THR MICHIGAN DAILY Dollar Shits offer unusual values in r line of dollar Shirts. Ak where you will, you can't' tch these shirts elsewhere he price. 're bound to have the best liar Shirt on the market I we've got them. w Fall Patterns, Cuffs ached, coat style. m CLOTHING FURNISHINOS 4NW ARBOR MICH. S1U TH$ S4 SCHhMIDI Chafinhg Dishes 205s . Mata MUSIC AND DRAMA. (Continued from page 2.) will no doubt repeat its former suc- cess. As a special attraction the famous Celli Grand Opera Company has been secured. A miniature grand opera with a gorgeous array of scen- ery will be presented and the Majestic orchestra will be augmented by sever- al pieces, for the engagement. "The Show Girl" will be offered in moving picture form. The new "Varsity" field song, words by Fred Lawton and music by Earl Moore, will be played during each performance. The original hamburger will open Monday and have a fresh lot of iam- burgers. Watch for them at 603 E. Lib- erty. Orders at 40 cents or over will be delivered promptly as usual from 5 p. m. until 2 a. m. Special atten- tion to freshmen. Come and get ac- quainted. 4tf Huyler's Candies at Tice's Drug Store. 11 Special Dinner Served at Union. The Union offers the following menu for to-day: Canape Suedsis. Ox Tail a l'Anglaise au Madere. Pearl Celery. Sliced Tomatoes Olives. Fillet of Lake Trout. Victoria, Potatoes Hollandaise. Roast Spring Chicken, Stuffed, Giblet Sauce. Prime Rib of Beef, au Jus. Potatoes Anna. Green Peas. Sweet Potatoes, Georgia Style Salad Nigoise. Mille Feuilles. Coffee, Ice Cream and Cake. Demi Tasse. Sunday, October 15, 1911. 1-3 and 6-8. Music by the Fischer Orchestra every eve, to 7. * * CLASSIFIED ADS. * <* * * ft * * Advertising matter for this classified column must always be paid for in advance, and may be left at the DAILY office op. posite the Majestic between the hours of 12 noon and 10 p. m., or at Quarry's Drug Store, N. University and State, at any time up to 9:30 p. m. These Ads bring Results. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * STO LOO " Y-'s.' k 1{ #i is selling men's .1 clothes, people. to par stationery and Embossed scipt man.i We have to be wid wake ! Dare not offer freal old-fogy styles. For our chief bus $21.0 * 2.00 h .2.00 ded . . 3.00 h Shrded . 3.00 . . . .75 ailing Cards, ception Cards, Wedding Invitations, Announcements, Etc. ittle & Schairer Co. PRINTERS BINDERS Bell Phone 1404 FOR RENT. For Rent-Large single room with all conveniences. Apply 126 Packard. 7-8-9-10-11 For Rent-One single room. All mod- ern conveniences. 904 South State St. 9-10-11 For Rent-6 Room Modern steam heated apartment. Apply No. 1, Cut- ting apartments or call Bell 1159-J. 11-12 For Rent-Finely furnished, large suite on E. University Ave. 2 blocks from campus. Private family. Wom- en preferred. Phone 1240. tt FOR SALE. 'kor Sale or Rent-String Bass. Price very reasonable if sold at once. Call at 209 N. Ingalls St. or Phone 508-J. LOST. Lost--Gold stick pin with initials H. E. W. Return to West 618 Packard. Reward. 11 & 12 Lost-Fountain pen mounted in gold and pearl. Initials D. J. on gold. Leave at Daily office and receive re- ward. 9-10-11 WANTED. Wanted-Student who is an experi- enced chauffeur. Must be willing to give up afternoons and be willing to reside on premises. Apply to W. C. Mack, Mack & Co. 10 to 16 Wanted-Young lady to represent us at the University of Michigan. We have an attractive salary and com- mission offer for the right party. Apply direct to S. Lieberman & Co., Tailor Made Dresses, 507 W. Jack- ' son 'Blvd., Chicago, Ill., or to the Business Manager of the Michigan Daily. tf. LAWS!!! Let us typewrite your Conveyancing and Practice Court Work. McNitt & Lewis, 302 S. State. 9tf For a quiet afternoon or evening go up the Huron. U. of M. BOAT LIV- ERY. 1-25 Huyler's Candies at Tice's Drug r People who HOTEL WHITNEY A refined place to dine for refined people. Students especially invited. PURE WOOLEN FABRICS AND HAND MADE GARMENTS The clothes of wide-awake gentlemen at mi prices. We know that your visit to our store will be mutually profita dpF Sunday, Table de Hote Dinner, Sixty auert Huyler's Candies at Tice's Store. Drug 11 It's 0Important An acquaintance with our Lk store will help you in many 1 ways - Transacted Pres.; W. D. ritz, Cashier Physically and lentally We anticipate your needs at our corner store. As a part of the recent agitation for a new club house for the stanford Union at Palo Alto, the freshmen1 have subscribed a thousand dollars within five minutes, at a meeting held for that purpose. Huyler's Candies at Tice's Drug Store. 11 In honor of the huidredth anniver- sary of Dickens birth, the Edwin Booth Dramatic Club of Wisconsin will pre- sent a dramatization of "A Tale of. Two Cities." Varsity Tailoring Parlors 336 State. Bank -105 S. Main St. Quarry Dru Co. Surplus and Profits $108,000 shed ealsd 5e HA LLE R'S $" "a Peswatermara's Ideal, ConkllrnSelf tale enDs 1FlIng, Moorea'sNon Leaka ble n Cloc BIg Ben. Repeaters. Alarm, and Novelty Alarrna large line of MICHIGAN JEWELRY and NOVELTIES Finest Jewelry and Watch Repairing Hailer's Jewelry store ami St. Bell Phone 334 L AU'TO LIVEI5 and 7 Passenge A UT E YPrices Reasona BELL PHONE 1101 H01B PHONE 452-Black Ann Arbor Garage, 206 West Huron St Oldest Bank in Michigan Established 1849 COMMERCIAL AND SAVINGS ACCOUNTS SOLICITED If not convenient to call at the Bank we will promptly mail information on BANKING BY MAIL, on request. DIRECTORS George iendrie D. P. Delamater .C. A. Dean Phillip H. rlMilian E.A.Cha potonM.D. Strathearn Hendrie Sidney T. Miller John M. Dwyer Arthur M. Parker Paul P. Begley - y GRANGER'S School of Dal Opens October 10th. Classes for Ladies and Gentlemen Tuesday day evenings, 7:00 to 8:00. For particulars call at Academy or Phone 246 Office Hours 10-12 A. M.., 2 Fraternity Manage We hand1e every article in the Hardware, Heatinj, and Phimbing L Ranges and Cooking Vtensils a speoialty Phone us your order Agency for Ed. Strauss Co. said. Enough 4tf Store. 11l LAWS!1 Kollauf cuts and makes clothes for the college men. Old post office buflh- ing, Main and Ann streets. 3f GOOD BOARD $3.50 In Advance, Shoes repaired while you wait. An- dres, 222 So. State St. 3tf Sweaters cut over at the Palais Royal, 209 E. Liberty. 1-tf Headquarters for Gas,; Lamps and Alarm Clocks at Hardware. Electric State St. eod tf I I. THlE PINES 503 .AST JEFFERSON STREET Catering to parties a specialty. Music by Fischer's Orchestra. John Ferguson, Prop. Board at the Cutting Cafe, $4.00 per week. Mrs. C. A. Ransom. Best in I.D College j Jeweaer Michigan Pins, Fobs and Fraternity ewelry. Big Ben alarms $2.50 Arnold alarms $1.00 Your Patronage is Well Cared for Iere town. 9-10-11-12 220 . MaIN St. Alver ity fIusc busse Building Maynard St. Next door to University School of Music U U ti ========= The Bome of Music-For the College Student Watch for the New Song "VARSITY" On Sale Saturday, October 21st. SUBSCRIBE NOW & BROS. Typewriter Ra -Beadng-Long Weadng You'll need a Tyepwriter later. Get the best now and have it's use while in college Ask us to show you FUELBER-& ZEWADSKI Get your election tickets at head- quarters for student printing. We know the proper style. Ann Arbor Press, Press Building, Maynard St. 10-11 Twenty-five cents will sponge, press, call, and deliver your suit at Rosen- berg's, Phone 266. 709 N. University. 9-1(-11 Huyler's Candies at Tice's Drug Store. 11 GIRLS. Get your tickets now.. 3 for $1 for shampoo, facial and scalp massage. Just for one week beginning Monday. Mrs. R, J. Trojanowski, 1110 South' University. 11-17 For a first-class job of painting, pa- per hanging or decorating, see Major & Co. Schumacher Hardware 308-310-3512 So~sth Malrt : FLANNEL SHIRTS Imported and Domestic Clohs-P-riced from $1.50 to The entire line is open for your Inspection, even though you do not wish to pu: present time. . TINKER & COMPANY Furnishers and Hatters to University Men COR. S. STATE and WILLIAMS STS. WATCH OUR WINDOWS FOR NEW IDEAS Co EXCLUSIVE AGENCY Gibson Mehndolins and Guitars 310 S. State St. Up Stairs I _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ rn-llp en at Hen " GoodC