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April 25, 1912 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1912-04-25

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APRIL 25, 1912.




Craduates this June



gements are practically
r the annual banquet c
.w class, which will be h
l Secor, Toledo, Ohio, 1
ors will leave Ann Arbor
rain and will arrive in Ti
season for the spread.
ent R. O. Bonisteel will
R. Curtis as toastmaster
turn, present to the clas
g: "Bill" Day, of Cleve
enry M. Bates, Prof. Tl-
and Prof. John R. Roo
lty; and "Cap" Gray, '
nd "Judge" Middleton, c


n m
I be


of the cele
rs of the cla
On being



cdes will be

ouncil and the
ointed commit-
Senate commit-
iades. Through
igan graduate
Senate commit-
umber of the
d; among them
chins, Prof. I. N.
rthin and W. B.

One Will Go to Central Nevada and
Another to Points on
Lake Superior.
Two fauna expeditions will be sent
out by the museum authorities about
July 1. Alexander G. Ruthven, head
curator of the museum, will direct oneI
expedition to central Nevada, where
eight #weeks will be devoted to a study
of the animals, and an attempt will be
made to secure specimens which are
not in the museum collection. The
funds for the expedition were contrib-
uted jointly by Bryant Walker, '79 L,
of Detroit, and by the Board of Re-
gents. The party will be composed of
the curator and Mrs. Ruthven, Chrystal
and Elizabeth Thompson, and Fred-
rick Gaige of Dartmouth.
The second expedition will proceed
to White Fish Point on Lake Superior
under the direction of Norman A.
Wood, taxidermist of the museum. A
preliminary survey of the fauna of
northern Michigan, with the view ofj
arranging a field for.later expeditions,
will be made. This expedition was
made possible through the generosity
of Hon. George Shiras, of Washington,
D. C.
By invitation of Delta Chapter of
Phi Lambda Upsilon, the chemistry
honor fraternity, Prof. W. D. Bancroft,
of Cornell University, will give a public
lecture on the "The Theory of Dyeing,"
tomorrow at 4 p. m. in the amphithea-
ter of the Chemistry building. The lo-
cal chapter of the fraternity will ban-
quet in honor of Prof. Bancroft at the
Michigan Union tomorrow evening.
Wilgus Still in Critical Condition.
Complications resulting from a dan-
gerous attack of pneumonia, necessi-
tating an operation, have placed Wal-
ter Wilgus, '12, in a very serious con-'
dition. Reports received yesterday
from Grace hospital in Detroit,'
where he is being treated, indicate a
slight improvement.

souvenir. The senior law quartet will
render several selections during the
The banquet tickets will go on sale
tomorrow morning, and may be pro-
cured from members of the committee.
A tag will be given with each ticket
sold, which will entitle the bearer to
the privileges of the city of Toledo, if
worn on the lapel of the coat. The
banquet tickets will cost $2.50, and the
round trip fare on the special train
will be 75 cents, making a total cost of
At the soph lit class meeting yester-
ic association. They are: class track'
day afternoon, numerals were award-
ed to the following men who were
point winners in one or more of the
different meets held this year: Griest,
Kohler, Quinn, Young, Tallmadge and
Oliver. In addition to this number,
there are five others in the class who
will receive numerals from the Athlet-
manager Jansen, and the champion-
ship relay team composed of Bond,
Seward, White, and Brown.I
Committees for the spring contests
were appointed at the meeting, and1
"Howdy" Seward was elected captain
of the sophomore heavyweight tug-of-j
war team.
First Year Girls Defeat Picked Team,
In a fast and snappy game, the
freshmen girls defeated a picked team
of seniors and juniors by the score of
12-3. The team play of the winners
was exceedingly fast. The game was
clean from the spectator's point of
view, as the number of fouls called
was small. The contest ended the
basketball season.
Prof. Tilley Lectures on Pinero Today
Under the auspices of the Drama
League, Prof. M. P. Tilley of the de-
partment of English literature, will
deliver a lecture on "The Dramatic
Works of Pinero" this afternoon at
4:15 o'clock in Sarah Caswell Angell
hall. Sir Arthur Wing Pinero is the
author of the comedy, "The Magis-
trate," which the Comedy club present-
ed this year.

snowng in te 1 6pound snotput. 1
year, Kohler was taken to the I
games as a freshman,and not NN
standing the fact that he comp
with such stars as Joe Horner of V]
igan, Kilpatrick of Yale, and Philbi
of Notre Dame, the Michigan man
fourth place in the event with a pi
43 feet 4 inches.
Just what chance Sargent has in
high jump is a question. At the
tercollegiate last year, eastern athl
tied for first place at a height of 6
and it is not probable that the F
relay games will bring out any ju
ers who can better that height.
gent has gone higher than,6 feet, 1
indoors, and is jumping around tJ
foot mark in outdoor practice.
cording to dope, therefore, the Mi
gan jumper should show well at Pr
delphia, but as no records of the
jump at the Penn games last yea
obtainable, it is impossible to pre
his chances of winning the event.
S. C. A. Cabinets Will Dine Sun
The old and new cabinets of
S. C. A. will dine at Nev berry hal
Sunday at 1 o'clock, after which t
will be a general meeting for the
pose of initiating the new men intc
problems of the association for
coming year.

eaks Well of Verein Produetion;
Seat Sale at Whitney.
'The play is going well. I am ex-
edingly pleased with the show and
nk it will be one of the best ever
oduced by the Verein," said Prof.
A. C. Hildner in speaking of "Die
urnalisten," the play to be presented
the Deutscher herein tomorrow
The seat sale was moved to the
hitney theater box office yesterday.
I those students who through some,
stake did not redeem their green
kets at Wahr's may do so at the
utscher Verein room today at 11


Yale alumni are organizing
high school men who are plar
go to college with a view of
them "Yale men" before th
even entered New Haven.


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