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March 17, 1912 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1912-03-17

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Daily Readers
Iiii ~L 131$2,500,000 Here A



s Students
d Believes


e notorious, insistent, rebellious,
natical Emma Goldman held forth
rday afternoon and evening on
and Creative Work" and "Art and
lution." The irrepressible Ben
Tan entertained the audience by
ig anarchist literature, exhorting
roducts of the present pernicious
>mic system to "take a chance," or
st a nickel," before the big show
mpared with previous visits to
Arbor, Miss Goldman's recent ex-
nce was rather tame. There was
an occasional dash of"rah-rahism"
e afternoon, and none at all in the
ng. The subjects as presented
little opportunity for starting
a near riot.
her first lecture, Miss Goldman
ed sex as "the sacrament of Na.
woven into the texture of the hu-
body," and gave examples to show
eason for believing that sex and
ive work in science and art are
ly related. Art as a mirror of life,
consequently of revolution and
ge, was the theme of the second
yvas Miss Goldman's opinion that
tudents are inclined to. be boister-
but are gradually "developing."
elieves in coeducation, especially
is found in Russian universities,
e there is an intimate association
n and women students, and frank
ssion of serious problems. When
i if anarchism did not take for
.ed the existence of a conscience
e guide of conduct, she replied in-
tly by saying that anarchism is
acticable at present because it
have for a basis a community of

With a score of 11,695 the Michigan
Union heads the contestants in the Li-
brary voting contest, which is being
conducted by several local stores. The
nearest competitor is Zion's Church
with 6,810 votes.
The Women's League has polled
2,840 votes so far; the University Y.
M. C. A., 1,875eand the city Y. M. C. A.
and Y W. C. A., 3,150 and 3,140 ballots
respectively There are forty contest-
ing organizations.
Will Represent Michigan aii the
Northern Oratorical
League Contest
For the second time in two years
a senior lit was returned the winner

Professors A S. Whitney, of the Ed-
ucation department, and F. N. Scott,
of the Rhetoric department, will go
to Chicago Tuesday, as delegates of
this university to the annual meeting
of the North Central Association of
Colleges and Secondary Schools
Eighteen universities in the central
northern portion of the country are
represented in the association which
aims to bring the universities and sec-
ondary schools in closer cooperation.
Only Forty of the Possible
300 Dates Remain to
Be Taken
. Fast approaching its limit of 300,
the list of the Extension lectures prom-

in the University Oratorical Contest, ises to be soon complete and to have

11 speak in Detroit
ire of Christianity."
d for her, her tours
e pleasure, and no

s, Railway Lecturer, Called A
nry E. Riggs, who is lecturing
udents in railway administra-
been called out of town. The
1 not meet until his return on
Thursday of this week.
Among Immigrants to Lecture
E. McAfee, of New York, will
. lecture on the Tappan course
resbyterian Church tonight, at
:r. McAfee is identified with
long immigrants.

when Louis Eich was presented last
night with the Chicago Alumni bronze
medal by Professor R. E. Bunker, the
presiding officer at the contest. Beside
this Eich will represent Michigan at
the Northern Oratorical League
contest, to be held , at Evans-
ton some time in May, and will
receive the Kaufman testimonial of
$100. The winner of the second hon-
ors and the! testimonial of $50 was
Albino Z. Sycip, '12 L.
The judges who rendered the ver-
dict were Secretary Shirley Smith,
Professors W. P. Lombard, J. M. Mark-
ley, Ann Arbor; Professor E. P. True-
blood, Earlham college, B. C. Robbins
and J. C. Billc, Detroit.
"The Law's Delay" was the subject
of the winning oration. The speaker
traced the steps by which the law-
breakers are. enabled to escape the
just punishments of their misdeeds,
deploring the loopoles through which
they escape, as well as the delay which
is so prevalent in our legal system.
"The very fiber of our judicial system
is weakened by these exasperating de-
lays," he declared, " and indeed the
picture of Justice, blindfolded, aptly
expresses the existing regime, inas-
much as it is thus spared the sight of"
its injustice."
Sycip had as his subject "China and
the Powers." He traced for his kear-
ers the steps by which China has ris-
en from the backward trend and is
now ready to assume its rightful po-
sition among the powers of the world.
He scoffed at the idea of the Yellow
Peril and stated that China would be-
come a real yellow peril only if forced
to take such a position by the western
Engineers May Adopt Marking Plan.
Members of the fapulty of the engi-
neering department have under ad-
visement the marking system recent-
ly adopted by the literary department.
If this system is accepted the only,
changes that will be necessary will be
the doing away with conditions and
assigning to the present marking
scheme numerical values for each
Lecture by Prof. Reeves is Postponed,
Because of the unfavorable weather,
the lecture which was to have been de-
livered by Prof. J. S. Reeves on "Inter-
national Arbitration" in Harris hall,
Friday afternoon, has been postponed
until April 4, or thereabouts.

a waiting list. About 260 engagements
have been made so far, a great propor-
tion of which are to be given during
the spring months. A leeway has to
be left for a squad of lecturers who
will go to the upper peninsula. No en-
gagements have been filled _-ross the
straits hitherto, but a special schedule
is to be arranged as soon as the pres-
ident returns from his eastern trip.
Fifteen speakers are dated to sally
forth from the university this week,
to address citizens of the state on ed-
ucational subjects. Professor Pills-
bury will lecture in Detroit today on
"The Psychology of Some Phases of
Modern Occultism." The Extension
Course calendar a's it appears for the
rest of the week is as follows:
Wednesday-Prof. C. H. Van Tyne,
at Manchester.
Thursday-Mr. T. W. Koch, at Sag-
inaw, on "Alaska." Prof. W. B. Pills-
bury before the Ad-Craft Club of De-
' Friday-Professor E. D. Rich, at Me-
dina, on "Highways and Pavements;"
Prof. W. B. Hinsdale, at Coldwater, on
"The Primitive Man in Michigan;" Dr.
Henri Hus, at Farmington, on "Luther
Burbank;" Prof. C. S. Berry, at Har-
bor Beach, on "Education of Backward
Children;" Prof. J. C. Knowlton, at
Sturgis, on "The Trial of Jesus Christ.
from a Legal Viewpoint;" Prof. T. E.
Rankin, at Lapeer, on "Wit and Hu-
mor in English Verse;" Prof. S. L.
Bigelow, at Midland; Prof. Filibert
Roth at Farwell; Mr. H. F. French, at
Port Huron, on "The Panama Canal;"
Prof. F. C. Newcombe, at Berrien Cen-
ter, on "Teaching Agriculture in High
Schools;' Prof. W. B. Pillsbury, at
Hillsdale, on "Psychology and Human
Efficiency;" Prof. J. S. Reeves, at
Ionia, on "The Commission Form of
Government;" Prof. A. A. Stanley, at
Owosso, on "Folk Songs."
Saturday-Mr. H. F. Rich, at Bloom-
ingdale; Prof. C. H. Kauffman, at Pon-
'Bridge Contestants Play Tomorrow.
Play in the Michigan Union bridge
tournament will be resumed at the
clubhouse Monday evening at 7:15
o'clock. Twenty-five couples have en-
tered the contest for the pewter steins,:
that will be given to the high couple.
Rev. Hillis of.-Brooklyn Speaks Here.
Reverend Newell Dwight Hillis of
Plymouth Church, Brooklyn, will give
a talk in the Methodist Church, this
evening on "America of Today and

1912 Classes Favor The Idea, But Will
Probably Follow Old
Sentiment among the memorial com-
mittees of the senior classes on the
campus seems to favor the idea of a
scholarship as a class memorial, al-
though it seems but barely possible
that the graduating classes this year
will leave a scholarship as a remem-
brance of the classes of 1912. ,
G. H. Bancroft, chairman of the sen-
ior engineering memorial committee,
stated that considerable sentiment had
been evidenced in favor of the new
plan. "We also have under advise-
ment," he declared, "several other
plans, among them, the furnishing of
a room or a fireplace at the Union,
furnishing the room of the Engineer-
ing Society, or placing a bronze stat-
ue in Memorial hall. However, the
matter of a scholarship will be given
careful attention and if the plan seems
at all feasible it is likely to be adopt-
The affairs of the memorial commit-
tee of the enior lits are shrouded in
secrecy. Chairman Edward Kemp
stated that the committee had met, but
he refused to give out any details, oth-
er than announcing that full plans for
the memorial would be given out in a
couple of weeks.
The senior law class, in accordance
with the plan followed for several
years, will place a painting of one
of the members of the law faculty in
the law library. A painting of Profes-
sor E. R. Sunderland will be given. by
the present class, following the plan
of painting the oldest member of the
faculty whose picture is not already
hung in the library.
Neither the senior medics' nor the
senior dents have seriously consider-
ed the matter of a memorial as yet,
but both classes will hold cass meet-
ings in the near future, and the ques-
tion of providing for a scholarship
fund will be given careful considera-
tion at that time.
Special Program This Afternoon, by
Representatives of Chinese
and Cosmopolitan Clubs
The Tower of Babel, with .all its
confusion of tongues, will be reenact-
ed. Six nations will conglomerate at
the Michigan Union today. Men of
divers creeds and races, typifying the
cosmopolitanism of Michigan, will en-
tertain Union members in a musicale
this afternoon.
Chinese, Hindus, Armenians, Turks,
Porto Ricans, and Italians are to com-
bine in a recital presenting the native
music of six nations. Two Chinese
students, Y. F. Hsu and Y. Chen, will
perform on the Chinese Wu Gen and
flute, giving both native and European
music. A Hindu quintette, directed by
P. Das, will sing national hymns and
songs with a piano accompaniment.
Before this number, a short history of
Indian songs will be given and Das
will sing a hymn which was composed
about 3,000 B. C. The national song
of India will also be sung by the quin-
L. G. Besh, of Armenia, will present
a number of Turkish and Armenian
airs. M. Converso, formerly solo-cor-
netist in Creatore's band, will play sev-
eral Italian airs on the cornet. R.
Suarez, the Porto Rican representa-
tive, is booked for a number of Span-
ish and native pieces on the violin,
with a piano accompaniment.
This afternoon's program was ar-
ranged by James D'Evlin, William

Welsh, president of the Cosmopolitan
club and A. Z. Sycip, president of the.
Chinese club. The first number on the
program will be given at 3 o'clock.
Special arrangements have been made
by the Union committee to receive the
guests. Cigars, cigarettes, and cider
will be served as refreshments.
Only 26 students at Kansas failed in
the semester's work. Standings are
inspected weekly.



University Said to be Reduce
Opponents to Fill Da
in Schedule.
(The Michigan Daily assum
sponsibility for sentiments
ed in communications.)
A communication signed
Alumnus,'' which appears i
rent issue of The Alumnus, p
interesting view of Michigan
athletic situation. Tie lette
"Editor 'The Alumnus:'
"Some two months ago I
gan Daily' printed in its edi
umns an editorial the text
was that Michigan is not dis
discontented with the posi
presently occupies in the w
tercollegiate athletics, but th
contrary, Michigan is well pl1
her present status. The e
which I refer was to me int
teresting, but scarcely as c
It purported, with all ass
speak for the University of 1
which, I take it, includes as v
ni as undergraduates and a
rectors-and to say bravel
well!" The facts from whi
conclusion reasonably could
reached, unfortunately wer
unimportant. May I ask yc
plement the Daily's editori
forming me wherein lies the
tion for Michigan's alleged c
cy and self-satisfaction?
"Frankly, I think the con
which the author of the Daily
al came is erroneous. I belie
only those who dissent from
ic policy to which Michigan i
irrevocably conmitted, but g
who are responsible for the
and retention of that policy
satisfied. To that extent t
disagreement between the
and opponents of Michigan'
policy. It requires only a br:
complete recapitulation of t
ences that have been ours
took official action severing
nection with the then Big Nii
that conditions have notbee
tory-to anyone. _Our relal
Notre Dame and Marquette
most flagrantly disgraceful
we have been forced. Our all
Syracuse is scarcely less off
peatedly within the past tl:
the statement has been mad
igan authorities that Michig
drop Syracuse from her sch
the expiration of the then exi
tract But each time the co
been renewed-and each tin
ification of the new contract
excused by the admission '
was no alternative-Michig
have games.
Michigan Loses Three Good
'Since the publication of th
to which reference is made
(Continued on page
It takes a Michigan man
waltz. At least that is what
at the Majestic thought last n
it awarded both 'prizes of 1
contest" to undergraduates.
cessful dancers went under
of Wallace and Daniels. Tb
ed with the members of ti
Mary" company and the au,
plauded them to victory.
There will probably be o
contests in the future.. The

SA IFCAlumnus Takes ssue
sertion That Michig
lations Are Desira
Break With Confere




is Planned to Take
Some Nearby Resort,
All Senior Men.

Place at

department senior picnic is
creation of the presidents of
us graduating classes. Ac-
plans that have been form-
the representatives of the
me sort of an outdoor gath-
all male seniors will be held
s spring. No definite arrange-
*e been completed' as yet but
ittee is considering various
and places for holding the
Whitmore Lake, Put-In-Bay
nearby resorts have been
but no decision has yet been

and The proposed program includes
the baseball games, running and swim-
his ming races, and a number of other
but outdoor sports. An entire day will be
['he set aside for the celebration and spe-
rer, cial trains will be chartered to cafry
the the seniors to the meeting place. The
date has not been set, but the party
der will probably be held some time in
May. ,
!ole The following men have been ap-
ice, pointed to represent the classes: Rob-
ert McKisson, '12, chairman; Robert
(G) Williams, '12, Allen Perry, '12 E, Har-
ied rison Wadsworth, '12 E, Roscoe Bon-
isteel, '12 L, John Devos, '12 L, Milton
(H) Seeley, '12 Phar., J. Harry Birkett, '12
Dent., Paul Gardner, '12 Dent.

- res.terian C urch
10:30 , A.M. MR. BARRETT
Subject : "Communion with the Invisible"
7:30 P.M. Tappan Lecture




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