TE MICHIGAN DAILY -7 * *! "J" LITS AND ENGINEERS HOJ) GRAND "JAMBOREE" TONI(U'r With the added attraction of Finzel's orchestra of Detroit, which will pre-. sent several new feature dances, to- night's "Junior Jamboree" at the new Armory promises to be a fitting ending to the social activities of the third years lits and engineers. The chap- erons will be Proc. and Mrs. E. D. Rich, representing the engineering de- partment, and Mr. and Mrs. Charley Loos for the literary department. Fraternity "Base-Ballers" are Busy. The first games of the Palladium Indoor Baseball League took place yesterday afternoon in the lot opposite Ferry field. The first of these games was won by Chi Psi from Alpha Delta Phi, by a score of 11-10. The battery for the winners: Pinnell and Suther- land; losers, Thompson and Meade. In the second game the D. K. E. beat the Sigma Phi, 14-8. The battery for the winners: Craig and Huff; for the los- CLASSIFIED ADS. FOUND The Michigan Daily finds the owners of lost articles. tf WANTED. ' Wanted-Situation for young lady with good knowledge of typewriting sten- ography. Would like clerical posi- tion in Ann Arbor. Excellent refer- * ence furnished. Address X Mich- igan Daily. 140-41 FOR SALE For Sale-16-foot Detroit canoe. Slightly used. Reasonable. 825 Tappan. 140-41-42 LOST Lost-Sunday night, somewhere on the street, string of white beads. Will finder please phone 1565-J. 141 Leave your want ads at The East University Pharmacy, Van Doren's Pharmacy, The Brown Drug Store and Quarry's Drug Store before 8:30 every night for the next morning's issue. tf SOC Clo, For And IT You like to see a well-d yourself, if you're not. We would like the oppo that in our judgment we for summer workl Jr rie, 224 So. Thayer. 136-142 Musical Instrument Repairing, work your prints made on the paper .ted to the negatives with the re that has made a reputation. n. 117 eod tfi BOAT PAINTS. ctly high grade paint for'boats. recommended for automobile carriages, settees, lawn swings, benches, or any article exposed weather. Made in all the lead- ors-non-fading. Manufactur- paint ourselves enables us to very best materials that mon- guaranteed, at Schaeberle & Son's Mu- sic House, 110 S.. Main St. 87 tf I e f- Lindenoid Waterproof and Wear- proof Sole Leather. Guaranteed. J. ' H. Lambert, 613 Williams. 136 tf The finest printing office of its size in the state of Michigan-The Ann Ar- bor Press, Press Building, Maynard St. Call and see us. Printers of any- thing from a name card to a book. Don't pay good money for films and then let someone experiment with them. Take them to Lyndon instead. 117 eod tf 203 E. Washing-3 141.2 3 How to spend money and still have it, Sounds impossible, doesn't it? But it is'nt and here's the H~ere's a way you can do it. of how much 2 1 be - it would be a Ainc Suppose you buy something and pay for it - and then the merchant gives you back some of the money he received from you - the m-riey he gives back is clear "velvet" to you. Clubs &d izer, etc. Or you can go wit -Hand Here is a plan by which you can now get a cash discount on everything you buy - and the prices remain just the same as saving together, raise a sury. AT ,; before. yDrug Co. S'-pp-s y J This means a clear saving. It is just like getting money s and Fraternity arms $2.50 Arnold from home. Just ask your dealers - no matter whether you are buying a suit of clothes or a cigar - to give ycu "Franklin Cert- ificates," These Certificatesrepresent in actual 2 12% discctrt. Now take these Certificates to the State Savings Bank and have alI;the fellows put everything they buy, deposit them at the b coming for Here ?l C cbous t Across from Majestic MPLaTE ongs and Song Cycles -rie J. Bond y for Gibson Mandolins Music House they will be considered as cash. You may do posit them to your Just remember this - you buy anything. Sac means a growing bank ac account at their face value or use them to open a new aCcount. r i' . It's worth The Franklin Company, r'n I ve- a I. I t -d" at