Soft Hats in a variety of - medium shapes and in some very swell blocks & Schmid Main St. ATIONERY MERCHANTS OBJECT TO ACTION. Local Tradespeople Would Reserve the Right to Use Seal. The action of the Regents Friday in requesting local business houses to discontinue the practice of using the university seal in commercial mat- ters is meeting some opposition from the merchants concerned. Several firms use the seal in varied forms, as a distinctive advertising feature, and it is contended. by these that a loss would be entailed in giving up their right to use it. "I feel that I am doing no harm by using the university seal in my busi- ness, said Mrs. Root, of the University Music House, the local firm probably most severely hit by the demand of the Regents. "The sheets of music upon which it is placed are sent all over the country, and the seals serve to ad- vertise the university. I do not want to antagonize the Regents, but I think that their action in this matter is un- warranted." DEAN REED WILL LEAVE CITY Anticipates Trip in Near Future But Plans are Indefinite as Yet Although Dean J. 0.- Reed and wife will take an extended trip in the near future, plans for the tour are incom- plete as yet, in fact the dean has not decided just where he will spend his leave of absence. However, in the course of a week, he expects to have decided his plans definitely, and it is possible that he will lease his home fo,r the summer and leave Ann Arbor with- in a couple of weeks. UNIVERSITY CALENDAR March 25.--Fresh engineer dinner at the Union, 5:30 p. m. March 26.-Soph engineer dinner at the Union 5:30 p. m. March 26.-Commerce club smoker at the Union 8 p. m. March 29.-Women's Annual Banquet at Barbour gym. March 28.-Thursday-Michigan Un- College Inn, the original hamburg- er. It is Elmer's place. The cleanest and best hamberger lunch room. We serve the best of everything. Lunches delivered from 5 p. m. to2 a. m. Phone 1078-L. tf We print anything froma name card to a book,-The Ann. Arbor Press- Official Printers to the University, and by authority, printers of all student publications-Press Building, Maynard Street. (Sun.) Don't pay good money for films and thign let someone experiment with them. Take them to Lyndon instead. 117 eod tf Open only from 9:30 to 12:30 and 1:30 to 3:30 on Sunday. Lyndon. 125 tf * * * * * a * * * * * * ** * CLASSIFIED ADS. * * -0- * Advertising matter for these * * columns may be left at the * * DAILY office, opposite the Ma- * * jestic from 12 noon to 10 p. m., * * or at The University Pharmacy, * * 1291 S. University Ave.,Van Dor- * * en's Pharmacy, Packard Street, * * The Brown Drug Store, Main * * Street,. and Quarry's, on State * * Street, any time up till 8:30 p.m. * * for next morning's issue. * These ads bring results. * FOUND The Michigan Daily finds the owners of lost articles. tf WANTED. Wanted-Laundry to wash at 1118 Catherine St. We do good work. Try us. 124-28 Wanted-Reasonable book binding of all kinds. George Dengler, 200 S. Main. 121 tf LOST, Lost-Wednesday, log slide rule. Finder please call 1313-J. 125 Lost-Black overcoat at All-Lit dance, Hart Schaffner & Marx label on in- side pocket, similar coat left in its place with Benton Harbor label. Call 1175-J. 125 Lost-Tan Regal shoes taken by mis- take yesterday afternoon at the All- Lit party. Return to 543 Church St. Phone 1153-L. 125 FOR SALE For Sale-Must sell my 1912 Twni- cylinder 7 h. p. Excelsior motor-cy- cle; cost $250. Will sell cheap. A. D. Noney, Cor. Hill and Washtenaw. For Sale-Residence of late Dr. Mor-' ton,- at 517 E. Ann St.; nine sleeping rooms; suitable for sorority or fra- ternity; hot water heat. SPRING STYLI Young men of fine discrimination wear Society Brand t when they want to look their best. I. x f JiFg Uert, The Daily For Copyright 1912, Alfred Decker & Cohn E Tablets Note size 10c Letter size 15c mom= -Nx enro le & Schairer Co. BINDERS STUDENTS' SUPPLIES 112 S. Main Street XTailor Detroit Mich. Ish Woolens for Overcotts is complete in every way. Dress Suits - Is a real vacation if the Ocean Travel made disagreeable by unpleasant accommoC You can avoid the possibilities of such dis forts by booking with us, for we offer the very choicest accommodations o very best and most comfortable s. which We have selected after years o perience and personal inspedtion. We offer a few. choice berths and roon ships sailing June 23 to 29th, 1912. Call and see sus for we enjoy giving in Rent a kodak today, 10 don. cents. Lyn- 124-25 Is your Kodak loaded? Lyndon. 124-25 m I March winds bring rough- skin and Prevent the roughness by using DERMAL CREAM & ROSE & ALMOND COLD CREAM Leave your want ads. at The East University. Pharmacy, Van Doren's Pharmacy, The Brown Drug Store and Quarry's Drug Store before 8:30 every night for the next morning's issue. tf Musical Instrument Repairing, work guaranteed, at Schaeberle & Son's Mu- sic House, 110 S. Main St. 87 tf The Michigan Daily-Finder of lost articles. Have your prints made on the paper best suited to the negatives with the same care that has made a reputation. -Lyndon. 117 eod tf mation. U THE WARHTENAW AGENCY 215 FIRST NATIONvL BANK DLID Bell Phonre 315 Horms. Phone WILLIAR4 L. WOOl) CHARLES L. I m Sat- other -noon Quarry Drug Co. SPECIAL NOTICE We have a large assortment of small musical goods which we will place' on sale at once at reduced prices : Mandolins, Guitars, Violins, Mouth' Organs, etc. One thousand copies of Yellow and Blue at i5c per copy during this week only, 2 copies for 25c. GRINNELL BROS.' Music House, 120-122 Liberty Street h MA~JESTIC 1 Another Good Sh HEST OF COMIEDy A1 Keno, Walsh and. The Fun Csarnh Leir 1 Michigan Pins, Fobs and Fraternity iege Jewelry. Big Ben alarms $2.50 Arnold wokeralarms $1.00 Your Patronage is We.lCard for Here t Acrhus scbouse Street Across from Majestic Florence R ayfield Singing Girl Frank & N Music I'. I Come in and see our 1912 SPALDING BASE BALL AND - GOLF GOODS - SCHUMACHERL ardwar. Co. 308-310-312 SOUTH MAIN COMPLETE i of Songs and Song Cycles by Carrie J. Bond e agency ifor Gibson Mandolins versity Music House I F hs .q GARDEN. CITY RIO Singing Boys Rathskellar Entertain Dan J. SulliVan an'd Co paj In the Romnantie Playlet ICAPT. BARRY' :-: Pathe Animated Weekly :- Moving Pictures of Current Events COMING THURSDAY "TIE MILLIONAIRE KID' Musical Comedy In 3 Acts Cast of 25 People Lots of Girls Special Easter Souvenir Matinee at., April 61 Art Studies Free To All SHIRTS SPRING SHIRTS Soft and Starched Cuffs with Collars to Match TINKER & COMPANY Furnishers aend Hatters 342 SOVTH STATE STREET - loth eslorCollegeM en at Allen's GoodClothes Store