~L 1.5 ICkiI0AN AL T11B D ILI THTE flICIGAN DAI -V IjIhicial Newspaper at the lUiversity of Michigan. Published every morning except Mon- day throughout the school year. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Ar- bor, Michigan, under Act of Con- gress of March 3, 1879. HIANIGING EDITOR. Walter K. Towers. BUSINESS WMAAER Albert BE Dilley "Editors. ',Tews Editor ...... _.. Harry L. Fol2 Assistant .......... Frank Pienanell Athletic Editor....... Karl Matthews Assistant........... G. C. Eldredge Music and Drama .... Earl V. Moore Intercollegiate News Harold G. McGee Files ............... Emmett Taylor Editorials. Arthur B. Moehlman Frank E. Shaw Edward G. Kemp Maurice Myers Jaredl Van Au ken Night Editors. , v- ink; the last hospital year, 2,559 of whom wvere taken into the hospital, while, 2,808 were patients who had rooms outside but came to the hospital for medicine and treatment. The report includes full statistics and details, and also treats of the yearly expenses of the department. The total expenses for running the hospital during last year was $91,155.- 2.3, and the total earnings of the insti- tution were $93,409.64. T E N N Wright and Ditson's Strong Line 100 RACKEI to select from e Ball 'down Zatk w V $1.50 to $8.04 Every one Guaranteed AHR Vniverasity Bookstore re agent s for the Slot- ed Throat Rackets. Ve have the most com- lete line in the city. Maurice Toulme Wallaoo Weber H. Beach Carpenter Ma.ck Ryan, C. Harold' Hippler Robert Gillett CT our goods All goods See Our Display Window. !sheehan's STUDENTS' BOOKSTORE Typewri tors F~or Sale or Rent PYPEWRITIN O 0. D~. MORRILL 3':2 So. State street BY HAND AT ,OUTiI STATE STREET rCleaned and Pr'essed 75c SUITS PRESSED 25c OVERCOATS PRESSED 25c irant SATU:RDBAY, APRIL 20, 1912., -Night Editor--Maaurice Toeidme.o 1 fGeiitlo einider. Apparently the approach of spring and the relegation of 'winter toques,' has been the signal to the minds of many freshmen, :of their release from the restraint of certain college rcus- toms: In instance, they haveĀ° very properly laid aside these heavier toques, but at the same 'time, have nieglected to resu~me the Eaton ca.p prescribed for them. Apart from the first year (lelegations of a number of the fraternities, the freshman classes' as a wvhole, make very little pretense of abiding by the ruling in this con- nection. To such an extent has this neglect spread, that the appearance of a freshman cap on the campus is well nigh a curiosity. As a matter of information, to the of- genders in the question, there is a cap night, somre time in May, officially set apart as the time when the' class. as a whole shall rid itself of the marks of its novitiate, Until then, every first year mnan is required to wear the cap prescribed. B3 way cf admnonition, this disre- gard of college tradition is indicative" of an, unwholesome attitude. Whim- sical though the rule may seem at !first glance, it is n^" r _eess founded in good reason:; chiefly to develop feel- ing's of r s, ect aend loyalty to the uni- rer:.iLy, feelings w;hich follow closely, rom the constitution of mankind, up- n obedience. But whatever be the reasons underlying, the rule has the sanction of the university, and should be respected; and so long as it remains upon our statutes it should be regard- d as gospel, not hot air. A 'I OSPiTALUS LAtST YE4A1._1 V O1 1 i 8 'l o t s a rllg o f Iia 4ti tio l l T o t alI M o re Than Expenses. The yearly r~eport of the univeorsity hospitals, which' has been compiled by Superintendent 3. B. Drper, is just off the press. The announcement covers one hundred pages, and. shows that 5,536 patients were treated dur- Somewayorother we would no more care to be a male survivor of the Ti- taic who left ahead of women and, children than we would have cared to have been one of those who stayed. About time to,swat the fly we opine, Also there is grass which it is our editorial duty to remind must not be trod upon in the spring time. If you want a roseate view of Mus- kegon asky "Turk." FrR NCR- CLIBA;:RRANGTES TRWE T9HJ~t'CH FRANtCE F}Ol IJM3iE A unique tour of France has been arranged by Societe Francaise of Co- lumbia University for the comiing summer which has been extended to all Americain college students. The trip is purely educational in its pur- pose and scope and is especially de- signed to enable college students to see France as thoroughly and agree- ably as possible at the lowest cost. A fee of $375 will cover all expenses.. The. party will sail from New York on June 22 and will return about Sep- tember 9 spending in all about eighty days on the journey. Professors and university instructors will conduct the party through the sights of interest in the various localities to be visited. Illustrated information about the trip will be furnished to anyone upon application to the French Society of Columbia University, New York.. ('OlriS ruCTiIWS WORK ON HILL MEIJORIAL PUSRED RAPJDLY. Pletlnrizn Paorazdtis I When4w You Desire P rortraits oE Quality Gxo to THE PHOTOGRAPHJER 319 E. K u ron Pbae 9 61-L Platlium aPlaEtla~suv lortr its We Do French Dry and Stem RSSIN end RE] SisCleaned and Pressed 75o FULLER & O'CONNOR Tailors I1 N"RY& A 61 r Designers of Men's Clothes, will give you in English Cuts P lai Enur HENRY & CO. 711 find High Class you Rill taste s. First time in or $15.00 for four weeks. :oaks, Strict C'eauliness."I )WARD Ra ROEHM 240 Woodward Ave. 5th Floor. Detroit, Mich. MAKER OF Baidges, Novelties, Station- ery, ery, and Decorations.., Work on the new auditorium has progressed rapidly, during the last two weeks. Possession of the Adams prop- arty was given over to the university on April 7, and the house was remov- ed at once. In spite of the fact that there is considerable dirt to be drawn from the north 'end of the site, the walls at that point are being con- structed. At the south end, where the walls and piers have thoroughly hardened, the erection of mammoth steel posts and beams, whose seperate sections weigh from five to twelve tonis, iN ta'_:- iug place. The two tall steel frames which have been put up are for erec- tion_ is rposes only. WALTER WILGUS CONVALE SCING FROM-11AFTI( KOF Yl NEUONIA.. Walter Wilgus, '12, who is night tel- egraph' editor on The Detroit News is. on the road to recovery after a severe attack of pneumonia, according to the latest information from the Grace hos- Vital in Detroit, where he is being treated.' Fine assortment of Canoe Paddles at Killins' State St. H-ardware. 138-39-40 Motorcycles. Don't forget PIERCE ARROWV Motorcycles -when making your 19.12,selection. B. A. Thomas, County Agent, 1113 Willard. 138 to 146 to J1 We originate anda . kt in designing- emblems for new org anizations, Send for catalog of Phi 110a Kejs N '4tSPRINGHATS & CAPSin. Different Shapes .& Shades THlE LATES~T IN Soft Shirts With French Cutfs Rubber & Slip-on Coats Varsity Toggery :SHOP 1 107 S. University Ave. E. J. Lohr Write for free ills PHILIP MORR 402 W. Broadway, 487 3t. Calherine9 Phili~p Original ~ London UCI (gold tip, bassadors, to$.co. 441 .68a $5.50 4 t Clans Anything J. A. GREY. Proprieto; I E ND BANNERS" 1FF ALL THIS WEEK d Summer is approaching Lets both get busy rSeasonable and suitable TI~aior-Jiade T1ogs All garments made in our own shops. ~ A Q N E R4 G tre IdrEIVS y Store :BEST AND .BEST WA .. le, will furnish strictly reliable3 Theatre Parties, Dances, Ohserv- and Privatv- Calls Both Day and 4 I- Just Reeiv ed A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF GILBERT'S. FINE CANDIES In halves and pounds. Phone us your wants. Rates Same as Hacks axicab Company. THl STATE STREET Detroit united, Lines 01, inforitNon to Division Superin- tendeiit Allen, Ypsilan ti, of the Detroit Ulited Lines, by officers of Varsity or- organizations, the movement, beyond the capacity of the regular service, of any group ui students to or- from Ann Ar- bor, extra cars and extra service wil l' p roinptly supplied,. CHIROPODYi Corns, bunions, ingrowing ninuruvinails, treated and cured. Everything absolutely an- tiseptie. Office hours. 9-12 a m. 1-5 and 7-3 p mo MISS. E. J. FOLEY 921 E. Huron Street, End North 12th 2 Bloocs East of High School. Phone 9*39. Mrs. J. R. TI FASH1IONABLE HjI Hlair Goods, fHairdressing Face Massi Rain wate~r Shampoos 1110 South University COUSINS& HALL Co For a fl ____ ____ ____ Clitce Cut; I Vanborcn's PharmacyI J 703 Packard St. CORNER SOUTH UNIVERSITY AVE. . AND TWELFTH ST. Phones 115 and D _1 A T" -P tAC >h oto