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March 19, 1912 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1912-03-19

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Daily E



bert Storms delivered the
ss of a series of four at
hall yesterday afternoon.
C. A. having abandoned the
ernoon meetings, have plan-
st of addresses, the second
n this afternoon. The sub-
>day's address, which is to
men only, will be "Eternal


Ats of the Wednesday and
ctures, for both men and
be "The Everlasting Yea"
Double Signature." Dr.
Michigan graduate of '84,
merly president of Ames
ion to Those Who Failed
Pay Class Dues.
senior lits who failed to
ass dues last week will
rief extension of time to
d order invitations, Ow-
oincidence of commence-
and the Seventy-fifth An-
lebration the senior invi-
year will contain pro-

les of the class
the payment of
from partaking
es during com-e
igpent seniors
obtain caps and
>wn stores.
ting campaign
s Met with con-

Numerous Candidates Trv Out
But Ihov Don't Seem
To Fill The Bill
Aside from the reticence of spring
which is causing Coach Branch Rickey
no end of worry, the Michigan tutor
has another big difficulty on his hands
in finding a man to fill the first base
position. Rickey is confident he has
good material for the other infield po,
sitions, and right now could almost
pick three men for third, short and
second, who could fill the bill accept-
ably. But the first baseman's job is
worrying the .coach.
Rickey wants a man who can both
hit and field, and so far he has not
decided which of his candidates come
the nearest to fulfilling his require,
ments, Gould, Towell,Seully and Poj.,
tius have all been looked over and
still the coach is trying out more men,
Kline, a former Kalamazoo high play-
er and' last year a member of the fresh
lit team is the latest man to be tried
at the initial corner. Kline -is
big and has a reputation as a hard hit-
ter and an accurate fielder. He is a
trifle slow, however, and this will han-
dicap him no little bit, perhaps enough
to keep him from landing the berth.
"First base is my big probem," said
Rickey speaking i the mtte.'
"I'vp jeer} tryij}g Kline at first base,
argI e teem to Yave smQthing it the
bitir} gll ,l c t }} } 41E Who P i
both hit and fielt will get the pb,"
"Trade-marks are not a modern in-
stitution," said Mr. E. S. Rogers in the
first of a series of lectures on "The
L.w Lf T a d- ar1s and Unfair Trade"
yesterday aftea noon. Icgrerg ppve
that they were mse4 as far b ck as e
year tiOO B. Q."
Mr. Rogers also explained that there
wgs no need to copyright tr-40-:rnftpl,
and that pIctures were iere tcestr
ful as trade-marks than nanes, ,e
will continue his lecture today at 4
p. m. in room G of the law building'
Alchemists Banquet at U~nion.
Alchemist society held its monthly
dinner at the Michigan Union last
night. Sidney Lawrence served as
toastmaster. Prof. ;H. H. Willard and
Mr. A, E. White, faculty members of
the organization,- gave talks and a
number of the student members were
called upon:

Educators of Note to Attend
47th Annual Session of
One thousand educators are expect-
ed to attend the forty-seventh annual
meeting of the Michigan Schoolmas-
ters' Club to be held here March 26-30.
Over 3,500 programs of the meeting
have been sent to all high school
teachers in the state by Secretary L. P.
Jocelyn. All of the Toledo teachers
are expected to be here and many
from Cleveland and Chicago will at-
Many educators of note will address
the sessions of the club. Prof. C. J.
Keyser, of Columbia University, and
Miss Sara L. Arnold, dean of Simmons
College, Boston, will speak before the
general sessions. Two Chicago Uni-
versity professors, Prof. James F. Ho-
sie, of the English departmert, and
Prof. A. A. Michelson, of the physics
department, will address different con-
ferences. Others from outside the
state of Michigan who will be here'
are President David Felmley, of Indi-
ana State Normal and Prof. E. M. Hop-
kins, of the University of Kansas.
Many of the university professors
will also speak before the various
Girls of the sophomore class will
give an informal supper today at 5:15
to practice songs for the Women's
Banquet. The Freshman Spread yield-
ed a sufficient surplus to finance the
affair .and tickets will be only 15 cents.
Those selling tickets for the Wom-
en's Banquet request that sophomores
desiring tickets bring tl I money fpr
the sa'e to the supp1 as the tickets
ale gpi}g rapidl and this jill b
ably lie the last ppor.tnty tQ se e

The preliminaries in the university
wrestling tournament will start in
Waterman gym this afternoon at 4
o'clock when the first elimination
matches will be held. The tournament
this year has attracted considerable
interest and the list of entries is larg-
er than in former years. Many of the
contestants are experienced in the mat
game and close battles are expected.
The matches to be held this after-
noon are: Heavy weights-Morse vs.
Thors; middle weights-Longe vs.
Feree; welter weights-Bosberry vs.
Lewis; light weights-Bogue vs. Wes-
terman; feather weight-Yellen vs.




French Actors Meet at Opera House
Sunday Afternoon.
The cast of "Le Monde ou 'on s'en-
nuye, the French play which the Cer-
cle Francais will produce at the Whit-
ney theater, March 28, met for the
first time to rehearse on the Whitney
stage Sunday afternoon. Vigorous
work this week and the remaining

At least one cla
ord as opposed t
plan of adorning
class memorials.
the senior.engine(
ute $300 towards
igan Union $1,000
memorial will be
and will be used

days of next week will be given to the fire place w
play in order to insure as perfect a constructed.
production as possible. The lecture May 11 was
on Pailleron's master farce which for the class
Prof. Robert Effinger will give Wed- held at the Bi
nesday afternoon at 5 o'clock in Tap- class tax of
pan hall, will usher in the finishing final date of
stages of this year's annual pxpoduo- March 30. It
tion. caps and go
The cepeVy which will be used this Thursdays af
year Will e.ir part that used by the Has Been C
Omedy Club, oourtesy of the Whitney The plan o:
O, of Detroit, The elaborate sets rials to the M
from "Lena Rivers" Co. and "I Loved followed out
a .asie" will constitute the interior gineering clw
settings for the play. 1907 class fur
The seat sale, though not as yet def- in the missic
initely announced, will probably begin in use at th
at the end of the week. The scale of ceeding elasse
prices wiii be $1.00, 75 cents and 50 set aside fund
cents. tion of certal

,hen i

Senior Boilerr
to Go on Rec
to Adorning

o. pqsted in the
wnd Twppan

givlgw" Announces
pries i Ja iden


much faF
erary cla

be WK ,A travel sketch Edg Alowrer,
y have 13, an impressionistic story by Charl-
g good es-_Christoph, '12, an essay by a d
Bay al- Robertson, '13, and a story in "lighter
e. But vein" by Warren Crane, '12, form the
day principal contributions to the March
Sia number of the new literary maga-;
triackzine, "The Painted Window." This is
track. the first issue of the magazine. The
nego cover design is by Joseph Hudnut,
stomed '12 E, and represents a rich stained-
dthsat glass window while the frontispiece
)Pese-ris by Mr. Raymond Everett. Other
bly t-he-contributors, Harold Scott, '13, How-
bly te ard Devere, '13, and Martin Feind-
Amer- stein, have written .poems. G. 0.
giving Spaulding, '12, has furnished a sketch,
gvSo and John Townley, '13, has written a
s.er Sopage of musical criticism.
ender a The issue will go on sale tomorrow
be ob-morning at the State street stores at
,d fromfifteen cents the copy and subscrip-
tions at the rate of fifty cents for four;
ctant copies of the magazine will be taken
sno at the same places.
son, he Contributions from all sources in
the shape of stories, poems, essays or
ti tA. articles of campus interest are wel-
res s nccomed by the editors. G. O. Spaulding,
evening '12, is managing editor of the maga-
if mile, zine and Peter Fagan, '12, is business
2 in manager,
'as the
hird in
nember Forester Gets GoernmentP ositon.
err ran Norman W. Scherer, fifth year for-
should ester, left last Saturday for Flagstaff,
avor of Ariz., to accept a position with the
government at Fort Valley Experiment.
Station. He will not return to col-
EE lege, having recently taken the civil
UNION. service examinations for the posi-
tion of forest assistant.
a of the -- - -
at is to Noted Engineer Speaks Tonight.
he uni- Mr. H. MI. Hobart, consulting engi-
eventy- neer for the General Electric Co., will
i, will speak before the Engineering Society
ichigan. tonight on, "Isolated Electric Instal-
Twen- lations." The lecture will be held in,
on the the west physics lecture room, at
vassing 8 o'clock.
ils will 8
at this The senior class at North Dakota
to meet Agricultural College is planning a
gements standard graduation emblem.

1$11 Uts' Itejorlal Will Take Place
of Old One Near The
Flag Pole.

In eonnectiqi with course 1 in chem-
ical engineeriig, a trip to Detroit, open
to all enginees, is planned for ne t
Saturday. Tl* party will, leave Ann
Arbor at 6:5' ' kAm and depart.
from D trolt t 5:05 p. m. The fol-
Ioviung plants will be inspected: De-
troit Iron'and steel Co., Semet-Solvay
Coke Oven Pla, Michigan Malleable
Iron Co., Mona h Steel Casting Co.,
and Detroit Se lless Steel Tubes Co.

No, little one, you no longer have ed for and, ac ding to the econom-
to give the excuse "cola and sore ics departmen the amount of ice
throat" to the attendance committee. cream sold in n Arbor this season
Spring fever is now endemic or will be unusu y large, Oh, girls,
words to that effect. did you see th
A robin was seen circling around The Frosh wh has yet to make the
the rhetoric building about 8 o'clock acquaintance of he boulevard, would
yesterday morning, so a debate as to do well to iemCiber that the poet's
whether Washington really crossed "ethereal mildnis" refers to the
the Delaware, was called off. The weather, and noto the attitude of
music stores urge that all serenaders the prof. when heaears "not prepar-
order their harp strings before April ed" from two or tree directions at
1, and the canoe hostelries are about once. For inforntion as to wheth-
ready to let out contracts at the old. er it is still too slilary under foot for
rates. Beefsteak roasts up by the' Prexy to ring the clnes in person, he
island are being planned for the next should call up the ;e editor between
auspicious day. (Would you go for two and three a. m.['he impression is
real live goldfish from the Belle Isle current, however, tit the chimes are
aquarium?) In view of the presence usually rung by pro'.
of - the Lenten season, all property- The poetry editor ioverworked, and
holders are requested to abstain from will have to take a art rest. Please
cleaning their sidewalks. To disre- press all flowers be;e sending them
gard this advice would surely involve to him, so that the will keep until'
the passing of one of Ann Arbor's old- he returns to his de Yes, hearts-
est traditions. ease would be approlfte, but he is
The Grizzly Bear, Turkey Trot, and fond of violets.
all other deviations from the old- In closing, .if you !1 so springy
fashioned two-step and waltz, are. now that you are impelled 'spring some-
forbidden in the neighboring town to thing "too sentiments for words,
the east, so that, from now on, all you are respectfully )rred to The
our fussers will be present or account- Gargoyle.

An artistic drinking fountain, the
class memorial of the 1911 lits, is &idn
to be placed in the middle g* khle, em-
pus near the e, te we-
less old, fQun4tai w 10 It is of
simple (|lhi 1A en cens-tsts of a square,'
tagpging shaft, of mottled Bedford
astone two and a half feet on a side at
the base and over six feet high. On
each side projects a bowl carved out of
the stone, in which there will be a
sanitary drinking spout, and above
the bowls are class numerals.
The fountain is practically finished,
and will be put in place as soon as the
weather permits and when new pipes
can be laid for the water. A general
ide of what was wanted was decided
upon by -the cltas s before the close of
last year, and a committtee, of which
Gordon Kingsbury was chairman, was
appointed to see the plan carried out.
No little interest is being aroused
over the final game of the inter-class
basketball series, when the junior lits
meet the soph engineers to decide the
championship of the campus and inci-
dentally to determine whether the en-
gineers are to retain the Druid bas-
ketball trophy or to pass its custody
over to the lits. The game will be'
staged tomorrow evening, at Water-
man gym, and a large attendance is
expected. Branch Rickey and "Dutch"
Wenner have been chosen to act as
officials for the contest. The match
will 'be called at 7:30 and an admis-
sion of 25 cents will be charged,
Junior Girls Win From Seniors.
The first of the series of upper-class
basketball games held yesterday af-
ternoon, ended with a score of 8 to 3
in favor of the juniors. The next
game, the second of the series, v ill
be held Thursday afternoon at 2

' Probably the largest crowd t
gathered at the Michigan Uni
year, heard the Sunday afterno
gram given by the represental
five nations. It is estimated t
members of the Union attend
musical concert, rendered by s
from China, Porto Rico, Ind
menia and Italy.
' The national songs of the
countries were sung in the
tongues,along with a number
ular airs. The Chinese studeni
ed on native instruments, the -
and flute.
William Welsh, president c
Cosmopolitan club took charge
J. Fred Lawton, familiarly
as "Freddie," dropped into Ann
last night in search of three
boys" who were arrested here
charge of breaking, into freigi
No, Fred isn't a father. 'He is a
tion officer iik the Juvenile C
Detroit and has charge of the
quent boys.
Lawton graduated from the 1
department last June. While
lege he was prominent in cam
fairs and wrote several of the
for the Michigan Union operas
Prof. Winkler to Address Tc
Professor Max Winkler, head
German faculty, will address t
ior and junior men's sections
Deutscher Verein on "Bismarl
combined meeting tomorrow
at 8 o'clock.

campus. The olas
its fund betWeen
women a ncI the me
the JQn in th
clock, which is nc

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