DHB i QAIL RIGA JLI ei THlE MICHIIGAN DAILY - r '' :d oks Leather 1 Sizes Official Newspaper at the University of ichigan. Published every morning except Mon- day throughout the school year. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Ar- bor, Michigan, under Act of Con- gress of March 3, 1879. ]MANAGILNG EDITOR. Walter X. Towers. BUSINESS MANA&GER Albert R. DilIey Editors. j ]ews Editor ........fHarry Z. Fols Assistant........... Frank Pennell Athletic Editor....... Karl Matthews Assistant........... G. C. Eldredge Music and Drama . ... Earl V. Moore Intercollegiate News Harold G. McGee. Files............. .Emmett Taylor' Editorials. Arthur B. Moehlman Frank E. Shaw Edward G. Kemp Maurice Myers Night Editors. Maurice Toulme Mack Ryan Wallace Weber C. Harold Rippler H. Beach Carpenter Robert Gillett Reporters. John Townley Morris Houser J. Selig Yellen Fred B. Foulk Hal C. Tallmadge J. V. Sweeney Morris Milligan Leonard M. Rieser Morton R. Hunter Russell H. Neilson Chester J. Morse David D. Hunting Frank Murphy. BUSINESS STAFF. Assistant to Mgr. . .Joseph F'ouchard Advertising Mgr .. .Elmer P. Grierson Circulation Mgr..E. Ray Johnson Asst. Adv. Mgr..A. R. Johnson, Jr. Edgar L. Jaffa ...... W. T. Holland5 W. J. Wetterau. J. 1. Lippincott ' Emerson Smith note book on er by the pound before at a n' s ore note' the terribleraIyaes zwich dis- eas, prev ntabh , OratI^st checka- blei continnes 'om kE eh year. If the medical profession" wer given power and money to eliminate typhoid fever, it would be done. ,At the present moment, there is no greaterx need of the.,untiversity and the city of Ann A.rbor hanxamodern re- tention hospital. If a serious epidem- 1a:,should staike the ci": tomorrow and spread rapidly, the consequences might be appalling. Physicians would, be helpless to. cope ^with the situation. If weI have any reason' to believe that 'a contagious iease' ill ever attack Ann Arbor-and the fact 'that we have bteen miraculously 'fortunate in the past is in no sense a safeguard for the future-we must admit that the, need of a detention, hospital. is immediate and imperative.. Not long ago we had a little toy safe' in the treasurer's _office Then we had an unexpected caller. Now wpe have a big safe. It s too bad that we didn't get, the big safe sooner. MARCH GAR4GOYIE TO 'BE TRET Women Must Have All +ContrIbutoiis For Numnber in By Tonight. The quality and variety of the ma- terial which has already been submit- ted to the editress of the women's num- ber,of the Gargoyle promises a mag-y azine that will be of interest to every- one, on the campus. Pictures of the campus as t would appear were there no women tudents will brng out one advantage of co-education;,'while ati- cles on how the Gargoyle should °be run,' will doubtless result in a vast; improvement of the next number.. "How, to be decent even if you do run a magazine," is the title of one of the contributions. There is still room flor more materi- al of every kind, .and all must be in the hands of'Miss Marie Nicholson by this evening. The magazine will be out about. March 23. Mianometer Being; Constructed in Shop. Mr. 3. H. Stevenson, instructor and foreman in the instrument shop, is making a differential manometer for the use of Prof. Zowski, of the depart- ment of mechanical engineering. The lnstrumet Will be used in the meas- urement of gas and vapor tension. Somee reentU statist'es rove that those states which our eastern negh- bors are accustomed to term "half-civ- ilized" have the most students enrolled per capita }in their colleges and unmi- vErsities. Nebraska has one ,student for every 135 inhabitants, being .sur- passed only by Kansas and Utah. Prof. James Tufts, who has charge of the physiology department of the University f ,Chicago, according, to current rumors, has been offered the presidency of Amherst College.,. Two students at Wisconsin.put on an act in the local vaudeville theater, en- titled "Them ,Papers." Candidates for class offices at Ill- nois announce their candidacy in thej flhlni.,; Prortraits of "EARTH FEATURES and 1 00 to An Introduction Student and tht ____Price $V WAHR'S Un PleAtnum Portra.Its c t2, }UR., .THE PHOTO GRAPHE~R HORBS' 319 E.r Huron Where Youz Pieatixn-%,PortroAts HAVE YOUR CLOTHES PRESS! HALL BROTHER3IS - Suits Dry Cleaned and Pressed 75c Overcoats DRI3SS SUITS PRESSED " 50c for 'RE NT; STREETS 2101'N. nth .Ave fiks Bank in St. d Prof! ts 4108,000 Want Ad Stations Press Building; Quarry's Pharmacy; The University Pharmacy, 1219 S. University; Van Doren's Pharmacy, on Packard Street; The Brown Drug Store, Main Street. Leave ads at these stations before 8:30 p. in. for next morning's issue. Subscription price: By carrier, $2.60; By mail, $3.00. OFFICES: Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard Street, OFFICID HOURS: Managing Editor, 1-2 p. in., 10:30-11:30 p. mn.; Bus- iness Manager, 1-6 p. in.. Both Phones *60. FRIDAY, MARCH 15, 1912. Night Editor-Hl. Beaeh Carpenter. Meeting of the Business Staff today The Detention Hospital. When one considers the trouble andl expense of conserving 'the public health as compared with the inesti- mable benefits resulting, it is hard to understanid why, in this supposedly enlightened age, the community which adequately protects its members is the exception rather than the rule. Health is the most fundamental of all condi- tions; health reform brings the great- est and most lasting reductions of poverty, vice and social unrest. And yet the representatives of the people] are too busy with tariffs, political ap- propriations and social functions to, LAW 42nd Year in Ann Arbor DICTIONARIES QUIZZ BO( LHGU lANN ARBOR BRANICH: STAT S' B I 9 To close stock of the LINESI ands Hailer's 1-8:13 and 10 :13 a.mn., 12:13, 13, and 8:13 p.m. nited-7 :46, 9:46, and 11:46 :46, and 5:46 p.m.; Lansing- Boun-To Detroit, 5:45 a.m.; id every two hours to 10:45 lag~i, 5:45 a~m. and half-hor orp.m.; also 12:15, .12:30 and 'o Saline, change at Ypsilanti. t Bound-5 :33 and 7:15 a.mi. will be so] 2:30 to 5,7 at Atty. for Est After the business will b This sale department.. I F .A Studio I SPRING SUITINUS ill . WATSON Hem. When you are in Detroit next . Watsons work .Detroit, Mich. Hlave your selection laid aiside. a ,.. sAcademy of1 D~rieing id Gentlemen. Last term begins, Tuesday, n to dance in one term. For particulars 'call at &f fie h*or,, 10 to 12a. rn-, A to 4 p. z R