IA Reliable Directory of
Reliable Busines
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nmage First
Stone Wall
;s of the
Cabinet Club Elects Officers.
The Cabinet Club, an organization
composed of students from Washing-
ton, held its first meeting ox the year
Monday and elected the following of-
ficers: President, E. I. Weaver, vice-
president; P. V. Siggers, secretary; T.
M. Robie, treasurer; F. W. Dubois.
For the purpose of having the fresh-
men from that city get acquainted a
smoker will be held the first of next
week at the Michigan Union.
Y. W. C. A. Stars Wednesday Classes.
The Y. W. C. A. begins a campaigni
today for members for this year's+
classes in world affairs. This series
of classes is an annual feature of the
Y. W. C. A. work and all women stu-4
dents are invited to enroll in any of1
the courses. The classes will begin1
next week. -
Many New Musicians Give Samples of
Their Ability.
The Mandolin Club, under the direc-
tion of Roscoe Gage, held its first try-
outs last night in University Hall. Out
of the twenty-five men who were pres-
ent, thirteen will be selected to fill the
vacancies in the club of twenty-two.
Among the tryouts last night, there
were fourteen mandolins, four guitars,
three violins, one violincello, one man-
docello, and two clarionets.
Leader Gage says he is very much1
pleased with the abundance and ex-1
cellence of material. He also stated
that some of the tryouts have excep-7
tional ability and on this account the
competition will be very keen.
The final selection will not be madei
until nearly time for the trip whicht
is held in conjunction with the, gleec
club during the Xmas vacation.t
Detroit women are becoming inter-
ested in the campaign for funds for
the women's residence halls that is be-
ing conducted by the Women's League.
At a meeting of the College Club of that
city held Monday afternoon, a commit-
tee was appointed to investigate the
matter and also to confer with the
women alumni in Detroit about rais.
ing money for the project.
As yet the League has not solicited
any funds from the women of Detroit
nor prepared to make a canvass of
the alumni. In fact the matter has
been left entirely to the College Club
committee. Dean Jordan, accompa-
nied by several of the faculty ladies
and senior girls were present at the
Monday meeting. They spoke about
the need of a residence hall for the
university girls and the appointment
of the committee was the result of
their plea.
Coaches are Planning to ave Team
Trained to Minute for Michigan.
(Special to The Michigan Daily)
Pennsylvania has come through her
preliminary season with credit to her-
self. It is true that she has been scor-
ed against but there is no doubt of the
fact that had the coaches not been
anxious to find out the real ability of Rules for
several of the men and tried them out, Same a
that the scores would have looked --
Interclass Fib
s Those of L
are Approve
the regular team
sterday afternoon,
r as the back field
oach had his new
ough signals but
immage and sent
end, Picard in at
at left half, Meek
much better.
The men who have practically won
their places on the team are Fisher
and Jourdet at left and right end re-
spectively, Crawford at left guard,Mor-
ris at center, Wolferth at right tackle,
Harrington at.right halfback and Mer-
cer at fullback. There are several men
in line for the other places and the
final choice is sure to give Penn a
strong though not a heavy eleven
Penn's coaches are working hard
and feeling that the game with Michi-
gan is their hardest and most import-
ant contest, all efforts will be made to
have the men in the best possible con-
dition and playing at their best when
they get to Ann Arbor on the 18th of
next month.
Alumnus Wants the Singing of
low and Blue" Between
Halves Continued.
ana a
game, as after
en handed the
d by the scrub
the oval over
wn, Yost gave
a the varsity's
rest of the af-
ried to carf
(The Daily assumes no responsibility
for sentiments expressed in com-
Editor, The Michigan Daily:
Any Alumnus, loyal to Michigan and
her traditions, who reads the editorial
in the October eighth issue of the Dai-
ly, and headed "Our Alma Mater,"
could not fail to commend you for the
opinion therein expressed I refer par-
ticularly to your statement, "the 'Yel-
low and Blue' is more than a song; it
is the voice of thousands of alumni
Takes up Matter of Cheer
Leaders and Class
Proceeds Started n Court to
Obtain Location for New
to see the ball that
ch made the grade.
the session~ for all ex-
ring men, but they were
;nals then and kept at
sn't safe to run around
hout a chaperone.
ine showed up well and
:'s play to handle the
s the way they were
i has them going better
they are getting team
.s showed up well yes-
is absence because of
a the side lines and the
cided that he has a se-
the muscles of his left
ity backfield that was
nage had little chance
tself except on the de-
nen showed up well at
game. Barton at end
game and intercepted
d passes and on side
justified the coach's
g him on the extremity
the reserves play time
e they were well start-
joining us in proudly proclaiming our
love for our Alma Mater." That idea
of the linking of the past and the pres-
ent with the future and the essential
unity of all three in our Alma Mater
cannot be too strongly expressed.
It has been my good fortune to have
revisited Michigan twice since my
graduation and I have looked for the
old customs and songs that I knew
and which thousands of Michigan men
before me have known. In all cases I
did not find these things and, in many
cases, those that I did find had, in the
search for novelty, been changed al-
most beyond recognition. I would not
be understood as standing against
progress and modern spirit but sure-
ly our songs and traditions may re-
main sacred. It is those things that
make up a large part of what we call
Michigan Spirit; it is in those things
that some of our dearest memories are
enshrined, and, for those reasons, and
because we Alumni, representing the
past, desire to feel our unity with the
present and the future, I plead that
we may seek to retain our traditions.
Above all things, do not let us lose
the custom of singing the "Yellow and
Blue" between halves. For years, on
countless fields and in encouragement
of countless gridiron warriors, Michi-
gan's sons have stood between halves
while, with bared heads and with
hearts full of loyalty, they have given
expression to their loyalty, they have
given expression to their devotion to
their Alma Mater in the words of that
glorious old song. As I write I see
the pictures of those mellow autumn
afternoons, the team on the field, and
the hundreds of loyal Sons of Michi-
gan paying their homage to their Alma
Mater in the manner hallowed by tra-
dition and endeared to thousands of us
by tender memories. It is a wonder-
ful picture and let us not introduce
into that picture a new and unknown
Sincerely yours for Alma Mater,
Austin, Texas.
In addition to plans for the inter-
class rush which occurs Saturday, the
Student Council at its session last
night, also took up' the matter of stu-
dent cheer leaders and the rules to
govern the coming class elctions. The
eighteen new members of the Council.
he result of the elections Monday were
sworn in, bringing the total member-
ship up to the maximum provided for
in the Council constitution.
A committee, composed of represen-
tatives from the various departments,
was appointed for the purpose of de-
vising plans to meet the dearth of'
cheer leaders that seems to prevail
this fall. Just what scheme will be'in-
augurated will be made known after
the committee has held its meeting
this evening. This question was also
discussed yesterday at a meeting of
the Board of Directors of the Athletic
association, at which time it was de-
cided that several men should be given
try-outs at today's game between the
Varsity and the Reserves. Munson,
Hannavan, and Doran are the probable
candidates. It is hoped by the Coun-
cil that by working in harmony with
the Association, a solution of the dif-
ficulty will be found.
The interclass constitution being
still in the hands of the non athletic
committee for ratification, it was de,
cided to ask those classes whether or
not it would be agreeable for them to
hold them under the clause of the pro-
posed uniform constitution that gov-
erns class elections, the same having
met with the approval of the non ath-
letic committee. Councilmen were ap-
pointed for the purpose of laying the
matter before each class.
"Chick" Lathers Takes a Bride.
"Chick" Lathers, the former Michi-
gan third baseman and later a Detroit
player, will be married tonight in
Grand Rapids. His bride is Miss Ruth
Richmond, of that city, and the mares
riage is the culmination of a romance
started while Lathers was in college.
Condemnation proceedings were
started yesterday by Attorney-general
Kuhn, acting for the Regents of the
university, against Zachariah and Ida
York, who own the lot on South Thay-
er street, north of the Winchell prop-
erty upon which the new Arthur Hill
auditorium will be erected. The lot
is said tq be held at an exhorbitant
price, several times the amount asked
by the owners before they heard that
the university wanted the property.
The Regents decided to use the power
of eminent domain which was conferr-
ed upon the university by the new con-
The attorney-general asked that
three commissioners be appointed to
determine the value of the property.
This price, if approved by the court,
will have to be accepted by the owners.
This is the first time that the univer-
sity has had to resort to such meas-
ures in order to obtain property.
Dean Mortimer E. Cooley of the En-
gineering department returned yester-
da afternoon, from a short trip east.
On last Thursday he spoke at Atlantic
City, before the Eelectric Railway Ac-
countants' Association on the subject
of "Overhead Charges." "The electri-
cal manufacturers' exhibit, on Young's
$1,000,000 pier is one of the most not-
able exhibits of its kind ever given
in this country, and was well worth
the trip to see," said Prof. Cooley.
Prof. Cooley also saw the Curtis Hy-
dro-aeroplane in action and took
some pictures of it, while it was skim-
ming over the water and after it had
sailed into the air. Since last Friday
he has been in Washington attending
a meeting of the Block Signal and
Chain Control Board, of which he is
a member.
The state university of Iowa will
have a new physics building, costing
Engineering Society to Have Smoker.
Plans are practically complete for
the first smoker of the year of the En-
gineering Society to be given in the
society rooms next Saturday evening.
The smoker is a free-for-all to mem-
bers of the engineering department.
The committee on arrangements will
spring some features that promise to
be good.
By the end of°this school year sev-
eral changes will be completed in the
appearances and locations of num-
erous houses belonging to fraternal
organizations about town. A few
such changes have already.been made
and others will follow in the course
of a few months. The Chi Psi frater-
nity house is being altered within on
account of a fire a week ago Monday
which damaged several rooms. The
Delta Gamma sorority house on the
corner of Hill and Church streets is
nearly completed The members of
the Phi Kappa Sigma fraternity have
changed their residence to their new-
ly purchased house at 1443 Washte-
naw Avenue and will begin extensive
alterations and additions at once.
Prof. Richard Hudson sold his home
at 1023 Oakland Avenue to the Alpha
Tau Omega fraternity and the latter
has taken up its habitat there. The
Phi Kappa Psi fraternity house on
Washtenaw avenue will be remodel-
ed in the spring. A new building will
soon be in course of erection at the
present location of the Sigma Chi
house on State street. The old house
will be torn down in November. The
Gamma Phi Beta sorority will build
this year on South University avenue.
Dr. Kauffman To Talk on Mushrooms.
Dr. C. H. Kauffman of the botanical
department will deliver a lecture on
"Edible Mushrooms," Thursday even-
ing at 7:30 in the chemical amphithe-
ater. This is the first of a series of
lectures to be given under the auspi-
ces of the Prescott Club. Everyone
interested in the subject is invited to
Prof. Bursley is out of Town.
Prof. Joseph Bursley left town yes-
terday, on private business. He will
be back in a day or two.
Officials Will be Members of Stu
Council and Varsity
Final plans for the Fresh-Soph
which will be held Saturday mor
on South Ferry field were adopted
the Student Council at its meeting
The rules which will govern
year's contestdo not differ materL
from those under which last ye
rush was conducted and are str
in accordance with the scheme
ommended by the faculty last fall.
Three poles will again be fought
the freshmen acting as the defend
The only marked changes are the
hibiting of the greasing of any of
poles and the increasing of the
tances between them to one hund
feet. As in the past all contesta
will be required to wear tennis sh
'he posting of proclamations by un
classmen has been strictly prohibit
The cane sprees which were inau
rated last year will follow the r
Twenty men will be chosen from &
side and arranged in couples acco
ing to size and strength. Each coi
will be given a "cane" for the pos
sion of which both men will "spr
In case one of the contestants shall
have obtained possession of the sp
at the end of the ten minutes the
ials shall declare that spree a tie,
unnecessary roughness shall be
dulged in by the contestants and
case one is forced to his knees the
ficial in charge shall stop the con
until the contestant has regained
An innovation has been adopted
the matter of officials which it is I
ed will be followed in future conte
namely, that these shall consist of
active and ex-members of the Stud
Council, the presidents and vice-p
idents of all junior and senior clas
excepting the junior laws and d
and the Varsity football squad.
Captain Conklin, ofy the. foot
team, will act as referee.
A complete and detailed set of r
governing both the rush and the sp
will appear in a later issue of
Daily. Both classes are urged to b
meetings and elect leaders as soon
Michiganenslan Artists are Wani
Managing Editor H. 0. Hoover
announced that the try-outs for the
staff of the 1912 Michiganensian
be held on a competitive basis
year for the first time. There wil
a meeting of all those interested
night at 7:15 in the Michiganen
office. Heading designs and fea
work is what is especially desired
those who have their work acce
will be considered members of the
torial staff and receive all the act
panying advantages.
e will be a reserve game this
on at 4:05 and it wil, be the
Lance that the fans will have to
entire lineup in action. It will
the last chance to see the team
efore the 0. S. U. game as Yost
ye secret practice on Thursday
iday afternoons.
of. Larch Attends Meeting.
Emil Lorch, head of the Archi-
,1 department went into Detroit
lay evening, to attend a meeting
Michigan Chapter of American
te of Architects which was held
University Club.
ref. Knowlton is Still Ill.
J. C. Knowlton is still unable
t his classes on account of a
attack of bronchitis. It is ex-
that he will resume his duties
w days.
- 4f .5
Only 28 apiece for attractions everyone of which is worth a $1.00. some of them more.
your tickets at S. L. A. window, V. Hall. Open from 8 A. M. to 4 P. M., daily mmli the week. After 4 P. M. gt them fr
Treasurer, Graduate School Room.