e Michigan DaIly =Daily Reaers $2,500,000 IMere Ai ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, MARCH 23, 1912. PRICE IRI-E rDRAI 1T MEN'T Performance of lost d Are Declared rs With x9670. THE HONEYMOON IS CAPABLY PRODUCED, All Arrangements Moved Along Without Hitch and With Vim and Dash PROPOSES VOTE BE TAKEN ON POLICY Freshman Law Takes Exception to Dailv's AthleticStand in Editorial THREE MICHIGAN MEN COMPOSE FEDERAL PURE POOD BOARD. Dr. A S. Mitchell, 'S7 Pharmic, isoAp- pointed in Dr. _Wiley's Position.t GRANT i '' i HEED Il G. N. Crabtree and H. A. Ramsdell uplicated their record of last year hen they were for a second time de- ared winners of the Michigan Union ridge tournament. The high score -as 5,670. R. D. Ryan and C. D. Ken- edy, were the runners up in the paste- >ard festival. Earnest Kanzler and Guy Woolfolk >bbled up the cellar position with a tal of 1,318 points to their credit. lie winners of the tournament will ceive two steins with a seal of the ichigan Union stamped upon thema id the tail enders will receive a' ackage of Durham as a consolation' 'ize. ILXOPHONE TRIO IS SECURED. nother Feature Added to All-Lit Party Program. An added feature of the all-lit dance is afternoon will be solos from aj xophone trio which has been secured r the event. The dance will be a ature affair throughout, interclass ,nces, no programs, prize voting con- st, stagdom, and all the events which ve made past all-lit dances popular. Provision has been m'ade for a record owd as tickets have gone fast. Badg- have been printed for the respect- e classes , and the point has been' ade that introductions are not a ne- ssity for securing dances. Admission ]IAY BE PRODUCED AT WHITNEY I WOULD BALLOT ON CONFERENCE. A bright comedy, presented with all the vim and dash of a professional company was the unanimous verdict .of the audience that witnessed the pro- duction of John Tobin's "The Honey- non," presented last evening in Sarah 'Caswell Angell hall by the Oratorical Association. The dialogue was clever, the cos- -tumes beautiful in their 18th century splendor, and everything moved along; without a hitch of any kind. The rus- tic dance, a roundelay by the peasant couples was easily the feature of the production, but everyone rendered their respective parts in faultless style. To pick the brightest star from the. cast, would indeed be hard, but Louis Eich, in the role of the Duke, the wom- -an tamer,displayed talent seldom seen -outside the professional ranks, and' the rest of the cast fully equaled the -work of the leading man. Viewed from a financial standpoint,. the performance wPs a decided suc- cess, and already movements are on :foot to reproduce it in the Whitney theater at some date in the near future. Several of the officers of the Associa- 'tion are known to be in favor of the scheme, and it is almost certain that .another performance will take place. (The Michigan Daily assumes no re- sponsibility for sentiments express- ed in communications.); Editor, The Michigan Daily:- Last Sunday in an editorial, an an- swer to the writer in the current issue of the Alumnus was given by The CONFERENCE OF LL BE HELD HERE., Will 1 ner School e The invitation extended by the Boar& e of Regents to the Mid-west section of e the Ch'nese Student's Alliance in the er United States yesterday morning was formally accepted by the Board of le Representatives of the Alliance. r The Alliance will convene in Ann 0 Arbor immediately after the summer school vacation, and will be in session g for ten days. Several of the universi- :e ties and colleges in the mid-west sec- e tion of the alliance made strong bids y, for the convention but Michigan won over its strongest rival, Illinois, by a is vote of thirteen to three.The university' s faculty has chosen a friendly attitude, a and President Hutchins seconded the 1 local Chinese Student's club in its cam- t, paign in behalf of the university for e the convention seat. - Nearly two hundred delegates will be y in attendance at the conference from the universities and colleges in the states of Ohio, Kentucky, Michigan, T Tennessee, Alabama, Arkansas, Mis- souri, Kansas, North Dakota, South n Dakota, Louisiana, Texas, Indiana, Ok- lahoma, Nebraska, and Indian Terri- r tory. rn.n n4T in ~n~ ~nn jNEW STAR HAS BEEN DISCOVERED Telegram From Harvard Announces Fact to!a~azba*enatry Word was recently received by the university observatory that a new star -in the region of Eta Geminorum, was .iscovered last week by Euebo, a Euro- pean astronomer. The news came from Kiel, Germany, which is the distributing center of as- tronomical news for Europe, to Har- vard, the distributor for this country, and then here. It is not known where the astronomer was working when he made js discovery. With the aid of the large, new spectrograph, Prof. R. H. Curtiss, of the observatory, has made five photographs of the star. A study of these shows that the spectrun is similar to that of any new star at its greatest brilliancy. Y. 3. C. A. DEPUTATION GOES TO MILAN TO AROUSE INTEREST. A deputation of Y. M. C. A. workers,, consisting of W. H. Tinker, religious work director; F. I. Olmstead, William Mauer, and Victor Jose, left yester- day for Milan, Michigan, where they will spend the week end, holding con- ferences and .working 'up enthusiasm for bible meetings. CHEMICAL ENGINEERS LEAVE FOR DETROIT JAUNT TODAY The class in course 1 in chemical. engineering and other engineers in- terested in chemistry and metallurgy, left for Detroit early this morning.' The following plants will be inspect- ed: Detroit Iron and Steel Co;, Semet-, Solvay Coke Oven Plant, Michigan" Malleable Iron Co., Monarch Steel' Casting Co., and Detroit Seamless" Steel Tubes Co. The trip is so arraniged that those' who care to may leave for Ann Arbor at 5:05 o'clock in the afternoon. 1 Craftsmen Will Hear Detroit Speaker1 An exemplification of the "Lodge ofi Sorrows"was conducted by the Crafts-1 men, an, organization of student Ma-4 sons of the university, at a regulari meeting held last night. It was decid- ed to enterain William Atkinson, an Episcopal clergyman of Detroit, nextl Saturday at the regular meeting andc listen to an address which he will give at that time. A dance will be giveni by the society shortly after the springc vacation. Michigan Daily. The "Alumnus" pointed out many things that we undergraduates have shut our eyes to. In order to appear 'satisfied' we have justified our present 'boycotted' position by 'mud slinging' and evading the real issue. The Michigan Daily again points to the impossibility of a return to the Western Conference and again fails to give a single reason for arriving at such a conclusion. What may I ask are 'onerous' conditions that beset the conference? Outside of the training table are not our rules practically sim- ilar to those of the conference? Challenges Daily Stand. What does The Michigan Daily mean by the conference as it is now situated? Does The Michigan Daily mean to in- sinuate that several of the conference schools will drop out merely to make room for the University of Michigan. Illinois and Minnesota are grumbling about the rules relating to summer baseball. Michigan has the same rules on that subject as the conference. If. Michigan is to stand in favor of summer baseball, well enough, but that fs another question. The mere fet that the 'situation within the con. ference is not ideal' is no reason for assuming that Michigan would not be benefitted by a return to the 'fold.' What, may I ask, do we have to brag about in theway of a football schedule which The Michigan Daily appears to thnk is not so bad. At only one game this year did we hear a single healthy yell by the sup- porters of the' opposing side and that game was the one with 0. 5. U. Con- trast our situation with that within the conference. Over three thousand Illinois students with a brass band of one hundred pieces invaded Marshall Field to cheer the wearers of the Or- ange and Blue. Over twenty-five thous- and people witnessed the struggle be- tween the Maroons and the Gophers. On the same day that Michigan met Nebraska, Kansas played Missouri at Columbia, a town of ten thousand in- habitants, and outdrew the crowd at Lincoln by over $3,000.00. When the Maroons meet the Purple, the crowds are almost equally divided. It is at such games one learns to en- joy a real football game. Are We Satisfied? Do we have anything like that to boast of? Has not The Michigan Daily and the student body in general voiced the sentiment 'that Michigan is satis- fied? Have we not marshalled facts and figures to prove our satisfaction? Have we not boasted that the attend- ance at this year's Penn game was greater than that at the Michigan-Wis- consin game of 1905? Have we not in every possible way sought to belittle the Western Conference, and thereby evade the real issue? Have we ever attempted to ask ourselves the real reason why we did not return? Is it not a fact that we are so prejudiced that we do not know just why we are left out in the cold? Wherein have we been benefitted by our eastern afilli- ations? Who do we play out there that gives us an honorable plane in the eyes of the eastern world? As a man is known by the company he keeps, so is a university, and Michigan is now enjoying the reputation of some of her present rivals. If we cannot boast of our football schedule, what may be said of our baseball and track sched- ules? We have not had a single inter- collegiate meet since the football sea- (entinued on page 4.) Michigan has three men, two of whom are graduates of the university, and one of the agricultural college, on the pure food board of the federal government. Dr. A. S. Mitchell, '87, pharmic, formerly chief of the St. Paul, Minn., laboratory of the bureau of chemistry, has temporarily assumed office to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Dr. Harvey W. Wiley. Dr. R. E. Doolittle, formerly of De- troit, a graduate of M. A.4 C., remains acting chief of the bureau and chair- man of the board. Frederick L. Dun- lap, '92, is also a member of the board. LIGHTNER GIVES FIRST TALK ON "MEDICAL JURISPRUDENCE" Mr. Clarence A. Lightner of Detroit gave the first of a series of lectures on "Medical Jurisprudence" yesterday af- ternoon in the law building. His. talk was chiefly introductory in its nature, explaining the relation between law and medicine. Mr. Lightner will con- tinue these lectures each Friday after- noon at three o'clock. Mr. E. S. Rogers of Chicago finished the series of lectures on "Trade Marks and Unfair Trade" which he has been delivering to the members of the law department this week, yesterday. CONTRACT FOR FOUR-POLED TENT ACCEPTED YESTERDAY Arrangements commensurate with the number of visitors, who will attend the Seyenty-Ffth Anniversary'Celebra- tion, are being made by the committee in charge. Contracts were signed yes- terday with the J. C. Goss Company, Detroit, to furnish a four pole canvas tent with a seating capacity of 5,000 to be used during commencement week. The tent will be 110 feet in diameter Mammoth Canvas, With Seating pacity of 5,000, Provided . For Guests. Ca-1 be 1 Regents Give De Time to Recove And Prof, Effing Charge NEW LAW DEGREE Medic Building Will B Number of Othei Decided. Following extended i] inite leave of absence Dean John Q. Reed, of partment, by the Regen ular monthly meeting y leave will continue un feels able' to resume 1 will takeeffect at onc Effinger was named as have charge during DE sence. As a result of conside concerning the practice cal firms in using the the university on adve the Regents took a del terday towards having t continued. The secret structed to send letters business houses reque, university seal not be u tion with commercial m Will Raze Old Medi It was decided by the gents that the west sec medic building should bE further delay. This remain other a ing sho A pe gents home ec ei E amend- constitu- m to the nue. of seats Merleso r unique events planned Besides the routine business and the election of officials for the ensuing year, a series of unique events, com- prising musical, literary, oratory, ath- letic, debating and dramatic contests will be presented under the auspices of the Alliance. Each Chinese club will be represented in the contests by picked teams, and Michigan expects to be a strong contestant in the oratory and tennis events. A number of prominent men, both in the scholastic and business worlds will address the conference. and 240 feet long, and will be spread between Waterman gymnasium and the Chemistry building. It will -be used for the Michigan Union show, the Com- memoration and Commencemeit exer- cises. The Baccalaureate sermon will be delivered in University Hall as in the past. TWO COMMITTEES ARE NAMED FOR 1913 UNION PRODUCTION. The Mimes, the recently formed. op- era club, yesterday appointed the fol- lowing committees for next year's pro- duction: Books and lyrics-Profs. F.N. Slott, L. A. Strauss, and A. A. Stanley,: and the joint authors of "The Crimson Chest," Arthur Moehlman and Francis Riordan; Music-Profs. W. A. Howland and A. A. Stanley, and Earl Moore and Selden Dickenson. Those who are writing books are reminded that they must be left at the Union by the after' noon of March 30. FORESTERS WILL BANQUET IN HONOR OF PROF. ROTH TONIGHT' The foresters will lay aside their corked shoes and woolen shirts and don the garb of the city man this ev- ening, when they gather at the Union for their annual banquet, which is to be given in honor of Prof. Filibert Roth. The banquet will begin prompt- ly at .7:30. Professor Wenley Completes Lectures. Prof. R. M. Wenley delivered the last of a series of three lectures on the gen- eral subject of "Browning" at Harris hall yesterday afternoon before an au- dience of several hundred people. Dr. Scholl is on Way to Recovery. Dr. J. W. Scholl of the German de- partment, who has been suffering from a severe attack of inflammatory rheu- matism, is slpwly recovering. His condition -is still very serious and he will not be able to meet his classes un-1 til the last of next week. dan, Mrs. W. D. Henderson of the Collegiate Alumnae, Thuner, president of the League. According to the posed, such a department to make a science of prepa women to enter upon the duties, but would not inclu ementary subjects as cookir ing. The petition mentior that groups of home econon es are now being offered ai ly all of the leading state u The matter was referred t< committee. New Law Degree Cr( The Regents made provis arrangement of certain cou law department whereby a n that of L.L.M. can be gain years. This degree was o regularly granted by the but it has not been awardei years. The new degree will conflict with the ordinary course and its attendant de Partly as a result of recer concerning the lack of suifi in Sarah Caswell Angell hal mittee on buildngs and gr instructed to investigate tion of fire escapes for Bar nasium. The committee wil port at a later meeting. Hospital to Get Hou The Regents ordered that roe house, located on Nor street on the Hill Memoria site, be moved to the UnivE pital grounds, where it wi as quarters for internes an ees. This additional space v the present congestion of tb building proper, and will a room for beds in that strut Fire insurnace to the ext 750,000 was ordered placed sity buildings, the amount tributed among several rel: - (Continued on Page 4 '.I he Choral the block sale at the FIRST ISSUE OF QUARTERLY COMES OUT AT Y.M.C.A. TODAY The first issue of the quarterly, which the Students Christian Associa- tion and the Student Volunteer Band are publishing, will appear today. This publication is devoted principally to the work of the Busrah Mission, which the Student Christian Association is supporting in Arabia. The .edition al-' so gives a survey of the work accom- plished this year. emical at the per- i in