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October 17, 1911 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1911-10-17

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STake Another's




Read the Daily Ad
Before Y(



_. ., ..



klin Goes to Left End, Bogle
Tackle, Quinn to Guard
nd Craig to Halfback Po-




tal Drill, Characterized
f Dash, Took the Place
of a Scrimmage.


Copies of Music for Opera Rehearsals
Being Printed.
Vocal tryouts for the Michigan Un-
ion Opera will take place next Thurs-
day afternoon at 4:15 in the Sphinx
society rooms in the Ann Arbor Press
building. Tryouts for the chorus will
be held at the same place Thursday
evening at 7:15.
All students, who expect to try out
for the opera must see Professor
Strauss any week day at 11 o'clock in
Tappan hall and receive eligibility
cards. No student will be given a try-
out without showing an eligibility
card. No student who is warned or on
probation need apply for a card. This
applies also to men having conditions
against them, unless special permis-
sion can be obtained from the dean of
their particular departments.
Freshmen will not be permitted to
participate in the opera this year, as
was decided during the rehearsals last
year. Students desiring to try out for
the vocal parts and also the chorus
should bring their music with them.
The tryouts for the speaking parts
will be definitely announced later, but
will probably be held on Monday or
Tuesday evening of next week.
"The music for the opera is prac-
tically complete," said General Chair-
man Cox last night, "and professional
copies are now being made for rehear-
sals. The opera this year will give
opportunity for more men than before
to participate, and we would urge
that all who are eligible come out and

A musical body known as the As-
sociation Quartet has been organized
for the purpose of providing music at
the Sunday Y. M. C. A. meetings and
also for concert work in and out of
the city. The members of the quartet
are C. C. Westerman, first tenor;tL.
E. Butterfield, leader and second ten-
or; J. R. Hayden, first bass; and E.
G. Kemp, second bass. B. E. Mitchel, a
graduate student in the oratorical de-
partment, will accompany the quartet
as reader.
Saginaw High School PrincipalI
Will Try to Bring Inter-
scholastic Meet Here

Allan Gaitels, member of the varsi-
ty football squad, was a passenger on
one of the two D. U. R. cars which
were wrecked at Smith's crossing on
the Orchard Lake division Sunday .ev-
ening, but he escaped uninjured. Gar-
rels had been spending the afternoon
at Cass Lake and was returning to
Detroit. He was seated in one of the
rear seats of the car when it crashed
into another car which had stopped to
change crews, He escaped through
the rear door. Several of the people
in the car were more or less injured.

Dean Bates Pays Tribute to Former
Teacher and Friend.
During the recitations of the sen-
ior law class yesterday moriiing, when
a case in which Justice Harlan had
delivered a dissenting opinion was dis-
cussed, Dean Bates took occasion to
pay a high tribute to the late Supreme
Court. Justice. Dean Bates studied
under Judge Harlan at Northwestern
University and later formed a part-
nership with his son, in which latter
relation he came to know the great
jurist intimately.
"I never knew a man," said the
dean, "about whose absolute upright-
ness with reference to all standards
of conduct more could be said than of
Justice Harlan's. The morals of any
proposed act came to him at once by
intuition. He could not comprehend
chicanery and trickery i the practice
and administrAtiqn of the law and
when he O find it he became pos-
sessed by a rage beyond anything I
have ever seen. His character was ab-
solutely unsullied. Nothing ever led
him from the straight and narrow
path of duty and honor.
"He may not have been a leader in
hair splitting and the technical re-
finements of the law but the power of
his mind and his absolute uprightness
cause me to rank him as one of our
great judgos. Though many of his
opinions may have been by way of
dissent they served a purpose and did
a great work." .

Body Will Meet Toni
Make Plans for the
Fresh-Soph Rush, to b
Two Close Contests Yesterd
Victor in Each Case Win]
by One Vote.
Ten classes elected Studen
cilmen yesterday. In the juni
ic and junior law classes the v
very close, in each instance th
winning by a majority of on
results of the elections follow
Senior lits-Edward Kemp,
Siple, and Robert McKisson.
Senior engineers--H. H. Steil
and Rudolph Van Dyke.

st pulled off the shift that has
pending for the past week when
nt Conklin to left end in yester-
practice and moved Bogle from
d to the tackle position left va-
by the shift of the captain. Quinn'
put in at left guard, where Bogle
een playing and Almendinger got
>b at the right side of the center,
Li still and will be for some time,
ast, "Bubbles" Paterson. Pontius
d good to the coach at right tack-
d "Stan" Wells has not lost his
t right end. "Shorty" McMillan
.n charge of the team at quarter-
rday and the way he handled the
looked good. Of course there was
,rimmage but the coach put the
n through a long signal drill and
was more snap and pep display-
an has been seen on Ferry Field
e past week.
ig was in at left half, as the
. said he would be after he had
how well he played in the M. A.
me. He starred there in return-
unts and in advancing the ball
e will be a good running mate
arpell, who looks to be the best
t the right side of "Bottles"
son, who of course was not'shift-

Candidates For Senior Law
Presidency Advocate Daily's

PrincipalW. W. Warner of the Sag-
inaw high school will champion Mich-
igan's cause at the meeting of. the
State Teachers' Association at Detropit
November 1 and 2, when it comes to
a discussion of the advisability of
holding the annual interscholastic

Coach "Hi" Cole put his freshmen
through a strenuous workout yester-
day afternoon. The coach directed a
lot of his attention to correcting the
faults shown in Saturday's game with
Mt. Union. Most of the practice con-
sisted of signal drill,


meet at Ann Arbor or some other
Principal Warner was appointed to
make a personal investigation of con-
ditions at the last interscholastic meet,
after the Michigan Schoolmasters'
Club had made complaint against the
conduct of Michigan students in enter-
taining high school athletes after the
previous meets. Mr. Warner found
conditions all right in every particular
and now will fight to see the. inter-
scholastic remain a Michigan event.
He proposes to put the 14ichigan Ath-
letic Association in cpntrol, if it will
submit t pertain regulations cover-
ing the grounds Pn which complaint
was made.

The system of primary class lc-
tions, advocated in The Daily for Sat-
urday, Is meeting with decided favor
on the campus. By this system an in-
itial election would be held to vote
on all candidates in the field, just as
formerly. The two men receiving the
highest number of Ygte would later
be balloteg4 upon in a second and final
"The proposed system is a good one,
I believe," said Roscoe Bonste, t one
of the candidates for senior law pres-
ident. "It sems pretty late to act
on the matter this year, but no one
appears to be opposed to its adgption."
Harold Curtis, another. candidate
for the senior lw presidency, favors
the proposed primaries. "The new
method would result in a much more
representative choice of neu" said
Curtis yesterday.
"The new pAnary election proposal
is pretty certain to be adopted by the
senior law class next Frida." said
J. W. LaPlont, last year's president.r
"The system under consideration will
surely determine the sentiment of the
class as no other method could"'
"I am in favor of anything that will
insure the eleetio of the right man,"
said I. H. Reck, another candidate for'
senior law honors, "Hewever, the
preferential ballot, ln which every vot-.
er e;.sPes. a second ehote*, would bea
even more et'eetive, I believe."1
Robert Tipping, another aspirant for
the router law presidency, is hiobly int
favor of the contemplated system. "It
will secure tbe election of the man


This will give the full strength of
the squad, as Quinn has been playing
a mighty good game and Almendinger
and Bogle were going too well to be
displaced from the line.
"Conk' ought to be .a big success at
the end job. Two years ago Shevlin
of Yale saw him play in the Minnesota
game at Minneapolis and he said then
that if Conklin were kept at the end
of the line he would be one of the best
that football has ever seen. That was,
no idle praise coming from a man who
is one of the greatest ends that Yale
has ever turned out and the Wolver-
ine's captain seems to be going in
better shape right now than he was
last year.
Bogle was used at kicking off and he
showed great form. He was placing
the oval wherever he wanted to and
this change ought also to work for
the better, as Conklin is one of the
best men on the squad in getting down
under punts and on the kick off.
Garrels was out at the field, but his
knee is still bothering him too much
for him to play. Torbet is also out of
the game with a bad foot and it looks
as though he might lose the greater
part of the week before he is again in
"Varsity" On Sale This Week.
"Varsity," the new Michigan field
song, by Moore and Lawton, will go
on sale Friday of this week. The title
page is being printed by a local pub-
lishing house. The Majestic orches-
tra is featuring the selection. .

The first of the series of monthly
membership dinners to be given by the
Michigan Union this year will be held
on Thursday evening. Dean Reed will
be the guest of honor and will deliver
the chief address of the evening.
A musical program has been ar-
ranged by Tarl Moore, who has been
appointed musical director of these
affairs. "Billy" Shafroth, who was un-
able to preside as "Fresh" toastmaster
as had been planned for the last din-
ner of last year, will act in that ca,
pacity at Thursday's affair in the
guise of ex-Fresh.
The price of the dinners this year
has been lowered to thirty-hve pents
in the hope that mere members will
take advantage of them. Tickets may
be secured from Chairman Sealby,
Francis Murphy, Francis Riordan, Ru-
dolph Van Dyke and Richard Sim-
Campus Trees Present Problem.
It is no small task to care for the
several hundred trees on the campus.
The job of trimming the more ragged
ones was given to a gang of workmen
some time befpre school esume& but
the men proved to be Inexpert and
the work was discntined
Phoenix Club Dined at Union.
The Phoenix Club, composed of
graduates of Detroit Western High
school attending the university, gave
a dinner last night at the Union.

ing. '

laws-Arthur Daver
medics--William Ed
homeops-Lucas HE
lits--Fred Gould and

President Harry B. Hutchins left
for Minneapolis last night Where he
will attend the inaugural exercises of
President Vincent of the University of
Minnesota, President Hutchins will
speak at the inaugural dinner and.
later befre the Association of atate
Universities on "The Curricula of See-
ondary Schools." He will return Wed-
nesday nl&ht,
4Aliltects Smoke at Union.
A smoker for the first year men iA
the department of archite ture was
held at the Michigan Union last
night under the auspices of the Avchi-
tectural Society.
Must Register for Ohio Bar.
Candidates for admission to the Oho
bar are required to file a notice atthh,
time they commence the ree .t lay.
This notice must lge tiled three yea s

Junior Engineers are Constructing,
Various Types of Motor Craft.
H. B. Pickering and Company is the
name of a new firm organized by three
engineering students for the purpose
of manufacturing motor boats. The
officers and members of the company
are R. B. Pickering, '13 E, president
and manager; J. A. Woodard, 13 E,
secretary; and A. F. McFarland, '13 E,
The company's first product, a boat
eighteen feet long, was built last sum-
mer on the Huron river. Later on,
more elaborate designing was intro-
duced, and boats are now being con-
structed which retail from $400 to
$4,000. The company specializes. in a
feature boat of the high speed type.
The. factory, which at present em-
ploys eight men, is a small wooden
building located on the Huron in the
vicinity of the Toledo and Ann Arbor
railroad bridge. If sufficient orders
for spring delivery are received, the
eompany will move into larger quar-
Prof. Knowlton is Slightly Ill.
Prof. J. C. Khowlton of the law de-
partment did not meet his classes yes-
terday because of a severe cold. Prof.
Knowlton has been suffering from a
cold ever since he returned from Bos-
ton last week, and in consequence the
doctor has ordered him to stay at
home for a few days. Prof. Knowlton
will not meet his classes today, but he
hopes to be on duty Wednesday.

Jacob Crane.
Junior laws-L. H. Barringer.
Junior medics--Carleton Woo
The Student Council will me
night in room D of the Law build
7 o'clock to perfect plans for th
nual Fresh-Soph rush which w
held Saturday morning on Soutl
ry field. All newly elected me
of the Student Council are to
this meeting and to bring with
certificates of election from
class presidents.
Will Address University Gir
Dr. D. J. Sloane of John Ho
University will address the girls
university at 5 o'clock this afte
in Newberry hall. His subject w
A New Profession for Women.
Union Members Should Get C
Members of the Michigan Unio:
have not exchanged the receipts
them by solicitors for membe
cards are requested to do so :
dlately. These constitute the res
tificates of membership and m
obtained at the clubhouse.
William J. Burns and Harry J. IH
Placed on Program.
Detective William J. Burns,
has been secured by the S. L. .
this year's program, will sper
"Municipal Graft." He may give
thing new. on the McNamara ca
which he has taken a prominent
It is hoped that he may be. al
open the course on October 3(
it is possible that he will not be
until the latter part of the year.
The association has also se
Henry J. Hatfield, an interpret
national note, to appear on Dece
13. He will give interpretatio
Kipling in two parts, one on "To
Atkins" and the other on the
Indian." Mr. Hatfield has been C
stage a number of years recentl
appeared with George Hawtrey i
"Messenger -from Mars."

most desirable to all," is the way Tip-.
ping puts it.
"The primary election scheme would
result in a much more representative
choice of men to fill offices," said
Raymond H. Fryberger, a fiXth nom-
inee for the presidencyo t the senior
law class.

before the lar, examinations are ta;- fAll changes of- address or informa-
en. tion suck as name, address, and phone
Any Ohiq students who have r numbers for the Students' Directory
yet filed this notice shouV seet ", must be mailed to the editor of that
secretary of the law deparufmen A. publication before October 20, or they
once. will appear as they were written on
:he registration blanks.
Two hundred men reported at the The editor and business; manager
tryouts for the Syracuse Dunior Week pxpect to have the directory ready for
play. ale about the middle of November.

Changes Made in Homeop Faculty.
The following changes have been
made in the Homeopathic faculty: Dr..
Grover Verplanck has been appointed
assistant to the chair of surgery; Dr.
Ernst assistant to the chair of inter-
nal medicine.; Dr. F, B. McMullen will
assist the eye, ear, nose and throat
chair and Dr. Hildebrandt will assist
in electro-therapeutics.

I. U

More people are seeking S.
L. A. Tickets this year than
there have been for years.
We want Freshmen to sell

Buy Your S. L. A. I ckt This-Wook
Tickets for sale at S. L. A. wind w in U. Hai from 8 a, m. until 4 p. m.
daily, all this week. After 4 p. m. they Iay be had in Treasurers office (Gras
uate School room.)
Buy Tha,.t iktTdy

All men now selling
tickets report with


We have very few

money today.
Those men who are can;
sing certain streets are
quired to make a report.

rst year men and we need



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