i 0 1872 1 "El STUDENTS DINIE WITH SEED _MEN Local Representation of Perry Seed Co ofInDtroit is Numerous. W ,hon D. AI. Ferry and Co., the De- troit seedsmen, banqueted their force of traveling Salesmen at the Pontchar- train in Detroit, Tuesday evening, twenty-three M1ichigan students were~ a.mong the large number gathered' 'round the merry board. These men represented the seed company *In ev- ery section of the country last sum- mer, and have recently formed an or- ganization here. known as "The Ferry 'Seeds Club of the University ofMih Mc-igan." The new society is planning a dance to be held soon after spring va- cation. Those present at the Detroit banquet were: Albert DMlley, Mellin Martin, Dale Souter, Harold Abbott, R. H. Fry- berger, Paul Reighard, Arthu~r Rather, Don Daron, Edgar Bowen, Carl Eber- bath, Vernon Halliday, Ross Baumunk, *Abner Dilley, Melvin Wagne r, Hf.NM Malejan, Arthur Dibble, F. E. Bartell, 'Ar~hur K~ohler, C. A. Doty, A. W,. Cox Julian Bowen, Clare Coulter, and Don. Beardslee. Chemiist to Lecture '1ooror MIr. it. B. Grunwald, instructor ir. chemical engineering, will read a pa per on "Original Research on Calciun and M1agnesium Bicarbonates," at the ,eeting of the university section oi the Americanv Chemical Soc~ety, tomor- row afternoon at 4 o'clock in room 15' chemistry building. Pinochle finals ho to Willy anid Harris Co::,to the report which appear- ed in the Daily yesterday morning in regard to the high scores in the pin- ochle tournament, first place was giv- en to Willy and Barris with 14,25( points, and second place to Wilkins and Lawn with 13~950 points. UNION APPOINTS COMMITTEE '1'0 (CAREFOR IBULLETIN BO0ARD1 A committee of twventy-one mem~bers ha(~been appointed by President Blish of the Mlichig-an Union to care for the bulletin board that wvill be hung in the clubhouse within the next few days. KMorton Hunter, '12 E, is chairman of the committee. The following mhen will report at the clubhouse today at I:30 o'clock at which time the duties f their appointnfent will be explain- ed: Horton Kaiser, _Ibussell De an, Ed- ward Idema, George Johnston, Danie' McLoughlin, W. T. Smith, Carl Becker Charles Stewart, Paul Jenkins, Leon1 ard Daniels, James Robinson, C. H Poole, J. R. Watkins, Thomas Studeo vant, Conrad Netting, Stanley 'Stock Thomas Abrams, Henry Parsons, Will iamn Baum, Lawrence Bartlett, M. 1-1 Parsons. Whl'oi pint a d Theatre We Solicit Your Cotrespondenca "4her" 91 i I' 'raI It There Min on Regular Schedule. will be no extra trains on for tEaster I Aft, r a'U, " sweets to the sweet" is best. F'anc v ee-~gasps and pretty ',aubles take a b ck seat whea a to, of ljYputs in its appearance. Theni, tun, these dinty 'o>nfecti,,ns convey a s'ntime-t t at's a ii l lacking i,. ahatever eW Ou 1.i i Send or Cive here Patt i in <1.2, -ii*oimc imaginabL . Give u--. }v _ crdeu to-c'ay--NIOW I HUVI-ER'S always frost. 1f you're out ofL he . vw!',Y ex r,,,it to you. Ann rlboir n & C Of Friday to tale care of the students' who will journey home for the spring6 v acation,. However, the railroads have arranged to take care of the traffic by attaching extra cars to the regular' trains. The interurban will run doub- le-header limiteds both east and west. New York ('lub to Hold Banquet. Pr. C. A. Durrett and Professor. F. S. both will be the faculty represen- tatives who wvill .speak to the New SY-rk club at its banquet at the Union Ithis evening. K. C.. Baker will act as tca:_tmaste. R~ciiity Men Ill llVisit Chicago. NMl,- T. 14. Hildebrandt, Registrar l ' a 'l.FProf. W. B. Ford, and Prof., Alex- ander 7.iwet will leave Friday for Chi- cago where they will attend the meet- ings of the American Mathematical So- ciety held on the 5th and '6th of.April. Union Clubhouse~ to Remain Open. The Michigan Union clubhouse will be kept open during the entire' vacation period for the use of members. Or Easter Sunday a special dinner 'evil' be served for guests. Pi let~i l(a ppa Aspiranmts )Must Walt 'Those seniors who are waiting anx- iously to see whether or not they wiD' 0111( day wear a Phi Beta Kappaa key will be interested to know that the elections to that society will not b< announced until a week after the va- cation Shlakshearoam Glass Recite~i. Professor T. C. Trueblood's class in Zhakespearean Reading gave a recita& of "Richard the Third" in Sarah Cas- wvell Angell hall last nig-ht.- The ;lass is required to give two public re vitals each semester and the presenta- :ion of "Richard the Third" was tli ,frst of the semester. .: W1art bin Attend )ledica,.! )Ieetirg Dr. A. S. Warthin left yesterday fol Philadelphia where hie will atte nl neeting of the Internation~al Associa. ion of Medical Museums. On Frida ind Saturday, hie will read two paper )efore the American 'Association. c Pathologists and Bacteriolo, ists_ at tb . niversity of Pennsylvania. Kansas iidopts Athletic Extension. Athletic extension work has beer: inaugurated- by the University of Ka.n._ sas, ten high schools having askred o., :ectures and exhibitions by varsity' men. Same Like it Hot. Eery little college has a little fashior of its own. Indiana seniors weal corduroys exclusively. Wisconsin anc Minnesota favor lumber jacks' trous ers and high collared sweaters. Co-. lumbia sophs wear grey slouch hat, as their royal insignia. Coloradc freshmen wear green skull caps witl a big red button on top. New Mvexic affects the Mexican sombrero and lWy- oining the inevitable cowboy lid. Ii is whispered that Harvard student,, go 'to class in dress suits and it is a well known fact that Drake students wear checkered horse blankets foi overcoats.-The Wash ington Dai lz A university physic;ian, at Washing ton Universtiy, looks after minor case. and assigns more serious ones bto loca :Jrttt:titioners, whose bills are I:aidi b: the university, An annual fee of $1.21 is charged. )Wellesley maintains a college physi !4ifl, and an infirmary with a superin tendent, two nurses, and -a consultin )hysician. Tie system is under th supervision of the administration. Th fee is $5,a year. Sick1 students- at McGill Universit3 are cared for gratis, at hospitals under the charge of the medical faculty. The Uui -ersity of Georgia has project on foot for a $25,600 infirm a ry. A college physician at Boston Teel dievotes his time to looking a'ter stu dent health. I'IAJES For the ath in Hai O'er Glycerine Soap i a Class-y artiule hicht T1WO Odoi s. White Roo, or Violet, full half F Jfreely in hid w ,t( r: t=rh ci lr ttans.arent, looks; in fact ithcouidn't, .,e ki tox at a himhs r pi i e. product ar'd we sul] it, vi ht t ~1 Oc a calve, 3 for 25c. Tham exallDruj E. C. EDSILL, Prop. 122 S. Main St. Tres 'te Ann Arbor Taxicab We are complete'ly equipped with an u~ taxies ready for ser-Oce. We cater e~pecially to dances, theatre train-, private calls, etc. Open day and night. Prices reasonable. BELL PRONE 159 Y OR H .td. 214 S. flAIN. ST. For Personal Reasons I must dispose of my $350.00 mahogany plane, only two months from factory. A splendid' chance to get a . new and, expensive instrument for the price of a cheap one. I will demonstrate its fine action and beautiful tonal qualities day or evening at 1321 FOREST AVENUE $260.00 If sold at.once, $225.00 If for cash. Mors. I~I CAN YOU DISTINGUISH BETWEEN WHATI IS GOOD AND WHAT LOOKS GOOD. THlE Daylight Fr I's our aim to make this t,;~ ore thani sinip~v a l,1 c to pir-h tse ci th'. To this end we hi iv,- studied t~iiloing. fabrics and tle We believe that thet doub'ii;rman , I'u the nanlwlo ]at Is te- chniical kniowledge can gain a gi e, tI (esI by ,getting at quail td with us. Our "Adler Bros." clothuing e'iih Oies the best the world has to offer in the tailloring, Fabrics and sti)le. You will undoubtedly be gr 'tified withi what knott ledge Cott' ngyn frc~tt, visit to uts. I UNVERSI-I N N1Y1.I.ES Szn or claws nim;u tl ay their clan: duies by Wednesday April 17, 1912. Yeet in,,- cf Gar,,oyle b.iLsinoss sta: today at 5 o'clock. M-.etin , of the "Mimes" at the Unic- at 8p.m. to~ay. Seniore engineers must be measures for caps and gowns at Reule, Conlii and Fiegel's before, vacation. The A. F. L. A. feninIg tourDnmen scheduled for this evening is p~ostpon- ed until aster vacation,. Madl Sat., Beautiful Art Soli ..: .. Fri 10c an RJ9' ULE, CONLIN F E200202 South Main Street t'm [Cominxg Mondaey--THE HVMA n r , _ ip and Gown Photographs G; C. MAlE