ake Another's
j! yA Reliable'Directory of
Reliable Business T
to Play Real
reday's Con-
rlumph 26
n Than
e regular mid-
e Varsity and
resh yesterday
the regulars
Reserves and
y youngsters.
,were the only
the first team
,o who did the
route from the
r the
r the
as no
two for-
h which
,ss, Thomson to Wells,
5 yards, gave the Var-
touchdown near the
rd quarter and the Re-
the rest of their time
it. McMillan dodged
nen for the opening
,he last session and in
e of play Wells went
r the closer. The All-
center of the stage in
ter and it was short-
an made his point get-
scored his field goal.
ot Find Easy Going.
score was fairly large
i not have a walkaway,
Something has hap-
Lll-Fresh since Satur-
led to play the game
capable of when they
nst Mt. Union but they
r the Varsity today and
m hard. The Scrubs
;htly changed lineup-
ing used at half in
on the side lines with
horse" and Roblee
e. He showed up well
a more favorable im-
he has at half. Her-
at left half, Craig go-
he second half. Car-
session at right half
d Huebel were given
ed on page 4.)
Twenty-Five Men Will Try For This
Year's Team.
Practice of the Varsity tennis squad
will .begin at the Ferry field courts
this afternoon.
About twenty-five men reported at
the meeting held Tuesday night and
received preliminary instructions
from Acting Captain Thorward. Each
man will be required to play a match
with every other candidate during the
fall practice which will continue as
long as the weather permits.
Others who desire to try out but
who were not present at the meeting
should communicate immediately with
B. F. Thorward.
Senior Dental Student Will Have
Charge of Militia Monoplane.
George W. McKay, '12 D, captain of
Company A, Michig'an State Signal
Corps, returned to school Monday
with an aviation license safely tucked
away in his jeans. He is the first na-
tional guard officer in the United
States to secure such a document.
Company A is stationed at Ypsilanti
where Mr. McKay makes his home.
Early last summer Captain McKay
was appointed by Governor Osborn
to a scholarship in the aviation school
at Long Island, in order that he might
learn aviation in the interests of the
state. He spent seven weeks experi-
menting with a Bleriot monoplane,
surviving the same with only two
slight mishaps. In the spring he will
have charge of a monoplane which is
to be purchased by the state for ex-
perimental purposes.
This is not the first time that Cap-
tain McKay has been called to do spe-
cial work for the national guard of
the state. Last spring he was sent
with others down to the Mexican
frontier when the United States troops
were mobilized for intervention pur-1
poses, and returned' to school just inf
time to take the June examinations.]
Dean Jordan Entertains Juniors.1
The second of Dean Jordan's recep-
tions to women of the University will1
be held at four o'clock tomorrow af-
ternoon, the junior class being the fa-
vored ones. It has been the custom1
of the dean to give receptions during
the year to the different classes. AllE
members of this class are invited to
Illinois Club Will Meet Tomorrow.
Students hailing from the common-
wealth of Illinois will gather in Sack-
ett Hall tomorrow afternoon at . 41
o'clock for the initial meeting of the'
Illinois club. At this gathering a con-
stitution will be adopted and the or-
ganization and plans for the year per-t
fected. The meeting will be open to
all men from the state of Illinois.
Oratorical Association Starts Program
Professor R. D. T. Hollister will
open the Oratorical Association pro-
gram tongiht with a recital of Ten-
nyson's "Maud" in Sarah Caswell An-
gell Hall at 8:00 o'clock. Season
tickets will admit. Single admission1
can be purchased at the door.
Attendance Committee Begins Sessionsc
The attendance committee in the1
literary department has commenced
its meetings for the year. The hours1
for the men are 11 to 12:15 on Tues-
day, Wednesday, and Friday, and for
women, Monday 11 to 12:15 and Wed-<
nesday 3 to 4:15.,
The fall exhibit of the Ann Arbor
Art Association at Memorial hall will
open Saturday evening, October 28.
A large number of paintings are be-
ing gathered for this year's collection
which promises to surpass all previous
exhibitions. About fifty opaque water
colors by Alexander Robinson, an
American artist who has received hon-
ors at European exhibits, have already
been secured.
All members of the association will
be admitted free to the exhibit on Sat-
urday evening. Dates on which it
will be open to the general public will
be announced later, but no decision
has as yet been reached by the di-
rectors whether or not an admission
fee will be charged.
Alumnus Aids Detroit Scholars.
An alumnus, who wished to have his
name withheld for the present, has
made a gift of $5,000 to the Detroit.
High School Scholarship Fund asso-
ciation. It will be used to educate
five students at the university.
0. S>, U1,TEAM IS
Buckeyes do Not Hope to Re-
peat Last Year's Score
Against Wolverines
(Special to the Michigan Daily.)
COLUMBUS, 0., Oct. 18.-While'
Ohio State is much weaker than last
year, the Columbus eleven has three
men who will bear watching when 0.
S. U. meets Michigan on Ferry field
Saturday. These players are "Whit-
ey" Foss at Quarter and Markley and
Barricklow at the tackles.1
Foss is the star of the Ohio aggre-
gation and he has been responsible1
for all the scoring this season. On
the offense Foss is a swift runner, a
clever dodger, and can punt effective-
ly. In running back punts, State sup-
porters claim he has no equal in the
west. The backers of the 0. S. U.
eleven are looking for him to "showJ
up" McMillan in Saturday's battle.
As to the tackles, Barricklow is a
tall wiry man, who can duck andE
dodge under an opposing tackle andi
go down under punts like a streak.
Markley is not so strong in breakinga
through the line, but he is a power of
strength on the offense. So far thisl
year he has found no difficulty in op-
ening holes for the backs whenever
the play has been called on his side
of the line. Two-thirds of the line:
bucks have gone through the left side
of the line where Markley plays. I
The style of play Ohio State is us-
ing is not at all out of the ordinary.
The Ohio eleven is using the tackle
shift play that made Minnesota famous
last year, but is not getting it away
in good shape. For the most part,
however, it has resorted to little out-
side of straightaway football. Will-
iams, who plays half and fullback,
does the kicking for the Ohioans. He;
gets away a low kick averaging about
30 yards, and one that is exceedinglyi
hard to handle.
With a weaker team Ohio State doesf
not hope to make such a good showing
against the Wolverines as last years
when the game resulted in a 3 to 3 tie.1
Professor Rudolph Herzog, of Ber-
lin., will speak on "Ubeilebens Beja-
hung und Eigene Dichtung," tomor-
row night at 7:30, in Sarah Caswell
Angell Hall. The lecture is under the
auspices of the Deutscher Verein, and
is open to all students of the univer
Professor Herzog is one of the fore-
most authors in Germany today. Many
of his works are familiar to Michigan
students, as several of his books are
in the university library. He comes
to America for a tour of about two
months, and has already visited Cleve-
land, Cincinnati, and other western
Following the lecture the Deutsch-
er Verein will give a reception and
The first meeting of the Deutscher
Verein, which was scheduled for last
night, was postponed, there being no
quorum present. It will be held to-
morrow afternoon at 5 o'clock.
Three Varsity Team Managers
And Interscholastic Head
Will be Chosen
Elections of the managers for the1
varsity baseball and track teams as
well as the interscholastic meet will,
be held Saturday morning in Univer-
sity hall. The polls will be open from
7:30 to 12 o'clock.
No proxies will. be accepted.
Every member must show his Ath-
letic Association membership card be-
fore he will be allowed to cast a bal-
Because of the trouble that has of-
ten been experienced at the elections
through the lax enforcement of the
above rules, the authorities have de-
termined to adhere strictly to them
this year. C. W. Hannon, W. S. Smith,
Howard Wilson, J. L. Cox, Maurice
Toulme and Nelson R. Boice have'
been selected to take charge of the
elections and they will officiate
throughout the morning.
It has been arranged to have the
returns of the voting announced at
the Michigan Union as soon as the bal-
lots are counted. The results will be
taken there and the interested voters
and candidates will be able to find out
the names of the winners early in the
During the morning the semi-annuali
meeting of the association will be;
held in University hall. This is sched-i
uled to start at 9 o'clock. Reports
will be made and general business1
transacted at this time.
Winter Aquatics Start Soon. j
Barbour gymnasium's choicest pos-
session will soon be in use again.
Swimming, the one sport which the
women of the university enjoy during
the season when the men must forego.
that pleasure, is about to be resum-
ed. Classes will begin on October 31.
Those who wish to enter these classes
should register at Barbour gym at
Prof. Roth Tells Foresters Michigan
Must be Kept at Top.
"We must all double up and strike
hard in order to make up for some of
the facilities our forestry school
lacks," said Prof. Filbert Roth to the
members of the Forestry club last
evening. "We are bound to keep
Michigan at the top, but you men
must help. This club will do more
for ,you than some of the courses you
get and I want you to get behind it."
Nearly a hundred men attended the
T. J.'Starker was elected secretary
of the club to fill the vacancy caused
by the failure of H. T. Lewis to return
to school this year.
President Grossman appointed a
committee to set a date and make oth-
er arrangements for the annual forest-
3rs' campfire.
That the amendment to the consti-
tution of the senior law class is like-..
ly to receive favorable consideration
was demonstrated yesterday when a,
committee representing a faction oft
the class took occasion to endorse thef
proposed change. All of the presi-1
dential candidates have expressed
themselves as in favor of the plan andE
it seems probable that it will be adopt-z
ed when it is presented to the classt
for consideration tomorrow afternoon.
The "committee" met for the pur-
pose of considering the nomination ofI
another candidate for the presidency
but ended by endorsing one of thet
present candidates, R. H. Fryberger.l
Commerce Club Elects New Members1
Election of members was the main
business transacted by the Commerce
club at its meeting last evening. Plans
were formulated for a smoker to bex
held at the Michigan Union on Tues-r
day evening, October 24, at which Sec-
retary Wilson, of the Detroit Board of
Commerce, will speak on "The Duties#
of the Commercial Secretary." -
Ex-Ferris Men Meet Tonight.
The Ferris Institute club, composedE
of all ex-Ferris Institute students will
assemble Thursday night at 444 South
State street. The meeting will be
merely for the purpose of organizing,
enrolling the members, and electing
the officers. Two or three social af-
fairs are being plannedforethe coming
year, and will probably include a ban-
quet, which Mr. Ferris will attend.
A speech by Dean Reed, songs byt
Carl Ferguson and Raymond Dykema,
interspersed with selections by a quar-4
tette will feature the first Union mem-
bership dinner which will be served ate
the clubhouse tonight from 6 to 8.1
Over sixty of the seventy-five tickets
that have been distributed among thei
five committeemen have already been
The Union management has planned
a series of these dinners, one for eacht
month, during the school year. Last
year the same plan was followed out,
with complete success. Tickets for1
tonight's dinner may be secured at
the Union for thirty-five cents.
Senior engineer football practice to-4
day at 3 o'clock at South Ferry field.
Survivor of Dr. Cook's Lec
Glad S. L. A. Has at
Booked Comprehen
Also Cautions Board Against En
ing Ball Players or
(The Daily assumes no responsil
for sentiments expressed in .
munications.) '
Editor, The Michigan Daily:
The student body, the faculty
indeed the citizens of Ann A
should welcome the recent chang
policy adopted by the S. L. A. BC
Until this year the Students' Le
Course may have possibly been .
to much criticism. Starting with
assumption that the audiences
made up altogether of highly educ
persons, the S. L. A. Board has
and then aimed a little above
mark, and secured lecturers whos<
tellectual flights have proved s<
what high even for an audience i
up of university students and fac
members. As an example of the
ure of this all too heavy kind of
tertainment some of us will no d
recall the wonderful lecture deliv
here by Dr. Cook.
After all what we want, and V
I fear, most of us need, is entert
ment, not instruction. And just
cause the S. L. A. Board has wit
markable insight comprehended
needs of our community, and bec
it is sparing no efforts to fill t
needs, I believe that the student 1
and the faculty owe a debt of grati
to that board and ought to upho:
in its present policy.
Detective William J. Burns
been announced as one of the le
ers on the S. L. A. Course.
"Nick Carter" of real life should p
highly interesting to a university
dience. As educators and educ
we are too far removed from con
with the under-world to permit a
pathetic study of it. "Three-fing
Nell" and "Cellar-window Ike"
characters of closer acquaintance,
tective Burns will tell us about t
It will make our sporting blood ti
to be shown the handcuffs that
adorned the wrists of "Wall-
Pete." Detective Burns has them-
the wrists-but the handcuffs. P
gether, to those of us who once "s
ed sweet solace" from the pages o
"five-center," it will prove a w
some delight to verify our earliest
pressions of "Nick Carter," "Old j
Brady" and others by reference to
real guardian of the peace who cc
straight from his private detectiv
fice to our lecture platform.
Indeed this change of policy for
ter lecture course entertainments
step in the right direction. But
must. be on our guard against g
too far. Pugilists, ward politic
and baseball players should be ba:
Hinky-Dink may have an impo
message, but all newspaper acco
of him would go to show that l
(Continued on page 3.)
all rooters will not have an op-
y to uncork their enthusiasm
:he Ohio State game. Univer-
l has been turned over to the
Union for the Gadski concert
ay night.
Read carefully S. L. A. "ad"
>n page 4 today. It gives
rou a hint of the splendid talent
ou can hear for only $2.50.
L. A.
Tickets for sale at S. L. A. Window in U. Hall from 8. A. M. until 4 P. iVI.
daily, all this week. After 4 P. M. they may be had in Treasurers office (Grad-
uate School Room.)
Bxz ThadWicket Today.
Those men who have reserved
territory are requested to fin-
ish their canvass by Saturday