THE MIC'HIGAN fDAILY CR AVAT S room for the exercise of good selecting from our stock of Cravats. Stripes, bars, color ions, changeable effects or plain, as you p refer. All tubular. unlined and pin-proof. Gross, 1 23 E. Liberty St.' SE9 THE G ('C SCHMIDI .haffing Dishes 2035. Main. Stationery d and EImbossed late, Script . . $1.25 be, Roman ... 2.00 tie, Old English 2.00 te, Roman Shaded .. 3.00 tie, Old English Shrded. 3.00 from plate . . . .75; Ming Cards, ~cption Cards, Wedding' Invitations, Announcements, Etc.' ttle & S ceairer Co. PRINTERS BINDERS Bell Phone 1404 UNIERSTYNOTICES All S.' L. A. ticket sellers 'who did not report at Treasurer's request yes- terday be sure to do so with money' to- day 4 to 5:30. Meeting" of tryouts for editorial staff of 1912 Michiganensian at 7:15 tonight, Michiganensian office. Senior engineer football practice to- day at 4 p. 'in. South Ferry field.,> All; men unable to report at 4 must report at gym at 7:15 for examination and election. of captain. Junior lit football practice today; at 3 o'clock at South Ferry field. First game Monday. The former students of the Ferris Institute 'will meet Thursday at 7 p. m. at 444 S.'State St. The Commerce Club will meet this vening at 7:30 in the Economics' build- ing. Junior lit class meeting announced for Friday has been called off. Watch the Daily, and class posters for fur- ther plans.. The balance of the tick~ets left for Dr. Warthin's lecture tonight can be' secured by- first year men and others who have not heard the lecture. The' lecture commences at 7:15 sharp. Forestry Club meeting, at 7 o'clock' tonight, room 401, N. W. Prof. Roth' speaks. General: meeting Deutscher Verein Wednesday, 7:30 p. mn. All candidates for soph engineer football'team report for practice Wed- nesday at 3:30 p. in. South Ferry field. Physical examination Wednesday, 7 p.' m. sharp, at gym.' Importantl Only those who report for examination at time stated above are eligible for team. All soph lit football candidates out today at S. Ferry field at 3:30. Junior engineer football practice this afternoon at 3:30 in vacant lot east of South Ferry{ field and every afternoon thereafter in South Ferry field. Tryouts for Michigan 'Union Opera in Sphinx rooms, Press Building, Thurs- day. Vocal tryouts at 4:15 p." m. Chor- us tryouts at 7:15. All must bring el- igibility cards. CLASSIFIED ADS. Advertising matters for this classified column must always be paid for in advance, and may be, left at the DAILY office op. posite the M~aestic between the hours of 12 noon and 10 p. in., or at Quarry's Drug Store, N. University and State, at any time up to 9:30 p. Mn. These Ads bring Results. * * * * * * * * * * * i e Ws 1 Q FOR RENT. For Rent-Two excellent rooms at a bargain. Two blocks from campus. Board for roomers only, $3.00. 432 Thompson St.. 12-13 LOST. Lost-Waterman self-filling fountain' pen last Saturday on campus near Engineering building or on College, S..12th or Hill Sts. Reward. 885-J. 1218 Washtenaw Ave. 13-14 Lost- Yesterday between U. Hall and Calkin's, 4 glasses jelly, 2 jars of pickles, and 2 cans of conserve. Find- er please phone H. S. C. 1649-J. Rey- ward will be forthcoming. 13 WANTED. Wanted-Roommate; one to help care for furnace for rent of room. In- quire 714 Monroe, 1073-L. For Sale-Two Gadski tickets, Re- served seats. Phone 937.1 W'anted--Young lady to represent us at the University of Michigan. We have an attractive salary and comn- missioni offer for the right party. Apply direct to S. Lieberman & Co., Tailor Made Dresses, 507 W. Jack- son Blvd., Chicago, Ill., or to the Business Manager of The Michigan Daily. tf FOUND Found--A set of surgical instruments in medical lecture room' Monday ev- ening. Owner may have same by calling at 418 Kingsley St. Shoes repaired while you wait. An- dres, 222. So. State "St. 3tf .Sweaters- cut over at the Palals Royal, 209 E. Liberty. 1-tf Get your tickets now. 3 for $1 for shampoo, facial and scalp massage. Just for one week beginning Monday. Mrs. R. J. Trojanowski, 1110 South University. 11-17 M AJESTI C --TONIGHT - - ktMAXIM MODELS CELLI OPERA CO. Now Show Entirely Thursday Coming Next Weak Arizona Joe, Wild Wiest t Cowboys--Bucking Broncos People who PURE WOOLEN' FABRIC AND HAND MADE GARMENTS The clothes of wide-awake gentlemenL at mT prices. We know that your visit to our store will be mutually profit ;We have to be wide wake!i Dare not offer freaks old-fogy styles. For our chief basin( is selling men's and bol clothes, to par tic u 1 people. Jr . uert4 re e HEN(RY &vvC Designers of Men's Clothes, will give you the Latest in NIngIJSK Cuts HmENRY &CO.* 711 N, UNIVEI AUTO LIVERY BELL PHONE 1101. 5 and 7 Prices HOMEB PHONE 4 206, West Hiur Ann Arbor Garage, A r Vi M rl .' VA It's. GRAGRSSchool of Da~ Opens October 10th. Classes fdr Ladies and Gentlemen Tuesday day evenings, 7:00 to 8:00. For particulars call at Academy or Phoft 246 office Hovirs 10-12 A. M., $85000 us $75,000 Important, An acquaintance with our store will help you in many ways Physically and rlentally We anticipate your needs at our corner store. Quarry Drug lCo. A'j Full line of electrical supplies at Killins' State Street Hardware. New Mazda Lamps, wire, shades, etc. 12-13-14 Rosenberg presses suits--25 Rosenberg calls and delivers. cents. l2tt )CK, P'res.; W. D. 3. Fritz, Cashier anics Bank lain St. nd Profits $108,000 l2tf Oldest Bank in Michigan Established 1849 11IA LL ER' S is _ Watoarxarz'sm Ideal, Cosiklin Self -en jillrz j, Moo re"s NOMn Leakable oCk+s nig ~ln. ,Rea : -.. Alarnma zd ne of MICHIGAN JEWELRY and NOVELTIES nest Jewelry and Watch Repairing ler's Jewelry Store :. ZBell, Phone 334 1L ... LAWS!I!! Let us typewrite your Conveyancing and Practice Court Work. .McNitt & Lewis, 302 S. State. 9tf j L, Go SMITH & BRO Typewriter BaI-Barng-long, Weating You'll need a Tyepwriter later. Get the best now and have it's use while in college Ask us to show you FUELBER & ZEWADSKI 310 S. State St. Up Stairs Am I COMMERCIAL AND SAVINGS ACCOUNTS SOLICITED If not convenient to call at tihe Bank we will promptly mail -information on BANKING BY MAIL, on request. DIRECTORS George Hendrie D. C. Delamater C. A. Dean Phillip ii.flcMillenl E.A.Cha potofl,M.D. Strathearni lendrie Sidney T. Miller John M. Dwyer Arthur M. Parker Paul P. 'Bagley 9t COlleg 1Michigan Pins, Fobs and Fraternity J ewe erjewelry. Big Ben alarms $2.50 Arnold Jew ieralarms $1.0 Your Patronage is, Well Cared far Here ! I ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ _% 1 I S. Main St. Frralternity Managers We handle every article in the Hardware, Heatin, and Pfu~mbing Lines R&SAn~a and Cookinj Utensils a specialty Phone us your order rtiverst~Lbsc1o Building Maynard St. Next door to University School of Music I Schumacher 'Hardware 308-310-35 So'asth Main Company MACK'S TE~A ROOM The proper 1)lace to take you~r lady friend The best place in town for Dinners, Lnnches or Refresh- ments. Combines seclusion with culinary prefection.. Rest room in connection. Service a la carte. Open from 8 A. M.. to 5 P nStrasti P. M., Orchestra Saurdays--noon and eveniags SECOND FLOOR MAC-K & CO. MAIN ST. #4 JDI Sund ay E the ilome of MAusic-For the. College ,Sudent Watch for the New Song "6VAR*SITY"9 On Sale Saturday, October 21st. FLANNEL SIRT Imported and Domestic Cloths-Priced from $1.50 to $4.00 The entire line is open for6 your inspection, even though you do not wish to purchase at the present time. via MICHIGAN CENTF October 22, V' Returning Same Day P mmw EXCLUSIVE AGENCY Gibson Minndollns end Gulta rs TINKER &COMPANY' Furnishers and Hattes to University Men COR S. STATE and WILLIAMS STS. WATCH OUR WINDOWS FOR NEW IDEAS SUBSCRIBE NOW, DETROIT 60 Trains leave 6:51 a. in., and 9:30 a. r accepted in coaches only. flagaa, be checked on these tickets. . Clothes for CollegeMen at Allen's Good Cltes Store,