I Soft Hats in a variety of medium shapes and in some very swell blocks MUSIC AND DRAMA 2 Concerts on Music School Program. Two musical events will take place under the auspices of the School of Music this week. On Wednesday af- ternoon, at 4:15 o'clock a public Pu- pils' Recital will be held at the School of Music Building. The next Violini Sonata Recital will not be held until Wednesday afternoon, March 27, ow- ing to the continued indisposition of Mrs. Rhead. On Friday evening, a complimentary recital by Cecelia Ray Berry, pianist and Mr. Samuel P._ Lockwood, violinist, will be given at School of Music Hall. The general public is cordially invited to attend the Pupils' Recital, as well as the pi- ano and violin recital. "Excuse Me." Rupert Hughes, the author of "Ex- cuse Me," the episodical farce which Henry W. Savage will offer at the New Whitney theater next Monday, March 18, is one of the most prolific of mod- ern American writers. In addition to "Excuse Me" he has a number of other successful plays to his credit and in the higher class magazines his name is en- countered as the author of short sto- ries, serial narratives and essays with quite remarkable frequency. He is a musical critic of more than national reputation. "'Excuse Me" represents his first attempt at writing "simon pure" farce for the stage, and the de- served success which it has already earned promises to give him enviable prominence in a field of literature which is absolutely distinctive. id * *,-* * * * * * * * * * * * * CLASSIFIED ADS. * * -0- * * Advertising matter for these * * columns may be left at the * * DAILY office, opposite the Ma- * * jestic from 12 noon to 10 p. in., * * or at The University Pharmacy, * * 1291 S. University Ave.,Van Dor- * * en's Pharmacy, Packard Street, * * The Brown Drug Store, Main * * Street, and Quarry's, on State * * Street, any time up till 8:30 p.m. * * for next morning's issue. * * These ads bring results. * * .* * * * * * * * * * * * * FOR SALE For Sale-The Law Library and office furniture of the late Charles F. Hull. Large practice covering period of 14 years. Address, James P. Snody, Presque Isle Co., Onaway, Mich. 118-19-20-21" For Sale-Due bills on Wagner, Kyer, Kollauf, Lyndon, and Lennox (De- troit). Phone Alcorn-Bell 189. 119 LOST Lost-Enameled belt pin. Return to 814 South University or call 308. Re- ward. 119 Lost-Ladies'Gold Watch and Fob with initials M. L. W. on back, Saturday morning. Finder please phone 799-L. 119 Open only *from 9:30 to 12:30 and 1:30 to 3:30 on Sundays. Lyndon. 119 tf Students Notiee! College Inn is again managed by Elmer M. Stofflett. Will be glad to meet all my old customers as well as new ones. 119 tf' The place to bring your films for fine developing and printing is Hop- pes' Studio. 119-120 Leave your want ads at The East University Pharmacy, Van Doren's Pharmacy, The Brown Drug Store and Quarry's Drug Store before 8:30 every night for the next morning's issue. tf Musical Instrument Repairing, work guaranteed, at Schaeberle & Son's Mu- sic House, 110 S. Main St. 87 tf We print anything from a name card to a book,-The Ann Arbor Press- Official Printers to the University, and by authority, printers of all student publications-Press Building, Maynard Street. (Sun.) Is your kodak loaded? Lyndon. 118-119 Rent a Kodak today, 10 cents. Lyn- don. 118-119 WANTED Student to work in Detroit, on Salary during Summer Vacation. Must apply immediately. Call any time after 1:30 p m. 302-305 First National Bank Bldg. t 3 i L _ t ,a 1 i lC / J 0,, SPRING Young men of fine discrimi when they wa Jrt ZIGOMAB Greatest Detective f- -<, \ { w , I on Earth lts Daylight Pictures at the Majestie. :e 10c The progressive spirit of the Majes- ize 15c tic theater management has been shown in the installment of the latest device for the showing of motion pic- r Co. tures in a lighted auditorium-thus doing away with the inconvenience of SUPPLIES finding seats and sitting in a darkened Main Street auditorium. The Hanlon Curtain Co. of Detroit has received the contract for this and as a result the Majestic pa- trons now have the pleasure of seeing motion views on an aluminum "day- light screen." The glare from the light has been eliminated and the effect of the pictures is beautiful and artis- tic in the extreme. Manager Lane has secured the motion pictures taken last Mich. year of the relay games at Philadel- ;S phia. Joe Horner, Ralph Crig, Pat " Gamble, Carroll Haff, Freddie Ross, and Arthur Kohler will be seen in mo- Suits tion views. The date will be announc- ed later. Big Three Reel Feature AT THE Temple i, Monday& T March 1 Admission bring rough I IArchitecture Society to ilave Exhibit. President Joseph Hudnut of the Ar- chitectural society appointed a com- mittee yesterday to formulate plans for an architectural exhibit. Ernest Kremer was made chairman. "Bill" Fanning, Harry Weeks,Harry McCune, and C. E. Buysee compose the remain- der of the committee. The Daily Only $ PS the roughness by L CREAM & ROSE )YD COLD CREAM Only a few Student Directories On sale at Wahr's, Sheehan's, and1 dents' Supply Store. .Buy yours fore they are all sold out. left, Stu- be- 119 ugCo. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Students like to be treated well, and buy where their wants are satis- fied. Especially is this so in the musical line. ,Grinnell Bros. at 120-122 E. Liberty St. have the best goods at lowest prices. GRINNELL BROS., W. J. Simonson. I Come in and see qur 1912 1BACK TO VAVDN SPECIAL F Lae deilne'soCin Vavudevi lie's Great4 igan Pins, Fobs and Fraternity :Iry. Big Ben alarms $2.50 Arnold alarms $1.00 ,r Patronage is Well Fared for Here r ! LAYPO & BENJAMIN COMEDY ACROBATS "Flip Flops" 1. bU scbr Across from Majestic I SPALDING BASLE BALL AND - GOLF GOODS SCHrMACHER Hardware Co. r'unching Bags all Styles 308-310-312 SOUTH MAIN from all I I OPERAS Spring Shirtings in the Latest Patterns, Cloths, and Ideas. Soft Cuffs, Soft Collars and detached Neg. Stiff Cuffs, all sleeve lengths.. Byrne Golson In a Comedy I Uncle Seth's ' Lew Orth and "TOURING ECYI Pathe Weekly "*E THE ANIMATED NEW COMING 3'IHURSX -- Gus oSixn's Trov "The Village Cut-I 10 Slngin Girls an TWO BIG SHOWS I COMING MOVING PICTURES of 1911 INTE AT PHILADELPHIA. CRAIG, GAMBLE, HALF, ROSS, KOHLER AND WATCH FOR Dj ays to be had at the for the College Student" Glad to Piy for You y Music House TINKER & COMPANY HATTERS AND FURNISHERS The Newest in Hats, Neckwear, Hosiery, Gloves and Underwear. Yevr Inspection is Invited, PA Of -olleg eMen 44 Allen's GoodClotI