__ _ I aorning except Mon- Sthe school yea~r st Office at Ann Ar- under Act of Con- 3, 1879, iiUSVNEaS MANAG~ER Albert IL Dmley Editors. Editor .....,... Harry Z. Folt Lnt.........Frank Peunell' cEditor...... nt.............. and Drama .. ilegiate News If re lee [Or Tol rs arpe: Aman Frank E. Shaw ip Maurice Myers ht Editors. e ~Mackc Ryan' C. Harold Hippler lter Robert Gillet reporters. Morris Houser Fred B. Foulk' Ige J. V. Sweeney Leonard M. Rieser,' er Russell V. Neilson e David D. Hunting ' Mark F,> Finley~ [ESS STAF~r. gr. .. Joseph Fouchard r... Elmer P. Grierson ;r...E. Ray Johnson ..... A. R. Johnson, Jr. ....W. T. Hollands1 .1. I. Lippincott arson Smith Ad Stations insult. We came to college and saw the same flag floating ab'ove thrc campurs. We saw it in the morning and it had a cheering effect and we saw it as the sun slid behiind the western hills. The picture is not complete because we have not told of its neglect at Mich- igan. Because it might require a lit:- tle physical exertion every nigh) lt and morning, the flag has been allowed to fly at the top of the pole until, worn and torn by the elements, it was re- placed by another. This is pitiable. The flag deserves more consideration. There is a fed- eral regulation which makes it a mis- demeanor to neglect a flag and allowb its exposure night and day to the ele- ments. If the authorities desire to in- culcate respect in the student body, let them first take better care of the flag. Coin nil Does Well. The action of the Student ouncil in decidling to throw open its door's to the general student body must meet "with the approval of all its supporters. For a long time the students have desired to know more of what the Council does and it is gratifying to see the re- form come from within. Certain mat= ters, must perforce, be secret for a time and to secure this necessary se- crecy the Council can easily resolve to go into executive session. But thf_ general action is certainly deserving of praise. FIFTEEN YEARS AGO TOD)AY, jThe regular spring agitation ag;ainst. bicycle riding on the sidewalks was reo. newed. The idea of forming an all-freshm an baseball team was being considered. TWVENTY YEARS AGO TODAl)Y, PluikAlhmum F art: 0 its Spend Your Vai Base B Whens Prort For 100 Kj WAHI Fro m TI THE 319 E. Eu ron to lpiWtlnrum Portri..Its Wei We Do PKES Suits Cleaned and P FULLER & )uarry's Pharmacy; Pharmacy, 1219 S. Doren's Pharmacy, t; The Brown Drug ,et. Leave ads at fore 8:30 p. m. for ssue. :By carrier, $2.60; The Cornell glee, banjo an~d mando-. lin clubs gave a concert in University Hall. It was announced that Prof. W. J. Hussey was to leave to accept an as- sistant professorship in astronoIy at Leland Stanford. )JWNE $ 0OF DO(AS ARE WARNED) NQT TO LET THIEN'HUN LuOSE. Designers of Building, D. in., 10:30-11:80 p. mn. , >>i- taeis Manager. 1-6 p m. Both Phon~e$s96. II THURSDAY, APRIL 4, 1912. This will be the last issue of The Michigain Daily until after the Eaister recess. , Publication will be resu~mer on titc nioruigi o! Wedn'sda3; April 17. Immediately after Dr. J. C. Cumgming hlad reported that the dog- owned by Geo. Donahue had been the victim of the ra.bies, Mayor WValz issued a proc- lamation warning all owners of dogs to confine them within their own premn- ises for the next six weeks or their owners will be liable to prosecution. Since a number of other dogs 1ha been bitten by the in- HUNR,11 h N ot k k ~fec_ed canine, the police have been given orders to shoot all dogs found running about the street without their owvnew. Mlr. Donahue and his daughter, who F= U~ ( aiS kb Lin lc ol' c~rI~ew Take Care of 0h 1(, g{Nwere bitten by the dog, are in the IUniversity hospital taking the Pas- it is only3 composed of a few strips teur treatment. o1 :olored (.10th, with little dabs ol -____ wvool here and thiere to represent stars SAYS S8IANG WEA1KENS IfINI) and, taken at its aetual value, it does AND SlOU'LI) BE TABOQOED. ?ot aM!Cunlt to mnuch. But its intrinsic 'orth is greater than almost anything The department of English at the I.se wve know of. It is the American University of Kansas has started an flag, victor on many fields, where energetic campaign against the use blood ran furrow, deep, and alvvays the of slang. "It is wveakening to the in- symbol of freedom and en'ightenment.I telle ct to make one set of phrases an- Prom early youth we have been awsoer for the expression of every emo- taught to revere and respect that flag lion," said Professor R. D. O'Leary in and to cherish its honor as we would! explaining his opposition to the style our lives. WVe were told to guard it lof language so much used b3y George from neglect as well as from abuse and Ade. i 1 L s SPRCING HATS In Corugated and Cloth, in the diffter- ent colors SOFT SHIRTS with French Cuffs, Collars to match SLIP ON'S RiUBBER COATS Varsity Toggery SHOP 1 17 S. University[Ave. E. J3. Lahr oprieto __ I English edep Ohthare worn by good Hats dressers. Deslratre new patterns --S pring shipment th.at can riot be had later !IV ostreet hsarvd '_f' 'harin'ey 'ua Store I ft 6 _. _ r Just Received A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF GI LBERT'I FINE CANDIES In halves and pounds. Phone us your wat*. Detroit LUniRed Lines I)pi'r i finsto Division Superin- _ndcmti .\il r . l'V p.iati, of the Detroit i nited Iin,-s, by officers of Varsity or- r,,amizativ'ns, the movement, baeyond tht apacity of the regular. service, of anN .jotup of students to or from A'nn Ar -or. extra ears and extra service will be ,; 10Jfly supplied. CHIROPOY nail., treat, r , d , nd curer M EverP~.~Iything asltl n Olseptic. Ofich ours,. 9-1'? a m. 1-) and ,- 1 p fai MISS E. J. FOLEY a 921 E. Huaron Street, End North 1 2th R 2 Blocks East t 1High School - Phone 589. li111 COUSINS & HALL CORNER SOUTH UNIVERSITY AVE. AIND TWELFTH ST. Phones 115 for Van borcn's PharmacyI -_,, & PACK, PJ