THU MICHIGAN DAILl a MEN OF TWENTY LANDS WILL GATHER AROUND DINING BOARD Cosmopolitan Club Members Banquet Characteristic of Organization's Ideals PlanI 0D TALK L I3 Established 1872 We Solicit Your Correspondence ant High-Class i will taste rist time in Men of twenty lands will participate in the Peace dinner to be given by the Cosmopolitan club in Newberry hall tonight. The gathering will be char- acteristic of the peace propaganda be- ing carried on by the club. The seven courses, composing the repast, are novelties of the culinary art. Savory dishes will be concocted by native chefs from 'receipts of the cookery lore of five races. Many of the formulae date their origin to barbaric antiquity, and some of the delicacies will be composed of rare, imported in- gredients. An added inovation will be the ab- sence of all customary speechmaking, and the diners will be entertained with exhibitions of oriental magic, jug- glery and music. STUDENTS'WITH ENTERTAINING ABILITY URGED TO COMPETE, Posters are Circulated by Michigan Un- ion Asking Entertainers to Enter Contest. Posters *urging students who can write, dance, sing, speak or entertain in any way to enter the contest for parts in the Michigan Union entertain- ment for the Seventy-fifth Anniversary guests, have been put out by the com- mittee in charge. "Wc wv'h that everyone would enter the contests, especially those who can write, but the standard has been set at a high mark" said general chair- man Jacob Crane. "We will only ac- cept the best material as the produc- tion will occupy a unique position in relation to the other functions that have been planned, and it is necessary that we stage a clean, high class show., A number of students have already entered the contest.Two organizations, The Michigan Daily and the Cosmopol- itan club will enter skits, which if accepted, will be presented by the members of the respective organiza- tions. DEAN VAUGHAN RETURNS FROM LECTURE TOUR IN TWO STATES The American Medical Assocation has detailed a physician in each state to lecture in adjoihing states on sub- jects relating to the prevention of dis- eases. Dean V. C. Vaughan, who was appointed in Michigan, returned yes- terday from a lecturing trip through Illinois and Wisconsin. In the interest of the association, Dr. Harty, of Indiana, will speak in this city on April 24; Dr. Fabill, of Ill- inois, on May 1; and Dr. Ravenel, of Wisconsin, on May 8. Pro. Wilgus Will Meet Classes Again. Prof. H. L. Wilgus, of the law de- partment, who has been ill. with a se- vere cold for several days, will be able to meet his classes on Monday. "Cap" Ranney is Back in City. "Cap" Ranney, '10 E, is in town for a short visit, arriving last night from Greenville where he is engaged in business. MUSIC AND DRAMA Mr. Dotterweich's Recital. Henry James Dotterweich gave his second complimentary recital of the season last evening in Frieze Memori- al hall, before an audience not large, but amply appreciative of a deeply en- joyable concert. A program made entirely.of the pi- ano works of Brahms is an ordeal well calculated to try the resources, tech- nical and interpretative, of any artist. Mr. Dotterweich played with real mas- tery in both aspects. He has made vast progress in finish of phrase, in va- riety and richness of tone; and as al- ways, he commands a wonderfully ex- tended sostenuto. His interpretations are sympathetic and full of emotional nuance. NEW INSTRUMENT ADDED TO MECHANICAL LABORATORIES An instru~ment for measuring the amount of smoke in power house chimneys was added to the mechanical laboratories yesterday. The smoke is drawn in through a tube attached to the chimney to be measured, and then driven through a drying chamber con- taining sulphuric acid. From here it is pumped by means of an hydraulic pump, through a small orifice, upon a cardboard cylinder. The density of the smoke line registered on this cylinder gives the amount of smoke given off by the chimney. HIGH SCHOOLS TABOO MEECTS IN ANN ARBOR. (Continued from Page- r.) New Officers are Chosen. An amendment to the constitution to allow schools to give sweaters to the athletes was voted down. The officers for the ensuing year were elected as follows: J. B. Edmonson, Jackson, president; A. A. Smalley, Ann Arbor, vice-president; G. G. Bechtel, Detroit Central, secretary and treasurer. The Schoolmasters', club and the Academy of Science will conclude their sessions today. A commercial con- ference and round table conference will be conducted by the schoolmasters and the scientists will hold a section of economics at 9 o'clock this morn- ing in the Economics building. The principal speakers of the morn- ing session yesterday of the School- masters were: Miss Sarah Louise Ar- nold, dean of Simmons College,Boston; Dean M. E. Cooley of the ngineering department, and Prof. Bradley M. Thompson, of the law department. H. N. Chute, of Ann Arbor, was elected president, Caroline Britten, Jackson, vice-president and L. P. Jocelyn, Ann Arbor, secretary and treasurer. Uncle Tom's Cabin With all the added features that have made this con Stetson's Military Band dnd Colored Drum Corps, 2 "Top trio "Marks," Grand Transformation Scenes and Mecha Jubilee Singers, Cakewalkers, Buck Dancers, Bloodhl Picking Scenes, Floats and Tableaux drawn by small Sb Wateh for the Big Parade, the "Barnum of The Prices, 25-35-50 Seat Sale Mi Tuesday, April 2 Leon W. Washburn offers STETSON'S Big Spectacular Propuction of New SPECIAL i_ I _ _ . __ The Daily Whitney IT,~ UD~ 5.00 for four weeks, Strict Cleanliness." $1.00 For the rest of the year Book and Iyr ,, r1 .MILLJ And Lod ** ** ""KID::" Music by W. R. Williams WIRr Mr. Ray Raymond Supplies '''''E rs lots of cle s of entran W. S. Chapman Spike is used to cornplete the Union cific Railroad. We do not ow the, value of the Gold Spike ed for this purpose, but we do ow that BAGLEY'S GOLD 3IKE is the BEST Cigarette obacco in the world, Made from the finest leaf grown in Virginia and North Carolina, carefully -elected and blended by men with a half century of experience. EAS 1, UNIVERSITY NOTICES I 1912 Senior engineer dues must be paid by tonight. Dues will be received in engineering society rooms until 5:00 o'clock. i , .. . - -, ' R IF PACKAGE TRY IT CAN YOU DISTING UIS BETWEEN WHAT I S GOOD AND WHAT LOOKS GOOD. It is our aim to make this store more than simply a place to purchase clothes. To this end we have studied.tailoring, fabrics and style. We believe that the doubting man, or the man who lacks te- chnical knowledge can gain a great deal by getting acquainutd with us. Our "Adler Bros." clothing embodies the best the world has to offer in the tailoring, fabrics and style. You will undoubtedly be gratified with what knowledge you gain from a visit to us. Send "en 'fo !Rster I After all, "sweets to the sweet,. is bent. Fancgee-gaws and pretty '-ubles take a b ck seat whea a lxux of puts in its appearance. Th,--, t, thiese daitraty -infect ioins convey a se te t ' a's " ly lacking in v ha.L 'rcr d, you may send or give her. Put u in 1, 3 ani 5-pound boxes- thezcst r. ac i t packages, imaginabe. Give us yo rorders to-day-NOW! HUYLER'S always fresh. If you're out of th..e ci:v ivc j exprnss it to you. Agents For Ann Arbor Easter Perfumes All the flower odors that belong to pring. Violet, Lilac,. Lily of the Valley, Arbutus, Crab Apple, etc. 50c an ounce Toilet Waters FASTER Of course she e, of w for ;aster. Violet, Lilac, Apple, Rose, etc. Crab Clover, or let us send it by Express. Easter Post Cards Dainty remembrances for 25c per boille and up friends. Select them Ij RE ULE, For the extra good things, CONLIN & FIE GEL 200-202 South Main Street Dean & Co., CALKI NS'S 324 St. ate St. u L4d 214 S. PlA i3 ST. - p.m~ c.,_ r Gown Photogran.