-A A, THE MICHIGAN flAt TOWN TALK. We are again receiving ac bi arnid's CHTOCOLATES Formerly Marthat Washifngtont Fresh every Wednesday and Friday -a full line of 3 Johnston's ade Chocolate VERY DAY all parts of the city Creams Store Phone 270_ NT DTO field & Co.'s ice to be had Anywhere.' s we acknowledge no iority in every instance. (Continued from Page 2.) notion Chet; if a few more of the faithful kick in Ye Ed may yet be able to stifle the demands of an avaricious tailor. For the first time we record her as Mrs. Sam Patton. She loitered in ou village yesterday. "Cy" Evans, '11, presented Ye Ed yesterday with glowing reports of crops over Grand Rapids way. "Cy" takes to farming like a setting hen to eggs. Come again, "Cy." UNIVERSITY NOTICES All '12 men who intend to try out for the class football team meet at S. Fer- ry field at 3:30 p. m. this afternoon. Only those who hand in their names to the manager at this time, and take the physical examination at 7:30 p. m. at Waterman gymnasium will be eligi- ble for the squad. Senior law class meeting Friday October 20 at 1 in room B.. All junior engineer football men must report before Wednesday to play on the team. Soph medics meet today at ten in East Amphitheatre. Election of off- cers. All out All soph lit football candidates out today at 3:30. The Commerce club will meet Wed- nesday evening at 7:30 in the Econom- ics Building.. The S. L. A. window in the main corridor of U. Hall will be open the rest of this week. All candidates for varsity tennis team meet in trophy room tonight at 7 o'clock. Mandolin club try-outs tonight at 7:00 o'clock, north wing of University Hall. Flutes, clarinets, mandolins, gui- tars, cellos, violins and mando-ellos. Bring 'eligibility cards. Royal Tailors at 215 South Main. 12 eod tf The original hamburger will open Monday and have a fresh lot of ham- burgers. Watch for them at 603 E. Lib- erty. Orders at 40 cents or over will be delivered promptly as usual from 5 p. -n. until 2 a. -m. Special atten- tion to freshmen. Come and get ac- quainted. 4tf Varsity Tailoring Parlors 336 State. Agency for Ed. Strauss Co. Enough said. 4tf Kollauf cuts and makes clothes for the college men. Old post office build- ing, Main and Ann streets. 3f LAWS?!! Let us typewrite your Conveyancing and Practice Court Work. McNitt & Lewis, 302 S. State. 9tf For a quiet afternoon or evening go up the Huron. U. of M. BOAT LIV- ERY. 1-25 Full line of electrical supplies at Killins' State Street Hardware. New Mazda Lamps, wire, shades, etc. 12-13-14 Rosenberg presses suits--25 cents. 12tf * * * * * * * * * * * * 11-12: Rosenberg's phone, Bell 266. 12tf Company CLASSIFIED ADS.y * * * * * * ,. * * Advertising matter for this classified column must always be paid for in advance, and may be left at the DAILY office op- posite the Majestic between the hours of 12 noon and 10 p. m., or at Quarry's Drug Store, N. University and State, at any time up to 9:30 p. M. These Ads bring Results. * * * * * * * * * * I * * * * * * * * * * * * FOR RENT. For Rent-6 Room Modern steam heated apartment. Apply No. 1, Cut- ting apartments or call Bell 1159-J. Pianos to Rent. Schaeberle & Son, Music House, 110 S. Main St. tf We set glass. Major & Co. Both Phones. tf A new line of Browns and nobby Grey suitings just arrived. M. W. Mil- ward, 330 S. State St.... .. ..7tf Varsity Tailoring Parlors, 336 S. State St., Agency for Ed. Strauss Co. Enough said. 4tf Polish your floors with Old English Floor Wax. We have the genuine ar- ticle. Major & Co., b th phones. Stf For Rent-Two excellent rooms at a bargain. Two blocks from campus. Board for roomers only, $3.00.432 Thompson St. 12-13 For Rent-One suite half block south of campus. Nicely furnished. South- ern exposure. All modern improve- ments. Cut price. 636 S. Thayer. 12-14 & 16 For Rent-Finely furnished, large suite on E. University Ave. 2 blocks from campus. Private family. Wom- en preferred. Phone 1240. tf LOST. Lost-Waterman self-filling pen with- out cap, between library and West hall. Call 1512-L or 957 Greenwood. Reward. 12 Lost-Gold stick pin with initials H. E. W. Return to West 618 Packard. Reward. 11 & 12 WANTED. Wanted-Student who is an experi- enced chauffeur. Must be willing to give up afternoons and be willing to reside on premises. Apply to W. C. Mack, Mack & Co. 10 to 16 Wanted-Young lady to represent us at the University of Michigan. We have an attractive salary and com- mission offer for the right party. Apply direct to S. Lieberman & Co., Tailor Made Dresses, 607 W. Jack- son Blvd., Chicago, Ill., or to the Business Manager of the Michigan Daily. tf Wanted-Experienced Student solici- tor to work leisure time stlling cou- pons for photograph work. Good pay. White Studio. 12 Shoes repaired while you wait. An- dres, 222 So. State St. Stf Sweaters cut over at the Palais Royal, 209 E. Liberty. 1-tfj Royal Tailors at 215 South Main. 12 eod tf Board at the Cutting Cafe, $4.00 per week. Mrs. C. A. Ransom. Best in town. 9-10-11-12 Get your tickets now. 3 for $1 for shampoo, facial and scalp massage. Just for one week beginning Monday. Mrs. R. J. Trojanowski, 1110 South University. 11-17 Glass set in any part of city. Kil- lins' State Street Hardware. 12-13-14 Rosenberg drycleans sweaters. 12tf '' ', (;djllj,1 a D;/ 1/ .' ,, ~ Stuents Terms reasonable. Tel. 458 719 N. Uni PHOTOGRAI TO MICHIGAN S We have a line of clothing designed and tailored exclu- sively for young chaps who demand dashing style and swagger in their apparrel without resorting to freak- ishness. Q Pictures of anyt can be photc night or day. i lost complete Kodaks and P: lies in Michigi MEAJESTIC - - TONIGHT - - MAXIM MODEL- CELLI OPERA CO Entire Change Program-Thursday Night $15 to $30 Always the right style at the right time FRESH FILMlS, i ing and Pri Prompt Service Best Results. ( Kodaks for rent, : day. Q Scrap Books 95c E Buy a set of our': for 25c postal car b TZ Raincoats, Spalding Sweaters Hats, Caps and Cents Furnishing Wadhams & ComD4 I So. Main Sells 121-123 S. Main St. I HART, SCHAFFNER & MARX All Wool Clothes II Suits and Overcoats $18.00 up Say, boys have you Home Tea Room Home Tea Room? Ju to take your lady fri the prettiest and cosiest place to eat in the city, everything too. In connection is nalarge reception hall and rest room. No bett be found to hold a banquet. Open from 7:30 a. m. to 7:30 p.m. 109 E. Wasl a LET T RU .B EY JoNn it I: Furnish the Ice Cream for Your Party - 1 Cater To Clubs-and Frats G LOO-- Suey made in Michi- fake but Real Chinese Y.I SUBSCRIBE NOW t . All Cars Stop at No0vember2 The first number on the S. L. Course will soon be here.' It will but one of a great series of Lectu and Entertainments. GOODYEAR'S I I --- ~ ~ - A DRUG STORE' $2.50 To The Best Ad our Fall allege Suit The largest and finest stock in the city to select from. It pays you to come down town to make your psrchases. . _ 1 goes into a S. L. A. ticket. That I I I I Boys!! Girls!!"l.1 Let me make it to your measure-from the season's newest ics. In this way only, can you have distinctive looking clothes; t for service. the way you must figure it from selfish view-point. After you real ize that it is to your advantage t buy a ticket Will you not hep u I Quick Service and Fresh Home Made Candies Daily ai the i. E. Dieterle, Varsity 117 East Liberty Street Tailor ®s _ =Noma ..... _ at 'S