II MIL L fHIiIGAN DAILY r at the Ichigan. University Published every morning except Mon- day throughout the school year. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Ar- bor, Michigan, under Act of gress of March 3, 1879. Con- MANAGING EDITOR. Walter K. Towers. BUSINESS MANAGER Albert R. Dilley Editors. Editor ........Harry Z. Fols ant ...........Frank Pennell .ic Editor......Karl Matthews ant ...........G. C. Eldredge and Drama .... Earl V. Moore ollegiate News Harold G. McGee ................Emmett Taylor Editorials. r B. Moehlman Frank E. Shaw *d G. Kemp Maurice Myers Night Editors. :e Toulme Mack Ryan ce Weber C. Harold Hippler ich Carpenter Robert Gillett Reporters. would result in general and well ad- vised publicity. The students would know what their representatives were doing, and to what extent they were carrying out the wishes of the elec- torate. Once this is accomplished, the chief obstacle will be surmounted. If the students see that the Council really means business, they will come forth and support the body in all of its work. Another condition that must be rem- edied to gain independence upon the part of the Council is compulsory tax- ation. This also should come from the student body. If the Council regain its lost confidence and adopt a rational system of taxation, there would be no trouble in enforcing it. Classes would pay assessments and the individuals would pay their contributions willing- ly. The students, like the rest of the world, like to know for what purpose they are giving and to what end their contributions are used. There must be exact and reliable publicity in this regard, and facts must not be mis- represented. If the Council will only take these means of restoring the confidence which the student body has lost, there will be no difficulty in carrying out a gen- eral taxing scheme. It could be en- forced as easily as the classes force their members to pay dues, and with just as much power. The power of granting money lies with the students and if the students believe in the Council and believe in its integrity, there will be no difficulty about rais- ing money. These, then, are the conditions the Council must fulfill before it can re- sume its rightful place. Open the doors, get the students behind it and stop begging the faculty for powers which are, by the very nature of the Ameri- can state, already ours. Stand on your own feet. Ut the Plsatinurm Portraits PIae. When You Desire Prortraits of Go'.to John Townley J. Selig Yellen Hal C. Tallmadge Morris Milligan Morton R. Hunter Chester J. Morse Frank Murphy Morris Houser Fred B. Foulk J. V. Sweeney Leonard M. Rieser Russell H. Neilson David D. Hunting Mark F. Finley L THE PIIOTOGR, I BUSINESS STAFF. ant to Mgr. ..Joseph Fouchard tising Mgr ... Elmer P. Grierson ation Mgr...E. Ray Johnson Adv. Mgr.....A. R. Johnson, Jr. L. Jaffa ...... W. T. Hollands Wetterau. J. I. Lippincott Emerson Smith Want Ad Stations Building; Quarry's Pharmacy; University Pharmacy, 1219 S. rersity; Van Doren's Pharmacy, ?ackard Street; The Brown Drug e, Main Street. Leave ads at e stations before 8:30 p. m. for . morning's issue. Iption price: By carrier, $2.50; By mail, $3.00. ES: Ann Aroor Press Building. Maynard Street. E HOURS: Managing Editor, p. m., 10:30-11:30 p. m.; Bus- iness Manager, 1-5 p. m.. Both Pbones 960. UNION .LAB[ URSDAY, MARCH 28, 1912. Editor-H. Beech Carpenter. 319 E. Huron Plautlinum xFor trxsdta HAVE YOUR CLOTHES PRESSI :HALL BROTHERS - Suits Dry Cleaned and Pressed 73c Overcoats ,DRESS SUITS PRESSED 50c Coven salk HENRY Designers of Men's For the convenience of the state press, we might dispatch copies of our sheet over the state, carefully mark- ing all juicy bits of scandal. In this way our esteemed contemps could pick out the "sinful stude" material-con- sidered the ultra of good reading for taxpayers-and be spared the trouble of reading over the chaff on tame but praiseworthy student activities. All of which is bitter irony, y'understand. -x- This annual show of virtue and su- periority which affects the form of a boycott on Granger's bores us excess- ively. The chosen few never have made it stick and we don't believe they ever will make it stick for the simple reason that there is no .real reason why they should stay away, and we nurse a conviction that they don't really want to. in En~glish oc HENRY & Reform Must be Internal. become effective, the Student :il must regain the confidence of ectorate. At present this body not possess the support of the al body of students to any great . How can this conversion be plished? It must come fron i and must be genuine. It is the way in which the Council can he confidence and support of the its and become a real and effect- With aching eyes we cry out that our notion of nothing to read is the com- munications which these engineers scrawl on this cross-section, maze sta- tionery of theirs. bacco---not Cigarette v only a rf profit. Pr the trying. Five Leaders-Five Si. First of all, it is essential that the This Count of Killarney person eetings be open to the public. The seems to nurse a remarkably peevish y has been raised that the Council conception of our erstwise haven, the as no good meeting place. It would Western Conference. Whatever we e an easy matter to secure one of the may think of the large 8, his poetical :mpus auditoriums or the oratorical appeal to passion savors too strongly om, which has a gallery suitable for of the "cut off your nose to spite your sitors. This opening of the doors face" doctrine to impress us. is-25c to I Wit' '-list. Ltd. 402 W 487 St. .. English Cloth n u are worn dressers. by good Hats 11 Desirable new patterns That can not be had later. S pring shipment has arrived. MACH ER I I pi Just Received A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF GILBERTS FINE CANDIES In halves and pounds, Phone us your wants. Vauhoren's Pharmacy 703 Packard St. Detroit United Lines On information to Division Superin- tendent Allen, Ypsilanti, of the Detroit United Lines, by officers of Varsity or- organizations, the movement, beyond the capacity of the regular service, of any group'of students to or from Ann Ar- bor, extr,cars and extra service will be promptly supplied. CHIROPODY Corns, bunions, ingrowingMr nails, treated and cured. Everything absolutely an- tiseptic. Offioe hours. 9-12 a.m. 1-5 and 7-8 p m'Hair MISS. E. J. FOLEY 921 E. Huron Street, End North12th 2 Blooks East of High School - Phone 989-J 1110 h 8:30 for We Do French Dry '~ PRESSING e Suits Cleaned and Pressed 75o FULLER & Q'CONN( I I Lm l /aw I mmala ... r. _. r ,_, r17 , j