ichigan Daily 1 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 24, 1912. 'LLEL(E IY4MEN El 1 BETT ER WORld) r. Angelis" Tels T" e ust Pave Way for t Generation "It is for the present generation of )llege girls to better, conditions in the itside world and to prepare the way r the coming generation" said Dr. umes B. Angell yesterday in an ad- ress before college girls at Newberry all on "What Can the College Girl o When She Graduates?" Dr. Anell en discussed some of the fields which :e open to women now and the bene- t to be derived from having women iter these fields. Miss Ethel Smurthwaite of - the chool of Music faculty gave a vocal lo following the lecture. About 200 rls were present at the meeting . ECO1ES BASEBALL ARBITER ssistant Coach Douglas Will Oversee Class Games Prentis Douglas will begin his activ- [es as assistant coach with the open- g of the inter-class baseball series oxt Saturday and will assume the role autocrat of the diamond whenf ickey and the regulars are not pres- it. Upon him will fall the duties instructing the class men in the art id science of hitting and fielding and e will also be called upon to settle iy and all questions and arguments at may arise. At the inter-class meeting held at e Athletic Office last night Director artelme, Coach Rickey, Assistant oach Douglas, manager-Ford and six- en class managers were in atten- ance, the managers taking the oppor- inity to hear some sound advice om Mr. Bartelme and the coaches ong the lines of how to build up win-1 PRHO. F.:EE1ES WILL SPEA ,K AT flfl~flU INION MIEMhERSIlP DINNER. PLAY FINAL GAME ;WILL COACHflSENIOR UNDO l IhREEVES WILSPEAK NFI OF SERIES TODAY GIRLS' PRODUCTION. l--'' Affair. Freshinen Women Battle With Picked Dion Birney, Manager of Comedy (lub, Team For Class Chain- Selected to Direct The An- Prof. Jesse S. Reeves, of the Polit- pionship. n1,al Play. ical Science department, will feature the Michigan Union membership din- (LOSE SEA1SY"N 'WITHI BANQUET REHE.RSALS START THIS WEEK. ner to be given tomorrow evening at __---I-the clubhouse with a talk on "The A picked team from the junior and Active work on the prod iction of Dartmouth Union." Professor Reeves senior aggregations will oppose "Alcestis," the play to be given by the was formerly a member of the Dart- mouth faculty and was interested in the freshmen in the final game of the senior gii'ls during commencement the Union at that institution. The women's basket ball series, which will week, will start next Friday afternoon dinner will start at 6 o'clock as usual.j be staged this afternoon. The ame at 5 o'clocq when the class.in dramat- Frederie M. Loomis, president of the will be played in Barbour gymnasium isc, producers of the play i meet for senior medical class, will act as toast-I and illge clle at4:15o cockmaster in accordance with the plaza This will decide the championship the first time in room 208 Tappan Hall mhat in corlane wit the pan th that has been followed out thlis yea;r. among the feminine basket tossers and Dion Birney, '13 L, has been secured Kenneth Westerman, tenor and How- the rnembers of the winning team to coach the play. Birney, who hadarPotbrinebthm brso will get the official B. B., in addition one of e principal parts in "The Mag- te rtersitg , lbw furnsh theiuiversiy gelm club, will furnish to the numerals, which will be award- istrate, the play ven by the Com the musical program for the guests. ed to all the players. As yet the fresh- Club this year, 'is also the manages The ticket sale will as usual, be limit- men are undefeated having taken a for the Comedy Club for next year. game from the sophomores and the There has been considerable delay in ed to seventy-five and can be purchas- edl at the Union or from the following game should be hotly contested. commencing rehearsals on the play emes the comite fo thity It mhad been the intention of the offi- because of the failure of the books to iembers Inman Sealty, for thirty- cials to have the first year girls play arrive. Parts will probably be appor- fiveents: Inman Sealby, Francis i- the winner of the junior-senior game. tioned at the meeting on Friday. phylnd RudlphsVa nk phy and Rudolph Van Dyke. That contest had to be cancelled, how-- _____-_______ ever, because of the loss of Grace Pow- I X-COV. FOLK TO, LECTURE HERE FEXVES TOMOROW OR ers, one of the senior sextette. Miss_-- hPowers was hurt in the recent inter- Well Known Missourian Will Speak e ral lanchard'Will (lye Ora- n wreck and that left a vacancy' Before S. L. .e aaHrd on the ten whichtcould not be filled, i As the next number on the Student's tion hero Today. P Iercival V. Blanchard, '14,'~h' there being no substitutes. Lecture Association course, to be given gan's representative in the It .crs" ° . te Will hold Aniutal JBanquet Friday evening, April 26, Ex-Governor Pac sr'rseat Co ntesllie As is customary, the annual banquet Joseph W. Folk of Missouri will speak Peac rcal oz hist will close the season. This will be on "The Era of Conscience." While public recital ofW his oation, U h held at the gymnasium on Wednesday, he was holding the reins of government sevlt Th erno at in city Hall this afternoon at 4:15. 1 May 1. At this time, the numerals will in his native state, Gov. Flk was in- Tomorrow mornns; Blanchard, ac- probably be awarded. Following the strumental in introducing various companied by Prof. R. D. Hollisterof banquet, which is open to all university needed reforms and as a result of his theoratore y dPrme, lillievr 0 women, a dance will be held. The work at that time and since, has been Monmouth, Ihertm hent will me t to banquet hall will probably be decora- mentioned this year as a compromise prnthtIlls we ixviie in he representatives oi six states in th ra-n ted with spring flowers and several candidate for President on the Demo- terstate contest, informal.talks will be made by niem- cratic ticket. The national contest this y ill bers of the teams. Purity in politics is the principle for yti y t a d Ibe the third ini live yea-r6 that a AMich1i-I 104___which the ex-official is carrying the CAMPUS ETS EAET. banner, and if his reception in other gan man has pariicipated in. Pr-z"s CAMPUpTSNEW ONAM T ar a f hnrcan n o r aof $75 and $50 in gold are offered tol parts of the country. can be taken as athe contestant winning first and st - Glacial Boulder Placed Near Museum sign of esteem in which he is held by on ho Entrance. Imany, other states than Missouri on__nor_._ An excellent' specimen of glacial should feel his influence, boulders has been presented to the'A university by Dr. L. C. Ransom, of TENM\S TRYOUTS GET ONW Sandusky, O., in the name of W. H. COURTS FOR FIRST TIME Ransom, '09, and has been placed at DAY the left of the entrance Museum. The Preliminary tennis tryouts were D boulder was found near Sandusky, and held at Ferry field yesterday afternoon, in' all probability was brought from th it being the first time the weather has ",The forestry department, as a far north during the "ice age." As the been favorable enough to permit the whole, will make no special prepara- stone is interesting from both a histor- use of the courts. An exceptionally ical and geological point of view, it large number of candidates have re- bons for the celebration of Arbor Fay; makes quite an addition to the rocks ported to Manager Thorward and this year," said Prof. C. L. Iill y ,. now scattered about in the campus, twenty-four men took part in the mat- terday. "The department is now on- The boulder will be of use in class ches yesterday, which consisted of a gaged setting out several thousamnd instruction in demonstrating the so- "round robin," each man playing with called processes of pregniatism and each other man as far as possible. young trees and we will continue in the part which water plays iti connec- Manager Thorward expects to be- this work without special reference tq tion with the' intrusions of moulten gin weeding out the squad the fore the day set apart by the governor as rock material. part of next week as it is necessary to Arbor Day." pick a team for the Oberlin match on In a proclamation, issued April 0, PROF. TILLEY WILL LECTURE May 4th. GoenrObrnds a ivr2v ' Ti FIFTY al HONORARY S PICKS liES' ALL DEPAf ALL RANKS. HOLD Ceremonies Are'. Big Banqu Is Not 4 _________________________ TO GET TS HELP INFIRMARY, MICHIGAN UNION WILL ASK'BOARD' S TO APPOINT COMMITTEE TO F, CON''ER WITH ITS REPRESEN- S, TATIVES ON MA TTER. ty_ REGENTS MEET TOMORROW he Uiversity Budget Will be Main Object be of Session; May Pass on he Fellowships. An attempt will be made tomorrow by the Michigan Union to secure offi- N. cial recognition from the Board of Re- gents for the campaign that is being ve carried on towards the establishment of some system for caring for the gen-' t- eral health of the student body. At its n- last meeting, the Michigan Union board i- passed a resolution, asking the Re- Li- gents to appoint a committee to confer be with the Union Infirmary committee. to The request will be presented at the A regular monthly meeting of the Re- he gents which will begin at 10 o'clock e- Thursday in the Regents room. be The report which has been prepared y, from the findings of the Union commit- 1- tee up to date by Mr. L. A. Hopkins, a al member of the committee will form r- the basis of the discussion between the ill two committees, if the request is a granted. This report; subject to the changes that may result from its dis- of cussion will probably be submitted to he the Regents at a later meeting for a a final decision regarding the plan. 'e Budget will Be Discussed t- The university budget for the fiscal Ile year will be the main topic of dis- se cussion at the meeting tomorrow. Much 0 time has already been spent by faculty and Regent committees but it is not likely that the matter will be settled until a later time. Names of candi- es dates' for graduate fellowships, as re- ne commended by the Graduate Council til will probably be submitted and finally Fifty-one members of the were electedto Sigma Xi, th scientific society, at a mee society that was held in t' building last night. The were based 'on scholarshi new ,Jnembers were taken f faculty, graduates and senic To pick so many Donor p quired the entire evening not until late last nignt th of the council chamber x and a mcn'ibar of the facu'it the lists of the successful The initiatien will be hed in M.y and rill be followed baaquct. The list of the ne" follows GRA LV4TE STUD I Mttlew K.' Blish Kew Lawrence Hadley, Ann An M. heath, Tcleo, O. nor an, Part Hurcn, Mich.; Rg Al),e, Detroit; V'alter B, Ann Arbor; Elizabeth L. Ann Arbor. i rary i partinel NV aH. Cm, Sanb Leonard Cretcher, Ann Anr E. Cuilen, Isle St. George, dolph W Caser, Onaway, M ard A. 'Hamilton, Hamilt Charles J. Kraebel, Ann A bert F. 'LindsayAnsterd George W. Maxwell, Ca Woodbridg Metcalf, Detroit a Packer, Newton, Pa.; Pottinger, Ann Arbor; Ethel Battle Creek, Mich.; .Lynn Brown City, Mich. Medic l)epartmen John E. Bolauder, Spar Florence Chadwick, Taunt Charles L. Gandy, Ocean V Harry N. Kerns, Berkeley, 4 erick N. Loomis, Ann Arbo E. Powell, Munsford, N. Y Schaule, Reedsburg, Wis.; Smith, Petoskey, Mih.; Stokes, Ann Arbor. Engineering Departn Civil engineering: Ward man, Buchanan, Mich.; C Doerr, Saginaw, Mich.; Harr hauser, Rochester, N. Y.; I Seeley, Highland Park, Mic] Mechanical Engineering: Baer, Hancock, Mich.; La Field, Mason, Mich.; John H Detroit, Mich.; Albert L. No: Rapids, Mich.; Bernhardt 1 ick, Cleveland, Ohio. Electrical Engineering: E. Clapp, Ann Arbor; Danie Bay City, Mich.; Francis T. Ann Arbor; Frederick Morg Harbor, Mich.; Dale 1. Pars aning, Mich.; Allan M. Pe' Rapids, Mich. Chemical Engineering: Armstrong, Middleville, Mi S: Rodin, Ann Arbor; Robe ley, Ann Arbor. Marine Engineering: Mer her, Jackson, Mich. FACULTY MEMBE James Elmer Harris, Ro McCotter, Walter Robert P Yale Professor to Lectu Dean Charles R. Brown Theological Seminary will lecture-in Newberry Hall n4 evening at 7:30 o'clock. H deal with the Christian ni Brown went to Yale colleg ifornia where he was pa largest church on thea coasi ON SIR ARTHUR WING PINERO Sir Arthur Wing Pinero, the noted English dramatist, will be the subject of a lecture by Prof. M. P. Tilley of the English faculty at Sarah Caswell An- gell hall tomorrow afternoon at 4:15. Pinero is the author of "The Magis- trate" which was recently produced by the Comedy club and is declared by many critics to be the greatest living dramatist. The lecture is given under. the auspices of the drama league com- mittee of the association of collegiate alumnae. Dental Society to Hear About "Pain." Dr. W. B. Pillsbury, of the Psycho!o- ry department, will speak bel r , the 'nior Dental Society this evening at S o'clock at the Dental coliege. Tie subject of his address will be "Pain." Craftsmen Dance Saturday The annual dance of the Craftman's Club will be held in the Masonic Tem- ple next Saturday evening. Tickets may be procured by the faculty and student Masons by calling H. S. Hul-, bert. HONOR WOMAN STUDENT OF SCIENCE Senior is First Michigan Girl to Get University of Chicago Fellow- ship in Psychology Research Work. Arbor and Bird Day and urged its gen-- eral observance throughout the state. Appropriate exercises will be held by the grammar schools of the city, but the university will probably take no observance of the day. WOMEN ATHLETICS WILL ELECT OFFICERS TOI)AY The election of officers for the Wom- en's Athletic association for next year will be held to-day from 9 a. in. to 5 p. m. in Barbour gymnasium. Due to the popularity of the tennis courts, it will also be held from 2 to 5 p. m. at Palmer field. The list of nominees as run in the Daily last Saturday will also be posted in the gymnasium. Mary Lewis '15, who was nominated for Sophomore representative has withdrawn. Architects Will Hold Dance The first annual party of the Archi- tectural society will be given at the Packard Academy on Friday evening. A clever design by "Bill" Fanning is the feature of the program cover. A five piece orchestra will furnish music for the . dancing xvhich will continue till 3 a. m. Prof. and Mrs. Lorch, Prof. and Mrs. Ash, and Mr. and Mrs. McConkey will act as chaperons. ilhh '' I ILA I ,l i . t ]A 1 1 That woman suffrage is no poppy- cock and that the development of ex-I perts in special lines is now the aim and ambition of the fair ones, has root and foundation in the fact that, for the first time in the history of the department of Psychology at Michigan, a woman has been awarded a fellow- ship by the University of Chicago. Nellie L. Perkins, '12, of Benton Harbor! is the fortunate recipient of the fellow- ship and will leave for Chicago next fall to continue her work. "Mental Deficiences of Children" is the special line of endeavor along which Miss Perkins has been working, and research work, in this particular will fill her time in the Windy City college. Her aim, after her degree has been obtained, is to become an expert psychologist, specializing in the above particular. Dr. W. B. Pillsbury said last night that the awarding of such a fellowship to one just graduating is most uncom- mon.