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March 29, 1912 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1912-03-29

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.. _ _ _





310 Whito Shoe

Stan of the!a

ert workmen.
:very detail of

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With Stars on Both Tams Records
Are in Grave Danger of
Being Warped.
With the falling of the curtain last
night on "Le Monde ou l'on s'ennuie"
which was given at the Whitney thea-
ter under the auspices of the Cercle
Francais, one more play is shelved to
the credit of that organization, and
one more play goes down on its ledgers
to dispute for first rank with the oth-
ers which have preceded it. Unless
minor details of more or less technical
nature can be called hitches, the per-
formance went through without a flaw,;
with especially good character of work,
with especially good enunciation of
French, and with an action that kept
an audience salways alive to diverse
happenings and comic situations.
Among the feminine roles especial'
mention is due to the work of Ruth
Hurley;, who appeared for the first
time in .a part in which she had an
honest chance to shw her dramatic
talent. As the vivacious Susanne, she
"showed an extraordinarily cleve r in-
terpretatipn of her part, and kept mat-
;ters ;alive with her aui1ence and with
her opposites with an individuality
which seemed t lhe all her own last
night, ° As, a 4iciess no one could]
hzavepicked a better for the pat than
ltlw rc 'l e Goenaga. Unmoved by the]
demands which her part made upon
.her, Miss de Goenaga inspired confi-
dence in the other players, and acted
a duchess which would have admitted
her unquestioned to the court life of
an old time France. Mildred Guilford
who was seen for the first time in a
Cercle production filled the role of the
newlywed Jeanne with a great deal of]
ability, and provided goodl comedy as
well as the emotional with cleverness.
,facel Munsell acquitted herself in
latdlib4@ fasion as Madame de Ceran,
and to Ahia ,i3r'glht, who 'played the
role of Lucy Wtsoni, pq smll praise is
due. In turn, by 'Pe 1.il ble, Emnma
xheath, l\filired Orr and IreneMcCor-
~mick good character work was done,
although the rolesv/eqe of a minr
character, and gave lttl chanc for
much dramatic display
Stanislaus FPiet aski, Jghn Twleyd
a(I Earl Brr et atodout in a sing-
larly prominent f ehsllo. Te trio of
leads, who were away eVPpnsve to
the demand of their roles,played tp in
appreciative hose. As Bellac, the li-
on1 ed professor, as Jogr de Ceran,
who is perlexcae4 by an i4frede
coeur" °amid ices the prefect
Iwith aspir.4tions for *piething better,
the three star leads in thi mascline
categor'y f10 e bi~2ll well for tl_
Jant, and individuaity of interpreta-'
'IT eQinn duo, glen~etitAnd Cyril,
cast 'la lesser roe, acquired fe'r the'-
$elves a now hals. Melpomene herself
will have to look to her' title when]
General de liriais and Franetj tread
the boards in. ti' persons of Cyi
and Clemient Quinn. lW ;fir Mowrer as
do Saint Reant establishe JOInself as
a new find for the Cercle and 9hQ*e4
conclusively that a yea ill Paris can
be accredited with some dramati g ifts
as 'well a an ability 0~ enunciate ged
French. To others, the gritltxde of the
Cercle is forthicomng, for those wo]

held down the minor parts did so with
good powers.
Especial credit is due to Ml. Rene
Talamon of the French faculty, who
with untiring energy lent a great deal
of labor to the: coaching and putting on
of "Le Monde" which is the second
French play that he has made possible
since he has been on the university
Deicts Michigan Man in Eviery Phase
of College Life and Other
'Things as Well.
Man, especially Michigan man, par-
odized as only woman can parodize
him, is revealed in all his follies and
weaknesses in the "Come Back" num-
ber -of the Gargoyle which made its
appearance yesterday. Those who had
been expectantly awaiting the all-
feminine effort were well repaid by
a number which in every respect uip-
holds the standard of the Gargoyle and
significantly testifies that the women
can "come back."'
From cover to cover it is the product
of editresses and contributoresses, not
a vestige of the usual male staff being
visible. Cartoons,'Jokes and editorials
deride, caricature, satiarize and iron-
ize the poor, helpless "stude" in genu-
ine eye-for-an-eye spirit. Scarcely a
single phase of college; life is omitted,
The possessor of the unseemly hoofs,
the stage door Johnny, the irrepressi-
ble 'fusser, the would-be 'athlete, the
Y psiologist, the imbiber of Schlitz-
each comes in for. his share of the
Owing to the delay (14 the p.t of
the en gravers the igmber did not ap-
pear until late last evening, It is now
obtainable at all the Stores,
Educational club banquet at Michi-
ga n Union tonight at 5:30. All Mich-
igan men interested in the club are ins'




saying it


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Carrie Jacobs-Rend Recital.
A genius may be defined- as one who
tapes wk~at doesn't exist for the ma-
jority of people aild makes it exist.
Such 4 person is Carrie Jacobs-Bond
in the truest sense. HIer art consists in
iiscoveiug plaini, lonely trulths of
life; sgmp ioyous and humorous; some,
futll of teildepiess and4 pathqs; these
she wecls to a melody wh ich "just fits."
The resu~lt is a sonxpresin some-
tieing wvhich in our busy life wve are
wvont to forget exist,
To our knogwledgP, ber Wpzk is
unique in the field of poetry a1nd mu-
sic; th~at it finds such ready acceptance
with the pullic and :ds daily to its
long list of convects is a itiitg testi-
mpni jto lMrs. Carrie 4Jacobs-Bond's
Newberry hail bwas crowded to its
capacity last evening widen the 4uthor
and oomnpoer of "A Perfect Daqy" gave
hle, duc4itors a charming program se-
lected fr'omi erpown cpmppsitlqns. Mrs.
Bnd does not male q, ppetense of sing-
' g, utrecites the ppQnos to hel? own
accomipajijPent on the piano, She
made every nuiser, from the story of
"I4y Old Tan" to "HushaBye" touch
a respop vp chord in the hearts of her
auditors. Their. tppreciation of the
eveYtilg'5 program wasyohced in the
burst of ap~hplyse which succeeded her
Pual number. n t @;(,91e was forth-
Viano Recital
There is no better way 'to fully un-
derstand and appreciate the genius of
a great composer than to listen to: a
program made up ,entrely from his
compositions. Then, it ever, can a
critical and fairly accurate opinion
be formed of his breadth and depth of
inspira,,tion, or of his shallowness of
ideas. Au opportunity is presented for
the comparison of bis ability to write
in the Smaller, as weltl;as in the more
extended forms. If the program :.is
caretily selected to bring out these
b'ontrasts, the audience is educated as
1well as entertalited,
Mlr. Henry James Dotterweich of the
piano faculty of the School of Music in
his two recitals this year has pursued
the policy outlined above. In the. first
semester he presented 4n excellently
balanced program of Chopin composi-
tions, For tonight's recital at the
School of Miusic he has prepared a list
which w4,Ill illustrate Brahms as a coin-



poser for the piano. The following a.re
to be played;
Sonata, 01'. 1, F sharp minor
Aileb{°o ncin troppo ma energic
An nrtOCconlespressione-S4cherzo
Finaie-sostenu.to-allegro non
tc~pppp--e rubat.
Cappiczi, p 6 o .
Intermezzo, Op. 318, No. 6
Rhapsoaie, Op. 79, No. .
Ballade , Op. 1", No. 1
(after lherder's Scotch Ballad "Ed-
Intermezzo, Op. 1iTNo. 2
Scherzo, 0 p74
Meetipg of the Jjlini clu~b this after-
noon' at 4 o'clock. Importailt.
A. special room where smokipgis
allowed is a. feature at the
Cutting Of
Ma14e reservation early and get~
the bust board in the oity.



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