity
Council, where it was unanimously ap-
VER LEAD, proved, and every representative was
instructed to have his men draw up
a paper asking that the Regents ap-
e curtain on point a committee to confer with the
tag's master Union's delegates. Few of the frater-
scher Verein nities or other organizations have re-
Is last night, sponded, the chief difficulty seeming
ed up to tliat to be indefiniteness as to what was
ore achieve- wanted, and where the communica-
pute laurels tions were to be sent. The scarceness
s that it has of the responses left much to be de-
y. Tenth of sired, but a more unified and compel-
many years, ling force is hoped to be gained by this
h a snap and .latest move.
he players of "All we want," said Chairman Wil-
I credit and son, last night, "is that each organiza-
y which the tion should say whether or not it ap-
t was one in proves of an infirmary, and a student
n to -the dis- physician, part of the expense of which
natic talent. is to be born by the students; and what
r of the play, is the basis of their decision. Later
paper, play- on, in all probability, the question will
s due an es- be put to a vote of the whole student
ork and good body." The communications submit-
,sk which he ted will be filed away and kept as evi-
That the dence.
eared before Letter Received From Leipzig.
he first time A letter from the University of Leip-
lf with cred- zig was opened at yesterday's meeting
In Otto Fuel- which being translated impromptu by'
site "heavy,' Professor M. P. Tilley, revealed the
nd then savt fact that not only are free medical and
ability who hospital service furnished the invalid
,played title German students, but nursing and
or the Ger- massage as well. Eleven of the city's
hman. The best doctors are at the call of the stu-
and the one dents, for low fees. A night call costs
role with a only three marks,-about 75 cents.
over to the Th Leipzig University system is heav-
s heart that ily endowed.
casions. To.
. Wahr, es- Illness Confines Dean Hoff to Home.
.ifficult roles Dr. N. S. Hoff, dean of the Dental1
1ltf of thei i nlaa i n fnr +%Ii m n

Prof. Scott of Princeton to Give a Se-
LIFE MEMBERSHIPS ProfessorB.-Scotto-
.Prof. William B. Sot professor of
geology and paleontology in Prince-
CoCmmittee Composed of 24 Seniors to ton University, will deliver a series
Canvpss Among Near of three illustrated lectures under the
Grads. auspices of. the geology department,
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of
KEMP TO DIRECT COMMITTEE. next week, in the lecture room of the EARL
economics building, at 4:15 p. m.
For the purpose of securing life The first of the lectures will be AI
members to the Michigan Union among "Former Land Connections of North OF
and South America." On Tuesday he
the seniors, a senior membership com- will deliver a talk on "The Tertiary
mittee has been appointed, composed History of North America," and the ALL L
.of men from all departments who will last lecture will be on the "Origin and
begin working immediately. The cam- History of South American Mammals." Date o
paign will be actively pushed in order This is the first appearance of Prof.
to get a personal and definite response Scott before an Ann Arbor audience
from each near grad. Edward G. Kemp since 199 when he lectured here at
has been appointed. general chairman the Darwin celebration. He was the Annc
of the committee and the sub-chairmen recipient of the Wollaston medal gi- of the
with their co-workers for each depart- en by the Geological Society of Lon-
ment follow: don in 1910, and besides being a mem- f
Literary department-Maurice Toul- ber of the National Academy of Sci- chairm
me, chairman; Werner Allison, Earl ence, he is vice-president of the Amer- tee. H
Good, Larry Abrams, Frank Pennell, ican Philosophical society. and M
and Bert Watkins. for the
Engineering department-John Eck- dates 13
hart, chairman; Herb Trix; Rudolph FOLK MAKES PURITY affairs
Van Dyke; Harry Steinhauser and on a la
Jerry Collins. ' S E 0mittees
Law department-L. H. .Larwill, C TO U q R1 tion ha
chairman; Captain Sealby, Carlisle cording
Ferguson and Pat Gamble. Peace Patriotism i -eaof Misour field be
Department of Medicine-Walter A. eactesinas Active Forces The fol
Hoyt, chairman; Fred Conklin; E, H. For Good Needed, who h
Crabtree, and Fred Loomis. , _* offices:
Combined departments, Dentistry PUBLICITY TO SOLVE WRONgS. Lit V
and Homeopathy-Jack -Foley, chair- ,_._*R.Thu
man; J. H. Burkett, Clay J. Bullis and "i-l Eng.
Charles G. Steinhauser. Morton
which we are living," declared Ex- Medi
BLEICH WINS CHAMPIONSHIP Governor Joseph WV. Folk, of Missouri, W. Sel
IN WRESTLING TOURNAMENT last night In his address on "The Era Comi
C n of Conscience" before the S. L. A "It C. Rob
Championship in the 158 pound class Law'
of the wrestling tournament was de- is one of the most important in the man R
cided Thursday afternoon in the gym history of the country as many great Reco
when Bleich received the decision over movements are in progress. There is Saier.
Edie after staying on the mat thirteen Facu
minutes. This match wound up a suc- an awakening in patriotism, as there Henry
,cessful series of bouts which were in- is patriotism in peace as well as in Steps
augurated last February by ' "Bill" war. A man who will live every day igan U
Smith and which aroused a great deal for his .country is a man the public enterin
of interest among the devotees of the wants. Patriotism exists in the every olution
game, and which gave evidence of an day duties of civic life. A man who to u
added notice being given to this popu- gives. his time to fighting graftis as pledge
lar sport next year. much of a patriot as the one who igan U
FACULTY AWARDS STUDENTS stands up before a fire of bullets in lat me
"If the forces for common good could In th
The three fellowships for the year be made as active as the grafters are, tors of
The2- thae felowshipsnore year the problem of good government would ion, th
1912-18 that were announced in yes-
terday's issue of The Michigan Daily be solved," said the ex-governor. "A should
have been awarded as follows: psy- man should be more than passively field of
chology, Howard Foulk,, Wichita, honest, he should be actively honest. the boa
Kan., who is now holding a fellowship Government by the people is the worst tily op
in psychology in the University of form of government on earth if the 1. T
Pittsburgh, and who has received de- People do not take to governing them- votes >
grees of A.B.. at the University of Kan- selves. No government by the people any ca
sas, A.M. University of Michigan; zoo- can be better than the people make it, 2. T
logy, Alivalyn Woodward, teacher at nor worse than the people suffer it to individ
Mount Pleasant Normal Shcool, Ph.B. become." candid
and M.B. University of Rochester; po- That publicity is the, best remedy 3. T
litical economy, Walter Easley, Oxford, for public wrongs was advanced by letters,
Ohio, A.B. Miami. the Missourian. "Wrong doing," he through
further declared, "can only be stopped candida
Griffins to Hold Luncheon at Union. by the mighty power of the public Be it
The monthly luncheon and business conscience." Directo
meeting of the Griffins, the interclass licity o
and interdepartment society, will - be ORATORICAL ASSOCIATION "
held at the Union this noon. TO ELECT OFFCERS TODAY. INTER
Election of officers for the Orator-
e hours we sold ical Association for the ensuing year TheI
awillbe held -in room 306, north wing, start th
this morning from 10 to 12:30. The with t
tgoyi es election will will be unanimous in the juniora
W'case of every office, except treasurer, hors an
where three candidates are contesting meet, a
Y for the position. A. J. Andrews, '13, and ju
Carl Schoeffel, '13, and E. J. Rosen- gram.
berg, '13, are the nominees, will ac

cial praise for clever w
andling of the difficult to
as picked to undertake
ever freshman, who app
a Ann Arbor public for t
zt night, acquitted himse
goes without a doubt. I
r, who played an oppoc
nn Arbor anticipated an
z actor of no mediocre
ring his course here has
les and first heavies f
ans since he was fres
stwhile Doktor Klaus,
ne Dummkopf filled his
stinction that won him
d place in his audience'
has held on former oc
ed Meeske and Fred B
cial praise is due. In d
ey filled all the requirem
rt, and showed no litt
lent. To give individual
aise due to all the ma
d the clever work of th
long task. John Miner
le as Schmock, did esp
aracter work, as did H.
ving Bassett and Carl h
Sarah M. Franck in th
played by the women
.ve the audience a pleas
(Continued on pag

le dramatic
mention and
le cast who
e play were
in a comedy
ecially good
J. Weigand,
e heavy role
of the cast
ant surprise
:e 4.)

college, is confinedi to nis name ou ac-
count of illness.
Yesterday in iv


600 Gar

interclass bas
his morning at
three games s
and soph med
d freshmen of
and a battle be
nior laws cor
Bell, Duncan
t as umpires.


Season Base Ball Books admitting tofollowing 50c games
will be sold to members of the association





Western Reserve Sat. Apr. 27 Ohio Wesleyan Thu. May 2
Syracuse Thur. May 9 Wabash Wed. May 15
M. A. C. Sat. May 18 Alumni vs Varsity date to be announced later
Three Dollars of games for '$150

Western R. Sat. A pr. 27 50c
Syracuse Thu. lay9 50c
Wabash Wed. flay 15 50c
M.A.C. Sat. May 18 50c
Alumni date later 50c
Pennsylvania Wed. June 26

Ohio Wesleyan Thu. M
Syracuse Sat. May 11
West Vir. Fri. May 17
M.A.C. Thu. May 30 5(
Pennsylvania Sat. Jun

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