* * * * * * * * PART WITH NEW YORK CUMPANY Arthur G. Cohen, who left Michigan t the beginning of the semester to ast his fortunes in New York City, ecently landed a good leading part in ack Barrymore's "Half Husband" ompany. In this same company he ras also given the assistant stage nanagership of the play. Almost coincident with the receiving of these ositions, Cohen received a letter from is parents who live in British Colum- ia urging him to return across the ontinent immediately. "Art" is en- oute for his home at present but from resent expectations he will return to few York next fall where he will enter ne of David Belasco's companies. ORMER PROMINENT ALUMNAE HOLD LUNCHEON IN DETROIT * * * * * * * * * * * * * * CLASSIFIED ADS. -o- Advertising matter for these columns may be left at the DAILY office, opposite the Ma- jestic from 12 noon to 10 p. m., or at The University Pharmacy, 1291 S. University Ave.,Van Dor- en's Pharmacy, Packard Street, The Brown Drug Store, Main Street, and Quarry's, on State Street, any time up till 8:30 p.m. for next morning's issue. These ads bring results. 1^, _ i , ---_ ,f mal luncheon was held at club in Detroit Friday for who were prominent in the incheon held in Detroit on 7. Plans weremadethold >r the new Detroit Alumnae at the College club on Wed- rch 13, to elect permanent he aim of the organization [e undergraduate women to residence halls in the near CHOOSE TEAM INTERSOCIETY DEBATE. for the intersociety cup de- held by the Adelphi literary t night. Nine men partici- he. event which was judged G. Hall, Mr. H. E. Robbins W. Stewart. The following n for the team: T. A. Bar- Barnes and E. J. Rosenberg, oeder was chosen alternate. E STUDENT TO GIVE RES FOR CHINESE UNION .n, '11, will deliver a series before the chapters of Al- * * * * * * * * * ** STUDENTS YOU CAN MAKE $$$$$$ selling our goods during spare time, vacations, etc., Household necessity. Saving 80 per cent. Ready seller. Big profits. Exclusive territory. Free Sample. Write for terms. C. H. Stuart & Co., 75 Stuart Bldg., Newark, N. Y. 82 tf FOR RENT. For Rent-Single room on second floor. Convenient for one or two. 337 E. Williams. 112-13 WANTED. Wanted-To contract by April first with energetic man to travel during summer rush with line of school sup- plies. State teaching and selling ex- perience. Salary guaranteed. Ad- dress A. J. Hart, Dist. Rep. 326 Cath- ernie St., Ann Arbor, Mich., Phone 679-J. 111-12-13 Wanted-Local and summer agents for a good proposition. Address: The Monarch Printing Co., Council Bluffs, Iowa. 113 Wanted-Waiter and boarders to fill small table for six. 614 Monroe St. Four weeks in advance $3.50. Mrs. McCain. 111-12-13 \\ Z Young men of discri they IJ*i* Bai Waldo States. His first e in Ann Arbor. m the university has been located n, in the interest n, of which he is SJunior Lit Home r, '13, was called ven, Miss., by the He will return to Wanted-Cash paid for cast-off cloth- ing and shoes. Send postal to Rob- inson, 417 So. Division. Phone 1128- I,. 91ltf FOR SALE For Sale-Old Town Canoe, best quali- ty, good as new. Phone 619-L. 107 eod 113 Best strings and supplies -for all Musical instruments. Schaeberle & Son, Music house, 110 S. Main St. 87tf Leave your want ads at The East University Pharmacy, Van Doren's Pharmacy, The Brown Drug Store and Quarry's Drug Store before 8:30 every night for the next morning's issue. tf We print anything from a name card to a book,-The Ann Arbor Press- Official Printers to the University, anI by authority, printers of all student publications-Press Building, Maynard Street. (Sun.) WANTED Student to work in Detroit, on Salary during Summer Vacation. Must apply immediately. Call any time after 1:30 p m. 302-306 Firzt National Bank Bldg. Sever - a UNIVERSITY CALENDAR arch 11.-Fresh Lit dinner at the Un- ion, 5:30 p. m. [arch 12.-Second round in the Union bridge tournament, 7:30 p. m. arch 13.-Third round in the Union bridge tournament, 7:30 p. m. Is your Kodak loaded? Lyndon. 11? -14 !I UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Students like to be treated well, and buy where their wants are satis- fied. Especially is this so in the musical line. Grinnell Bros. at 120-122 E. Liberty St. have the best goods at lowest prices. GRINNELL BROS., W. J. Simonson. we Arnold or HereI Come in and see our 1912 PALDING BASE BALL AND - GOLF GOODS - SCHUMACHER Haerdw.re. Co. 308-310-312 SOUTH MAIN Maple Nut Puffs Cranecrows 50c Victoria Chocolat Mary Garden Chc from Majestic S Punching flags all style. Any lady will be delighted when she ATTENTION! Just received a new line of the latest styles and designs in GOLF CAPS AND CLOTH EATS Both English and Domestic fabrics are included in the assortment, TINKER & COMPANY Furnishers and flatters to University Men Cor. S. Sate St. E. E. p, House 324 South -CollegeMen at Allen'sGoodClothei