u i THEI fIICHIGAN DAILY Official Newspaper at the University of Michigan. Published every morning except Mon- day throughout the school year. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Ar- bor, Michigan, under Act of Con- gress'of March 3, 1879. MANAGING EDITOR. Walter K. Towers. BUSINESS MANAGER Albert R. Dilley . ) 3ooks ther ling note book on he pound prices before. chasing. at h a n's s' Bookstore j iters Office or Rent R I T I N G ORRILL ate Street Rooms for RE N T Subscription price: By carrier, $2.50; By mail, $3.00. OFFICES: Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard Street. SATURDAY, MARCH 9, 1912. Night Editor--Maurice Toulme. Public Safety. In a recent issue we protested edito- rially, with more or less vehemence, against the locking of the doors and blocking of aisles at a series of lec- tures in Sarah Caswell Angell hall. Subsequent investigations have reveal- ed that all the doors were not ;locked nor were there chairs in the aisles all of the time. Be that as it may, a main exit was locked on one occasion and on another chairs were placed in the aisles. Experience has shown that it requires either a terrible catastrophe or unusu- ally strong language to call attention to the lack of proper exits to a public auditorium. Exits by French windows onto a porch the railing of which is eight feet above the ground are, not sufficient. Exits from the back of a stage several feet above the auditorium floor onto a sloping running track are equally dangerous. Those who had ex- perience in the Iroquois Theater disas- ter in Chicago, saw hundreds of charr- ed corpses packed into the corner of stairways when there was no obstruc- tion but a turn. Hundreds more were packed against doors that opened in- ward and doors that were simply barr- ed on the inside, when under ordinary; circumstances they could be instantly opened. The authorities in charge of Barbour gymnasium are not to blame for tire arrangements of exits. Petitions have been presented to the Regents in years past asking for fire-escapes foi the hall. Nothing was done. The ,peti- tions should be renewed and they should be pushed. In the meantime it is the duty of the authorities to see to it that all exits are open and aisles clear. The girls who signed the petition protesting against the conditions are to be, commended for their stand. Inci- dentally, we wish to express our ad- miration of their display of nerve. We, doubt that 147 men could be found' with sufficient temerity to sign a peti- tion which might in any way be con- strued as reflecting upon their dean. THE NECK OF THE WOODS by the COUNT OF KILLARNEY Don't you think it kind of funny That when you put up the money-- To buy a bugle and send away a band, That whatever there remained, The Student Council claimed, Just for themselves. Ain't it funny? Don't you think it kind of sad 'When the man who's baseball mad Has laboratory every afternoon; While the dub who doesn't play, Has his afternoon each day To'play bridge whist. Ain't it funny? Don't it nearly make you pass When the guy who's really fast Gets conned and thrown off the team. While the man who won't get out, Puts the faculty to rout, With startling marks. Ain't it funny? So it does no good to buck, It's the winner has the luck, And the man who deserves it doesn't count. But what's the use of fussing, Take your lotand quit your cussing. But we remark. Ain't it funny? Prortraits of AT v Go to Complete a Tral W a IndooI -'Vr UNIVERSITY BOOK 319 E. Huron If still waters run weighty problems must Council. deep, what be before. the Piamnau rm Portrm its Base, I Platin tum BY HAND AT SOUTH STATE STREET Portraits Cleaned and Pressed 75c SUITS PRESSED 25c OVERCOATS PRESSEDI 25c Ball Wha. ~You le Mr., Shonka, the Nebraska tackle who played havoc with the Michigan line, is to be. married. Incidentally, the Daily Nebraskan states he has been practicing law for some time. Might we inquire when Mr. Shonka graduated in regard to eligibility rules? STUDENTS YOU CAN MAKE $$$$$$ selling our goods during spare time, vacations, etc., Household necessity. Saving 80 per cent. Ready seller. Big profits. Exclusive territory. Free Sample. Write for terms. C. H. Stuart & Co., 76 Stuart Bldg., Newark, N. Y. 82 tf FOR RENT. For Rent-Single room on second floor. Convenient for one or two. Boys preferred. 337 E. Williams. 112-13 WANTED. Wanted-To contract by April first with energetic man to travel during summer rush with line of school sup- plies. State teaching and selling ex- perience. Salary guaranteed. Ad- dress A. J. Hart, Dist. Rep. 326 Cath- ernie St., Ann Arbor, Mich., Phone 679- . 111-12-13 Wanted-Waiter and boarders to fill small table for six. 614 Monroe St. SFour weeks in advance $3.50. Mrs. McCain. 111-12-13 Wanted-Cash paid for cast-off cloth- ing and shoes. Send postal to Rob- inson, 417 So. Division. Phone 1128- L. 91 tf LA W B C I The Phone 1534-L 42nd Year in Ann Arbor DICTIONARIES QUIZZ BOOK: LEGAL I iant'taty Callr the entire ANN ARBOR BRANCH: S' 1REXALL CI The Best Rexall Cold Tablets will tore les daily,, 14 AT 2:30, tion or we will refund the The Rex 122 S. Main St. H. WALTER HALLER Admstr. lent of the estate the *ter Haller. tion in our repairing For a full of lice Cut Flowers Rd Decorating Plants CALL ON US I c EICKEN DINNER 2 Every Sunday PUBLIC SERVICE Are you acquainted with the fact that you can buy All Popular Sheet Music at ten cents per copy at Grinnell Bros, 120-122 Liberty St.? Also one half off list on Opera and other music. Bargains in Pianos and small musical goods. 331 South Main St. We CHEIROPODYfl Corns, bunions, in growing ~nrnruuinails, treated and. cured. Everything a$soiutely an- tiseptic.- Office hours. 9-12 a.mi. 1-,5iand 7~-8 p M MISS E. J. FOLEY 921 E. Huron Street, End North 12th 2 Blooks East of High Sohool - Phone 9 89",J 308 2 losEs fHg oho hn 8. 0 March 3rd the et the original the manage- cht. JUST * I SPR INN. The place to eat. Wagner & Co. State Street A big bunch of New Effects New Ideas IS . ; I ._ _ , & CO. the Latest Styles Just Received A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF GILBERT'S FINE CANDIES In halves and pounds. Phes us your wants. VanDoren's Pharmacy 703 Packard sty Detroit United Lines On information to Division Superin- tendet Allen, Ypsilanti, of the Detroit United Lines, by officers of Varsity or- organizations, the movement, beyond the capacity of the regular service, of any group of students to or from Ann Ar- bor, extra cars and extra see-vice will b promptly supplied. v you are not getting your DAILY regularly, a postalF card to the Business Man- ager will start something Hair Ri Cuts 711 N, UNIVERSITY_ We Do French Dry a PRESSING srn< Suits Cleaned nd Pressed 75o FULLER & O'CONNOR so ,I ,T ALL & PACK, Photogra