DERS AND BOILER AGE FIERCE BATTLE * *~ * * * * * * * * * S "the weary sun hath made a et," and "the shades of night ng fast," the senior civil engi- Oly from their stronghold on I floor of the new engineering every Tuesday and Thursday n, at four bells on the dog- With heavy and majestic tread east, armed with "t" squares, rch past the stronghold of the CLASSIFIED ADS. -o-. Advertising matter for these columns may be left at the DAILY office, opposite the Ma- jestic from 12 noon to 10 p. m., or at The University Pharmacy, 1291 S. University Ave.,Van Dor- en's Pharmacy, Packard Street, The Brown. Drug Store, Main Street, and Quarry's, on State Street, any time up till 8:30 p.m. for next morning's issue. These ads bring results. * * * * * FE Four * I ate fairs while mirth pro- ils aroused the ire of iers to such a pitch s the bell in the li- tour of four, armed to lide rules and other hanism, they gave ughty civils, imbered three to one, rs stood their ground n of "We are not so * * * * * * * * * ' * * * * * * * * * * * * * FOUND The Michigan Daily finds the owners of lost articles. tf WANTED. FRIEDA LANGENDOR NEVADA VAN DER ELLISON VAN HOOS REED MILLER - MARION GREEN - Wanted-Interior decorating to do. M. D. Moore, Home Phone 682. 128-36 Wanted-At once, waitress for noon lunch. Y. W. C. A., 341 So. Main. NE 130 Res n for established ss X Daily. 130-35 practice. I attleship North r is a piece of t decorated the she sank with coast of Havana he crepe will be For Sale-Oliver Typewriter. less than one year. Price $5 Mack & Co. 126 eod For Sale-Two small oriental rugs and one hall runner. Call at 814 S. Uni. versity or Phone 368. 13( For Sale-New three passenger road- ster, twenty-two horse power, four cylinder engine, with high tension magneto, top, lamps, etc., $495. 91: Greenwood Ave. 128-34 I I I r ''' j FOR RENT. For Rent--One large single ted up for one or two pec $2.50 for one or $3.00 foi Monroe St. Leave your want ads at University Pharmacy, Van Pharmacy, The Brown Drug Quarry's Drug Store before night for the next morning' dlay,; L camera of Hoppe Saturday ay for 10 cents. 130-31 Musical Instrument Repairing, work guaranteed, at Schaeberle & Son's Mu- sic House, 110 S. Main St. 87 tf Is your Kodak loaded? Lyndon. 130-131 Personal attention is given to each individual Alm at Hoppe's studio. office of its size,l 'he Ann Ar- Maynard ers of any- a book. (Sat.) me y during vacation. Your luring the summer will rofits to hustlers. Every Mle purchaser. For infor- phone 775-L, or phone 130-31 Where are you going with that film? To Hoppe, where I am getting good results, 130-31 NOTICE A fine opportunity for the summer awaits the student who is looking for something to do. Phone r619-J this morning and make appoint- ment. -4C 1 { for I SPECIAL NOTICE have a large assortment of small musical goods which we will place sale at once at reduced prices : Matidolins, Guitars, Violins, Mouth' ;ans, etc. One thousand copies of Yellow and Blue at 15c per copy ing this week only, 2 copies for 25c. GRINNELL BROS.' Music House, 120-122 Liberty Street Buy where you can get anytbing you call for Goodyear's Drug Store 107 South M&Ir Street The Largest Stock in the State to Select From WE ARE NEVER bJNDERSOLD Jq I and Telephone Your Order Now Both Phones No.1I re here too-stop in and see what s have prepared for good dressers. r SVGAR BOWL Ice Cream Sundaes and Sodas, all flavors. They're fine now that spring has come. "l/IT SO Varsity ty Street Tailor good 20 for 15 cents - MNJ - . ~ iA -vii