THR MICHIGAN DAi.L! THlEIiCIGAN DAILY OibcilI ±ewspper iutthe University of 31ichigan. Published every morning except Mon- day throughout the school year. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Ar- I bore Michigan, under Act grcss of March 3, 1879. of Con-I StreetI hORIFICEI liv Walter K. Towers. IUSINESS WAN ArOEB AIZoert IL Miley Want Ad Stations Press Bnilding; Quarry's Pharmacy; The University Pharmacy, 1219 S. U'niversity; Van Doren's Pharmacy, on Packard Street; The Brown Drug Store, Mlain Street. Leave adts at these stations before 8:30 p. m. for next morning's issue. Suilnwrlpt~tou price: By carrier, 12.50; By mnail, $3.00. OPP'IiCKS Antn Aroor Press Buildfng, Maynard Street. OFI FI HOURS: Managing Editor, 1- p. mn., 10:30-11:30 p. in.; Bus- ltosi Manage(-r. 1-5 p. rn.. Both Phones 00. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 1, 11912. With the issue of Thursday mornuing, The .Michigan IDaily -will suspend piub- lication 11til after the Spring' vaeation proof that the perception is still (1im1. Int any business, fully as much as inz any profession, the man, who has learned the value of indep-ndent thinking, wvill eng-age in it better for having been to a university. For the energetic, educated man, who does not affect a superior pose, there is in- variably a big future. He probably has as 'much to learn f'rom experience as ;those wvho mounted !:he om1c stools at much tenderer years, but his trdined mind-priu riularly if in his educatjon,economics and allied subjects have formed a promi- nent part--will enable him to inter- pret experience more appropriately. There seems to remain still an im- pression that any exceptional intellec- tual ;aptness w~ould be wasted in bus- inesis though not in a profession. Of modern comimercialism, no idea coud be more mistaken. For all who are in- dustrious and capable there are -fitting niches in this wvorld. Where one be- gins to climb is a matter' of little mio-- ment; where one' ends Jis the import- ant thing. Tennis Racl F-or $1.50,$7,00 Or" 100 RACKETS TO SELECT WAHRS' VurdIve rsity _ _ s Spend Your Vacation Out Of Do Y o~ as p ta a BseaI& M rF' rm $1.50 to $8.00 or$9 pdext~arum Fo'rest Ji8 Pia When YVou fDesire Prortraits of Qu; ne ry Go to cents han's' )ewri t rs Sale or Kent. r)YPEWRITIN (; 0. A. MORRILL - 3 2 So. IStite StrecAi AND) ?AIAIN STREFI vetient place for a.o1r k anking. Market EEMANN ;R IN k, Ham Poultry Sausage .1 red '?:0 N. 4th Ave haHolrTwlAanThe obnoxious, germh generating, disease disseminating roller towel-is again in evidence upon the campus. Two' have been hanging in the gen- eral library until they. seem to form an integral part of the wall, save that the wall looks cleaner than its re- pulsive decorations. They have been watched daily and have only been changed when the official in (har e seemed to think there was nothing else left to do. Another part of the campus-wvhiach should be free of this variety of towel is the clinic in the Dental Go]llege. Here especially, where a premium should be placed u~pon cleanliness, the roller towel is used during clinics. It is someti'mes bad enough to permit amateur dentists to attempt to set our' mouths aright, but every possible pre- caution should be taken to insure cleanliness and this the roller towel, with its ever increasing burden of germs, more or lefts virulent, !does not do. Sanitary towels have been installed, with good results in University haill and the Michigan Union and there is no reason why they should not work, as well in other buildin-s. This is a menace to the student body and prop- er precautions should iimmtediately be a ken3. t MUSIC AND DRAMA Faculty Convert,. The April Faculty Concert will be given Friday evening of this week il- stead of Thursdaiy as has been pats- tomnary. The change of da"*: s is due ~o the fact that- t'_ High School Audi- torium is to be used otherwise on that' nigh1t. The program to be given is at Most attractive one, and will be ren- dered by Alr. Albert Lockwood, pian- ist, Mr. William How land, Baritone, Mr. Saimuel Lockwood, violinist, and1 Mr. Richard P. Hall, "cellist, with ac-, ,ouipaninients by Mrs. G. B. Rhead and Miss 'Nellie Gouciher. Mr. Hall, -besides appearing in the Sai-nt-Saeins' Trio, for violin, piano and 'cello, will also play the obligato for Wagner's "j'vening Star," which wvill be sung by Mr, How- land. The program in full will be as follows:- Prelude, A minor.......Debussy 11 Penseroso ........ ........ Liszt- Fantasie, Op. 49 .,.,. Chopin Albert Lockwood. "o ~du mein holder Abendstern"(fromn Tannhauser).............Wagner William Howland Violoncello obligato by Richard P. Hall 319 E. I -eatr Fortr~Ats "AVE YOUR 'CL OTHES PRESSED BY iDA HALL BROTHERS 410 5SOUTH Suits Dry Cleaned and Pressed 93c O--ercosts Dry Cicajied DRESS SUITS PRESSED SUITSP soc OvEWC( a. i5 TIDE PHOTOGRAII' R' . +'" Plbos~e, urn I want men whxo w .,at morcy. Jay E. Currie, 224 S. THJAYI.R ST. Ibe Au. Arbor CapitLai Stock 5300,OK Resources A (Jeneral Banking IR rtT'iCRB: Chas. E. 13 'i rrimsau, Vice P'res.: i, . l -.::-_ '' _ .: COX SONS & VINING New York -makers of Acaulcmic Costume Capp, Gowns and floods for all degrees MACK C O. Representatives F latyisurr F~E The armers & Mecharnics Bank 101-103-105 S. M~ain St. pital $10'1,OO. Surplub Eid PlufitS I,0U ETROIT IJNII) LINES t1ween Detroit, Ann Arbor and Jackcson troi Limited-8:13 and W.313 a.m.,. 1113 :13, 4:13, 6:13, and 8:1a p.m. amazoo Limited--7:46, 9:46, and HAG4t .m.; 1:46, 3:40, and 5:46 P.m.; Lansing- :46 p.ri}. al Cars East Bound-To Detroit, 5:45 a.mU.; :45 a.mi., and every two hours to 10:45 1.11. To Ypsilanti, 5:45 a.m. and half-hour- yto -11 :15 p.m. ; also 12:1.5, 12:31) and 2::i3 To Saline, change at Ypsilanti. al Cars West iBound iud1 41-" l rld every two hours to 11 .1-7 p.m. fr-om 'Concerto' No. 4',' Dmajor ..IIMozart Allegro;% Andante cantabile;. Rondo Samuel Lockwood Accompaniment by Mrs. G. B. Rhead The lass with the delicate air. Dr. Arn Bel demeer's Stream ...... Old Irish Ho!' Jolly Jenkin........... Sullivan William How land Accompaniment by Miss Nellie GCouch-. er. For Personal reasons I muvst dis-o'st ( f 1-} $350.00iii"ilOgany pan iAV ' 1'P f1 in fct- ory. A splecndid ch1ance to' get a necw and expensiveistrtnw t fr the price c1 ac. 1ea p ore. I .v 11l dt1:iuu-tzate its fLue ac ion and~ lie: t1'i r1 itona a1