er does Lhing1e is only~ enmity d Rap- :his in-. ,t Gillett state al the oie ser. Mark F. Finley institutions in n at a big sacri commended. ii aupve Ulus, is to be hear- , 1912. FIFTE~EN YEARS A) TODAY. The regular. weekly vesper serviee was attended by seniors in cap and gown. John Kendrick Bangs spoke on "The Evolution of the Humorist" beforea S. L. A. audience. H, sA(GM TODAY1. ball team leftf of ClevelanI 'uals I 11 Dr a no -No l were. tl the eligibility le annual second- 1 be run off. Every e by and must be rules or else ab- ompetition. If D. as strict as those d this has never )uld still be oblig- ichigan's rules cr choolmasters evi- e inconsistency of Buck, vice-preside retary ; Carl Scho b r , t e s r r Northern Oratori( Black. Other no made by petitions~ members and pre nesday night. ~The election for i roomn B of the La morning from 9 tc eligible to vote wi the Law building Tuesday. to, 1N Qa H R a 0o SStreet Sleeve I_____________ Just Received A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF GILBERT'S FINE CANDIES In halves and pounds. Phone no youi~4wants. Vanlborcn's Pharmacy 703 Packard St. & BROS, Typewriter Ball-Bearing- Lang Wearirg You'll need a Tyepwriter later, Get ;he best now and hive it,'s u-e while in collc e Ask us to show you FUELBER & ZEWNADSKI 310 S. State St, Up Stairs It IA -s. ag I FU