$ TIL MICHIGOAN DAIL! T H iliI A ( u c ia l - - e wsp a p e r a t th e L i i e r ily of Michigan. ' Published every imorning except Mton- day throughout the school year. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Ar- bor, Michigan, under Apct of Con- g;ress of March 3, 1879. Street I aiV1 S IANAGVN(.aEIT.OU. l~ater R. wr. Albert It. JPfey Editors. ! ews Editor B.... arry Z. Fol: Assistant ......~... Frank Penn ell Athletic Editor. .. ..... Karl Matthewvs :assistant, e........... G. C. El1Iredge Music and Drama .... .Earl V. Moore Intercollegiate Ntewsa Harold G. McGee Files ...............Emmett Taylor 1"ditor"I~zs. Arthur B, Mpoehlman Frank E. Shaw Edwvard G. Kemp Maurice Myers Night Pdilkors. Miaurice Toulme Mack Ryan Wallace We ber C. Harold ippler H. Beach Carpenter Robert Gillett li<;Iarters. is not the caise whenl occupied by even a muedium. sized class. The small, undesirably stuffy rooms in the north wing of University hall are another examnple. May of these have windows only upon one side and there is not even a chance for free cir- culation of air. An hour spen't in any onle of theml, especally in mid-winlter', or real Cwarm w neather wlould convince the most skeptical of the truth. of the assertion. Another hour spent in Sarah Caswell Angell Hfall, when a class is in ses- sion, would ailso be enlightening-. The conditions in the majority of class- roomns are badl, as expleriene hasprv enw and they should be remedied as soon as possible. 100 RACKS in to select from N $1'050 -to $8.00 Every one Guaranteed Vfveracity Boolkstore Wright and Ditson's Strong Pliatinuim Fortsals Lgenis for the Slot= hroat Rackets. lave the most comn- live in the city. #CawH ZaUk Whom You Desire Prrortraits of~ Ou 7ect ,ing. our goods All goods John Townley J. Sellig Yellen Hal C. Taalmadge Morris 1Milligan Morton R. Hunter Chester J. Mlorse Frank Murphy Morris Houser aFred B. Foulk J. V. Sweeney Leonard Mv. ?RMoser Russell H. Neilgon David D. Huntingr Mlark F. Finley Ye E~d expressesi his penitence over pulling an editorial greeting to spring_ yesterday a. in. Mlany spring poets haunted our, sane- turn. for the, open ing. Yesterday, th aniks 'to the weather and the dog1: tbere were not so many. Go to THE PHOTOGRAF r Display !Window. i :hare'sI S' BOOKSTORE I wwri t'crs tale or Rent I T IN 0 RRILL e Street BY NAND AT 5OUTI1 STATE STREET rCleaned anid Pressed 75c SUITS PRESSED 25c OVERCOATS PRESSED 25, BUSINESS S'TAFF. assistant to Mgr. . .Joseph Fouchard Akdvertising Mgr ...Elmer P. Grierson ,irculatlon Mgr.E.. Ray Johnson Asst. Ads'. Mgr..A. R. Johnscrn, Jr. Edg 7ar T,. Jaffa .., W. T. Hollands W. J. Wetterau. J. I. Lipplncott Emerson Smith' Wa lt Ad Stations Press Building; Quarry's Pharmuacy; Th, University Pharwacy, 1219 S, University; Van Doren's Phar~macy, "on Packard Str"eet; The' Brown.- Drug Store, Main Street. Leave ads at these stationis before 8:30 p. in. for next morning's issue. Subscription prlce: By carrier, $2.50; By mzall, $3.00. )F'FICES<: Annu Aroor Preen Building, Maynard 'Street. )F'FICE HOM'?S: Manigm Iditor, 1-2 ), in., 10:30-11:30 p 11in-, Bus- tnW"Ss Manager, 1-E p. rn. B1otY I'. tue 960 THEURSDAY, APRIL 18, 1912. Wvell, whrat could y-ou tweathe r rman on the dayi~ ball ojpening? expect or a of the base- 'ant 1 find High-Class le you will taste ts. First time in 31S E., Huron Ple'tlx ur. i ortare.twr or $15.00 for four weeti, rooks, Strict C'eanhlness Concealed amid the incoming m ail we discover an envelope adorned with the hieroglyphics of the venerable President Emeritus" and filled with iie'vs. For such as Dr. Ang-ell may, we ever be truly grateful. JAY I1A1VS CALL MEETII NG TI) It ElONSI)I~l RBANQUET PLANS Junior laws will hold a class meet- ing this afternoon at 4 o'clock in room' C of the law building to reconsider their decision to' have their annual banquet in Ann Arbor instead of in Detroit or Toledo. _Many members of the class who de- sire that the banquet hae held out of he city, petitioned.~for'the meetin. P,. Cupid, 1":'(, swm-es Atiher Couplle. Wal1ter M. Nelson, '12 L, and Miss Rilla Amsdury, '09-'10, were married at the home of Dr. Dawson, Saturday, Akpril 6. The wedding was the culmi- nation of a six year engagement. Broth parties are from neighboring towns in Iowa and have been propminent in la- bor and socialistic activities in that section of the country. _4"CO{)iiI COOKE, 12 E, ACCEPTS POSITION ON MONTANA FAIM. George W. Cooke, '12 E, left yes~er- day for Bozemnan, Montana, where he wiii take a position on a pea farm. ' The prospects in the job were excel- lent, a nd Cooke's decision was quicly 1 71adle. In less than twenty-four hours aftr he decided to go, he boarded the "2: 38" for Chicago, on his way~ to flozemana. In his rfirst year Cooke played on the Fresh engineer baseball team, andI was likely material for the Varsity pitching' staff, but was barred from getting active in the work on account' of his college work. 9 Designers of Men's Clothes,. will give you th~e in EI ishCuts WPe Do French Dry and Steam Cie ]PISES ING e .d RE PAI! FULLER & O'CONNOR Tailors 6191 49.C~e 711iN. I2Y m, t & otice SPRING HATS In Coru gated and Ciotth, in the differ- '_I )R. ROEHM loodward Ave. r, Detroit, Mich. Vieatila tion Not Perfect. I ) MAKER OF Ri.dges, Novelties, Station- ery, and1 Decorations. We originate and., tin zsdesigning emblems for new organizations. y . Send fair catalog of Phi Beta Keys $5.50 WVith all11due respect to the ability and juadgmetr of Dean Vaughan, re- laringtheveniafonof campus ?lassrooms., The lichig n Diaily is in- dlined 'to hold a d (ifferent opinion. If -Orrectly (not='(, lD<-anV uhan _claim- ed thiat the only- poorly vent iilated raooms were thte lec ture room.1 in the EconomIics building anld one of the r'oomns in the Law bilding. The points of disagreem ent are baas- ed upon actual and constant expleri- ence, extending over a period of four years. They extend to nearly every buildinlg upon the campus, and, in most instances, conditions are noth- ing to boast of, let alone perfect. The Museum lecture room may have good ventilation when unoccupied but this enst colorsI with French Cults,I Anything 'J. A. GREY. Propricto Collars to match SIP ON'S RUBBER COATS 'varsity Togge'ry SHOP 1 17 S.'University Ave. E. J. Lehr I I Fire Leaders- "The Little Br Write for free iliusl PHILIP MORR 402 West Broads 481 St. Catherine AND BANNERS lar b y ., «ti 1 _-ter... s ________ ___-'fl L THIS WEEK *ii~i~hHeidcaps Clthare worn by good Hats dressers. Desirable new patterns " - ________S pring shipment that can not be had later A NER 4 a0a State Q has arrived. ~ ~1 L & @~ a Stree R'S, Store i AND BEST WAY'. 11 luranigh strictly reliable e Parties, Dances, Observ- flivate Calls Both Day and ates Same as Hacks cicab Company., ISTATE STREET I Just Reeied A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF FINE CANDLES In halves and, pounds. Phone pq your wants. Vaunborells Pharmacy 703 Paekard St. Detroit United- Lines Lniti;fl'm 1t)onto Division Superin- tenlent Alitn, \ piilanti, of the Detroit Unlited ?.lines, by officers of Varsity or- organ izatiens,, the 'movement, beyond the capacity of the regular service, of any. grout of students to ~or from Anan Ar- bor, extra cars and extra service will be p rufm tly supp(lied._ I l l l O O y C on s , b ua lo ns , 1n r o w in g. unin u nails, treated and cured. Everything absolutely art- tseptic. Office hours. °-12 a mn. 1-5 and T-S P in MISS E. J. FOLEY 921 E. Huron Street, End North 1 2th 2 Blocks East of High School' - Phone 989.1 COUSI1NS & H AELI Mlars. J. R. FA SIIIONABL Bair Good, Hairdn FaceI Raln water Shan 1110 South Univen V. - li CORNER SOUTH UNIVERSITY AVE. AND TWELFTH ST. Phones 115 T I 1 v n~ A -V.- a _ Kv Y - 0 Fa