THE MICHIGAN DAILY 311 SO. State Street G DISPLAY Woolens of vercoats and Exclusive Styles Trousers. )., 311 So. State Street ING MERCHANT TAILORS e treat- TYPEWRITING. LAW OUTLINES, TYPE he shin. WRITER SUPPLIES, TYPEWRITERS, healing le of the (new and second hand), for sale and rent. rely ger- of tissue B .ofb- E D oMORR IL L in con- OVER BALTIMORE LUNCH BELL 582-J - . ., r I'P Noc Books I SPECIAL PRICES On all Sizes Gym Supplies SHE EHAN' ity, & Comp any ads. ess, STUDENTS' BOOKSTORE Mrs. J. R. Trojanowski FASHIONABLE HAIRDESSER ,m Hair Goods, Hairdressing, Manicuring and Face Massage, Rain water Shampooing a Specialty. 1696 110 South University Bell 696-W 3 R 0.TH E R S PRESS CLOTHES BY HAND OATS DRY CLEANED 75c S PRESSED 25c OVERCOATS PRESSED 25c 10 SOUTH STATE STREET TH E 11ICHIGAN DAILY Official Newspaper at the University of Michigan., Published every morning except Mon- .. day throughout the school year... MANAGING EDITOR. Walter K. Towers. BUSINESS MANAGER Albert . Diley Editors. News Editor.......Harry Z. Folz Assistant...........Frank Pennell Athletic Editor:.....F. E. Shaw, Jr. Assistant...........G. C. Eldredge Music and Drama ... .Earl V. Moore Intercollegiate News Harold G. McGee Files .............Emmett Taylor Editorials. Arthur B. Moehlman Walle W. Merritt Night Editors. Maurice Toulme Ernest Burton Loren Robinson Karl Matthews { h Reporters. John L. foxO'Oscar Beckman C. Harold Hippler ....Robert Gillett Wallace Weber William Daugherty J. Selig Yellen. )1tQINSSSAFF. I Assistant to Mgr. ..Joseph Fouchard Advertising Mgr ...Elmer P. Grierson Circulation Mgr. E. Ray Johnson c. H. Kleinstuck A. R. Johnson, Jr. OFFICEfg: Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard Street.- OFFIC'E HOURS: Managing Editor, 1-2 p. m., 10:30-11:30 p. m.; Bus- ness Manager, 1-5 p. m.. Both Phones 980. Subscription price: By carrier, $2.50; By mail, $3.00. Want Ad Stations. Press Building; Quarry's Pharn- . acy, State and North Uni- versity. TUESDAY,- CTOB R 1, 1911. Night Editor-Wallace Weber. Root. Every thoughtful and loyal support- er of the°Maizeand lue who'dwitness- ed the brush with M19. A. C. Saturday must have blushed more than once at our inability to'encourage the team with anything like the persistency and variety manifested by the Aggies in the support of their heroes. At many stages of the game the Michigan root- ers were begging for some one to lead them in a yell, and more often than not, when their cry had been heard, it turned' out that the stands had to lead the leader. The situation on the local' field was' worse, if possible. In the absence of duly appointed yell- masters,' volunteers offered their ser- vices, and the' result was one that brought no c'edit to University man- ners or Michigan sprit. On the whole, it is quite evident from the events of the day tht pronpt action should be taken on the suggestion offered by The Daily last week in regard to the selection of. yellmasters. It is apparent to all that cheering, to be effective, must be organized. The selection of cheerleaders has natur- ally been left to the Athletic Associa- tion, and the job has been assumed by persons who were elected by the student body on their supposed abili- ty to manage athletic teams, not on any qualifications as cheerleaders. Cannot the Athletic Association pro- vide for the selection of cheer leaders? If it is impracticable to elect men for this purpose, the Council might pick out a number of men and arrange for them to receive some instruction in the rudiments of chorus leading from experienced hands, even if they have to call on the Music faculty for aid. By this means we could scarcely fail to get more stimulating directing than has been exhibited yet this fall. The matter should be taken up at once, while the season is yet in its in- fancy. It would be a disgrace should our rooting at the later games be such a fizzle as it was Saturday. A Matter of $2.50. "It has been my,'.good, fortune to watchhclasses come and go forforty years," said one of the oldest members of the faculty the other day, "and it has been my experience in watching their careers that the man who climbs the highest and really achieves success is the one who in college possessed two things, character and persever- ance. The higher the man's ideals the greater his success and his happi- ness." This is pretty near an axiom, for holds,,(good not only for the, college man but for the man outside. If a man can attain his ideals he is quite apt to be a perseverer. We come to college with our ideals, in general, high. If we grow careless and thought- less and let the glamour carry us away our ideals suffer. It's the old. old story. A man should make the kind of friendships which will better his ideals, not weaken them. He should patronize the campus organizations and activities where he will get value received. The Students' Lecture As- sociation is one of these. It presents men and women who stand for the very best things in life, in the different walks and phases of life-in all pro- fessions, in all labors-and it does so at a price ridiculously low when con- sideration is taken of the individual numbers and their value. It is the duty of college men, to themselves, to support such an organization. Class Teams Wil ftind our stook of Foot Ball Coodesand AthlticSuppliles In general, complete Ia' every detail MOM WAHR'S THE PHOTOGRAPHER 319 E. Huron Phone 961-L ltinum Porrate Plainum Portra tm We Do French Dry and Steam Cleaning PRESSING ° ind REPAIR ING Suits Cleaned and Pressed 75 .Suits Pressed 260 FULLER & O'GONNOR Tailors 619 E. William St. Hotel Cu m be rland University Bookstore Portradto U Platinum Portr When You Desire Portraits of Quality Go to S. W. Cor. Broadway, at 54th St., Near 50th St. Subway and 53d St. Elevated. NEW 'A KEPT BY A COLLEGE MA College Men Always Welcome Special . erms for College Tearns Ideal Location.CNear Theatres, Shops and Central Park New,' Modern, Absolutely Fireprc, '"""""NW flusic Every Day town caift I la. Vista. .00 FOUR WEEKS )VANCE, $3.50 Campus. 216 S. INGALLS ST We are pleased to record the en- trance of Mr. Avedis Hochanness Kou- youimijam into the literary depart- ment. Welcome Mr. Aved-(The linotype man refuses to do it again.) FOUND-Thomas Aquinae Major, R. Ph., as his cardboard has it, who, reports from Marquette University. The author of "Supprest In-Forma- tion" is a distinct addition to any com- munity. Congratulations Milwaukee. Another old subscriber of note pullsj the spot light his way, Michael Mc- Hugh having been discovered in the disguise of an attorney for the Legal Aid Society, N. Y. C. That's right Mike if the dear little newsy sasses a cop save the cheild. Also we report another o. s., Chet Staples, who is vegetating in Wycliffe, B. C., and still subscribes. That's the (Continued on page three.) I Transient Rates, $2.50, with Bath, and All Outside Rooms. Send for Booklet. UNDER THE MANAGEMENT OF Harry P. Stimson, formerly with Hotel Imperial. IR. J. Binght srn, formerly with Hotel Woody CLOTHES PRESSING CO. MO ST IMPOSSIBLE ns to keep a skirt presentable during rainy weather. ressing contract is not an ordinary condition, how- r than you are accustomed to having them pressed, r yet, for $r.oo we contract to press 3 skirts during .e installation of strictly up-to-the-minute Sanitary id the mammoth business we are doing, make these inspection of our finished work will explain our all will summon one of our representatives. -L. We Collect and Deliver Vai Doren 's Pharm acy 703 PACKARD STREET Drugs, Candies, Soda Supplies, Cigars and Students' Supplies We make the best chocolate soda In town. Drop in on your way to Perry Field. GOOD BOARD $3.50 IN ADVANC THE PINES, 503 E. Jefferson Stree Catering to Parties a Specialty. Musie by Fischer's Orchestra. JOHN FERGUSON, Propriet Good Board New no THE HVON $3.50 Week in Advance Mrs. E. B. Lambert 519 B. W s i. f! r /I Guaranteed : Ask for the glove that not to rip-A new pair if they give out in the i !' .. r. , _ _. . . . d&- Choral UnioIn Concerts OCTOBER 20 FOR A STARTER The MyFestival FOR A WIND-UP 10 Star Concerts $3.00 feimcerved Seats now Seting Uliv$erity School of Music r I'. WAGNER & CO. sti"ent Outfittc's State St. Sign of the big white shAe Bright and Snappy A new lot of Oxford Shirts with collar to match, and French cuffs. p w 1 iI Billiards is a fine . those who play. some recreation an better than this? HUSTON BROS. FOR HIRE- nPassenger Touring Car-Sight ,ing and joy rides to Whitmore Ce, YpsI, Detroit,'etc. A.G SPAI DiNG & BROS he Spalding Trade are thelargestmanu- ark facturers in the world t PING of OFFICIAL EQUIP- 4 q MENT,foraHlathletlc TRADE sports and pastimes. If you are interested a DG in Athletdc Sport you "Kshould have a copy of .9 the Spalting Cata- IN'wof logue. It's a complete is known throughout What's New in Sport the world as a Gtuarantee of and is sent free on re- Qali.ty quest. A. 0. SPALDING i EROS. 254 Woodward Ave. Detroit Mich Detroit United Lines On information to Division Superin- tendent Allen, Ypsilanti, of the Detroi United Lines, by officers of Varsity or organizations, the movement, beyond th capacity of the regular service, of an; group of students to or from Ann Ar bor, extra cars and extra service will b promptly supplied, Special Rates to Students CALL H. 'B. -PECK GADSKI. one 633J 413 Thompson St. RANDALL & J K Photographers PHONE 598-