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March 29, 1912 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1912-03-29

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J. B.

[ichigan-H. H. Sew-
S. B. Lapsley; L. A.
ng; J. E. Bond; S. F.
Lite. Cornell-W. H.
)zzens; C. F. Cornet;


Communicant Believes Our Athletic
Policy is to Spite Stagg
and Conference.

Feast, Toast and Make Merry
Distinguished Out of
Town Guests.


yard hurdles; Michigan-J. B.
g; P. H. Smith; C. B. Haff. Cor-
--J. E. Whinery; C. M. Harper; L.
0 yard run; Michigan-E. M. Han-
i; R. C. Haimbaugh; F. L. Young;
Kerr; H. E. Brown; H. S. Shep-
C. M. Smith; B. H. Reck. Cornell
N. Putnam; J. P. Jones; H. H.
ter; F. J. Burgdorff.
gh jump; Michigan-W. E. Sar-
E. Griest; C. P. Barton; W.
; W. H. White; P. H. Smith. Cor-
--H. Gouinlock; T. T. Newbold; L.
erow; B. W. Brodt; J. W. Litt.
0 yard run; Michigan---C. B. Haff;
. Reck; J. B. Craig; L. A. Baier;
White. Cornell-W. H. Bennett;
. Cozzens; C. F. Frank; H. N. Put-
K. Lynch; A. S. Elsenbast.
mile run; Michigan-E. M. Hana-
R. C. Haimbaugh; H. E. Brown;
cLaughlin; F. L. Young; E. G.
; C. M. Smith. Cornell-J. P.
s; H. H. Putnam; L. S. Finch; C.
dall; T. S. Berna.
le vault; Michigan-C. P. Barton;
ook; I. Van Kammen; W. E. Sar-
. Cornell-H. Flack; G. G. Rob-
n; E. N. Clark; C. E. Everingham;
[. Fritz; A. C. Voorhees.
lay;Michigan-C. B. Haff; B. H.
; J. B. Craig; E. W. White; C. M.
e; P. H. Smith; J. E. Bond; L. A.
r; H. H. Seward. Cornell-W. H.
ett ;A. B. Cozzens; C. F. Frank;
Little; H1. N. Putnam; E. Lynch;



Lead to

ck That Latin is made difficult to the
;h high school student by crowding too'
,e much in one year was the consensus'
of opinion of the speakers at the clas-
sical conference of the Schoolmasters'
sat Club yesterday afternon. The college
its entrance requirements in Latin were
ne declared to be too rigid and the teach-
,y ers were hopeful that pressure of the
ly secondary school would be strong
st enough to change the requirements so'
rt that something else besides Ceasar
could be submitted for second year

To the tune of "Varsity" sung by the
girls'glee club, 600 women -will march
into a land of apple blossoms and
white bunting at Barbour gymnasium
tonight. Seated at pink and white ta-
bles and served by seventy-five white-
clad first-year girls the undergraduate
women, collegiate alumnae, and guests
of the university will be welcomed by
President Emeritus James Burrill An-
gell, to the sixth- annual Women's Ban-
Contrary to the usual custom the ta-
bles will not be arranged like the
spokes of a wheel but in the more con-
ventional manner: The speakers' table
will be at the east end of the hall on
a platform with a huge American flag
stretched behind it. The other tables
will be arr'anged parallel to this with
an aisle down the center. At the speak-
ers table will be Dr. Angell, President
and Mrs. H. B. Hutchins, Dean Myra B.
Jordan, Miss Mary Farnsworth, the
toastmistress, Mrs. W. B. Henderson,
Dean Sarah Louise Arnold, of Simmons
College, Agnes Parks, Edna Thuner,
Mrs. E. D. Kinne, Marguerite Stevens,
and Vera Burridge. Governor Osborn
is unable to be present because of
press of business.
Mrs. Ferris, wife of President Ferris
of Ferris Institute, Mrs. Mauck of
Hillsdale, and Mrs. Snyder, wife of
President Snyder of M. A. C. will be
among the guests of honor.
The seating at the other tables will
be as follows: tables 1, 2 and 3 on both
the north and south sides of the aisle
reserved for collegiate alumnae and
guests. On the norht side, tables 4, 5,
and 6 are for the seniors, and 7, 8, and
9 for the juniors. On the south side
tables 7, 8, and 9 wlil be for the soph-
omores, and 4, 5, and 6 for any one
The entire six hundred tickets have
been sold, and twenty-five women are
waiting to see if some of these will not
be returned. If there are any to be
returned it isrequested that they be
left at Dean Jordan's office in Barbour
gymnasium before 10:30 this morning.
When the tickets are taken at the
door, blue tickets will be given out
which will admit to the second per-
formance of the junior girls' play. The
banquet will begin at 6 o'clock.
Will Address Senior Laws Today.
Mr. Clarence A. Lightner, of Detroit,
will give the second of a series of lec-
tures on Medical Jurisprudence this
afternoon at 8 o'clock in room G of the
law building,
Answers to the injunction secured
by Mrs. Mary Adams to restrain the
contractors from proceeding with the
excavation work on the auditorium
site, have been filed with the county
clerk. In accordance with the terms
of the injunction this part of the con-
struction work will not be taken up
again until the second week in April.
In the meantime the task of building
the large cement piers is going on rap-
idly, and derricks are being erected
for use in moving heavy material.
That the Lyceum Club is contemplat-
ing disorganization at the close of the
present season, as was reported a few
days ago, is denied by Sylvan S. Gros-
ner, secretary-treasurer of the club.
"Prof. Hollister has been in favor of
such an action ever since the Univer-
sity Extension Lecture course was first
planned," said Grosner. "The senti-
ment of members, however, is strong-
ly for the maintenance of our old pol-
icy, and we shall fill out our schedule
as usual after the beginning of the

fall term."

(The Michigan Daily assumes no re-
sponsibility for sentiments express-
ed in communications.)
Editor, The Michigan Daily:-
Now that the Conference skeleton
has popped back again (the persist-
ent caller that our athletic oligarchy
cannot persuade to remain buried )
I wish to voice my little complaint and
ask a question. What am I, an inno-
cent and reasonably inoffensive com-
mon citizen, getting otu of athletics in
our present situation? I came here
with a notion that the open season
for athletes was from fall to spring.
I -expected to be able to sit in the
bleachers, decrease the world's supply
of peanuts, and have an excuse to yell
about something at various times dur-
ing the winter and spring as well as
for seven weeks in the fall. I had
viewed a few college ball games in
which there was somethig at stake
and had a notion they were something1
to smash one's neighbor's hat
about. Track meets interested me and
I looked forward with keen anticipa-
tion to viewing spirited spring games.+
For six years I have.,waited. I have
seen football games,and good ones, but
with continually shifting opponents.
I made up my mind that it was a great
and noble thing to lick Penn. Then
it became the highest ambition to see
a Gopher slain and sing about "The
Champions of the West." Then there
were Gophersno longer so I can wan-
der back next year to view a new foe.
Also I can help sing about "'Champions
of the What?"
But after football season what?
Those first seven weeks were exciting
and reasonably satisfactory but that
was all. In six years I remember hav-
ing seen two good ball games. One
was with Wiliams on a Thursday af-
ternoon so long ago that it is but a
treasured memory. The other with
Notre Dame lost its flavor because of
an interpolated slug-as-slug-can be-
tween one of the visiting gentry and
his umps. For the rest I have watched'
men in Michigan uniforms going+
through the motions of playing ball in
a matter in which the uniform was
about the only interest. I like to lis-
ten to a telegraph instrument. I read
The Daily, but those are not
exactly satisfactory methods of en-
joying the fine ball games that are re-
puted to occur on the Atlantic sea-
board. I have given up hope. For the
resident of Ann Arbor, college baseball
is dead.
I would like to see Michigan's ball
team fighting for something or other
more than the high honor of
defeating Alma. If we had
a championship at stake, a ti-
tle to battle for, it might all
amount to something. We haven't even
ball games, or hope of any.
During these six years I have read
about our track heroes. I never saw
one of them in action on the cinder
path in anything approaching real
competition on Ferry field or any other
place. Seeing Craig, Gamble, and the
rest run across the Majestic screen
isn't completely satisfying to so un-
reasonable an archist as myself. After
some years of spring starvation I was
permitted to view a track meet with
Cornell. It was great but it was in-
doors and monly whetted my inordinate
appetite to see a track meet in the
open. Never has it been permitted me
to -bask in the sunshine of a day and
see a track meet. I am as familiar
with the methods of navigation of an
octopus as I am with how a track team
acts in a meet. To the citizen of Ann
Arbor a Michigan track athlete in ac-
tion is as common as a flock of dino-
Once upon a time I saw a big track
meet. A train brought two hundred
men from the University of Michigan.

Another bore a delegation from Illi-

it will be possiT
Crowd Has Been Turning Out Daily be waited upon
That Taxes Capacity of the ately upon reach
Room. present plans n
-- be delegated to
Four good matches were pulled off ments. "Walkin
at Waterman gym yesterday afternoon way receive imn
in the university wrestling tourna- larger number w
ment. The best go was between Mus- the past.
ser and Beresford in the heavy weight Hospital C
class while the bout between Caswell The problem o
and Crane in the lightweight division that require
went the longest, it lasting nineteen more serious di
minutes. A large crowd was present adequate method
and the tourney is attracting much been devised, be
more attention and interest than was overcrowded con
counted on, and the capacity of the als. Some plan o
wrestling room has been taxed every will be necessar
day. time before the
Four matches will be pulled off Sat- secured. The :
urday afternoon at 3:30. Doyle will suggested for M
meet Kendricks and Roth will take on to ask the legisl
Champe in the lightweight class and propriation. Th-
Baker will meet Hardin and Judson, for the erection
Combs in the welter weight divis- the place vacated
ion. There are but three men, Harris, ed into a stuae:
Edie and Bleich left in the middle- is expected thai
weight class but Bleich has a fractur- be provided foi
ed toe and it is probable that the fin- way.
als in this event will not be pulled off Dinner Wi
until after vacation. Practically ev
The result of yesterday's matches five seats that w
were: heavyweights, Beresford de- was occupied.
fBated Musser in seven minutes; welter- sang a series of
weights, O'Conner defeated Madison in edly encored. ]
'four minutes; lightweights, Lynch de- as toastmaster
feated Bogue in twelve minutes. Ref- Captain Inman
eree Matthews, timekeeper Robinson. gave the toast t

nois. Others came from Wisconsin,
and the other schools. It was a won-W V
derful afternoon. Michigan won and
there was much noise of Michigan
about the field. And all night, all over 0
the city the men of Michigan, students
and alumni foregathered and frater-
nized with the hundreds who wore the
colors of other contestants. For so
long as I can remember it was a won-
derful night. I liked the look of theM ,
Michigan squad, I liked the feel of the Med(
Michigan sprit, so I came to Michigan Pla
to get my taste. Those Michigan men tabl
had that trip on a $5.00 round trip
rate. Min
I have risen to states of affluence
where I could have raised $25.00 to go WARD
see a track meet I never had a chance
to for less than $50.00 and then I Scheme
would have had to have gone alone, Q
a stranger journeying into a strange
My day is done but next year I can Imm
kill an occasional grandparent and get the uni
away to see a ball game that is being more ef
played for a championship, even if it of the
is being done by hired gladiators. For speech
those who remain it has been arrang- at the
ed that they must pay for ball games dinner]
and track meets whether they like are ofa
them or not and whether they amount vised fi
to anything or not. of the f
I have worked myself into a state of feet an4
narrow intolerance where I am peev- use.
ish and sufficiently disrespectful to the Will
high and mighty to inquire whether The 2
Michigan athletics are being run to advisen
spite Stagg, to give ten athletes a trip, templat
to accommodate the athletic oligarchy, of the
or for the five thoasand and more stu- univers
dents who want to see a game. dents 1

by Pri
last ni
a temp
or per
d effici


S yeay,
Ld offi-

The various sections of the Academy
of Science held meetings throughout'
yesterday and different university pro-
fessors gave addresses.
A business meeting will begin the
general session of the Schoolmasters]
Club this morning at 8:30, and will be
followed by a literary meeting. Miss
Sarah Louise Arnold, Dean of Simmons
College, Boston, will speak on "What
Next in Education," Prof. S. B. Laird,
of the State Normal College, on "The
School as a Social Center," Prof. Brad-
ley M. Thompson, of the law depart-
ment, on "The Question of Pensioning
Teachers" and Dean M. E. Cooley, of
the engineering department, on "Val-
ue of Manual Training and Drawing as
a preparation for Engineering
Schools." The requirements for ad-
mission to the engineering department
will also be discussed by Assistant
Dean W. H. Butts.
The classical conference at which
President-Emeritus Angell will pre-
side, will be held in the exhibition
room in Memorial hall Instead of Uni-
versity hall as announced in the pro-
grams. The Michigan State Athletic
Association will hold a meeting tonight
in the high school and the relation of
-the state high schools to the interscho-
lastic meet -will be discussed,
Laws to Debate Mooted Question.
I "Resolved, that only A. B. men be ad-
mitted to the department of law" is the
subject to be debated tonight at Web-
ster society. It will be carried on in
. the nature of a parliamentary drill.
Beginning with next year, the law'
department here will require one
year's literary work in college for en-
- trance, besides the regular high school

Must be in Hands of Committee by
The final call for books for the 1912
Michigan Union Opera has been issued.
All man-uscripts, whether completed or
not, must be handed in at the club-
house to General Chairman Philip
Fletcher Saturday afternoon from 4:30
to 5:30 o'clock.
The book committee that will select
the opera for next year is composed
of Professors F. N. Scott, L. A. Strauss,
and A. A. Stanley. Francis Riordan
and Arthur Moehlman are student
Eighteen students established a
brass band in opposition to the pre-
viously organized varsity band.
The Kentucky club decided to go on
a fishing excursion during spring va-


B. MQd-

1UeZLLS LJnyUrv i J ~L u'.n. 1;.,1
Michigan School of Mine
dent Hutchins, spent all
visiting the various buil
"We are meeting," sa
Hutchins last night, "wi
evolve some system of co
conference between the
tions. As yet we have no
for this cooperation, but
worked out after all thre
been visited."
Early in the year a m
three presidents was hel
and the School of Mines
is to be inspected towarc
the semester.
Rifle practice at McV
7:30 tomorrow-night.

;F. E. Shaw;


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