T H E CHIGAN DAILY .. I Street THE MICHIGAN DAILY tIiciali hewspaper at the University of Michigan. Published every morning except Mon- day throughout the school year. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Ar- bor, Michigan, under Act of Con- gress of March 3, 1879. MANAGING ElDITOI. Walter H. Towers. BUSINESS MANAGEJR Albert R. Dilley THURSDAY, APRIL 25, 1912. Night Editor-Norris A. Milligan. Spring Concerts. For the sake of reasons compara- tively trifling, the spring concerts by the University band are ini danger of abolition. The causes assigned for the removal of the bandstand, as hereto- The fatal iceberg was more than two hundred feet high. Its'submerged sur- face must have been at least twice as deep. Icebergs usually have a habit of rising straight from the water. In this case, and generally, it would take nothing short of wings to successfully scale perpendicular walls of ice and perch upon it until help arrived. De- spite the desire of our correspondent, it is evident that nature never intended icebergs to be used as lifeboats. * CLASSIFIED ADS. * FOUND The 'Michigan Daily finds the owners of lost articles. tf FOR SALE For Sale-16-foot Detroit canoe. Slightly used. Reasonable. 825 Tappan. .,140-41-42 For Sale-Two fine oriental rugs. In- quire Mrs. Foster, 814 S. University Avenue, 142 T E N Wright and Ditson's Strong 100 RACK] to select from $1.5 to $8.0 E,-very one Guaraniteed A'A H K Ball w 1S niversity Boolstore Goods, Pt entinum Fortrsdtas Pla are agents for the Slot= ted Throat Rackets. We have the most com- plete line in the city. Whets You Desire Call and ins ect before purchasing.' our goods All goods See Ogr Display Window. ;'heehan's STUDENTS' BOOKSTORE TypewritCrs For Sale or Rent r Y PEW RI TI N 0 0. D. MORRILL 322 So. State Street RESSED BY HAND AT 410 SOUTh STATE STREET vercoats Dry Cleaned and Pressed 75c SUITS PRESSED 25c OVERCOATS PRESED 25c A fore' located, are sufficient to support For Sale-A Kohler upright piano in. a change of place, providing another good condition. Cheap. Phone 1166. suitable one can be found; but if the 142 conclusion therefrom means no more concerts at all, those reasons ought LOST not to prevail. In other words, the Lost-Conklin self-filling fountain pen benefits derived from the custom, ap- yesterday between Barbour gymna- preciated by virtually the entire uni- sium and Freeman's Boarding house, versity, outweigh the disadvantages via N. Univ. and Thayer. Finder connected with it. As for the matter please phone 1649- J. 142 of annoyance to the few studying in ._ the library, any who choose Friday ev- Lost-New York State Club pin. Re- ering in the spring, for such purposes, turn to Van Doren's Drug Store or ought to be confounded. call 1314. Reward. 142 Already Michigan has too great a deficiency in point of customs and tra- WAT ditions, which create the distinctive at- Wanted-Several students to sell stock mosphere of a university. These prac- in well established business. An ex-' tices have a legitimate place -in edu- cellent chance for hustlers. 142 cation, as well as has application to study. Because one of the purposes Wanted-By a large real estate firm of of an institution of this sort, is to Detroit, several students to sell real graduate men capable of doing things, estate. 142 in the world of affairs, it does not fol- low that the cultural side of their na- 'Leave your want ads at The East ture should be neglected. Nothing is University Pharmacy, Van Doren's more pitiable than the man who is a Pharmacy, The Brown Drug Store and slave to his work, without any capaci- Quarry's Drug Store before 8:30 every ty for appreciation in other fields of night for the next morning's issue. tf activity. A wise selection of customs and tra- Musical Instrument Repairing, work ditions in a college or university, can guaranteed, at Schaeberle & Son's Mu- be the means of forming a proper sic House, 110 S. Main St. 87 tf' foundation for this larger appreciation. ___________ This is the sole justification for the Lindenoid Waterproof and Wear- picturesque. Particularly needful are proof Sole Leather. Guaranteed. . these in a school, where many enter H. Lambert, 613 Williams. 136 tf professional study, without having had {{ a course in liberal arts.-The finest prins Heneth atiud o te nieri Teyinstpriningoffice of its size Ifence, the attitude of the untiversity in the state of Michigan-The Ann Ar- should be one of encouragement, with bor Press, Press Building, Maynard regard to these customs, band concerts St. Call and see us. Printers of any- included. Incidentally, such a policy thing from a name card to a book. will react to the favor of the universi- ty, when in after life, the alumni recall Are you looking for summer work? memories of their undergraduate days. See Currie, 224 So. Thayer. 136-142 Icebergs Not Lifeboats. BOAT PAINTS. In answer to a subscriber who sent A strictly high grade paint for boats. a communication, in serious vein, ask- Also recommended for automobile ing why the passengers on the ill-fated bodies, carriages, settees, lawn swings, Titanic did not use the iceberg as a chairs, benches, or any article exposed lifeboat, and ride it in safety until to the weather. Made in all the lead- rescued by some passing ship, a few ing colors-non-fading. Manufactur- words of explanation might not be ing the paint ourselves enables us to 319 E. Huron Pbone IPIe~tirt. tm 1IF atru tea Platinum we Do French Dry and Steam CI PR.ESSING and REPAL Suits Cleaned and Pressed 76o FULLER & O'CONNOR Tailors 619 NO Prortraits of Quality 90oto THE PHOTOGIMPHER HENrRY & err. Designers of Men's Clothes, will give you the L in .urant English /v you will find High-Class es, while you wil taste an receipts. First time in HENRY & CO.'711 NU .5.00 for four weeks, Strict Cleanliness." EDWARD R. ROEHIM 240 Woodward Ave. 5th Floor, Detroit, Mich. MAKER OF Badges, Novelties, Station- ery, and Decorations. We originate andasist i1i designing emblems for ncv SCRIBNER'S MAGAZINE SUB~ SCRI PTION SOLICITORS easily earn LiberaI Commissions, also can pick up extraprize money.s or full particulars reg~i rdir- gcommissions, prices, free ad sing matter, sample copies. address Desk .C 155 Fifth Avenue' New York 'City. SPRING HATS & CAPS in Dillerent Shapes & Shades THE LATEST IN Soft Shirts With French Culls Rubber & Slip-on Coats Varsity Toggery SHOP 1107 S. University Ave. E. J. Lohr Philip c-- Ciga IORI r, , ontt D s 01 pro anizations M6 $5.S Send for catalog of Phi Beta Kappa Keys o IF Cleans Allything J. A. GREY. Propri&o without effect. The majority of the people know or ought to know something of the nature of icebergs and it hardly seems pos- sible that there could exist in this in- stitution an intellect massive enough to conceive and put forth a feasible theory as the taking to icebergs as a means of escape in time of collision. use the very best materials that mon- vy can buy. f. H. MAJOR & CO. 203 E. Washin- ton Street. -2 Motorcycles. Don't forget PIERCE ARROW Motorcycles when making your 1912 selection. B. A. Thomas, County Agent, 1113 Willard. 138 to 146 "The Little Brown Box" to Plain or Cork tip e® .. ...- I' ti and best at the t IOWL laes with a- reputation I Summer is approaching Lets both get busy Seasonable and suitable Tailor-JMade Togs Aw.gr ns (? rrow ho St ate All garments made Inour own shops. UVIGil0N E W U *J,6 oii U o Street up ST AND BEST WAY. will furnish strictly reliable aire Parties, Dances, Observ- d Private Calls Both Day and Rates Came as Hacks axicab Company. TH STATE STREET -- .. . _. I Just Received A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF GILBERT'S FINE CANDIES In halvesand pounds. Phone us your wants. Vanboren's Pharmacy 702 Packard St. Detroit United Lines O1n in formation to Division Superin* teudent Allen, Ypsilanti, of the Detroit United Lines, by officers of Varsity or- organizations, the movement, beyond the capacity of the regular service, of any group of students to or from Ann Ar- bor, rra cars and extra service will be promptly supplied. OHIROPO nails, treated and cured. r., R T CHIROPODY Coe" ra "teilc u fMrs. J . R. T Everything absolutely an- I PASHIONABLE H tiseptic. Office hours. 9-12 am. .1-5 and 7-8 pim Hair Goods, Halrdressin MISS. E. J. FOLEY Face Mass 921-E. Huron Street, End North 12th Rain water Shampoos 2 Blocks East f High School " Phone -$89. 1111# South University COUSINS & H ALL Focec CORNER SOUTH UNIVERSITY AVE. andMcora AND TWELFTH ST. Phones 115 CALL ON U p RANDALL & PACK, Photographers